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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3400826 No.3400826 [Reply] [Original]

when you study computer science what will you be and where will you work and how much does it pay
if you compare it to medicine which one is better ?

>> No.3400835

There's no "better" ! These are completely different, you can't compare them since it completely depends of who you are !

But socially, medecine is clearly better.

>I'm a doctor
>"Oh fuck my pussy on the ground, right now !!"

>I'm a computer scientist
>"Mmh ? Oh sorry I wasn't listening. So, you are some kind of excel expert or what ?

>> No.3400850

when I said which one is better I meant
Better in payment,way of living, studying which one gives you more free time to enjoy your life

>> No.3400877

Go medicine...

In both fields no one else knows how to do what you
do, but in medicine they treat the experts as gods...
in tech, management treats you like a retarded geek.

>> No.3400883

I studied a computer science foundation course.. and yeah.. it wasn't really for me, but enjoy having your pub conversations stop there when you explain that you're programming all day.

I guess the jobs are good if you ever find one.. but they all lead to dead-end office jobs in the middle of Croydon.. which isn't really for me

>> No.3400884


as a caveat, I still am glad I chose tech.

In medicine, advances are slow and usually made
after a tech breakthrough.

In tech, you really are in a position to change the
world as we know it... as long as your talking
CS or engineering. (network admins aren't
really making any breakthroughs in tech :) )

>> No.3400886

If you're looking for lots of free time medicine is about the worst option. Its not a career, its a lifestyle

>> No.3400887

>which one gives you more free time to enjoy your life

mate.. no-one ever has "free time to enjoy your life". every full-time job that you have will suck up your life. you'll get home only to cook dinner and look after the house. it's just a part of getting older.

>> No.3400898

Ah breeders, having to reduce their skills to the most mundane in order to attract the lowest denominator of cunts.

>> No.3400900

Like any self respecting queen would go out with a nerd

>> No.3400950

man wtf
I'm an excellent student today is the last day to choose my future and I haven't decided yet
I'll describe what I'm like and you give me the best job for me (yeh I'm that stuck )
I'm excellent at math and physics I love video games technology I grew up playing strategy & shooting games sometimes I go for a run and I do some origamies too. I'm a nerd but weirdly girls seem to love me
When I was a kid I dreamt of airplanes but in my stupid country we have the right to study military ones only I hate the army so I guess it's not for me
I look for a job with a good pay and a lot of free time (having money without time is worthless)
I still wonder what is it to study
computer science
I'm open for advices

>> No.3400977


>> No.3400978 [DELETED] 


bamp lol hahaha

>> No.3400983 [DELETED] 


bump again this shit is so gay

>> No.3400990 [DELETED] 


pure faggotry

>> No.3400989
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>When I was a kid I dreamt of airplanes but in my stupid country we have the right to study military ones only I hate the army so I guess it's not for me
I look for a job with a good pay and a lot of free time (having money without time is worthless)

>> No.3401000

that gave me a good laught
but seriously I know I won't find something that good but at least close to it

>> No.3401011

OP, you need to describe your skills more.

What are you EXTREMELY good at?

and dont go into video game genres, then maybe we can help you.

What is wrong with you is that you are trying to rush the process of choosing what you want to do in the future.

It took me 1 year after highschool to get to my shit together.

some of my colleagues have changed majors 3 to 4 times.

Just take a breather and look at what your favorite thing to do is and what would you be happy doing everyday for the rest of your life.

And if you are even stuck there a good way to start is to list what you WOULDNT like to do

>> No.3401026

extremely good at math and physics I understand things fast enought as I said before when I was a kid I wanted to be a pilote but it's not availble
I love travelling playing games
what I hate in jobs is :
1 Routine I can't imagine my self doing the same damn fucking thing for 20 years or so
2 When your boss can lay you off whenever he wants for no damn reason
3 When your boss try to over power you because he's boss ( I once punched my teacher because he thought he could make me do something I hated (sitting with a girl (I know i was an idiot)))
4 Jobs that gives you no spare time to enjoy life
5 Jobs that consume your damn life

>> No.3401034


tl;dr: you don't want to work in a job

How about being an unemployed loser trolling on /sci/ all day?

>> No.3401036

that doesn't pay

>> No.3401050


>> No.3401063

>1 Routine I can't imagine my self doing the same damn fucking thing for 20 years or so
Well jobs dont really work that way you can get promoted to better or different positions. However when you start any job you will be doing the same thing over and over again. Most jobs are like that.
>2 When your boss can lay you off whenever he wants for no damn reason
Employers always need a reason to lay you off. If you don't work well or they don't like you, they'll make a reason.
>3 When your boss try to over power you because he's boss ( I once punched my teacher because he thought he could make me do something I hated (sitting with a girl (I know i was an idiot)))
Have you ever had a REAL job before? All bosses are different but i doubt any bosses will be like that, they'll just fire you if you get on yheir nerves and dont listen to them.
>4 Jobs that gives you no spare time to enjoy life
Don't we all want that.

>5 Jobs that consume your damn life
doesnt makes sense with last post.

Here's my breakdown of you.

First of all, you think you are smart. If you wanna learn properly and move up in this world, you can't just believe you are smart your actions must go with this which brings me to the next point. You are lazy. Only working hard for a certain amount of time will allow you to have vacation time later on. You have a problem with authority. Just like video games there are rules you have to follow, if you dont like the rules then go get another job, but beggars can't be choosers remember that.

What I meant by list of what you dont want to do i meant like this.. I didn't want to -

1.be doing math all day
2. helping people out (customer service)
3. be working inside
4. firefighter
5.garbage man
6. professional sports
7. priest
8. physicist
9.computer techie
10. a mechanic

then you make a list of things you would like to try doing and you compare

>> No.3401074

OP is a lazy piece of shit we wall be supporting through welfare in 10 years time.

Go bury yourself OP

>> No.3401090

I'm lazy correct but when I have something to do I do it
I never had a job before
I don't have a problem with authority I just don't tolerate anyone who tries to boss me
I don't want to be
A teacher (except in a big university like cambridge or sorbonne)
A firefighter and any job that makes me carry a gun to defend someone else except in a war I'll gladly sacrifice my self
a programmer who only writes codes all day long (programming is good but it's like bananas you can't eat it all day long )
some job that you need to monitor something for hours and nothing happens

>> No.3401095

there are thousands of different diagnoses for patients so if you get into medicine, you wont be doing the same thing all the time as each patient is different.

>> No.3401107

yup but I'm afraid of making mistakes It's people's lives after all

>> No.3401125

im like OP
i really love medicine but i dont know what's right for me
i love the idea of being a doctor but the number of years throw me off a bit
i was also looking at biomedical engineering which looks great but apparently all you do is work in a lab which i dislike
any suggestions? is being a doctor gratifying even after all those years of education?

>> No.3401435


>> No.3401520

bump for interest

>> No.3401689

just be an EMT

you can take a class anywhere to get your certificate then you start off as an EMT-basic and work your way to paramedic

you can be an EMT in less than a year and start off at like $15-$16 per hour. Pay increases as you learn more stuff basic-intermediate-paramedic

the one i worked at we did LONG LONG shifts like two 15 hour shifts (you can do more if you want), and then a 10 hour. so we worked 3 days then had 4 days off. It's pretty baller, and depending on your location you can just do your daily checks on the ambulance and supplies then just chill out with your cock out.

>> No.3401701

being lazy doesn't match up with not liking getting bossed around.

stay that way and you won't go very far.

>> No.3401791

that's something no one can change in me

>> No.3401823


then you'll be an immature kid forever. good luck with life

>> No.3401904

thank you I will take my chance

>> No.3403019


>> No.3403051

40 hours a week isn't really that life-consuming.

Multiple jobs, on the other hand...

>> No.3405362


>> No.3407332


>> No.3407397


Nigger ! ! ! !

>> No.3407550

I'm white your argument is invalid