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3392259 No.3392259 [Reply] [Original]

if a tree falls no-one is around to hear it, it does not make a sound.

>> No.3392266

it makes pressure waves to the air

>> No.3392273


>> No.3392284

if physical phenomenon of air waves, yes it does
if mental phenomenon of perceiving air waves, no it doesn't


>> No.3392287

yes people have left tape recorders around and you can clearly hear a thump

>> No.3392289

OP is right.

>> No.3392312

>implying birds can't hear

>> No.3392342

OP speaks the truth.

Percieved reality is percieved... or not

>> No.3392369

If a tree falls in the forest and there's nobody around to hear it, then there is no tree.

>> No.3392458

Sound is what is perceived during a chain reaction in the nervous system triggered by a disturbance in the air cause by the falling tree. We don't really have a reliable theory of perception or conscience so it's hard to define sound, but it most certainly is a consequence of processes in the human brain, therefore OP is correct, the tree can only be the cause of the emergence of sound if there is someone there to hear it.

>> No.3392482

glad to see newfriends, welcome to /sci/

>> No.3392484


This problem is not about how sound works, it never was. What this problem is about is proving something without actual measurements/experience. People must think ancient civilizations were retarded as fuck if they couldnt figure out how sound works

>> No.3392485


"Sound" as conventionally understood and defined in majority of dictionaries is a physical event.
Since physical event doesnt need a perceiver in order to exist, your statement is incorrect.

>> No.3392543


>What this problem is about is proving something without actual measurements/experience.

I see your point. It's a very amusing obervation actually:

It follows logicaly from the 'mind process' definition of sound that there can be no sound if there is no mind to experience it, however there can be no proof of the existence/unexistence of sound too, since proof implies experience and experience implies the presence of mind.

>> No.3392570

proof it

u can't

>> No.3392609


Prove what?
Do you have difficulty with reading?

>> No.3392617


Reading comprehension fail.

>> No.3392644

proof it makes a sound

>> No.3392656



>> No.3392719

If a troll posts at 4chan, does anyone read it?

>> No.3392749

>If a troll posts at 4chan, does anyone read it?

Yes, and posts 200 replies.

>> No.3392765

caus i said u fagg0t

>> No.3392783

Tree have potential energy. Tree falls, tree lose potential energy. However, energy not created nor lost; energy transforms. Therefore, potential energy of tree, along with kinetic energy of the fall transforms. Tranforms into what? Into sound, for a part.

>> No.3392787


Nope, then you've found the perfect rape and murder place.

>> No.3392802

I'm a quantum mechanic, and let me tell you, until an observation is made the tree is in a state halfway between making a sound and not making a sound.

>> No.3392876

proof it.

ur just typin words

>> No.3393400

there is no tree

>> No.3393405

What if we put the tree inside a vacuum?

Checkmate atheists.

God 1
Atheists 0

>> No.3393417

phonon-photon interaction, the emitted infrared light will be affected when something strikes the tree.

>> No.3393425

If a tree falls in the woods, and nobody is around, can it be seen?