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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 131 KB, 1000x712, atheism-argument.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3409120 No.3409120 [Reply] [Original]


what do you have to say for yourselves, atheists?

>> No.3409132

Nothing, really. That's pretty much how I argue every time.

>> No.3409140

this comic is very well thought out and executed, it's definitely not troll material at all. and on taht note if it were, it would be a great troll

>> No.3409152

i concur

>> No.3409158

dammit is that really what we atheists sound like?
man we suck..
I'm sorry christians

>> No.3409169

This post made me become a theist.

>> No.3409210

>a theist

There. Fixed it

>> No.3409212

Maximum samefag

>> No.3409244

You forgot to put a space between the a and the thiest.
So you made it seem like Athiest.

>> No.3409250

Totally not a troll or anything, 100% factual.

Good game GAYtheists.

>> No.3409251

What should I say? It's a fabricated scenario populated by strawmen.

>> No.3409253

>implying all atheists are dicks and all christians aren't, when clearly there are a multitude of dicks in both groups.

>> No.3409255

I like how he/she used rorshack from Watchmen for the atheist. Besides that's how must people talk, obviously lolololololololol lollertroller.

>> No.3409269
File: 155 KB, 706x587, laughing_science_team.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be christian pseudo-intellectual
>spout bullshit to defend your baseless stance
>claim you're "offended" when your entire argument has been denounced to rubble
>"atheists are just arrogant is what it is!"

Never change religious folk, never change.

>> No.3409275

>doesn't the fact that you reference God make you believe in him?

This is what Christians really believe.

>> No.3409277

Religious people actually believe in op's pic?

>> No.3409283

I just saw this on /mu/

Take your silly troll elsewhere, I'm sure 7chan rudy-poos would like it.

>> No.3409285

>silly troll
>atheist teens getting trolled all day long on here

what does that say about your atheist religion?

>> No.3409301

mfw religifags in picture don't realise that the first societies were founded hundreds of thousands of years before theism by our great-ape ancestors.

Theism needs societies to survive, so the labourers can support a priest/ruling caste.

>> No.3409303

OP is either fail troll or dumb as fuck

>> No.3409306
File: 93 KB, 331x424, 1298999274049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I've never seen an atheist act like that
>mfw that last panel is a whole nother level of idiocy

>> No.3409309


When any discussion is seen as insult, and any criticism is seen as an existential attack, you bet.

But they don't mean all atheists. They usually don't mean those they would describe as agnostics, for example. They really mean the so-called new atheists.

New atheist is a term that combines several things. It is the position that none of the claims about god have substance, none of the sources are reliable or verifiable; ie, identical to simple atheism. It is also the position that the claims of a religion should not be afforded special immunity from discussion; ie, that they should be just as open as discussions on communism, or alien visitation, or the Odyssey. They also tend to hold to various materialist, humanist values, and to the general accuracy and utility of science, but these are not as important as the first two since most people in the west agree on these points.

>> No.3409310
File: 16 KB, 336x324, 1307268158020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the sole reason atheists dont like you
always picking a fight for no reason whatsoever

>> No.3409315

> doesn't the fact that you reference God make you beleive in him

what the fuck? Your trollbait would be a lot better if you made the christians arguments appear stronger.

>> No.3409325

This post is funny, because writing something like "god damn it" on /sci/ will make atheists swarm onto you and call you a christfag. They are the first to assume you must be a christfag if you use the word "god" in a sentence.

>> No.3409329


It would be disingenuous to make them appear stronger than they are.

>atheism is the easiest religion to troll

>because religious arguments are indistinguishable from trolling

>> No.3409333
File: 72 KB, 542x562, xD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I almost feel sorry for you. Here, have a reply. 10/10, excellent troll.

>> No.3409336


I'm sure all those climate change deniers must really believe in climate change. I mean, they talk about it!

>> No.3409338
File: 38 KB, 544x400, 1309945470621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Rorschach wouldn't take them down with two sentences

>> No.3409344

I don't think Christians are evil, they're just dumb.
Please, if you're religious, take no offense when I say that; I'm speaking of blind faith rather than questioned faith.
Anyone who believes in something without so much as questing it's validity, being it religion, science, or otherwise has something honestly wrong with the wiring upstairs, and should never be taken seriously or objectively.

>> No.3409353

It was kind of a funny parody of militant atheists up until the last panel when it just got derpy as shit.

>> No.3409359

This is a totally legit thread.

>> No.3409360


>> No.3409362

That's a sweet strawman comic, bro.

>> No.3409367


This. This so badly.

Also, I don't know about you guys, but I'm yet to come across these so-called "militant" atheists. I always hear the Right talking about them, but I'm yet to see one.