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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 111 KB, 789x680, intelligence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3378516 No.3378516 [Reply] [Original]

It bothers me. It really fucking bothers me that stupid people are so successful at social and romantic relationships, yet intelligent folk like us barely get a chance at one. I've literally punched out a mirror over shit like this, it's just such bullshit that idiots are given a free ride in society while those who deserve it are just simply shunned and neglected. It's just fucked up man, fucking fucked up.

>> No.3378521

because stupid people like stupid people, and stupid people are slags. intelligent people fancy intelligent people, and they are less easy to seduce.

>> No.3378525

also, intelligent are less common than stupid people

>> No.3378527

I like how you immediately assume that all intelligent people suck at social and romantic relationships.
Reporting in with the holy trinity: physical, mental and emotional.
Suck on my balls, you aspie faggots.

>> No.3378528

Money is the ultimate aphrodisiac.

>> No.3378530

It's probably because you look and smell like shit and haven't ever made an effort to be social.
You're attitude is fucking terrible 'HURR DURR I'M SO INTELLIGENT, WHY DO PEOPLE HATE ME?!'

>> No.3378531

Having social difficulties doesn't turn you instantly into an intelligent person, you know. The same way being intelligent doesn't mean to be necessarily a person with problems to socialize.

>> No.3378534

<implying anyone here is intelligent

>> No.3378538

1) You are not as intelligent as you think you are.


2) Intelligence is not the only think women are attracted to, and you are lacking in other aspects.


3) You haven't actually tried to be not single.


4) You are in high school, where the nerdy kid doesn't get any respect.

>> No.3378539

>>The same way being intelligent doesn't mean to be necessarily a person with problems to socialize.

there is some slight degree of correlation though

>> No.3378541

>while those who deserve it
Well, there's your problem, you entitled bitch.

>> No.3378544

It saddens me a little whenever I see a reclusive, socially inept nerd realize that, contrary to what his parents told him, intelligence will only get you so far.
Should have spent some time in high school working on your social skills. Oh well, sucks to be you.

>> No.3378550

Not OP, but yes my parents and teachers did tell me that grades and intelligence matter in getting a job or career, and never said anything about work experience and reputation. NOT. A. THING.

>> No.3378555

really? cause the valedvictorian and salutatorian of my class happen to be the most popular kids in my school too. year round sports and all that pop-social stuff

>> No.3378562

Because women are attracted to intelligence.

>> No.3378564
File: 141 KB, 501x640, 1234937850703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you like it if your gf was 10 times smarter than you and made you feel like a fucking idiot all the time? NO.

>> No.3378582

>thinks he is intelligent because he memorized a couple math formulas
>cant figure out a real world application of intelligence such as acquiring a mate and reproducing

>> No.3378586

what is intelligence? How do you measure it? What kind of women are you trying to attract? are you a fucking slob? Do you have a shitty personality? You're "smart" i assume, fucking calculate the variables.

>> No.3378589

Haha i feel you OP. Intelligent people have a high standard deviation, they're less common and thus you're less likely to find one that you're compatible with. Women are attracted to intelligence, among other things that you probably don't possess. Try to improve your social skills, and maybe you'll have a little more luck. But don't be jealous of people consumed by ignorance and stupidity, they're to be pitied. Take comfort in the fact that you will possess more intelligence and knowledge than they ever will.

>> No.3378590 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 408x361, reactionface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real world application of intelligence such as acquiring a mate and reproducing
>mfw animals do it all the time
>mfw that obviously proves it's unrelated to intelligence

>> No.3378593
File: 53 KB, 640x512, facepalm2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying there are all smart dudes here

the answer is: NO

>> No.3378594

pretty much this, if you were so god dang intelligent you wouldve figured out how to get women by now...its definitely nowhere near as hard as my graduate level topology courses anyway

>> No.3378595

Intelligent + fun = nerd
Intelligent + attractive = douchebag
Intelligent + fun + attractive = gay

You'll never win.

>> No.3378603

People often (but not always) look for people similar in intelligence, wealth, social status and some other shit. Being smarter or richer than your partner would be annoying, being dumber or poorer would make you feel inadequate. If someone likes you they're probably not much dumber or smarter than yourself.

>> No.3378625
File: 323 KB, 453x574, awesomescape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a question.
Why do you think you're intelligent?
Just because there are stupid-er people it doesn't mean you're a remarably intelligent guy.

If you needed to create this thread seriously, and not just because you felt like whinning or trolling, then you're probably a regular guy or less.

>> No.3378635

also, sorry, English is not my main language.

>> No.3378636

>Be single
>Don't give a fuck

I can't empathize with you OP.

Seems like pointless shit to care about, traditional relationships are devoid of meaning, pleasure and are too subject to failure in the modern culture anyways.

Leave behind tradition and embrace the freedom of being alone.

>> No.3378698

PROTIP: Intelligence gets you nowhere. You have to actually use it and do something.

>> No.3378734
File: 56 KB, 245x271, 1278368911528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I won academic awards all my life. Three in high school, and a few at university (dean's list, math prizes etc..).

I also have my masters and a girlfriend (2 years now). I know how you guys feel though. It took me until about 22 before I pushed myself into talking to women. What worked for me was just being less of a pussey and going out to parties etc.. I hated it, and still do, but I'm glad I did it.

I also became /fit/ about 2 years ago, that helped as well. I shit you not though /sci/ I know how you feel. I was a virgin weakfag for a long fucking time.

>> No.3378761

I noticed idiots like OP when I started my math degree. They think intelligence and being successful at social and romantic relationships are mutually exclusive.

>> No.3378765

[1] Pulling your weight socially is about letting yourself assimilate into your environment. Patience, temperament, and comfort. Yes, we're all intelligent in our system of private logic. We all know what's best for us. We know when we are right and it kills us for someone to think we're wrong. Sometimes the urge to point out when someone is wrong is just too difficult to resist, but you must resist this urge sometimes. Not all the time. But sometimes. If you're the type of person who likes to argue, then you must resist it even more. If someone says something that sounds a little off to you, or you've read the real science behind it before, let them have their moment. Sit and listen, nod attentively, and pretend to be seriously interested. Ask questions you already know the answer to and see how they respond. You can laugh internally at their foolishness if you life. Feel fascinated as though you've never in your life heard what they've said a million times before. Assimilate. Let their train of thought take them to their destination. If you assimilate and give them their "thought freedom", you will be rewarded socially. They will turn to acceptance of you as someone who seems genuinely interested in what they have to say. When they ask for your opinion or it'd an ideal time to chime, say your piece. Start conversations with a common base with people. Don't go obscure right off unless your personality calls for it.

>> No.3378766

[2] YOU are intelligent. They are not. Let them think they are. Assimilate with them. They don't spend every waking second contemplating the nature of reality. They live simple lives with simple purposes. They have other concerns. A lot of what they believe is hear-say. Let them be this way! You're not engaging in scientific debate here. You're being social. Social IQ is relatively low. You don't have to try hard. Dumb yourself down. Put on some mental filters. Play the game. Assimilate. Leave the science to private logic. In in order to the fill the societal gap, you must become like a drone. Fit the pattern, fill the shoes, assimilate. Say what people want to hear. It's self-insulting, demeaning, and sad, but it's the truth. If you want to play the social game, you have to use the rules. If you don't, then don't. Some people are happy alone and hate the social game. That's perfectly fine, too.

>> No.3378767

>What worked for me was just being less of a pussey and going out to parties etc.. I hated it, and still do, but I'm glad I did it.

So you basically became what you hated? I can't see I envy you.

>> No.3378772

You wish you could think like this, dude. In fact, you're bitter and alone. Sucks for you.

>> No.3378776


How old are you? You appear to lack a kind of intellectual maturity.

>> No.3378786

I'm 24.

>> No.3378793

Listen to >>3378589, having higher standards means you'll be less likely to grow weary of each other (at least I would think). Read http://www.reprap.org/wiki/EndOfIntellectualProperty, disregarding the IP bullshit in the second half, it says women are generally more attracted to less practical displays of intelligence. Also, consider taking >>3378636 's advice, you don't need to be in a romantic relationship to be happy.

>> No.3378797

>>3378793 = >>3378589 = >>3378636
Too easy.

>> No.3378798


Do you still live at home? Do you work? Do you cook? Answer me honestly please because I'm not juding you.

>> No.3378803



>> No.3378804

I live at home, I don't work because I'm in university, I cook.

>> No.3378816

>Still marking arbitrary posts as samefag for anon cred.

I hope you guys seriously don't do this.

>> No.3378825

>Still using the same stupid phrases you always have.

I hope you guys seriously don't do this.

>> No.3378834

Be aloof.

I shagged a bunch of rotten, ugly girls when I was younger. After I cleaned myself up, finally got to university I had a series of long, stable relationships that really just fell into place.

The key is simply not caring. They'll come flocking if you do that. Just get on with your own life and if you really are desperate just contact a friend who has a long term girlfriend with pretty friends and ask if you can be introduced. Once a woman realises you care about her she'll just play it how she wants.

>> No.3378840

9 months is not a long-term relationship.

A series of long-term relationships would make you about 70 years old.

>> No.3378844
File: 83 KB, 600x480, 1279901746633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You already know what you have to do to be less of a neckbeard virgin. You know that you have to talk to more people; you know that you have to move out and get a job (you can do this and study, because I managed it at your age). You know also that you could work out a little and become more confident physically. You know that you could do speed dating or visit RSVP and talk to girls online or at university, at tutes, or in lectures.

You know exactly what you need to do in order to get what you want; the problem is you don’t have the motivation to do it. You would rather sit on 4chan and talk to other like-minded retards for comfort. Listen to me man because I was you (and I really mean this). You can keep doing this shit indefinitely, since there will always be a 4chan around, or you can just fucking try to change things around and challenge yourself in small ways i.e. start a diet, start to exercise etc.. Do something that doesn’t involve uni or uni work in general.

>> No.3378849

> be aloof
i was criminally negligent to some girl out of laziness once. won't be doing it again intentionally because that's for assholes, but it definitely works.

>> No.3378855


I'm 29. Since I started university 5 years ago I've had 2 relationships.

First one lasted for 3 years and I'm currently in the second one. I really don't know why that's so unreasonable.

>> No.3378858
File: 20 KB, 291x364, hurrdurr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

define intelligence

>> No.3378860


3 year relationship? Shit man how did it end? I almost killed myself after a year relationship ended.

>> No.3378862

The set of all things that exist that are not you.

>> No.3378863


I got her pregnant. No shit.

She had to drop out of university because she was planning on keeping it, but then she just got an abortion. Now she has to re do her Masters.

>> No.3378865
File: 234 KB, 704x739, 1277481680234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you say brah.

>> No.3378868

>>3378825 = >>3378797

Too easy.

>> No.3378870

>move out and get a job

This is your cultural prejudice speaking. Where I'm from people live with their parents until they marry or have to go to a different town to study / work, if you are living on your own in your hometown people start assuming you have something to hide. And, no, it's impossible to work during university if you actually want to graduate on time. We have lectures or las from 9 to 18 for 5 days a week.

And I think you missed my original point (probably due to what I now notice is horrible spelling on my part, since I wrote see instead of say). You stated yourself that you hate going to parties, yet you force yourself to do it. Nobody in their right mind would envy someone for doing what they hate.

>> No.3378872

As though I was trying to be deceptive. This one is me, too. Fucking dolt.

>> No.3378875


3 year relationship and you ended it because she got pregnant? I assume she wanted to keep it and you didn't etc..?

I know your feel though man. I still secretly celebrate when my gf gets her period.

>> No.3378876

not who you're talking to but stop making fucking excuses

>> No.3378881


No, you're clearly someone else.

>> No.3378883
File: 73 KB, 700x468, 1301294048192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>supporting IP
>posting on an image board which is constantly posting images that violate copyrights

>> No.3378884

Guilty. Damn, you're good.

>> No.3378898


No I think you missed my original point. I said you already know what you need to do in order to get what you want. What is at issue is motivation and balls; you don't have them, but you can work on it.

>Nobody in their right mind would envy someone for doing what they hate.

Short term pain for long term happiness. I don't see the problem. I just spent the last 3 hours cuddling my girlfriend and laughing about the stupid shit that happend today. Do you really think any of that ''broken my principles crap matters to me now?

If you want shit in life worth having then you need to be prepared to suffer pain. That is just how it goes mate.

>> No.3378902
File: 110 KB, 600x500, 1309139725554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not who you were responding to but 'refusing to jump through hoops' isn't what one would call an 'excuse'.

>> No.3378908
File: 26 KB, 500x500, 1280327343984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>If you want shit in life worth having then you need to be prepared to suffer pain.

>> No.3378910

Not who you were responding to but

>the last 3 hours cuddling my girlfriend
>worth having
>wasting 3 hours that could have been spent on something enjoyable
>worth having

Sounds like someone has stockholmes.

>> No.3378911

I'm not supporting IP, I'm just saying the arguments presented in that paper seemed unneeded and somewhat counter-productive. Though I guess you should read that so you can go and nab all the chicks with your mad 3D printing skills.

>> No.3378913

>in order to get what you want

What I want? What I want is not having to bend over and compromise on things. If I have to choose between a woman and being able to look at myself in the mirror in the morning without spitting at it, I'll choose the latter.

>> No.3378915

>article about the end of IP
>disregarding the IP bullshit in the second half
>I'm not supporting IP

Yea okay...

>> No.3378920
File: 11 KB, 441x408, 1263208299688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sounds like someone is a virgin and/or has never known the intimate touch of a women who actually loves you.

Have fun with that bro. I have better shit to do, best of luck to you though OP.

>> No.3378921


Nice life philosophy mate. It is a perfect formula for never having to change, and never having to challenge yourself.

>> No.3378924

Stop being such a bitch.

>> No.3378926

Fuck it OP, I know that feel.

However, I absolutely refuse to become what I hate. Like many others have said, just disregard bitches and focus on what you like, somehow this will attract them.

>> No.3378935

my guess is that it is harder to socialize in this individualized cultural-economic complex than in any previous one.

>> No.3378941
File: 91 KB, 640x427, 1264742000982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to insult someone
>confess that you think love is real

>> No.3378951

even an idiot would recognize that, an idiot that's been with another woman. Love is a functional intertwining of sex and companionship, saying it doesn't exist is equal to saying God exists - clearly moronic and wrong.

>> No.3378968


I know this feel so hard.

>> No.3378975
File: 55 KB, 426x583, 1296864731313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>allowing a fleeting emotion to cloud your rational perception of the world

Have fun with that.

>> No.3378979

girls like intelligence but you gotta treat them like a queen to win them over

>> No.3378982

That's a ticket to the friend-zone, I'm afraid.

>> No.3378984

This is the most pathetic thing I've ever read on 4chan

>> No.3378985

Holy fuck that was awesome. LMAO

>> No.3378986
File: 32 KB, 291x308, areyoufuckingkiddingme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being intelligent
>not using your intelligence and logic to gain charms through trial and error

where did your intelligence go /sci/

>> No.3379005

>trial and error
>in relationships

Yup, sure that's smart! Because the moment you screw up the bitch won't be telling everyone and their parents what kind of a douche you are, and turn you into a pariah.

>> No.3379010
File: 29 KB, 261x400, secretary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woman do like intelligent men. But typically only those that can reveal it through charisma, articulation, sarcastic nuance, astute observation, and general overall wit and charm.

This leaves out asspies and oddly enough allows pseudo-intellectual hipsters to bullshit their way into a woman's pants.

Sorry /sci/, /lit/ gets laid more than you.

>> No.3379015
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>> No.3379030

maybe you shouldnt screw up and be a douche then

or just not give a fuck about what some cunt and her family thinks about you when you do screw up and she dumps you over trivial bs

>> No.3379034

Intelligence is important, but so is attractiveness, sense of humor, optimism, and kindness.
People like happy people. You're probably just aspie or hideously deformed if you can't get a girlfriend. Nobody likes a quiet nerd. Talk to people. laugh at their jokes, and make some jokes.

>> No.3379068

dont live in a town the size of my house then, you giant lard-ridden faggot.
you talk to girls, mess up, and dont whatever you messed up with again. fuck.
the scientific method can be applied to women. just dont pigeonhole them into the same hypotheses all the damn time because [spoiler] some women are different [thisdoesntwork].

OP. man up. if youre young, find a non lib-arts uni and hang out there til you meet a gal. get a job nearby so she doesnt think youre a creeper. and just chill with her for a while. it's so damn easy.

>> No.3379071

>maybe you shouldnt screw up
>trial and error

Also, you seem to be unaware that "everyone and their parents" is not meant to be literal.

>> No.3379072

being smart doesn't stop you from getting laid. being awkward as fuck and overthinking stuff makes you be alone.

All things being equal, if one guy is smarter than the other he'll get the girl.

>> No.3379089

>All things being equal
Whoa. Hold on, buddy. That's one hell of an assumption.

>> No.3379112

OP Confirmed for being a spergin virgin

>> No.3379122

If you're unable to get a woman I guess that means you're not that intelligent huh?

>> No.3379133

That seems to be /sci/'s current position on the matter.

>> No.3379136

I hide my intelligence when to talking to most people, including women. generally, only revealing myself as only slightly more intelligent then whoever im talking to. although, on the rare occasion im outmatched I normally just keep my mouth shut and try to learn as much as possible.

>> No.3379164

oh I forgot, with authority figures such as cops I always act slightly dumber then them. Which basically as dumb as I can possibly act, but remember it is an act-- never incriminate yourself.

>> No.3379166

>I derp, publicly

>> No.3379198

Because a lot of intelligent people can be incredibly arrogant, which isn't attractive to anyone. Plus, women are more attracted to power than intelligence.

>> No.3379226


just cause you're intelligent at star trek trivia and engineering doesn't mean you have any social intelligence

get over it, stupid people might be stupid at star trek trivia OP, but they might be very socially aware...

deal with it, either learn their methods or get out

>> No.3379340

Power and a thick 9 inch python

>> No.3379900


>> No.3380161


>> No.3380183
File: 37 KB, 814x500, ohcomeonnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for fuck's sake /sci/, stop replying to this shit

>> No.3380202


You are assuming that only one intelligence exists.

However as is presently known there are seven intellect divisions.


Conclusion: You are an idiot.

>> No.3380208

>pseudoscience with arbitrary categories
no u

>> No.3380211


Wasn't there a guy that said there were eight?
all 7 you listed, but also Natural. (ie, intelligent when it comes to nature/how to interact with animals/care for plants without being retarded)

>> No.3380216


>psychology = pseudoscience

Here we go...
*grabs some popcorn*

>> No.3380217


>pseudoscience with arbitrary categories

[Citation Needed]

>> No.3380220

because intelligence is less important than strength

>> No.3380221

Hay, OP.
You're not actually that smart. You're mediocre at best.
Also, go punch a wall or door like a real man, pussy.

>> No.3380222


>> No.3380224

[Lack of faggotry needed]

>> No.3380238


>Wasn't there a guy that said there were eight?

Havent encountered that yet.
Can you reminisce the name of that individual or his seminar/work in which he expressed that?

>all 7 you listed, but also Natural. (ie, intelligent when it comes to nature/how to interact with animals/care for plants without being retarded)

You could combine the previous 7 to achieve similar effect, and i dont know how relevant that "Natural" is to our interests in present.
Presumably in the past it would have been important, but presently?

>> No.3380242



Howard Gartner
I guess he added a 9th since I last heard anything about it.

>> No.3380248

People who think they're smart never are.
Therefore you are not smart.
Therefore you are both physically unattractive AND mentally unattractive.
Enjoy being a virgin forever

>> No.3380249


Howard Gardner

How the heck did I messed that one up?

>> No.3380261


However, looking him up on Wikipedia gives different information than PBS.
Apparently there is some reporting issues with this multiple intelligence thing.

>> No.3380286


>Using greentext
>no u
>[Lack of faggotry needed]

It is obvious that you havent developed your Linguistic and Interpersonal Intellect, and are infuriated with the notion that you are not Intelligent if the aforementioned Intellect Division is true.
To infuriate you further i will declare that, in addition to your lack of Intellect in aforementioned divisions, you also lack intellectual flexibility.
Also i will leave you now to suffer in your own misery/fury without allowing you the privilege of further conversation with me.

>> No.3380297

Women are attracted to confidence and whats the word? Ya know, get er done attitude.

>> No.3380318


You mean thick 9 inch python


>> No.3380327

9 inch pylon

>> No.3380341
File: 30 KB, 221x267, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intelligence doesn't mean anything if you don't have any money.

However, if you really want a (hipster) girlfriend, just start listening to indie music.

>> No.3380351


Seems to me like his "Existential Intelligence" is a universal opposite of " Intrapersonal Intelligence" which would be particular.
Thats what i could interpret from the description provided.

Intrapersonal would derive particular principles that directly affect ones life, while Existential would derive universal principles that indirectly affect ones life.

>Existential producing Universal, i know its ironic...

>> No.3380384
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>> No.3380402




>> No.3380445
File: 1.15 MB, 3320x4072, Jessica Medic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw it's animated
mfw it's from the game
mfw it's the exact .gif that plays continuously on screen in the game

>> No.3380471


Despite all that its 60x56.


>> No.3380475

Its cause youre introverted

>> No.3380489
File: 153 KB, 743x1010, Taeyeon Medic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3380537

Well I am not single and screwing the hell out of my wife and everyone else who gets too close. And I'm a pretty logical and rational person, to the point of being called an aspie. Just study social life and emulate the behaviour of people successful of fucking everyone else.

>> No.3380580

Why do you assume you are intelligent? Because some test told you so? Tautological logic, its self-affirming...

>> No.3380635

>not only having a girlfriend or a wife only when you are really in love with her

the amount of bad thing about it (and good things about being single) are so big that you only should have a girlfrield if you are in blind love with her

>> No.3380658

>trying to guess what womans want

we will develop a time machine before we find that.
dont try to do it, leave it to the psychologists

>> No.3380711
File: 24 KB, 400x261, 1277029896732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, women are NOT attracted to intelligence, they are attracted to strength. We're animals bro, the weak have less chances to breed. Mind you, I'm 6 feet tall and 155 lbs. and haven't been laid in over a year, which is actually fine by me. I don't have herpes after 14 years of sexual activity and I think 10 nice young ladies.

>> No.3380754
File: 9 KB, 191x251, 1236334470859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or you could be like this guy, OP, and waste your time trying to sex. How many great men are remembered for their sexual conquests? Name even one. Great men are ones who build something that lasts beyond their lifespan. Sure there's the argument that making more people fits that bill, but if your child is a great man/woman, you're still just a sperm bank, and that's all you will have ever really done.

Do me a favor. Go to Walmart on a Sunday afternoon. Look at who has kids. Look at the kids. (Don't stare.) The kids are shitheads. Kids are the product of sex. Sex makes more shitheads. Is that what you want to contribute to the world? If so, settle for a short round woman, there's plenty of lonely uglies on craigslist willing to settle for you. Ugly/fat women make better wives, they will do more to keep you, like make sandwiches and do dishes and stuff, while you spend your time doing SCIENCE instead of sex.

>> No.3380775


>Name even one

Giacomo Casanova


>> No.3380778
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>> No.3380824

>claims to be intelligent
>can't figure out women
If you're an ugly pile of shit, no one is going to care about you either way, you got bad genes and that's where attraction starts. If you're lazy, annoying, or have weird personal problems then you'll last a little while but your expectations are unrealistic and go fuck yourself. What you "deserve" for making a thread like this is another shot at puberty if anything, and maybe a chill pill.

Most men on the frontiers of our most important scientific/mathematical fields are in fact intelligent, but they are passionate about much more than getting their dick wet. You "intelligent folk" that prioritize relationships but still fail are probably dumber in nature than the lowest class of humans on earth, but you're definitely entitled to get mad and self-defeating. There's clearly no such thing as a free ride in society, but if you're attractive, you're attractive. Some have to work harder and be more clever about figuring out how to impress/keep an individual of the opposite sex, but there's enough decent women out there for everyone, gayboy. The only fucked up thing about it is that you came to 4chan to escape your pathetic life for a moment, only to explain how pathetic your life is. If your brainpower is that intimidating to even the most insane women, go manifest a new race of women because obviously you're a god among men.

>> No.3380839

You're not entitled to getting laid and if you keep up that attitude you will never get your dick wet.

>> No.3380840

Above average intelligence here. I sucked at relationships before. Finally found a girl I could see myself in a relationship with, been dating for a little over a month now.
It really isn't that hard.

>> No.3380850


This. If you try too hard you won't get a relationship. Just sit back and enjoy the fucking ride, if a girl comes along, awesome. But don't go looking, women know when you're desperate, and it's a big turn off.

>> No.3380851

Because you're not USING that intelligence. To you "just act normal" or "act too kind" works. It doesn't.

>> No.3380862

>justifying the most boring existence possible in the modern world
I think there's always a balance in life, but if you're a sociopath who also lacks any hormones then I grant you all the respect I have and I hope you cure cancer (and sociopaths). Your sentiment is very unique to small children and assholes who want to "be remembered" and you forgot that most cultures place sex (casual or romantic) above everything, so it satisfies a lot of reasons in life. Also, not everyone is capable of comprehending scientific content, let alone making a name for themselves studying things they might not be interested in. I'd agree to the extent that you should wait until you have a very secure lifestyle/income to have children, but you should still sex up the ladies as often as possible. No need to dedicate your whole day to them, and very few people actually do, but sex is something that physically is hard to avoid. Let me know about any other content lonely virgins.

>> No.3380869
File: 37 KB, 600x394, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such primitive pleasure can be experienced by any ape.

Higher insight is a beauty such fools will never understand.

Selfish, stupid asshats are to be pitied, for their life has no meaning beyond the search for pleasure.

We are the lucky ones, friends.

>> No.3380883

You are me, and I applaud you. I recommend internet dating. Be specific, on your profile, about who you are and what you want. BE UNAPOLOGETIC, or charmingly, humourously self-conscious if you can pull that off. It won't rain supermodels, but unless you are hideous-looking, you'll find someone who will like you for you.

>> No.3380917


It just happens that there are smart attractive people and ugly smart people

Ugly smart people become nerds. Smart attractive people...are just known as smart attractive people

>> No.3380931

Ghengis kahn.

>> No.3380985

Don't despair OP. Women your age are idiots, but I promise you when you get to college it gets a little better, and even better after that. (although I'm only in college right now). But they start realizing that people like us truly are the best way to go for a relationship, and many even find us to be better lovers :p
This is because (and I think you will agree) when you get to be with a girl you will be trying harder to please HER, but the guys who "get all the girls" only try to please themselves and they aren't that great in bed.

You'll be fine. Enjoy being single while you can