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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 70 KB, 932x672, 175671main_jwst_artist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3388486 No.3388486 [Reply] [Original]



Not another cut. Not now. Not for this. If it's poorly managed, you step in, you fucking FIX IT, sort it out, something!

Don't. Please. Not this. There is so much out there. So goddamn much.

>> No.3388502

>Congress can't even agree to cut taxes for billionaires
>Expect them to pay any money for Science

Good one, OP.

>> No.3388556

I struck this up a few days ago at a family dinner. My sister and her husband have always been huge conservatives and my parents have always been huge liberals. I have always despised politics and have just strayed away towards science. So, I brought this up and I almost got up and drove home. I was so fucking pissed off to hear their sides of it.

Conservatives don't want to raise taxes in order to pay for anything because "socialist" or whatever.. regardless of the massive debt

Liberals don't want to reduce the ridiculous social security spending.

Fuck politics.

This is coming from a guy with a Physics degree and trying to get into nuclear engineering. Politics has fucked my field so hard over the years it's not even funny.

>> No.3388572

American politics. CERN gets all the money it wants for ridiculous projects like the LHC. Move to Europe or, better yet, China for the near future.

>> No.3388599






Also, physics undergrad here. I don't think my view on politics need be clarified.

>> No.3388612


The problem is that there is a growing divide between the average person and the academic world, even though more people are going to college than ever before. There is no liaison between the two worlds, so scientists and those that like science have no understanding of policy making, and policy makers have no understanding of science.

>> No.3388618
File: 203 KB, 667x500, china_space_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Especially when the Chinese plan on going into space for economic development, energy, and national defense reasons....

Especially when they plan on building their own space station and frickin' moonbase...

pic related it's a chinese space education center for kids

>> No.3388631

This country is going down the shitter and I blame this ideological conservatism that is infecting it like a plague. They aren't even pragmatic about anything anymore; they refuse to see any value in taxes whatsoever, even though the data shows that taxes wont halt recovery. They cry and bitch and moan at any sort of social change, even when the majority of the country supports it (i.e. allowing gay marriage, ending the ban of gays from the military, etc.). They kick and scream about socialism, communism, marxism, etc., claiming that any form of socialized medicine would be unfair and evil, despite the fact that it would result in a far better system then we have now.

Fucking conservatives are driving this country into the ground. I've come to the conclusion that they are far more idealistic than liberals.

>> No.3388634
File: 38 KB, 640x352, motherofgod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3388636

You're not the only tired of it.


>> No.3388643
File: 223 KB, 1075x744, 1310596267992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to save this shit. It's already in Integration & Testing.

4chan assemble!

>> No.3388657

Half of the reason is because the conservatives are bought out by corporate interests. Not to say that the other side of the aisle doesn't have lobbyist problems either, but at least they are willing to put shit on the table. Republicans balk at everything and are willing to take the whole country hostage in order to get what they want for their bullshit ideology.

>> No.3388659

I'm terrified of China. Really, I am. The nation is fiercely, insanely powerful and run by opportunistic lunatics.

But at times like these I realize that my comfort level is gonna have to come second to my sheer admiration for their scientific progress. I'll deal with it if they take over the world, if it means every child gets this sort of education.

>> No.3388666

As soon as I catch a whiff of a brain drain in this country (going to china) I'm learning mandarin and moving out. They seem to have their priorities straight.

>> No.3388693

Oh, my god.

Obama loved this project too, you guys, he was pretty vocal about his support.

This might have been the last straw.

>> No.3388732
File: 3 KB, 126x123, feelsbadman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>congress will never raise taxes on the super-rich/corporations as long as republicans have control of either House or Senate

feels terrible, man.

>> No.3388741

One thing both Democrats and Republicans can agree on is that no one gives a flying fuck about space. Sorry guys, the only people who care about the space program are on this board.

We'll go back someday, but we won't be the pioneers anymore.

But you know what? It's SPACE. No one owns it. It's ok to root for Chinese/Russian/European astronauts too. They're humans also.

Unless they're jewish.

>> No.3388766

>congress will never lower corporate taxes so businesses are attracted to this country again and we can get fucking jobs as long as democrats have control of either House or Senate

feels like shit, man.

>> No.3388774

I've always hated the gypsies. I hope theres no gypsies in space.

>> No.3388799

They're BETTER not be.

>> No.3388805


>corporations will never hire as long as there is any uncertainty in the economy and will instead sit on huge piles of cash while millions remain unemployed, unable to pay taxes, and collect unemployment checks from the government

feels bad man

>> No.3388816
File: 47 KB, 500x345, Federal-Spending-Waste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Politics is a fucking joke, it's the exact same in Australia as in the US. The elected government can't do anything because the opposition are so intent on labelling any government program as 'socialism' and waste.

I get the feeling the problem isn't really with the parties or the politicians but the system itself - twenty four hour news means that absolutely every government action is reported on by the media, there is no real sense of electing a government and letting it get on with the business of governing.

Might not be that new though, FDR seemed to understand it pretty well in the '30s - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUZGkNAUSvY

>> No.3388823

That's not even true though, atleast not in the US. If a corporation needs to hire someone then they'll do it, it's not as if they can go anywhere else ^.^

>> No.3388830

democrats: we need to make sure that sheniqua can afford to have a sixth kid!
republicans: we need to make sure charles can afford his 3rd jet!
both: lolololol wtf will science do for us, fuck that that wont get us any votes, but if i give x person free stuff theyll vote for me.

>> No.3388856

If your a worthwhile person (showing huge potential on your record with previous studies) than you are going to get money either from r&d for the military or from private hedge funds.

If you aren't a worthwhile prospect, you'll get a dead-end job struggling every year to get shit money for your bullshit studies.

Space research is already getting its money in private industry, this nationalism bullshit needs to stop. Who gives a fuck about the first corporation or nation to colonize or build a large station.

>> No.3388865

>faux news owned by Australian corporation

Fuck you, its all your fault australia.

>> No.3388870

Private industry still only works in tandem with government - SpaceX or whatever it's called that's going to launch for NASA couldn't exist without NASA...

>> No.3388874

Murdoch isn't even an Australian citizen anymore, he became a naturalised American years ago.

>> No.3388875
File: 32 KB, 150x180, fullretard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>it's not as if they can go anywhere else

Surely those corporations won't go to India or China to hire workers, the have to hire in the US!

>> No.3388880

Yes, because companies relocate to China because government interference is too much in the US.

>> No.3388922

>>If it's poorly managed, you step in, you fucking FIX IT, sort it out, something!
Pointless. It's over budget by several billion and nearly half a decade behind schedule. It's a fucking embarrassment.

The managers of the project should be shot for treason.

>> No.3388927

So you're for the "Take all the progress and throw it in the junkyard" strategy?

>> No.3388968

yeah, then we can use it for junkyard wars

>> No.3389000


Your talking referring to the Chinese government as some sort of benevolent structure that only guides others and does not interfere with their shit.

...or at least your trying to make China look like the lesser of two evils when it comes to privacy and control, it isn't. If your a company in China and you don't let the government get a piece of the pie, your out.

>> No.3389011

cool,. Lets make midevil siege machines!

>> No.3389017

I don't even care about the new telescope. I just find it morbidly hilarious that we're cutting science and social programs while keeping tax cuts for the rich and increasing the military budget.

>> No.3389033

>government interference is too much in the US.
You realize that corporations have been making enormous profits over the past 10 years in this country and that they are able to use the current tax code to their advantage, resulting in paying next to nothing in taxes, all the while they refuse to hire people?

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.3389047


So you like to use Reducto Ad Absurdum when its convenient for you?

>> No.3389141
File: 5 KB, 109x126, 1302147833445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astrofag here, i have never felt such a mixture of sadness and volatile anger as when i was reading this.

so what i gathered from this acticle: the JWST has one more chance to make it but it doesn't seem likely that it will.

this is a sad day for science and exploration

>> No.3389169


>> No.3389195
File: 18 KB, 206x188, 1308620484714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Hubble is to a car
as is
the JWST is to a ????

/sci/ in your opinion, how important is the JWST ?

>> No.3389211

faster, cooler, sexier. higher-tech car that will let you get the babes that your last car could never get

>> No.3389212
File: 22 KB, 389x441, fuck you its mine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science isn't a constitutional requirement, my atheist, space loving friends.

Defending this nation at the barrel of a gun is. Canceling this is worth it to protect our liberties by invading Iraq.

>> No.3390359


>> No.3390395


Imagine that was injected in NASA rather than a greedy old man.

>> No.3390422

We would be into space

Captcha: Saigan ontrget

>> No.3390430


Funny how atheists seem to be the only people concerned with the majesty of the universe.

>> No.3390444
File: 779 KB, 1736x2330, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China has the right idea about civilization, an attitude we haven't seen on such a scale since the 50s.

We have an entire generation of luddites brought up on "fight club" and "avatar" who enjoy nothing more than prancing around saying "hurr humanity is shit", "industrial capitalism is evil and selfish" and their only solutions seems to be to destroy civilization and hope that we magically return to an idyllic patchwork of socially enlightened anarchist communes who's principal activity is smoking pot and organic farming.

>> No.3390451

Kinda funny that they show China as a poor suffering land in every movie, but in fact they seem more developed than us...

>> No.3390508

what the fuck am i looking at

>> No.3390515

Most of the luddites around here support capitalism. I'm not sure what you're talking about.

>> No.3390516


Depends on where in China, and who...

I know plenty of American kids with access to educational resources like that (and a few even use them lololol!) but they're all rich. Just like I bet the kids in that picture are.

You don't think those are the farmers' kids who got relocated so they could build all their dams, do you?

>> No.3390522

Well, they support "capitalism", which is just a vague tripleplusgood to them, but that's another thread.

>> No.3390527

I genuinely wish I had been born Chinese.

>> No.3390569

>hurr I can't understand new ideas
It's simple, everyone below the age of 25 was brought up with movies like "american beauty" and Michael Moore, bands like radiohead and so forth, we were told industrial civilization is evil, humans will destroy the planet, we are better off living simple lives at one with nature and so forth. You have been indoctrinated to think this is a good thing, I'm proposing that it isn't, that you have become luddites who are uninterested in utilizing or developing technology

>> No.3390570


Nice. Is murdoch getting the raping he deserves in the US yet?
Or will the American people be bought off with his bullshit?
UK is doing a grand job on hounding that motherfucker, shouldda seen parliament yesterday. It was glorious.

>> No.3390591


That's more your speed. Industrial civ is great, industrial profit mongering isn't. (which oddly enough has been pretty unchecked since our 50s progressive mindset disappeared)

>> No.3390612

Currently Earth is all we have and will always be our ancestral home no matter where in the cosmos we end up. Making it inherently worth protecting as illogical as that may be.

Industrialism/progress and environmentalism don't have to clash. What would be your take on that?