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3383763 No.3383763 [Reply] [Original]

Will we ever explore the universe or will that be exclusive to science fiction?

>> No.3383771
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>explore the universe

Not in your lifetime.

>> No.3383772

Kurzwell would disagree.

>> No.3383775

Cut taxes so Virgin can explore the universe efficiently

>> No.3383776

Will we explore the universe?

Unless some fantastic breakthrough in medical science allows for dramatic life extension, it is not likely.

Will our species or some advanced form of our species explore space?

Almost assuredly.

>> No.3383780

>getting farther than Mars

Good luck.

>> No.3383784

>Kurzwell would disagree

It's Kurzweil.

And he says nothing about human space exploration. An explosion in technology doesn't guarantee any human space exploration. As you can see, NASA doesn't even have enough money to keep the space station in orbit past 2020. Human space exploration is a long way off. Maybe a moon colony at best.

>> No.3383794

No, we are weak and feeble fleshbags who can't do shit. Humanity will have to be surpassed first.

>> No.3383796

If you get mind-uploading it does.

>> No.3383797

Read a book called 'The Millennial Project: Colonizing the Galaxy in 8 easy steps' by Marshall T. Savage. It explores the possibility of humans spreading life throughout the universe.

>> No.3383805


this. There are so many human limitations for human space exploration. EM radiation, long-term effects of weightlessness, lifespan. These are just the ones posed by space. As soon as you start planning long-term endeavors, you need to start worrying about things such as illness, food, fuel, etc. We don't really have that problem today because we can just ship more supplies to the ISS using a rocket, but as soon as you leave the comforts of earth, you are dealing with a lot more problems.

>> No.3383861

What are some prospective technologies that can travel faster than what we have now?

>> No.3383867


you need to be more specific in what you're asking.

>> No.3383888

Flashlights that emit light with kinetic force.

>> No.3383904


technology is not the problem. Fuel is the problem.

We've overcome this in the past by using gravitational slingshot methods. We use the gravitational forces of say, Jupiter, and use it to fling us in a particular direction, and in turn increase the speed of the spacecraft. It is very efficient, considering we can reach around 50,000 mph (i think) with such methods. The downside is that you have to wait until the planets align a certain way to make this work, not to mention be very VERY precise with your measurements. if anything goes wrong you're fucked.

>> No.3383913

>Flashlight Kinetic Force
>Flightlight Force
What the fuck am I reading.

>> No.3383916


I think it was a joke.