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3394778 No.3394778 [Reply] [Original]

If time travel is possible in the future, could that mean that future intelligence is playing god over us at this very moment?

>> No.3394782


>> No.3394790

How come?

>> No.3394796

I actually thought about this yesterday. I wondered if Jesus was just a time traveling troll. But however, if you really think about it, I believe that time travel to the past (Or at least altering events of the past) is one thing that is truly impossible when you simply realize one undeniable fact: The past has already happened.

However, it is 3:25 AM over here and I would like to get some sleep. I'm sorry I couldn't talk with you more about this!

>> No.3394814

>>in the future
>>at this very moment
Pick one.

>> No.3394825

Synchronous timings between now and the future!

>> No.3394847

Time travel is possible, and it has happened already.. Granted, we're talking 42 milliseconds into the future, however it has happened.

>> No.3394849


>> No.3394855

>time travel

Its called time distortion, we are already traveling through time at this very second. you distort time to make its speed slower for you so that the rest of everything moves at a normal default speed.

>> No.3394858

thats not time travel, thats time distortion.

>> No.3394860

Past is a subjective term to the frame of reference. To people of the future, we are the past and already has happened. What truly limits the possible change of previous events is the Grandfather Paradox. It has been theorized though that if time travel was possible, the universe would ensure that certain events happened no matter what. As in if you killed your grandfather, you might find out that he never truly was your grandfather. Or if you're from the year 3000 you might find that you are your own grandfather.

>> No.3394989
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Thank you for mentioning relativity!

Go book a plane flight and fly at 600 miles per hour from point A to point B. Congratulations, you've traveled time. Sure, it's only a few billionths of a second, but it's still time dilation in the scheme of "time traveling" and relativity.

Now, the faster you go and the closer you get to the speed of light, the more you "seemingly" travel through time. The only problem is that as you approach the speed of light the greater your mass becomes, which eventually means you will need infinite energy in order to increase or maintain velocity. But say that you were on the outer fringes of the Universe; our Universe is expanding near the speed of light and at places greater than the speed of light. (Seeing as at these points in our Universe all forces are united because of the great temperatures, aka an extended Planck epoch) Now what does an infinitely expanding Universe have that nothing else does? Um, infinite mass? Which equates to infinite energy. So the only logical possible way with our understanding of the Universe and classical physics in order to time travel great lengths of time would be to perch yourself at the outer fringes of our Universe as it expands beyond the speed of light.

So logically. No!

>> No.3394994
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But keep in mind that we have a pretty shitty understanding of the Universe, so it's highly plausible that there are other ways to time travel. (Not going to discuss worm holes) Also, I have NO professional opinion on this matter and am just speaking from the perspective of a college educated individual.

Furthermore, I imagine time being a needle and our dimension being a record. Past, present and future all already exist, it's just our relative position (the needle) the determines what or where you are in "time." Your question has many of answers, especially in the context of what the "needle" is and what the "record" is. Especially if you take into account multiple dimensions, which I theoretically imagine being "records" stacked upon "records."

Also, "why haven't people traveled back in time to our time?" What if time travel is impossible (as I've stated) or that in order to time travel you must first open a gate way that will enable one to pass through time. In other words, the only way that anyone could visit our "dimension/time" is that we first must open a passage way into our dimension that they can enter.

There is also the possibility that time travelers just don't want us to know that they are here.

>> No.3395009

And the possibility that UFO sightings are time travelers.

>> No.3395017
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>time travel

>> No.3395028


>> No.3395075

time travel to the past*
there ya go

>> No.3395222

To time travel, surely because time is a human invention to measure different event, we would have to change everything about the universe back to how it was at the period you wish to go to?

Also: If you theoretically, move faster than the speed of light, and you arrive at a star say, one light year away. To the people on earth, have you time travelled?

>> No.3395233

Some people say you can't time travel. (As in via machine that just sends you to different points in a timeline.)

Some say that you can only go back in time to the point where the time machine was made.

Some say that you'll be in an alternate universe, and it will be like our universe a certain number of years into the past or future, so our history will never change thus avoiding a paradox.

But, OP, how can anyone play god over us with time travel?

Wouldn't it be much easier to simply play god if they have the technology to build time machines?

>> No.3395234

Plus there is no such thing as time that you can navigate trough. We invented the concept of time, nothing more.

>> No.3395236

>Some say that you can only go back in time to the point where the time machine was made.

I want to say this is just in cheesy scifi like Quantum Leap. However, I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. Links or anything?

However, if you meant to say you can go back in time only through a path of spacetime that has been specially prepared for that purpose, then I know of such hypotheses.

>> No.3395241

>move faster than the speed of light


Well, you're time traveling any time you're moving. If you traveled at the speed of light or even faster... somehow, you would instantly be there, not aged a single second while a whole year passed on earth.

Austrnauts in orbit time travel all the time.

>> No.3395254

I'll try to find something.

I've only read it in a few places and they claim it based on how the machine works, if you open up wormholes in the universe, or if the machines are connected and so on..

>> No.3395256

If you change the past so that something never happened, then why did you go back in time originally if that thing never happened?
This confused me when I was little.

>> No.3395258


>> No.3395262

You change it in a different universe, and that forks, its future is changed by your actions, your very own time line never changes.

>> No.3395267

I think Time Travel is possible, but only to travel forward, not backward... you can slow down/speed up the time, but you cant revert it, else there would be many more humans traveling through time than just jesus.. im speaking of a whole eternity...

>> No.3395271

Then will you be able to go back to before our universe formed?

>> No.3395293 [DELETED] 

Wow what the fuck is this?

>> No.3395347


Pug, Thomas and Macros. Fuck yeah.

>> No.3395361


The End of Eternity by Isaac Asimov

read it.

>> No.3395368

Cheers, man. Will probably get it.

>> No.3395980

We can't build it and we don't understand it so obviously it can't be done. We probably don't know enough about the structure of the universe to make these claims yet.

>> No.3396044

First off, stop confusing time travel with time distortion. Seriously fags.

If we assume time travel to be possible, then we are just the past of the future and the future of the past. This would mean every state of time is seperate and independant, yet related. If you don't believe in multiple dimensions (hence you are not a retard), then whatever is to happen in each time must happen, and whatever doesn't happen could never.

You could go deeper as to say that history itself is always being rewritten. Take this for example: your future self could time travel and save you (even though it seemingly contradicts your future existance) because every time is equal and "present". The future can act just as we can, and their actions affect the past as much as the past affects the future.

>> No.3396055
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>>mfw Department of Philosophy, Oxford University