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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 304 KB, 1407x660, SHITFESTBEYONDSHITFESTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3378022 No.3378022 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone who hasn't seen this, see this.

>> No.3378031

everyones seen it, and it isnt even that good or even rage-worthy.

>> No.3378028

Teenage slut being an idiot and butchering the English language on Facebook? That has never happened before.

>> No.3378032 [DELETED] 
File: 174 KB, 640x479, Oshawott talking to a Nidoqueen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ugh. Disgusts me.

>> No.3378033

Stephen Hawking is a douchebag

But still. Not for the reasons they're describing.

>> No.3378036
File: 46 KB, 720x540, EK_feelingslim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3378063


>> No.3378071
File: 16 KB, 445x445, 1305680708759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still posting pictures of EK

>> No.3378091



Stupid people gonna stup

>> No.3378092

We already knew most of the world was full of people who don't realise they owe their whole style of life to nerdy freaks who sit in the corner and daydream about what atoms are made of and what existed before the big bang instead of gathering to be part of the social circle with it's pack mentality whilst wondering how to style their hair in order to out-do whats his/her name.

Yes, people are stupid, work around them and manipulate them by preying on their fears. Tell them hawking radiation has been suspected of causing frizzy ends and lack of performance during sports and you will see:


>> No.3378100

Bitch deserves to be sold to slavery.

>> No.3378103

I agree that these guys are idiots, and making fun of the misfortunes of another person. However, they do make a point regarding the usefulness of gravitational singularities or string theory (quantum mechanics is clearly necessary for all modern electronics, so there's no debate there).

For instance, the anomalous precession of the perihelion of mercury is barely detectable on the century scale. GR effects on GPS are crucial, but still small - engineers throw in all manner of fudge factors to get things working anyway. Aside from that, what has GR given us? It's a relativistic gravity theory, but why would one be necessary practically? For all you nuts who dream of wormholes, the general consensus in the scientific community is that wormholes are either impossible or very difficult to create.

As for the standard model and its extensions, when's the last time a wayward neutrino caused your car to crash? When's the last time a neutral kaon screwed up a protein folding process? These are detectable, but why should we invest billions into it?

Sure, we could have a "final theory", but what could we do with it? It would necessarily be at least as complicated as the standard model/GR, so we're stuck with Newtonian mechanics for almost everything of interest. Civil engineers don't give a crap about quantum tunneling when building bridges.

>> No.3378104

If you're looking for intelligent conversations from Facebook and Youtube comments, you've made a mistake somewhere.

>> No.3378110


>Herp Derp Derp not useful to me, not worth knowing

>> No.3378124

It doesn't have to be useful to me; it needs to be useful for the world.

Your mockery doesn't give these areas of study a use. Ancient astronomy + magnetism allowed for navigation on the open oceans, but it didn't require a telescope.

Are you telling me to "wait" until a use comes?

>> No.3378130


>> No.3378143


Just knowing how everything in the universe works in itself is very useful information.

Just because it doesn't have an immediate, or even a future application doesn't mean it's not worth knowing.

How many scientists do you think thought understanding magnetism wouldn't have a future application? I'll bet there were a lot.

>> No.3378147

What does it matter if Stephen Hawking's helping the world or not?

Those two faggots sure as hell aren't. They're just doing what they want, Stephen Hawking is just doing what he wants.

>> No.3378158

Didn't /sci/ sent Hawking some cakes?
Why aren't /sci/borgs enraged?

>> No.3378160

>I can develop theories of my own, doesn't make me a genius
I believe her.

>> No.3378166

Magnetism is common, as is electricity. If it's common, then it's not surprising that eventually, it will have some use (or know definitively that it wont' be useful). Delta++ particles are not.

Sure, it would be worth knowing from a philosophical point of view; it would be nice to have a comprehensive view of the world... but then what?

I don't think anyone's arguing with your statements.

>> No.3378167


>> No.3378172

OP are you Facebook friends with these people? If so, care to post their profiles?

>> No.3378184

looking forwards to leaving you in the dust when I get my quantum computer, and you're all like "oh, that's so not useful, PAH!"
No but seriously, please be a troll.

>> No.3378189


>> No.3378191

...another BOOM ROASTED thread...carry on

>> No.3378192

Yeah I got those when searching them, not sure if they are the same people. Unless you're OP.

>> No.3378193

that story is 2 weeks old, anon found out all their info, dunno if someone sent anything to them

>> No.3378195

still, I want to know what their facebooks are for the hell of it

>> No.3378201


look on ED , maybe there's some info on this

>> No.3378230

Quantum computing has already been established to have at least a few uses. Even if we can't use it to fold proteins, we can get _something_ out of it.

I'm half trolling, as you could have guessed from my name. My point was to get you all thinking about why we need or want to understand every last detail of our universe. Sure, there will always be stuff to discover, and from that stuff some of it will be useful. At what point do we say "we have enough"? As far as can be determined, relativistic quantum effects do not appear unless we intentionally create an environment in which such effects are important.

The real world has limited resources; money spent on the LHC is not spent on brute forcing protein folding.

If you guys had half a brain, you could have at least pointed out that many of the smaller particle accelerators have been put to other uses that weren't obvious until many years later.

>> No.3378236

There is none.

>> No.3378239

Why is that stupid like these are capable of full, functioning social relationships (especially romantic ones), and yet intelligent ones like us are left alone or only handfuls of contacts? FML :(

>> No.3378244

You're doing it wrong. Look at Feynman for guidance.