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3391813 No.3391813 [Reply] [Original]

I had a dream I created a modern sterling engine that could be used for a wide variety of uses from pumps to powering homes to vehicles

I then used the technology to make more reliable military vehicles and made billions

then I got killed by assassin hired by some saudi oil barons but my engine lived on and brought America to the top of the world in green energy and military power

>> No.3391823

>and then I woke up and got on 4chan

>> No.3391828
File: 37 KB, 274x280, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol at germany and china being world green energy leaders
lol at when the chinks and northern europe are driving like fuck crazy for oil independence
lol at amerifags still raging that they want freedom to buy fucking ridiculous cars that do half a mile to the gallon and having pitiful renewable infrastructure almost all of which is the hydro dams they built back in the days when they were a competent country
lol at peak oil and/or a saudi riot spiking the price like a bitch and america descending into tribal warfare

>> No.3391829
File: 38 KB, 200x150, 1271560401175.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well I woke up awhile ago and have just now gotten on 4chan to post this and hopefully inspire somebody to make it a reality since I'm years away from any degree in engineering

>> No.3391830
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>> No.3391836


i so fucking cannot wait for this new broadcast

>> No.3391837

>I need a degree to do anything

Seriously, people like you aren't going to suddenly become super motivated geniuses just because you get a piece of paper if you were truly intelligent you would have been working on ideas for it now.

>> No.3391840
File: 35 KB, 500x335, the-road-still-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my family when
op here, I am disappointed that car industry leaders aren't pushing for diesel or even making smaller vehicles

the mid-size truck market in america is non-existent, the only manufacturer left at the end of this year will be mazda

>> No.3391847

>implying schooling doesn't help with understanding how shit is built/works
some things you need to have an education in order to do

take your stupid fucking dotcom-boomer mentality and stick it up your faggot ass

>> No.3391855

Guess what, people all throughout history invented shit without a piece of paper, and you have the most powerful learning tool at the tip of your fingers right now and refuse to even attempt to do anything.

>> No.3391869

What if you hooked the output shaft to a piece of sandpaper (I'm sure yall can figure something better, but just for the sake of my idea) that rubs the bottom of the water reservoir creating friction that keeps it hot. Next best thing to perpetual motion.

>> No.3391874


It's not about the piece of paper. It's about the education the piece of paper is supposed to certify that you have acquired.

>> No.3391884

And what about trying to educate yourself instead of relying on other people leading you with a carrot on a stick?

I mean imagine was engineers though out history could've invented if they even had a fraction of the knowledge you have at your finger tips right now.

>> No.3391903

>And what about trying to educate yourself instead of relying on other people leading you with a carrot on a stick?

That's fine. But oftentimes the "self-educated" only manage to misinform themselves.

>I mean imagine was engineers though out history could've invented if they even had a fraction of the knowledge you have at your finger tips right now.

Well, exactly. Having the information at your fingertips is important.