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3385588 No.3385588[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

1. The totality of existence is massive beyond comprehension. There may even be other universes.

2. We will almost surely never have charted everything in the universe. Even if we did, we could always speculate that there exists something on the outside, like a Russian nesting doll.

3. Thus this always leaves the POSSIBILITY that there exists some hyper-intelligent entity with the power to control this universe using laws of physics as yet unknown from the reference of our universe.

4. Since there is a logically sound possibility (however small the likelihood) that some sort of god can exist (though almost certainly not of the Christian, Jewish, or Muslim type), the only logical choice of belief is agnosticism. You

>> No.3385605

Irrelevant: If a supernatural being exists outside of reality as we know it and has no discernible effect on it, it is the same as if it did not exist, from the human perspective at least.

>> No.3385615

yea pretty much, this is sort of why i'm not an atheist.

flatly denying any possibility of god is just an overcompensated reflex against mainstream society which is "durr god 24/7."

>> No.3385622

All I'm asking is that /sci/ gets a sticky showing how agnosticism is not a thing in itself

>> No.3385625

dawkins, the great agnostic atheists, trolled you very much didn't he?

great man

>> No.3385637 [DELETED] 

Seeing how philosophy and religion aren't /sci/ related, I don't think you'll have your sticky anytime soon.

>> No.3385639


Moreover, "atheism" has strangely adopted the original definition of Agnosticism in that they do not deny there is a god, but rather lack a belief... Which is kind of strange since the etymology and common use both disagree with them.

>> No.3385650
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consider this:
any religion that exists or existed comes from man. there was never an omnipotent being contacting with the human race. now give me one good reason why should anyone even consider the existence of god? i prefer invisible pink unicorns on the dark side of the moon personally, why not talk about them instead?

>> No.3385674

>there was never an omnipotent being contacting with the human race

as ridiculous and far-fetched as it sounds, consider this:

[citation needed]

>> No.3385693

>why not talk about them instead?

We could also abstain from talking about both and getting into heated internet arguments regarding them, since neither seems to have much impact on our daily lives.

>> No.3385697

Atheism is just a religion with no gods

>> No.3385701

No, you're thinking of Buddhism.

Atheism is not a religion.

>> No.3385706


>Agnosticism is the only scientific option: Proven

this is correct.

But does not answer the question 'do you believe in god.'

gnostic/agnostic - knowledge
atheist/theist - belief.

So when asked 'do you believe in god' to answer 'agnostic' is to not attempt to answer the question.

agnostic atheist
agnostic theist
gnostic atheist
gnostic theist

of those only agnostic atheist is scientific.

>> No.3385708
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>> No.3385713

whoa there partner, somebody better stop you before you start thinking you're clever.

Religion -
a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.
the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices: a world council of religions.

Atheism -
the doctrine or belief that there is no God.
disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings.

How is atheism a religion, exactly?
It is a sungilar belief, that there is/are no god(s)/supernatural beings.

>> No.3385720

Only from the traditionally philosophical perspective.

From a Computer Science perspective, only atheism is the only reasonable/logical answer.

>> No.3385724

Atheism is believing. It is a faith. Agnosticism is about expressing knowledge. There's different kinds like weak/strong and this and that, but in the end, from a traditionally philosophical perspective, athiests claim without proof that there is no god, ergo, religion.

>> No.3385731

You seem to have missed the point of the post.
belief w/o solid proof != religion.

>> No.3385735

Uhh... Belief without proof is pretty much the definition of religion.

>> No.3385736

the universe is so beautifully complex that claiming you know there is NO god is as closed minded as claiming there IS a god (well not *as* closed minded if your belief in a dieghty resides in one of the man made religions, that's just retarded), we really have no idea the truth is always going to be outside of the bounds of what we can conceive, indulge in science and remain apathetic; because you won't ever know and that's alright, but mankind itself most likely has no specific divine plot, so lets just move forward with scientific understanding cause that seems like the only plight we have

>> No.3385737

fuck belief

>> No.3385738
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>> No.3385743

Except that's not the normal definition. Since you're going against the norm, what changes did you make? Organization? Time-length? Belief population? In any case, all but the simplest definition of expressing knowledge without evidence is arbitrarily sectioning out a protected group.

>> No.3385748

the problem with definitions is that everyone can make their own, destroying the integrity of a language.
The definition you propose is not the same as any of those I stated, cited from Dictionary.com

Also, by your definition, believing, say, that I locked my house on the way out, while not being able to remember having locked it, is a religion.

>> No.3385752

It IS a religion. Maybe you don't understand, but when we make a word, we use it.

At best, we may concede the restriction of religion is the belief in something intelligent without evidence.

>> No.3385753

>yfw OP is stating the reasons people are atheists

The ur-atheist position is simply; I don't think you know anything about god.

Once someone shows that they can know and they do know something about god, we can talk. Until then, we place god alongside the teapot and the FSM and Dr. Manhattan as things that somebody has thought up but they can't show exists.

>> No.3385760

But FSM is real how else would Global Warming be happening

>> No.3385761

>ignoring that your definition is not supported by a majority
I think I smell a troll.

>> No.3385762

>implying agnostic and atheist aren't completely separate
>a-gnostic=without knowledge
>a-theist=do not believe

so you have agnostic theists and agnostic atheists.

>> No.3385770
