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3412519 No.3412519 [Reply] [Original]

I will be ending my NEET ways and I will be going to Community College at the start of new the new term. I have had my eye on Chemistry for a while, any good job prospects or it?

>> No.3412544

depends on how far you take it. if you want to stop your education with just a bachelors degree, chemistry might not be the field for you

>> No.3412548

I read recently that it's one of the worst degrees to get atm, mostly because colleges are pulling in foreigners with Chem degrees like crazy. The best degrees right now are in IT, business, and engineering iirc. Chem and material engineering have lots of chemistry in them, give those a look imo.

That's assuming you're doing it solely for the money, which is what I gathered from the "job prospects" bit.

>> No.3412551


Job = Get grad degree

chem grads get like 27bucks an hour here, and their education/tuition is paid for, so it's fucken easy street...but the work load is apparently horrible

either way, chemistry should be fine forever

>> No.3412558


Obviously for a steady income and my own enjoyment. I want to take it as far as possible. Any decent websites to learn from to refresh some stuff so I won't have to take an introduction course?

>> No.3412565

depends on your source for that. one link that keeps getting thrown around /sci/ is the "25 worst degrees" one. they list chemistry as one of the worst degrees. the same web site lists biochem as one of the best degrees to get, even though employers generally view a BS in chem and a BS in biochem as the same thing, which shows that web site knows fuck all about how the sciences work when it comes to jobs.

if you like science, BS chem --> PhD chem, about 70k starting, 100k mid career. not bad for sciences. however, if you just want to make money, head somewhere else

>> No.3412575

I would understand it's around the same in UK currency, correct?

>> No.3412584

numbers i pulled were from the American Chemical Society's web site. i have no idea how it is in the UK, but i'd assume it's similar

>> No.3412611

I'm completing my undergrad in chem right now.
Gotten too many advice not to pursue a phd, I'll probably get a master.

>> No.3412614

Just look at the number of jobs for chemists

Indeed pulled up 3000, where as it pulls up 120,000 for software engineers. If you want to do something technical, then thats probably a better bet.

>> No.3412628

i would go for the PhD. a masters really doesnt set you apart from other people, and most employers just dismiss it, as it is usually just another year of school.

the PhD really sets you apart from the bachelor's group. it shows you can do hard on a single project for a long period of time

these days, when most students go straight from their BS to their PhD, a masters is usually a sign of failure. when someone realizes they cant take on a PhD, they are more or less forced to leave with "just a masters." it has become the token award for chemists who just arent up the PhD

>> No.3412635

94,100 for chemists in america, and growing

>> No.3412645

also you have to think of what kind of job you want to have after all your schooling. most jobs that chemists do dont involve giggle shitting themselves in a lab

i say go for a fun job in R&D

>> No.3412647

which job site is THAT?

>> No.3412654

look at biochem. go far with that, get a nice job in pharma

>> No.3412661


Bureau of labor statistics

>> No.3412666

Thats how many working chemists there are. Not the prospects of getting a job. If you read the job boards, they look for someone extremely specialized within one small area, with several years of experience. Thats why i'm moving into a different field when i'm done.

>> No.3412685

>Implying pharma is actually hiring.

>> No.3412683

Employment of chemists and materials scientists is expected to grow by 3 percent over the 2008-18 decade, slower than the average for all occupations

get raped newfag

>> No.3412679


I was actually interested inBiochem for a while.

>> No.3412690

It doesn't bode well and I apply for med school if things don't work out. But for now, I just want to learn chemistry, fuck the future.

>> No.3412694


>> No.3412698

where did you study? everyone who studied chem at my uni who got a 3.0 or above found a job somewhere. i got a 3.3 and was offered a very nice job at a water treatment center. i only turned it down because i wanted to go to grad school for o-chem. three guys from my class (average guys by the way, not even close to 4.0s) are making 100k a year working on a one year contract up in northern alaska. it's easy work too. it only pays good because it's so damn cold there

if you have a B average or better and are willing to move, you shouldnt have any trouble getting a job

>> No.3412711


do you even understand what you're doing with a B average

when I get a B in a course I come out not knowing anything

>> No.3412713

Is this with a BSc? I'm at a very mediocre uni. TBH, I was going to study chem engineering but I did not get accepted.

I really think I won't be able to find a job after graduation so I'm already planning on graduate school or med school

>> No.3412729
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>I was going to study chem engineering but I did not get accepted.

full retard

>> No.3412735

well jobs for chemists are expected to grow by 3%. jobs for chem e's are expected to decline by 2%. so there's that

>> No.3412746

should have gone to a school here in south dakota

guaranteed to get in for any engineering program as long as you have a 25+ ACT (everyone in anything math related)

>> No.3412750

grad school or med school. cant go wrong there

>> No.3412776

Yea, I don't live in North Dakota so out of state tuition is high. I only got 1800 on my SAT and 3.01 hs GPA, so I did not get accepted into NCSU.

I graduated hs with an AA though since it was one of bill gates's program. It fucked up my gpa since I had to take 8 semester of English and 4 semester of Spanish.

>> No.3412802

They are daunting. Med school requires high debt. Grad school requires enormous amount of effort , patience with bs and still I keep hearing the job prospect of phd may not even be as good as bs or master (from phd themselves).

>> No.3412827

well when you overspecialize with your PhD, it closes you off to certain opportunities. employers also have a problem here. they see a masters as just another year of education, and a PhD as really setting yourself apart. what about jobs in the middle? do they hire someone with a masters, who they deem underqualified for the job, or hire the person with the PhD, who may be overqualified (and who they might have to pay more). lots of things to consider there

at the same time, the fact that PhD students get a stipend instead of paying tuition is pushing more students to go straight for a PhD and forgo a masters degree

>> No.3412830

>learn to synthesize basic drugs that people use everyday
>big pharma collapses
>start synthesizing your own drugs and selling them to people for a huge markup

>> No.3412842

>FDA bans anyone from selling the drugs except for the big pharmacy companies

what now

>> No.3412851

>big pharma collapses
>oh shit what do we do now
>change in legislation
>rise of the chemist