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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3378430 No.3378430 [Reply] [Original]

It's summer and I'm finding myself quite bored with lots of time, what are some of /sci/'s suggestions of books to read?

>> No.3378435

Homage to Catalonia (Orwell), The Man who Sold the Moon (Heinlein), From the Earth to the Moon (Verne)

>> No.3378433

A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson is great.

>> No.3378437

Bill Bryson is a candy ass.

>> No.3378439


>> No.3378440

godel escher bach is the best science book i've ever read.

you have to have good philosophical understanding and not be full of bullshit though. 99% of people who read that book won't shut the fuck up about it despite apparently not having understood what it was about.

>> No.3378441

Nicely now.

>> No.3378445

The Ascent of Man by Jacob Bronowski is also great if you can find a copy, though it's more scientific and cultural history than pure science.

>> No.3378446

Of Matters Great and Small by Asimov. Its a collection of essays dealing with the concept of science. Very under appreciated IMHO.

>> No.3378450
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>> No.3378452


I felt like I was watching Douglas Hofstadter publicly masturbate to a picture of his own brain in a mirror while reading that book. Would not recommend.

>> No.3378459

i did not. a book being unashamedly academic does not make it pretentious.

there are loads of fascinating things in it.

>> No.3378466


I wasn't sure I'd ever witnessed someone be "high-falutin" until I read Hofstadter.

>> No.3378473


I'm a little afraid to read it as I feel it is a little beyond me..

what's it about exactly?

>> No.3378478

ok, i think you made that point already?
you want highfalutin, check out 'a tour of the calculus'. it's comedy gold.

>> No.3378483


It's about mathematical logic and other related topics. I'd recommend reading Raymond Smullyan's "The Lady and the Tiger" instead, then see how you feel.

>> No.3378493

it's about self-reference and how this may be relevant to consciousness.
but most of the book is a tour of lots of different concepts before coming to the main one. you learn an informal proof, and get a lot of understanding of, godel's incompleteness theorem, for instance.
there's stuff about fractals, ant colonies, DNA.
most of the text is about 'formal systems' and the meaning of 'meaning'.
there are also loads of cool pictures and the book is EXTREMELY cleverly written, which is why it got a Pulitzer.

>> No.3378499
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>> No.3378517

The Cosmic Onion

>> No.3378558

What happened to sci's guide to the internets?

>> No.3378572


can you provide a download link for that folder?

also: Ray Kurzweil - The Singularity Is Near.

Facinating book about futurism, and the theory of accelarating scientific evolution.

>> No.3378581
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>> No.3378583

Download link, please.

>> No.3378649
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bamp. Dude pls sauce!

>> No.3378657

it takes too long to upload but all those books are available for free at ebookee or simply by typing the title and author along with .pdf into google

>> No.3378665
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>it takes too long to upload
>it takes too long to look after them in google
>it takes too long to read them

fuck it, i'm leaving

>> No.3378664

Thank you, man. I now embark on my quest to finish those books.

>> No.3378675

lol should have said i'm actually uploading, just didn't think you'd want to wait...

>> No.3378686

stephen hawking is a piece of shit as a writer, looking back now i can see that

>> No.3378697
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>> No.3378710

ok, maybe i should have better put it. as a physicist and looking back at his books let's just say they're not the best learning material out there and are written mostly for laymen and not people actually studying the subjects.

>> No.3378741

>written mostly for laymen

The fact that you didn't know this from the outset is deeply disappointing.

>> No.3378748

when i first read it i didn't and that was a long time ago and to be honest at the time it wasn't as much pop as it is today. back then it was regarded as a very complex book which only a few could comprehend. 90% would buy the book and never go past page 15 or even read it at all. up to this day most people that have it never read it entirely. i just read it again recently and some of his most recent books.

>> No.3378775


there's the link gais.

>> No.3378783

Thank you, i appreciate it.

>> No.3378823
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thanks good sire

>> No.3378839

Self Esteem: How to get Pussy

>> No.3378851

it would be very popular around here

>> No.3378867

yeah if you want to be fucking bitches, personally I want something a little less superficial.

>> No.3378869

> implying bitches care about self-esteem
> implying worthwhile women don't

>> No.3378914
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anybody have any math books? Mainly focusing in math?

>> No.3378988


>> No.3378990


>> No.3379006

any subject, just wanna read up on some math. Cool stuff, like The Chinese Room and stuff

>> No.3379032

seriously? no one?

>> No.3379098


having searched the name of the book with pdf after it, i havent found a single one of those books. which sort of site would have pdfs of these books on them in the first place though?

>> No.3379186

>ctrl+f war and peace
War and Peace. I thought it was going to be a boring walk-fest, but it is one of the best books I've read.