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File: 1.35 MB, 3000x4000, ledtent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3396532 No.3396532 [Reply] [Original]

Time to perform SCIENCE!

>> No.3396538

Lights guy? is that you?

>> No.3396553

Yep, it would be me.

Just need to get my fan hooked up and it's time to roll.

>> No.3396559

My goal is maxium cannabinoil content, not max yield.

>> No.3396557

Wow, i am glad to see you. i'm going pot, and right now i'm just using those ultraviolet lights typically for reptiles.

Should i be using something else?

>> No.3396577


LED + UVB emitting lamps (like reptile lamps) would ideally be the way to go for mad potency.

>> No.3396587

awesome, thanks for the tip lights-guy.

>> No.3396588


You're welcome.

Now I just need to acquire 36 clones......

>> No.3396595

You mean fluorescent tubes for reptiles? Those probably have a good spectrum but limited lumen output. Metal Halide for vegetative growth and High Pressure Sodium for flowering is the gold standard lighting setup as far as I know.

FYI: Cannabiniod content is going to be more a factor of your strain than the lights you use, assuming you have enough light for the plant to grow.

>> No.3396605

Sea of Green is your plan then? That doesn't look like a big tent.

>> No.3396624


Lumens means exactly nothing to plants. Photon flux density and proper wavelengths are what matter.

The UVB lamps are for potency. John Lydon proved this one back in the late 80s.

HPS and MH are finished. LED has much higher efficiencies (with latest lab stuff pushing well past 45% input/output efficiency) and lasts longer.

Doesn't need to be big. Flowering right off the bat I'll pull an easy half pound, which is my legal limit anyways.

>> No.3396664

someone wanna fill me in on who lights guy is and what he does?

>> No.3396763

>Lumens means exactly nothing to plants. Photon flux density and proper wavelengths are what matter.
Isn't luminous flux just photon flux density adjusted for the human eye's spectral sensitivity? I'm not an expert at this stuff; educate me please.

>HPS and MH are finished. LED has much higher efficiencies (with latest lab stuff pushing well past 45% input/output efficiency) and lasts longer.
I will upgrade to LED someday but HPS and MH are still pretty efficient and a hell of a lot cheaper. On a related note: how is the heat output of your LED fixture?

>The UVB lamps are for potency. John Lydon proved this one back in the late 80s.
Thanks, that's good to know, but I still think the strain will make a bigger difference in potency than adding UVB lights. May as well optimize both I guess.. .

>> No.3396814

Should the UVB lamps be placed at a certain stage?

What LED fixture are you using in that picture?

>> No.3396884
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>The UVB lamps are for potency. Johnny Rotten proved this one back in the late 80s.


>> No.3397149
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>He doesn't know who John Lydon is.
>laughing researchdirector.jpg


No, luminous flux is purely weighted at green. Photon Flux Density accounts for all photons.

HPS and MH are not that efficient. 15% is pretty weak compared to LED at 45% and higher. And changing bulbs is expensive, with quality horticutural bulbs running in the lower 60-75 per pop for lower wattages.

Heat? What's that? :D

>> No.3397157
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UVB lamps should be used in flowering.

The LED fixture belongs to my company.

And for the supposed botanist - come back when you've got a research lab like mine, pic related.

>> No.3397223
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>doesn't know what a joke is
>thinks empty supposition and evolutionarily just-so-stories are proof of anything

>> No.3397344


>doesn't know how to properly make a joke.
>doesn't spend his days actually reading the studies and performing the experiments to verify their results.

I seriously hope this isn't so.

>> No.3397739


Interesting, I presume it's using 1 watt LEDs?

I was planning on building one myself but it seems like buying something manufactured would actually be cheaper.

>> No.3398000


3w single-chip LEDs underdriven to 1.5w.

And yes, it would be much cheaper to buy manufactured, as we can get the stuff far cheaper due to our bulk purchasing power.

>> No.3398024


>3w single-chip LEDs underdriven to 1.5w.

Whats the reasoning behind this? I've always heard that 1 watt is the best for efficiency. Everything over or under that is too little or too much. 3 watts doesn't actually penetrate the canopy any more than the 1 watt bulbs.

>> No.3398028

>LED lamps

I've never heard of somebody actually recommending this.

>> No.3398035
File: 1.18 MB, 1994x1494, ledgrown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nope, you get much higher photon flux per unit of energy underdriving the more powerful diodes.

3w penetrates more because more photons, even being driven at 1.5w.


Well, there's a reason I'm a research director for a multinational horticultural company.

>> No.3398064


So you just use a driver that can only spit out half of the total "required" wattage?

>> No.3398100
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>LED Lights

>> No.3398107

You've got my attention. I always wondered why people said they were shit, I assumed it was because most LED assemblies are shitty Chinese things that don't emit the right frequencies.

>> No.3398125


What fixtures are you using?

>> No.3398197

Is this legal where you live, OP?

Also, where do you get your seeds?

>> No.3398218

>Implying it is legal anywhere

It only varies in how much you can get away with. But it sure as hell ain't legal.

>> No.3398220


No, it's a 50% duty-cycle, not constant current half power.


That dude got outed as a total moron. Why you even use that video is beyond me, especially when it says 90w UFO and that is a 120w panel. Also, dumbass is doing it in soil, LED is meant to be used in HYDRO. DUUUUURP.


My fixtures are Chinese made but I actually went over to China to ensure I wasn't getting a shit assembly.

I can drop kick these bitches on a warehouse floor and then kick them across the warehouse, plug them right in and they'll light up no problem.

They are my own brand and internal design. I'd rather not advertise.

>> No.3398230


I'm pretty sure it's legal for medical marijuana patients to grow a small number of plants for personal use, It might be legal in countries where weed is legal, too.

I was just assuming that OP probably wouldn't be posting this stuff online unless it was legal for him to do so.

>> No.3398232


>I'd rather not advertise.

Take my money dammit.

>> No.3398251
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>growing with LEDs
>using them like they're gas discharge lamps

>> No.3398265

>countries where weed is legal

I'm struggling to think of one.

>> No.3398287


Yep, I'm legal.


If you insist - look at my name. Add .com.

Don't balk at the price. You're getting top-notch equipment with a specialized light blend to hit just the bare essentials.

>> No.3398295

Feds don't call it legal. You'll go to federal prison

>> No.3398306

Pretty sure there isn't a single country in the world where it is explicitly legal.

>> No.3398309


My company is one of 55 that has a federal license to grow for research purposes. Didn't know those were issued, did you?

Oh, and sativex is getting FDA approval so the DEA has no choice but to drop the scheduling down to II.

>> No.3398313



>> No.3398329

>Oh, and sativex is getting FDA approval so the DEA has no choice but to drop the scheduling down to II.

Psht, GWP is a UK based company and it isn't even legal in the UK. Technically even Sativex isn't legal in the UK, so many people can't get it. Our government is that fucking retarded.

Decriminalised possession of small amounts != legal

>> No.3398345


Doesn't matter, they've gotta drop it down with FDA approval for medical usage, lus DC itself has legal medical marijuana so the feds are seriously kinda screwed here.

>> No.3398362



Decrim is still legalized, especially since they did it with EVERY drug.

>> No.3398366

What I mean is that cannabis in the UK is categorised as having no medical usage. Meanwhile the Home Office permits GWP to grow and take extracts of cannabis for medicine, but doesn't clarify the law so that NHS Trusts are liable to prosecution if they supply it to patients. Maybe America is less retarded than us, but you might end up with the same problem.

And I'm no expert in the American legal system, but isn't Federal law higher than State law?

>> No.3398370

Go ahead and grow some cannabis in Portugal then. Find out how legal it is the hard way.

>> No.3398386

I live in Portugal.

You can't market seeds but you can grow it all day long and they won't mess with you.

Must be a stupid American or UKfag talking bullshit.

>> No.3398396

Oh right, so I could set up a shop and just sell it?

>> No.3398416
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>Sale: Decriminalized/Illegal to tourist from end of 2011


>> No.3398441

yeah federal is higher than state level, but if the state makes it illegal, the feds lack the power to enforce the federal across a state that won' assist, and forcing the state to conform is an unwinnable battle of bureaucracy, so if a state makes it legal and it is sufficiently widespread, the feds won't do shit unless your a target for something bigger and they need to catch/extract information from you.

>> No.3398463


You can't sell it in bulk and not out in the open.

>> No.3398523
File: 8 KB, 100x120, talktoyourcataboutcatnip small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey is it plausible that LED light may produce teach with a different quantum energy state that differs from plants grown in sunlight?

>> No.3398568
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>> No.3398572


That only applies to white LED lighting.

You will find zero green emission lines in my panels.

>> No.3398594
File: 672 KB, 1023x1364, bigbud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, but you will increase your THC content with LED if properly configured

>> No.3399109


if it was really possible, then you could do it without any form of supplementary light whatsoever.

no one, not even the people who clutter weed forums with their bullshit, is capable of doing this.

the claims that it is useful as a supplementary lightsource with CFC is also pure and utter horrific bullshit.

there are no LED designs that solve this problem.

not the Luxeons. nothing.

this shit is dead science and NASA gave up on it years ago.

>> No.3399116



>> No.3399138

light is nothing but photons with a specific E given by E=hf.

you either have the wrong frequency photons, or not enough of them. period

>> No.3399295

yes and no, it depends entirely on your legal capacity beyond being sui juris. If you're a lazy shithead who isn't willing to learn jurisprudence, then yes, federal does trump state law; if you're a curious individual who can always act respectful no matter what then no, state law protected under state constitutions do not trump federal law.

>> No.3401003
File: 1.19 MB, 2848x2134, sog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I see you're quite stupid and ill-educated.

Pure LED grow - made High Times Pix of the Crop.


Try again when you actually have a clue!

>> No.3401204 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 480x720, 255729_1642781284422_1683551290_1102673_964760_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well nigger?

>> No.3401440


I'm waiting on his reply as well. I doubt hell have shit to say since he just got thoroughly owned.

I'm a research director, lets see what he is.