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3401174 No.3401174 [Reply] [Original]

Ask someone sitting in lab, on a Saturday, doing lab stuff anything.

>> No.3401180

what equipment do you have?

do you have the materials to make a small explosion?

>> No.3401177

What kinda' "lab stuff"?

>> No.3401186

How much are you selling the meth you are making for?

>> No.3401185

what kinda lab?

>> No.3401194


Just finished feeding my cells, checked my agar plates to see if my ligation worked (it did), now I'm growing up some of the bacteria to do a quick PCR on them to see if the inserts are in the proper orientation.

microscopes, centrifuges, biological containment hoods things like that

If you consider the explosion cause by dry ice, then yes. Otherwise, no.

Stem cell biology/developmental neurobiology

If you have to ask you can't afford it

>> No.3401202

Can you grow zombie virus and spread it?

>> No.3401203


If the price is right

>> No.3401209

can you make lsd?

>> No.3401210

do you accept prayers or kisses?

>> No.3401211

Hold the dry ice against a steel surface.

>> No.3401212

Whenever there are false alarms at my institute, typically from burnt pizzas (its a biophysics/genetics related place), the fire brigade personnel always arrive with asbestos suits and those Gas masks and tanks to block infections.

You can actually see their scared faces, expecting hordes of zombies to rush out any moment.

>> No.3401215

you ever had sex in your lab?

>> No.3401220
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>You can actually see their scared faces, expecting hordes of zombies to rush out any moment.

Oh man.

>> No.3401219


Maybe ;-)


no, but don't think I haven't thought/fantasized about it

>> No.3401229

Nice, I love sterile work. Do you have any mycelial cultures?

>> No.3401232

Is it quarantined ? do you wear suits and shower upon leaving ?

is there a built in safety mechanism to destroy everything should something go drastically wrong ?

>> No.3401235

You work with fungi and have sterile labs too? wow.

>> No.3401239

Why can't you make LSD. It's more valued than some vaccine for overpopulated africa or some medicine for old people. Old and sick people shall die instead of wasting my taxes.

>> No.3401242

Are you a Dr?

Shit, no cause you're not, otherwise you wouldn't be on 4chan.

>> No.3401252


Nope, we work mostly with human and mouse embryonic/epiblast/induced stem cells

No, nothing like that. But we have to shower when we go into the mouse facility with immune compromised mice.

I can't make LSD because it is very technically challenging and I'm not an organic chemist. Idk about more valuable, maybe in the short run, but what we're doing now could lead to some drugs to treat MS. In the long run that is probably more profitable.

Nope, not a Dr. Second year grad student

>> No.3401253


>> No.3401270

Same kind of shit at the place where I worked.

It was a small contract pharma company, but I was eventually given the entire upper floor of building 2, so I had 3 labs. One was general chem with a fume hood, HPLC, GC, storage lockers for reagents, etc. The other was for mostly storage but had all my incubators and freezers. The last and biggest was my bio lab with microscopes, two laminar flow hoods, bioreactor, etc.

Since I was largely alone except when my two subordinates brought me samples, I had a lot of leeway. Our owner smelled an opportunity and let me start taking 40% of profits for an independent biological testing venture of his that I would run.

The normal employees seldom visited my building and had little knowledge of exactly what I did. Their faces were full of confusion and horror when they peeked into my incubators and I invited them to "check out this virus!" on an inverted scope. The always-playing classical/classic rock/acid jazz music didn't help things.

>> No.3401276

Have you ever (even for a second) considered trying to somehow extract some of your own stemcells and try to genetically modify or clone yourself?

>> No.3401279

When you fap, do you just wipe it of with your lab coat, since no one will notice it or do you use someone elses lab coat?

>> No.3401282

>Have you ever (even for a second) considered trying to somehow extract some of your own stemcells
All the time, especially because my lab makes iPS cells.

>and try to genetically modify or clone yourself
not really the cloning, but I think it would be nice to have them frozen away for any future stem cell therapies that may arise

>> No.3401283

Must have been pretty lonely.

>> No.3401286


I hate wearing lab coats unless I absolutely have to when I'm working with viruses

>> No.3401290

How long would it take to mark down someone's dna? And are there any databases for comparing dna and physical features?

>> No.3401293

How long before humanity splits into modified and natural humans?

>> No.3401294

Actually, it was great! QA had to do their own damn jobs and file the paperwork I submitted, instead of constantly pestering me to do it for them... the office monkeys weren't exactly eager to enter my mad science lair.

Aside from that, the isolation was nice. I would show up at 8:30, work till 6 or 7, and not even really notice the time going by. It was a fun treat to do presentations/evaluations/facilities and equipment microbial testing in the main building, but it wasn't my life.

Sometimes, you just want to listen to music/radio plays/the news in your lab, zone out, and get into a groove. I was super productive, did the work of 3 employees, and loved it! Pay wasn't bad either.

>> No.3401295

Jesus, did I laugh at that...

>> No.3401306


I sent off my saliva specimen yesterday. I think DNA sequencing still costs $£thousands and takes a while. Instead, they compare a million single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) which I believe is the simplest variation of one base which causes a change in allele. Correct me if I'm wrong. I never took biology but fascinated to find out about my own predispositions, strengths, inheritance and family history.

>> No.3401314

23andme and all those websites are trash because 99% of people don't know how to interpret the results

>> No.3401331

How is it trash? Isn't it the people using it that are just innocently ignorant. Also, elaborate because I wouldn't want to have paid $200 only to misinterpret what I get.

>> No.3401376

Is dna sequencing hard? Or just time consuming?

>> No.3401388

There are some problems and errors.

In October 2006, the X Prize Foundation established an initiative to promote the development of full genome sequencing technologies, called the Archon X Prize, intending to award $10 million to "the first Team that can build a device and use it to sequence 100 human genomes within 10 days or less, with an accuracy of no more than one error in every 100,000 bases sequenced, with sequences accurately covering at least 98% of the genome, and at a recurring cost of no more than $10,000 (US) per genome."

>> No.3401397

thats a bit backwards. I dont want people telling me what my genes might mean. I want to tell other people what my genes might mean. blue eyes brown hair etc. then when millions of people get data togethwr we might learn a few things from cross analysis

>> No.3401427

The website collaborates with loads of academics and conducts a huge bunch of surveys for research purposes. It's aiming to increase knowledge in genetics and at the same time raking in the funding from people also contributing with samples and filling out surveys on themselves. Great business model, but if they can tell me I'm high risk of X then I'm gonna be more likely to question my GP about X when I get my results. Also it might satisfy my interest. What's the harm?

>> No.3401441

Oh so there is a survey?

>> No.3401456

Yeah, they're optional but I filled a bunch out. They asked about my medical history, my family history, my face, my body, how far I can flex my joints, my mental state, all real personal stuff, but I read the terms and conditions before signing up, so I doubt I'm gonna wake up to Steve Jobs screaming at my onlookers, "Why won't it read?!"

>> No.3401468

How its possible they make human with soft hairy teeth? I say it not. But my friend Omer say it yes possibe gene make people with teeth and hair on them and soft like flexlibe. I dont know. I think Omer is joke because he is angry because his sister knows my name.

>> No.3401502

I lold

>> No.3401531

That fucking Omer, he told me he'd have funding for me!

>> No.3401532

Have you know the anser? Is it truth of god or my Omer friend made the joke? Is is humans with flexilbe tooth from evil genetics of military? and tooth with hair? Why anyone want that? You will got hair in your the mouth all time, crazy mad!

I say must have joke from Omer is angry of sister.

>> No.3401540
File: 211 KB, 393x591, I come from a world you may not understand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3401666

Hallo, is I Hamesh again. You no have anwser? My waiting.

>> No.3401673

I not understand this. Is picture answer? But not showing teeth? Why?

>> No.3402093

I'm taking a developmental bio class right now. I'm more of an organic chem lover though. Do you guys ever have to get someone in an organic lab to make stuff for you?