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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 29 KB, 460x276, Richard-Dawkins-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3380379 No.3380379 [Reply] [Original]

Alright so I love science the universe, all that good shit . But something about atheists just bugs me , especially guys like richard dawkins. They tend to be condescending and stubborn in my experiences. I acknowledge science but isn't science supposed to be a constantly progressing thing. For atheists to say "No, their is no god, their is just life and death." Hell i have no fucking idea if there is a god, or afterlife or whatever , there very well may not be... but to me its ignorant to be so definitive in saying there is not, we are the human race, a pretty pathetic species in a distant corner of the universe, I dont think we should be saying we "know" anything. We could be floating around on a speck of dust in someones living room in a multiverse for fucks sake. Agnosticism seems to be the logical way to go , its the cowards way out but fuck it right?

>> No.3380396

troll harder next time.

>> No.3380404


This truly is the worst website ever, its impossible to talk about anything without being accused of trolling, fucking a . Im a philosophy major , does that give me non troll credentials?

>> No.3380408


>> No.3380410

Richard Dawkins is a 15 year old high school atheist who never grew out of his douchebag phase.

Most atheists who are halfways reasonable, such as myself, maintain this form of atheism: I do not believe in god, and believe it's existence to be unlikely, but as a scientifically minded person I cannot objectively dismiss any higher power. If there is a god, it will likely be entirely unlike the one envisioned by religions. It is up to us to adjust our worldview as new evidence comes forward to challenge our beliefs. That is the way of science.

Dawkins is a pretty decent biologist- I loved his books about science, Climbing Mount Improbably, The Selfish Gene, etc. Now that he's tackling cosmology and physics and everything in between he's clearly out of his element.

>> No.3380416
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consider this:
any religion that exists or existed comes from man. there was never an omnipotent being contacting with the human race. now give me one good reason why should anyone even consider the existence of god? i prefer invisible pink unicorns on the dark side of the moon personally, why not talk about them instead?

>> No.3380422



>> No.3380427

>invisible pink

>> No.3380429
File: 30 KB, 221x267, 66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> philosophy major


10/10 if you said music major

>> No.3380440


>philosophy major

Confirmed for troll.

>> No.3380441


And this sounds like your typical butthurt christian who can't accept logical reasoning in place of an imaginary friend in the sky.

>> No.3380448
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This is all that really matters.

>> No.3380450
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>> No.3380452


>I do not believe in god
>And this sounds like your typical butthurt christian

Illiterate hypocritical atheist detected.

>> No.3380455


Prove to me there IS a god, and prove to me that it ISN'T just life and death.

>> No.3380461


Prove that there is an ultimate cause of existence without a Deity.

>> No.3380465


Don't try to answer the statement with another statement. Give me good logical reasoning. Preferably reasoning that a scientist and not philosopher can understand.

>> No.3380466

Typical philosophy major. Starts out all 'I'm apathetic really'. Turns out he's covering for his fucktarded beliefs.

>> No.3380473


Fact: We do not know if God exists or not. There is no certain evidence proving or disproving his existence.

Fact: We do scientifically know there is life and death. There is no evidence to support otherwise, or even a conscience that can exist outside the physical body.

>> No.3380488

Religious people want you to argue with their beliefs.

You must rub their faces in the problems their faith causes.

>> No.3380490



>> No.3380497

OP, I congratulate you for being less retarded than most of /sci/.

>> No.3380505

I have a feeling that when/if science discovers that the Universe doesn't need a creator for its existence, philosophers are just going to say "oh well the lack of need for the universe to have a creator for its existence is proof of a deity"

Religious arguments have been pushing the envelope of acceptance for centuries.

>> No.3380506


Consider this:

If a deity created the universe, what created the deity?

If the deity needs no creator, then why does the universe need a creator?

>> No.3380509


huuurr I have dawkins so edgy hurrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.3380512


hate no have

>> No.3380519

It's gods, all the way back

>> No.3380523

because the deity is not a created being?

because the universe was created in a different place than where the deity resides?

are you really this fucking stupid?

>> No.3380532


Still waiting for challenge to be reasonably explained with reasonable logic...

>> No.3380543


>because the deity is not a created being?
>because the universe was created in a different place than where the deity resides?

Making some ridiculous assumptions here. Are you really this fucking stupid?

>> No.3380544


>> No.3380556

The reason people like Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens are so aggressive towards religion is because they see events like the 9/11 bombings and female genital mutilation, and they see children growing up being taught not to question anything they learn.

They are radical humanists, and to them it is ethically wrong for these actions to proceed in the name of something like religion.

>> No.3380566

To say there is no god is just the colloquial of 'I have seen no good reason to believe in a god'.

And regarding the state of affairs outside the universe, before the big bang? We don't know. When you say you do know, you MUST SHOW YOUR WORK. And when you say you do know, and therefore people within the universe must conduct themselves in a certain way, you have far more work ahead of you. You must show how you know what is outside the universe, and how you know what it wants, and how you know what the consequences for not giving it what it wants would be.

Sciences answer to these questions is not 'no god', it is 'we don't know'. God is just one of the things it could or couldn't be, along with an unknown but infinite set of other things.

>> No.3380584


Here is the way I see it. Religious people take on the idea of God as a FACT, not a theory. Religion is at best a theory: it has yet to have any real evidence and has yet to be disprove. To take a theory as fact without evidence is ignorance and stupidity. There is just as much evidence for the existence of God as there is unicorns; a riveting story/fairy tale that seems very convincing to a person who takes it as fact.

>> No.3380598

Since most of the problems they have aren't with religion in general, but rather a certain specific religion...you know.

>> No.3380599


Or they are just people who do not consider religious ideology and religious superstitions to be especially immune from criticism.

If some guy started an atheist foundation that was dedicated to genital mutilation, they would be among the first to speak out against it. If some guy started a secular ideology that called for people to blow themselves up in a crowded marketplace, they would be among the first to speak out against it. If some guy started a group that believed there was no god, but also believed there were aliens visiting earth every day, they would be among the first to point out how ridiculous it is. But if you say god told you to do these things, or god is causing miracles in the world, you can get away with it a lot more. And why not? If religious leaders start to call into question your ability to know what god actually wants and what god actually does, their followers might start applying these questions to their own faith as well.

>> No.3380603

>the colloquial of 'I have seen no good reason to believe in a god'.
No it's not. There are lots of reasons you shouldn't believe in a thing. Would you believe a drunk that says he has "magical wound healing powder?"

>> No.3380614


>Religion is at best a theory: it has yet to have any real evidence and has yet to be disprove.

I'm sick of people not knowing what the word theory means.

>> No.3380634


Theory. Hypothetical. Whatever. I was trying to make the religious schizophrenics feel better about their beliefs. It still isn't a FACT. If that is what evacuates your blood-belching vagina, you missed the entire point.

>> No.3380641

Religion denies observable evidence to protect beliefs.


>> No.3380653

>I was trying to make the religious schizophrenics feel better about their beliefs.

Fucks sake, WHY?!

>> No.3380662

This is an example of a "bad idea".

Making people feel better is like telling a terminal cancer patient that they're getting better and can go for a brisk jog.

>> No.3380664


>the colloquial of 'I have seen no good reason to believe in a god'.
>No it's not There are lots of reasons you shouldn't believe in a thing

>no reason to believe
>lots of reasons you shouldn't believe


>> No.3380672


Because as a scientist, you can't rule out the fact that there isn't a God. It's funny how you can consider hyperdimensional string theory as plausible and not at the same time find the hypothetical existence of God plausible. And this is not to say "God" is even a deity. "God" can be some unknown force or energy that puts the universe in motion.

Schizophrenic because they talk to an imaginary entity that doesn't directly interact with them.

>> No.3380676


>thinks reducio ad absurdum arguments are logical

>> No.3380677

Reductio ad absurdum is fine if you refer to contradictions, rather than things which are unintuitive.

>> No.3380689


>Reductio ad absurdum

You all should take your latin logical argumentation harry potter spell-sounding bullshit to a different thread.

>> No.3380695


>hyperdimensional string theory

Assuming they know what "hyperdimensional string theory" is.
Assuming that if they knew what it was, they would still participate in discussions like this.
Assuming they arent uneducated children who lack normal empathy.

>> No.3380702

>Thinks beliefs that deny observable evidence are not reducio ad absurdum arguments.

>> No.3380708


>You all should take your latin logical argumentation harry potter spell-sounding bullshit to a different thread.

How about you leave /sci/ for being an uneducated illiterate disrespectful lazy thrash?

>> No.3380709


The point was that scientists can so easily take hypothetical explanations for the universe so lightly, and then take a militant stance against the same hypothetical argumentation toward the existence of God. Lack of proof is not disproving anything.

>> No.3380713

why is this thread still going when it ended here?

>> No.3380715

OP you are correct. now watch out for Dawkins teens who try to make up for this by claiming agnosticism doesnt exist or some other such nonsense that Dawkins taught them

>> No.3380721


Bunch of retards that think they have something to prove. Not even science. Typical /sci/ thread.

>> No.3380723

It probably has something to do with the way that religious people act. "You can't prove God does not exist." does not mean he exists. At that point, they act like they won the argument, when they need to now provide observable evidence, and they cannot.

>> No.3380724


U understand your remark.
However you are too assumptive about the amount of knowledge and empathy that children in this thread have.
You are overestimating them.

>> No.3380728

you are in no place to question someone's intelligence.

why do you assume that it is a god and only a god that can ever be a non created thing? We have no evidence to suggest whether the universe was created or not created. You are assuming 1 of these possibilities.

>> No.3380734


strictly speaking everyone is agnostic about everything

now, reasonably speaking you wouldn't be agnostic about the tooth fairy, so why the fuck would you be agnostic about vishnu, satan or jesus?

>> No.3380738


>Implying the argument can even be won at this point in human existence


True dat. Typical /sci/ thread. Full of people that don't understand the concept of science.

No longer an intellectual discussion. Adios.

>> No.3380743

exactly. it's people who cannot into science. This is the closest they will ever come.

>> No.3380753

Definitely not, /sci/ only like hard sciences unfortunately
On the off chance you aren't a troll (of which we have many in residence) Richard Dawkins, along with the vast majority of atheists, are agnostic/weak atheists. The position "agnostic" doesn't exist.

>> No.3380757

>Implying the argument can even be won at this point in human existence

It can, as long as you don't give up like the pathetic weak-ass faggot you are.

>> No.3380762

It's amazing how often theists grab for agnostics for support, then throw them away when they don't need them.

>> No.3380799

Why should anyone even consider a possibility for a god, when every religion failed to give the REAL creation story of evolution, natural selection and left out other fundamental things such as QM, relativity and the standard model. If your going to argue that science and natural world is proof of god, then what happened to intelligent design?, theists are running out of things to fall back on. The world can be explained without ever needing a god.
If your not arguing for a religious god, then can you even call it god at all?

Just like all scientists, we'll start believing as soon as there is ANY definitive evidence. Till that day we will continue to not believe in any of 1000's of random deity's that man happened to think up of.

One other thing, if there was a hypothetical god, would his entire purpose be to give morals to humans just to save them, even though they are one insignificant species on the universe? Sounds like a way to control the uneducated masses, and it looks like it's working.

>> No.3380810


>shut up
watch this...

>> No.3380811

you could make the same arguement about thiests. Being athiests doesn't mean you're all about science and math and the universe, it means you don't believe there is a God. You're pretty much saying that noone should believe anything and act like you, implying that you hate diversity and niggers. you sick racist fuck.

>> No.3380816

>Why should anyone even consider a possibility for a god, when every religion failed to give the REAL creation story of evolution, natural selection and left out other fundamental things such as QM, relativity and the standard model

Science is for this world. Religion is for the next.

>The world can be explained without ever needing a god


>> No.3380848

>Religion is for the next.

[Observable evidence required.]

>> No.3380861

Read the Bible, toots. Religion is not meant to work in the same areas as science. It's supposed to teach you to not be a dick.

>> No.3380874

If you want to teach morals?, great, but once you start preaching creation stories with no evidence, fuck off.

>> No.3380875

That is not proof, you shit -fucking hillbilly chuckle-fuck, and when I say that, I mean it in the nicest possible way.

>> No.3380877

Truth is inscrutable.

>> No.3380895

>If you want to teach morals?

Shitty fucking morals. "Sorry Billy, but because the minister raped you, we have to kick you out of the community to protect our chances of going to heaven. Your heretical bleeding asshole denies our faith."

>> No.3380908


>> No.3380915

I'm not the guy claiming the Earth is 10,000 years old.

>> No.3380916

It would be if rapist priests and ministers were arrested as often as rapist teachers.

>> No.3380924

They have. In fact more so because the MSM (all far left atheists) won't attack teachers.

One of the really sorry things about atheists is how they rant and rave about molester priests, but don't even have the comfort of knowing that they'll face divine retribution.

>> No.3380951

Oh, that is total BULLSHIT! Blaming the MEDIA?!

Fuuuuuck you, and fuck off. I don't even watch the news, I dig through crime reports.

You're a goddamn television worshiping faggot.

>> No.3380952
File: 809 KB, 1000x1000, 1310420269048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what really pisses me off? People who tell their kids that Santa Claus isn't real.

They have no way to know whether or not Santa is real. He's magic, after all. Good parents would tell their kids that Santa MIGHT not be real.

>> No.3380964
File: 54 KB, 411x500, 227078_10150176251668547_30649973546_7089862_3310309_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3380976

The cause/correlation problem is there, but there's far too much Missing White Girl syndrome in both policework and media coverage for it just to be a coincidence that certain people get a lot more attention than others.

>> No.3380984
File: 4 KB, 112x124, 633reaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really... we've had 6billion people on Earth for 3 billion years?

>once you drink water, the matter is destroyed! lol

>> No.3380989

This is my favorite new troll picture simply because, among many of the other problems with it, the author was still blinded by their religion, as it assumes humans have been around since the beginning of the earth.
It is also my favorite, because someones response was, "EXPLODING BLADDERS EVERYWHERE!!"

>> No.3381005

Yes, and since as I said the MSM are mostly left wing and anti Christian...you get the picture.

>> No.3381023

Everything that isn't completely Christian is "anti-Christian".

>> No.3381031

Yeah, no. Lots of things are completely neutral.

>> No.3381042

...until they attack anything remotely Christian, then they're anti-Christian and biased to hell.

>> No.3381047


>> No.3381056

>implying I'm wrong

>implying that your beliefs are proof enough, and that's good enough for you.

>> No.3381059

Well, they sure don't attack Muslims. Only Christians and Orthodox Jews.

>> No.3381062

No, the problem is you watch television and consider it a credible source.

>> No.3381123

>They tend to be condescending and stubborn in my experiences
I know, why can't athiests be more "open minded" like christians?


>> No.3381135


>Doing it wrong.


>> No.3381136
File: 133 KB, 246x249, 1308788147439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believe religion teaches people to not be a dick
I seriously hope you don't do this

>> No.3381145 [DELETED] 

Oh, sorry. I didn't know you were baiting.

>> No.3381144

yeah, I used quotes for a reason, your video is an old favorite of mine.

>> No.3381149


Sorry. I didn't know you were baiting.

>> No.3381156

Matthew 7:1

In my experience, atheists tend to be the most judgemental dicks anywhere,

>> No.3381162

>>The world can be explained without ever needing a god

citation: All of science. Have you ever heard of any scientific literature explaining any natural phenomenon by invoking Thor? I mean, God?

>> No.3381166 [DELETED] 


at least it tries

>> No.3381173


>> No.3381174

>Matthew 7:1

They might cover it, but they don't emphasize that. It's counter-productive.

>> No.3381189

That's organized religion. You don't need to belong to a church.

>> No.3381192

That's like a handicapped person that tries at the Special Olympics.

>> No.3381196

dated an atheist, shit was not cash. Most of them are dicks like you say, and the sad fact is people need the fear of consequences to act like a decent human being. The whole world can't be populated with "virtue for virtue's sake" Marcus Aurelius types.

P.S. did you have a question or comment about science or math?

>> No.3381199

Not seeing your point.

>> No.3381214


>shit was not cash.

Listen, if you date ANYONE that "shit was not cash" can describe, it is because -YOU- are a poor judge of character. Don't blame any beliefs or religions for that.

>> No.3381215

Take away the police for a day and see how many people don't loot and rape because it's wrong as opposed to because they'd go to jail.

>> No.3381235

>Prove to me there IS a god

You cant say that. You have to prove to ME that there isnt a god. Why are you so fucking self-righteous, atheists?

Im not making a claim. You are making a claim that god doesn't exist. Prove it.

>> No.3381261

It's not "self righteous" to demand observable evidence when you are abusing the scientific method for arguments.

>> No.3381267

>basing your morality on fear of consequences to self
I seriously hope you don't do this

>> No.3381268
File: 13 KB, 345x309, 1309225156453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.3381269

You are the one demanding the evidence though.
The burden is on you.

>> No.3381286

No, you are the one that argues against science, using science.

You now must provide observable evidence. This is necessary, otherwise you are merely giving conjuncture.

>> No.3381302

No, you are using a conjecture by using science.

>> No.3381308

[citation needed]

>> No.3381310

You are fucking retarded. I am not even going to point out the gaping hole in your argument.

>> No.3381322

Whoa, settle down Archangel Michael! At least at church I can get a sip of wine with my scathing condemnation of character from a stranger.

>> No.3381330


Science is a philosophy.
Ask anyone who is remotely important.

In science you have to accept the facts that things exist and that our universe is relevant to anything. This fact alone instantly disqualifies science of all credibility and by accepting it you are working off an axiom and you have no rights to make any claims at all until you get past this.

Atheists - losing since 10,000 BC

>> No.3381332

Well, if there's no God, no afterlife, and no soul, then what reason is there to behave yourselves other than avoiding punishment?

>> No.3381337

also, I forgot to put "some people" as in "some people need a fear of consequences to be decent etc."

>> No.3381346


>implying morality isnt about avoiding actions that would consequentially harm oneself and his community(that prevents harm to its members)
>implying one cannot choose to help himself by harming the community that wouldnt consequentially harm him/her
>implying morality is the same as altruism

You are an idiot.

>> No.3381347

>In science you have to accept the facts that things exist and that our universe is relevant to anything. This fact alone instantly disqualifies science of all credibility and by accepting it you are working off an axiom and you have no rights to make any claims at all until you get past this.

To get past "this" we have to accept things don't exist and the universe isn't relevant? Why did I type up such a stupid remark. Being the only mind in the universe is hectic.

>> No.3381351

Getting punished by the people around you who are tired of [insert fucked-up behavior here].

>> No.3381356

>not basing your actions on your desire to minimize suffering
I seriously hope you don't do this

>> No.3381361

>implying suffering really exists if we're molecules with no soul

>> No.3381368

No, I said in order to make claims using science you have to accept the fact that objects exist and the fact that what we observe in our universe is even relevant to anything.

>> No.3381376

If you're using the lack of punishment to defend your actions, I'd like you to live with "Bubba", the "I'll fuck anything in my prison cell" guy for 10-15 years.

>> No.3381382
File: 13 KB, 250x250, 1310076966943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing that theism is equal in weight to athiesm
I seriously hope you don't do this

>> No.3381385
File: 60 KB, 445x445, 1310077458855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>think suffering depends on a soul
I seriously hope you don't do this

>> No.3381387

Theism is more respectable than theism. I appreciate someone who has hope for something more than someone who is basically a nihilist(atheist) and just wants to die and not exist for eternity.

>> No.3381394

>Theism is more respectable than theism

>> No.3381417

reading comprehension fail.
In case you missed it, I only said I seriously hope you don't do that.

>> No.3381419

Richard Dawkins is rightfully condescending to theists; he is better than him. Progressing involves people giving up stupid beliefs like theism. No doubt, we should respect each others opinion but he is the right one out of the group.

>> No.3381426

>Progressing involves people giving up stupid beliefs like science.

Fixed your post.

Science is the most flawed system every made.

>> No.3381428

If we're just molecules, it doesn't really exist and we just imagine it to be so.

>> No.3381431
File: 67 KB, 250x250, 1310077280981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believe hope in fairy tales is more respectable than cool analysis of the natural universe
I seriously hope you don't do this

>> No.3381438

Agnosticfag here. Just sitting and laughing at you idiots using every logical fallacy in the book.

>> No.3381447

>cool universe

You mean the unforgiving destruction machine that creates beings that can feel for the sole purpose of suffering?

That universe?

>> No.3381450
File: 68 KB, 894x700, 1307954882049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am tired of this shit, so this is where it ends!
YES we CAN'T prove that god exist or not.... BUT
there is none evidence to support its existence we say that he (she/it/whatever) don't exist, same way that we say that unicorns does not exist, simple as that

>> No.3381456

No evidence != not exist

>> No.3381458
File: 10 KB, 257x196, 1310456669996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. You really have this massive projection thing going on.

>> No.3381464

Our knowledge is hard-won on the backs of generations before us who spent their lives learning, testing, and verifying what other people take for granted. We have evidence, and that evidence informs our understanding. That is what it means to know, as opposed to believe or have faith.
There is no reason to believe that an afterlife or a god exists. Those who claim to "know" do so without evidence (belief) or in spite of evidence to the contrary (faith). They make many claims about how their god acts, works, and influences the world, but we know that no such god can even trivially affect even a stray electron, which will continue in its calculated path under the guidance of the laws of physics invariably, instead of swerving off in a new and miraculous direction. This is what it means to know. This is the opposite of ignorance.

>> No.3381466

>Crystal magic mage talking

>> No.3381471
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>believes in suffering
Obviously, you haven't been reading this guy >>3381428

>> No.3381476

It could exist on another planet somewhere.

>> No.3381485

Prove it.

>> No.3381488

suffering and such things depends on one ability to feel qualia

>> No.3381495

This is why atheists are retarded. Read what you are saying.

There is no reason to use science either.

"derp I can observe it"

What difference does it make if you can observe it or you can think about it. You can call it fairy tales. But you cant logically value one form over another. You fall under way to many axioms.

If you are not agnostic on absolutely everything then your doing it wrong.

>> No.3381513


>> No.3381514 [DELETED] 

>...adjusts it's views based on what's observed.

>...denies observation so beliefs preserved.

>> No.3381516

>...adjusts its views based on what's observed.

>...denies observation so beliefs preserved.

>> No.3381517


you can be both agnostic and atheist, dipshit, learn definitions.

>> No.3381529

>implying religion has remained static throughout history

>> No.3381530

Uncertain. Try again.

>> No.3381538

>implying all religions are equal.

>> No.3381543

also philosophers don't get a say on the nature of the physical. whether there is a god is directly related to the physical. making god outside the physical is a theistic trick, when actually he is fundamentally part of the physical, aka outside the subjective brain, if he was outside of the physical he is impossible to know so he can fuck right off. (philosophers claiming that there is nothing but the subjective can die in a fire),

>> No.3381545

Atheists typically claim they are

>> No.3381556


Pick one.

>> No.3381560

Beliefs can't lead to universal truths, and truth is inscrutable.

>> No.3381565

>if he was outside of the physical he is impossible to know so he can fuck right off


>> No.3381567

>implying x 9001

>> No.3381577 [DELETED] 

>Beliefs can't lead to universal truths

If I want them to they can. I can value beliefs more than science. You cant say that science is a better system. Thats a mass appeal fallacy.

>> No.3381576

Every influential athiest of our generation has commented on this inane distinction between agnosticism and athiesm. Personally, I've always thought about it like so:
I'm not an athiest because I deny the possibility of a god or gods. I'm an athiest because for any particular god that's ever been presented, I've declined to believe because of a coinciding complete lack of evidence for it.

>> No.3381579


>In case you missed it, I only said I seriously hope you don't do that

Everyone does it.
I cannot believe how idiotic you are.
And how ironic that you accuse me of "reading comprehension" failure when you are exactly the one that misread it.

And you still believe that Altruism is the same as Morality.

Kill yourself.

>> No.3381587

>I've declined to believe because of a coinciding complete lack of evidence for it.

The burden is on you. You are requiring evidence. You are falling under tons of axioms and using a prebuilt human system called science due to the mass appeal and benefits of it. You have no right to not believe in god.

>> No.3381592


all mainstream credible philosophers are atheist.

>> No.3381594

> There is no reason to use science either.
Yes there is.

>> No.3381598

You have no right to believe that crack cocaine is bad for you.

>> No.3381602

>implying any real philosophers have existed in the last 50 years

>> No.3381604

>You have no right to not believe in god.


>> No.3381608

Nice ad hominem
insulting my way of thinking

>> No.3381612

Jesus loves the little zygotes
all the zygotes of the world.
Jesus loves them until they're born
then abandons them forlorn.
Jesus loves the little zygotes 'til they're born.

Jesus loves the little children
all the children of the world.
Jesus gives them heart defects
measles, mumps, and ringwormed necks.
Jesus loves the little children of the world.

Jesus lets their parents beat them,
bruise their bodies black and blue.
Jesus gives them birth defects,
scurvy, ticks, and palette clefts.
Jesus loves the little children of the world.

Jesus gives the children cancer.
Earaches, lice, and scabies too.
Bowel obstructions, altered lips,
blighted brains and twisted hips.
Extra chromosomes to help them when they pray.


Jesus gives the children acne.
AIDS and leprosy galore.
Germs and worms of every kind.
Things to make the children blind.
But he cannot give them smallpox anymore.

Scientists and unbelievers
wiped the pox right off the earth.
Jesus still gives gifts to kids,
broken nose and burnt eyelids.
But he cannot give them smallpox anymore.

>> No.3381613


>all mainstream credible philosophers are atheist.

[Citation Needed]

>> No.3381617

Its not that you dont have the right to not believe in god.

Its more like, it doesnt make sense to not believe in god.

It makes absolutely no sense and you atheists flaunt your cocks all day about how smart you are.

>> No.3381619


moot point, do some beyond good and evil, become an ubermensch, be happy.

>> No.3381621

An eye for an eye.

>> No.3381622

atheism is just agnosticism that finally realized the question isn't important.

>> No.3381627


>> No.3381628


i'm circular logicing, >sensical to be atheist, >philosopher who theisizes has to be nonsensical therefore of dubious credibility
>all credible philosophers are atheist

my little joke

>> No.3381631

>atheism is just agnosticism that finally realized the question isn't important.

HAHAHA you mixed it around.

>> No.3381655

See this scum. You make little jokes about the intelligence of another person. You are a self-righteous faggot. Atheists suck.

>> No.3381661


calm down dear, it's only an advert.

>> No.3381667

nope, atheists are pure scum

why do you think all of 4chan are atheists?

>> No.3381675


Delicious irony.

>> No.3381677

...including you.

>> No.3381689


im not an atheist...

why do you think every single neckbeard is an atheist and all the healthy well rounded individuals are theist? Its because they hate life. Thats the only reason anyone would be an atheist

>> No.3381701

They hate God because they blame him for the crummy life they have to live.

>> No.3381702

>im not an atheist...

Yes you are, you're on 4chan.

>> No.3381704

If there is no evidence that supports the existence of a god, why entertain the possibility of one existing? Might as well say gods don't exist.

>> No.3381714

God is a baby-boomer?



>> No.3381719

>why entertain the possibility of one existing?
Because I dont want to rot in dirt for eternity

>> No.3381722

>implying all atheists believe that

>> No.3381726


>atheists are pure scum
> all of 4chan are atheists

>im not an atheist...

According to yourself, yes you are.
You idiocy is hilarious.
Continue to flaunt it and entertain us.

>> No.3381728

What atheist believes in an afterlife?

>> No.3381737

Aren't most eastern religions atheistic?

>> No.3381740


>> No.3381741


but you will or at least your body why lie to yourself (im talking about myself here) its like believing in unicorns and the tooth fairy because it will make you happier, but whatever to each his own

>> No.3381742


>If there is no evidence that supports the existence of a god, why entertain the possibility of one existing?

Why do you believe in Mathematics and Logic when you dont have evidence for their axioms?

>Might as well say gods don't exist.

May as well end using Mathematics and Logic...

>> No.3381748

Well ya but none of you are reincarnationists. Just nihilistic atheists here.
>its like believing in unicorns and the tooth fairy because it will make you happier

Thats not how I see it AT ALL. Im talking about the actual reason or creator of the universe. Im not talking about my imagination.

>> No.3381749

Don't worry about that. Your corpse will be consumed by bacteria and worms and all sorts of other living things which will then be consumed by other living things and so on and so forth. In a few thousand years, your matter will actually be spread all over the globe, even possibly being part of another human being.

>> No.3381752

>Why do you believe in


>> No.3381756

>Just nihilistic atheists here.


>> No.3381758

Someone who understands

>> No.3381759

>Why do you believe in
>Why do you believe in
>Why do you believe in
>Why do you believe in
>Why do you believe in
>Why do you believe in
>Why do you believe in

Wups, your argument is broken, and your brain is ajar.

>> No.3381762

Meant to reply to >>3381719