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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 29 KB, 200x200, considerthefollowing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3393596 No.3393596 [Reply] [Original]

Biology, chemistry, geology, psychology, sociology, law, business, medicine...

Are all fields people go into because they can't handle the math in physics or engineering.

>> No.3393608

Not quite.

>law and business
Sociopaths who don't care about what they have to do to get money.

Nice people who want money.

>biology, chemistry
People who like doing experiments

People who like going outside.

>sociology, psychology
Girls who think getting a degree in university just because it's a degree is good.

>> No.3393610

Or maybe they go because they like it.

>> No.3393619

It's funny who you people desestimate sociology and the other social sciences just because you can't level up with the abstraction needed to understand the concepts.
Very funny, I could do research about it.

>> No.3393620

>not harder then math/physics/engineering
pick 1

>> No.3393626
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>can't tell if serious

>memorization & copious use of flashcards

>> No.3393627
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>Chemistry, can't handle the math

>Mfw i'm taking advanced physical chemistry this semester.

Operators, Partial derivatives, and wave functions, oh my!

>> No.3393632

Oh I'm totally serious, because you just have confirmed my theory.

>> No.3393637

I'll admit that pChem has a fair amount of math (Calc 3), but it is the norm in even the most basic of undergrad-level physics major courses.

>> No.3393645

>anecdotal evidence, sample size 1
>Oh I'm totally serious, because you just have confirmed my theory.

Yeah, you're a sociologist.

>> No.3393647

OP just jelly because Genetics was too hard for him.

>> No.3393644

>little social interaction
>arrogent as all hell

>lots of social interaction
>interested in the world outside their fatass selves

>> No.3393650

I think you haven't seen the pool post.
You're just part of a regularity.

>> No.3393651

That's why there is a large number.

There's a few people wanted to do these things in the first place though.

Get it straight, this is a Math major talking as well :P

>> No.3393652
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>> No.3393659

>butthurt that doctors get 10000000x the respect and pussy of nerds

>> No.3393664

>he thinks "house" and "scrubs" is real life

I smell pre-med. How does it feel that physics majors have higher med school acceptance rates than pre-med kiddies?

>> No.3393670


Ever notice that all physics/math majors are weak, ugly, pimply faced outcasts?

>> No.3393675

>mfw i'm majoring in chemistry and minoring in math

fuck you.

>> No.3393678

>"ever notice"
>dumb frat boy detected

>> No.3393682

Are all delusions equally invalid because they can't handle the reality?

>> No.3393683

>friendless faggot detected

>> No.3393686

Sounds like physics majors that smarted up and realized a life of social outcast wasn't for them
>implying i'm not already in med school

>> No.3393687

physics is pretty boss but I doubt the people in other fields are jelly

>> No.3393697

>Hardest major ever
>30k starting

Yeah, i'm feeling really jelly with my degree in logistics management and IT, and my 45k starting.

>> No.3393703
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>mfw I did that in introduction to quantum mechanics

>> No.3393707

what about biomedical engineering?

>> No.3393708

>appealing to social status

>> No.3393713

It's a step up. puts you on the same social standing as a business major approximately.

>> No.3393715

>implying social interactions isn't a physical need just as eat or fuch
>oh wait they are all virgins
>that explains it all

>> No.3393718

Mathematical biology


>> No.3393723

These Faggots are just butt-mad that their major is incredibly hard when I breezed through college, partying 3-4 nights a week, and sleeping with dozens of different women.

>> No.3393724

Approximately the same level of respect as biomedical engineering. Not medicine.

>> No.3393726
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>implying that's just not done by mathematics students with an interest

>> No.3393728

>yet more appeals to social status ad hominems

>> No.3393729

pretty sure that physics majors have a higher acceptance rate because only a very small number of them actually apply to med schools, and those that do have fantastic grades. contrast this with the pre-med kiddies who all apply, while the majority of them just dont have the grades to get in

>> No.3393735

>These Faggots are just butt-mad that their major is incredibly hard when I breezed through college, partying 3-4 nights a week, and sleeping with dozens of different women.

dat jarring tense change...

>> No.3393744

What the hell is wrong with chemistry?

>> No.3393753
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>mfw i breezed through BME, even did a 5 year coterm BS/MS, then went to med school

>> No.3393756

nothing, but there are faggots like op who occasionally crap on it

>> No.3393759

nothing. you're just getting trolled by sci

also, bitches dont know 'bout the crazy math in graduate level chemistry

>> No.3393761

Then you're a doctor, not a biomedical engineer.

Assuming you don't fall to become a dentist or shrink or something.

>> No.3393768

ok cool. ill just unmake all these medical devices and diagnostic techniques

>> No.3393771


I don't know why you would think like this. I have a Master's in Physics but I ended up as a professional grant writer and community organizer because it paid better and the work was more fulfilling.

>> No.3393774

chemistry is for idiots who cant take on physics

>> No.3393776

engineers can't into real math

>> No.3393779
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>> No.3393783


>> No.3393786

Why can't we all just get along?

>> No.3393789

ITT: Virgins harassing other virgins on the internet

>> No.3393791

literally every thread on /sci/ right there

>> No.3393792
File: 43 KB, 344x517, amnottrolled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Physics and Engineering is for people who can't handle the math

for Math.

>> No.3393793

Dick waving contests instead of actual science. lets show off our universities next.

>> No.3393795

Master race math biology major reporting in.

>> No.3393799
File: 67 KB, 555x448, 1310280857548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my first time in /sci/
>all threads are like this

>> No.3393801

I gotta admit, one of the secondary reasons I was a biology major was to avoid math.

Of course, it shows up anyway.

>> No.3393805

And just why is psychology and sociology go heavily weighted toward females? Goddamn bitches thinking "now I can tell what he's thinking"?

>> No.3393811

Physicsfag here. You guys are in our camp.

>> No.3393812


No, it's because females can't science.

>> No.3393816

yep. /sci/ has really gone down the tubes. mods ban people every now and then, but there are usually some good 6 month periods when this board is left to fend for itself amongst the troll threads and epeen contests

>> No.3393817


Or its for people that find physics so bonefuckingly-dry that they wanted to do a science that was more "Hands on", that affects far more fields than physics does.

>> No.3393820

I was in a BME program. Assuming that you're telling the truth, why would you have done BME and go on to be a doctor? It feels like wasted talent.

>> No.3393821


Lrn2Capitalism retard.

>> No.3393822

Physics, engineering

Are all fields people go into because they can't handle the maths in mathematics.

>> No.3393824


>> No.3393827

>implying math in engineering is on par with math in physics
EE has Fourier transforms and a few other concepts, but otherwise engineers only go through Calc I-IV

>> No.3393828

wut about electrical and computer engineering?

>> No.3393830

Math is an amazing way to train your brain, you'll do anything better if you know math. So it should be math, and then whatever you want to study.

>> No.3393844

Can we make fun of the people who get degrees in Drama, History, English, etc?

I'll start. A hot girl was flirting with me for once but then she mentioned she was a Drama student. Then I laughed at her until she left me alone.

Fucking Arts students, amirite?

>> No.3393846

Yes, the arts students are indeed fucking, while you are not.

>> No.3393848

You can easily get a different bachelor's and still get into med school, especially for someone who can complete BME. Btw, very few science/engineering majors have said that money is a reason for going into the field.

>> No.3393853

because there's probably 20000 people working as biomedical engineers, and about 660000 people working as doctors. i found it just as interesting, and it would be a hell of a lot easier to get a job that way

>> No.3393857

Dear summerfags,

Nobody outside of /sci/ and idiots who take The Bing Bang Theory seriously looks down on engineering or chemistry.


>> No.3393860

Everyone wants to marry a doctor or lawer.

>> No.3393862

have said TO ME that*

I suppose. Did you ever consider getting a PhD as well?

>> No.3393863


Well I have standards. There's a girl who keeps telling me we should fuck, but I haven't gotten around to it. Because she's an Arts student.

>> No.3393865

Dumbass, don't you realize how the world works?

Us Engineers and Scientists that actually make money will end up supporting the Drama students, and they bring their looks.

Everyone wins, so stop hating on them.

>> No.3393869



>> No.3393871

WTF! Honestly, when I study something is because I want to, it has nothing to do with my social life. I hang around with different kind of people, it has nothing to do with my career.

P.S: If scifags watch that show I'd be so dissapointed.

>> No.3393873

I Think its more like every women wants to marry a socially intelligent man that makes >100k a year.
They could care less what he does.

>> No.3393877

Lrn2 english language. The qualifier is within the statement.

>> No.3393903
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>> No.3393917

>still have to take fuck awful math

u wot m8

>> No.3393920

>implying engineers make money

>> No.3394019

Physics and engineering...

fields people go into because they don't have the interpersonal skills to handle basic social interactions

>> No.3394032
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>> No.3394039

>not even 6 figures starting
>good money
pick one.

Investment bankers can make over 500,000 after 1-2 years.

>> No.3394041

>struggle to break the 6 figure mark
>meanwhile lawyers, doctors, bankers making between 250,000 and 5+ million a year

>> No.3394044

good luck with that

>> No.3394057

>5+ million a year


>> No.3394071
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>Previous scores
Bio A+
Chem A
Psy A+
Scociolgy(economics, did 4 teh lawls) A+
math C+
phy A

>> No.3394085

Except for the fact that investment banking is incredibly hard to get into, and one of the most stressful jobs you can have if you actually do get into the field. Enjoy your 100 hour work weeks.

>> No.3394095

...Oh yeah, and you don't make 500k a year as an investment banker, especially after 1 year.

>> No.3394156

>work 3 years
>leave with millions and find less stressful job if one at all

>> No.3394192
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Oh summer, oh high-school kids, you're all so funny

>> No.3394210


Maybe they want to be a dentist


Maybe they want to work for OMCG's


Maybe they want to make a fuck ton of money in Western Australia

>Psychology, sociology

Maybe they want to get a degree but can't think of anything worthwhile to study


Maybe they like status and getting laid

>Business, Medicine

Maybe they really like money, since the top 20 highest paying careers are in those fields.

>> No.3394226


>Maybe they really like money, since the top 10 highest paying careers are in those fields.


>> No.3394231

>mfw i majored in EE and work in the medical field and will get a phd in medical physics
does that make me... bi?

>> No.3394401
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>mfw history will remember this section of culture as "arts and sciences"

Always remember the weird useless hipster who figured out how to shit on a piece of canvas will be as important as you in the eyes of history.

>> No.3394440
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chemistry is god tier

fucking summerfags

>> No.3394462
File: 14 KB, 348x232, dealwithit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in after a lot of buttdevastated chemfags

Deal with it. Your field is shit. This is an implicit consensus among most respected

>> No.3394475
File: 38 KB, 214x216, flkbfvdlbfds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people think any form of knowledge is shit.

>> No.3394482

>recently graduated
>Math and Physics double major
>sleep 2 hours a day, with 45 minutes of free time during the day
>nonexistant social life
>wish I can redo my college career with a social life and majored in an easier and better employable degree

>> No.3394492

No one does science for money.

We do it for the lulz.

>> No.3394496
File: 58 KB, 600x800, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does any of you fucks that to be good at Sociology you need to be able to speak and convince everyone in the fucking room? All leaders of the world have taken sociology.
Do you realize you need to actually write scientific essays and shit for Sociology?
You have to debate about every social problem that exists and make arguments and counter-arguments.
This is something that will actually be USEFUL in your life.

>mfw I studied Further Maths, Sociology and Economics.

>> No.3394529

No 300k and starting?
No any job you want?

>> No.3394551

no phd