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3407873 No.3407873 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3407878
File: 20 KB, 291x364, HURRRRRRR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agnostic atheist ofc

they are openly receptive to new ideas but they have no knowledge of a god

>> No.3407890

>phd in trolling
>any board he wants
>300 replies guaranteed

>> No.3407901

>implying agnosticism and atheism are mutually exclusive.

>> No.3407913
File: 132 KB, 686x686, Thisiscorrect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you cant believe in that which you have no knowledge of.

>> No.3407916

They are born SAGE.

To all future posters: if your email does not have sage in it, you are an enormous dildo felcher.

>> No.3407920


they have no knowledge (agnostic) and no belief (atheist)

>> No.3407921

>dawkins told me that all agnostix are 'agnostic atheists'
>i believes it
>that settles it

>> No.3407927

And here we have a sampling of the cancer killing /sci/

I would love to ban you both.

>> No.3407928

Are children born Democrat, Republican, or Libertarian?

>> No.3407930

agnostic atheist.


>> No.3407937

>Ph. D in trolling
>Any board I want
>300 replies garunteed
y yuo no sage?

>> No.3407938
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>> No.3407944


agnostic means indifferent/unaware/irrelevant

'agnostic atheist' is just a term atheist teens throw around because they read it in The God Delusion by richard bawkins

>> No.3407942
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no, some agnostics are religious.
agsnotic christian: has faith in jesus, but is not certain that jesus is the son of god.

>> No.3407952

All people are born knowing Islam, we stray from the light as we get older.

>> No.3407955
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>> No.3407959
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>confusing adjectives and nouns

>> No.3407962

oh thats right, you have richard bawwkins as your source while i have every dictionary, encyclopedia, and philosopher in human history as my source.

you win, of course.

>> No.3407968
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prove you can't be both, faggot.
what else do you call someone who doesn't believe in god, but doesn't know for certain that god is none existant?

>> No.3407969


>> No.3407976

This pisses me off to no end. It's all arbitrary redefinition.

>a : a disbelief in the existence of deity
>b : the doctrine that there is no deity

>belief in the existence of a god or gods

>a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown and probably unknowable; broadly : one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god
>not committed to believing in either the existence or nonexistence of God

Sauce: Merriam-Webster

>> No.3407978

I believe they are Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.3407991
File: 36 KB, 291x400, Alrighty then.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being an agnostic(adj) atheist(noun) does not mean they are both agnostic(noun) and atheist(noun)

>> No.3408002

They have no belief in a god.
They are atheist.

I know some of you want to feel "special" by calling yourself "agnostic", but its pure nonsense.

>> No.3408001

adj. - of or pertaining to agnostics or agnosticism

>> No.3408011

I think it is true that there are different levels of uncertainty. people who feel that theres a good chance there might be 'some sort of divine being watching over us' but don't speculate on any details, and dont follow a particular religions beliefs about it definitely are different from agnostics atheists who are as certain that there is no god, as they are certain that invisible goblins and leprauchauns do not exist.

both groups are agnostics, but one of these groups has far less doubt.

>> No.3408013

Theist. Prove me wrong, prove your right, o wait you can't.

>> No.3408027

I dont like dawkins
He says something
I dont believes it
That settles it

>> No.3408034
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>> No.3408047

indeed. these richard bawwkins teens are just redifing terms everyone already uses to trick people into calling themselves 'agnostic atheists'

>> No.3408052
File: 166 KB, 801x801, atheismredundant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im pretty sure i posted this yesterday, but i'll do so again because its a great quote.

>> No.3408053
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ITT: Trolls get destroyed

>> No.3408054



>> No.3408138

post it all you like but atheism and agnosticism has always existed, you cant just start pretending these positions dont exist anymore because one of your leaders like bawwkins or harris says so

>> No.3408150

wtf, lol, i hope you're trolling. i never said they dont exist, i'm saying atheism as a term SHOULDN'T exist, the only reason we actually need a grouping word for this particular group of sceptics is because he believers are so numerous. if suddenly half the worlds population suddenly believed the harry potter universe to be literally true, we wold probably have to make a word for people who doubt that as well.

>> No.3408159

If lack of belief was natural, more people would be atheists.

>> No.3408164


children have to be taught about "god" before they believe in them


That's the same question as
"Are children born knowing how to talk, write or read?"
They don't know any of those things until they're taught.

>> No.3408171

>herp derp the holocaust was found to be fake therefore the term should be deleted derp

even if youre right about atheism, the idea that the term shouldnt exist is completely illogical

>> No.3408173

Agnostic Atheist.

>> No.3408187

I vastly prefer agnostics to theists.

But it's a yes, no, 0, 1 answer to the question
Do you believe in God?
If you say I don't know, then you don't actively believe in him, therefore you do not believe in him.

All agnostics are atheists.

>> No.3408189

atheism, they simply lack belief in any gods, they aren't indoctrinated enough to be agnostic unless you take the world literally as in "without knowledge of god"

but if you take it pretentiously like some judgement about theism/atheism then they don't qualify

they don't know and they dont believe, so

>> No.3408219

Children are born nothings.

Once they are told about a god, they become either a theist or an atheist, depending on whether they buy it or not.

>> No.3408220

I believe in God but I don't think his existence can be known or proven in this life.
That makes me an agnostic theist.

>> No.3408230


But you do think some things about it can be known?

I mean, what affect on your life does believing in god have if you can't know anything about what it wants or what it is like?

>> No.3408249

When it comes to the adjective "agnostic", everyone is either agnostic or deluded. Hence why I stick with atheist/theist, rather than gnostic atheist, agnostic atheist etc...

>I don't think his existence can be known or proven in this life.
Absolutely agreed. Such a being would have to prove his existence to us. A more important wording is "his existence cannot be disproven". An obvious statement.

Everyone is agnostic(adjective), I would also say that everyone has an opinion which is biased. Therefore everyone is either sided to atheism, or theism.

>> No.3408253

It's a matter of faith, not knowledge. If I gained knowledge about God, it'd be just acceptance of facts, not faith. It's a leap into the unknown.

>> No.3408260

Maybe this time, when we rehash the same old arguments, we'll actually convince someone.

>> No.3408276


I understand that.

I'm just asking how believing in a god you know nothing about can have an affect on your life.

Would you not be better referred to as a deist?