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File: 23 KB, 475x475, cnn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3369492 No.3369492 [Reply] [Original]

What are those shiny things?

>> No.3369495


>> No.3369497

your mum asshole

>> No.3369510

That's just rude.

>> No.3369517

No seriously, I REALLY don't want to tinfoil hat, but something is happening right now.

Probably most of you will going to say I'm trolling, but listen and look outside what is going on with our world. Something is coming.

I don't know what, I'm bit scared of future.
I have wife and daughter, and I want to live peacefully.
Goddamn I wish I'm only paranoid about this and this isn't happening..

>> No.3369530

OP here. I'm not implying they're UFOs. I don't know. What are they?

>> No.3369541

things shiny, those are what.

>> No.3369561

No seriously, any explanation to this fenomena?

>> No.3369571

You mean the lens flares?

>> No.3369579

I see. What are conditions for those to occur?

>> No.3369591


>> No.3369659
File: 313 KB, 640x2160, wtfman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what the say

>> No.3369713


No way that's a lens flare bro.

The motherfucker literally materialises out of the dust cloud, whilst the camera isn't even panning. The second light, sure, that seems to be a lens flare, but the one closest to the middle of the screen, no way.

>> No.3369738

Lens flares? If i see it right sun is almost behind helicopter, so how this is possible?
Also why one light moves while another stays in the same spot? Hoax or some really serious shit?

Gentlemen, we are maybe close to human revolution.

>> No.3369746

They don't look like lens flares. It's not sunny, lights move independently from each other and the recording point.


>> No.3369758

this x2

wtf are those things? And don't give me weather ballons shit!

>> No.3369766


Weather balloons and lens flares. Nothing to see here.

>> No.3369779

The one that rises looks like a search and rescue helicopter.

>> No.3369785

if these are weather baloons I'm a tooth fairy

>> No.3369793

swamp gas

>> No.3369807

they don't seem to disturb the dust

>> No.3369818


No, trust me, they're just weather balloons.

>> No.3369830

I sense really strong suspension of disbelief in this thread

>> No.3369835


there's no way those are weather balloons

>> No.3369854

hahaha, oh shit... that is either Photoshopped
Or an aeronautical vehicle.

The question is though, did we design this device or did something else.

But fucking bull shit on "lens flairs" or "weather balloons"

>> No.3369890

Obviously the camera is on a helicopter. Those lights look like other aircraft. They are shiny most likely because they are getting more sun than any of the surrounding objects. That probably depends on the time of day more than anything.

They are certainly not lens flares. At 0:52 or so you see one fly over the helicopter. I suspect they are news helicopters for other stations, trying to get good shots of the dust storm.

Really needs higher resolution / fidelity video to get a recognition about what it is. Could be a helicopter, small aircraft, blimp, whatnot. Based on the fact that newsworthy events is happening my guess is another news helicopter.

>> No.3369893
File: 35 KB, 306x468, bush_badass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. It's a plane.


Pic related. Yes, you.

>> No.3369900


well at least i was right about it not being a weather balloon

>> No.3369949

this looks nothing like those two
and object on the first video moves nothing like plane

>> No.3369992

This the second time I have seen this video today, on different sites. At first I thought it was a definite hoax, as the camera did not pan to follow the rising aircraft. I figured that someone had gotten hold of an old CNN video and put some after effects in. But seeing how this version of the video is on CNN, it is unlikely to be a hoax. That does not mean these are UFOs I don't know what they are. Lens flares? forget it.


Here is another cool video of UFOs observing a tornados destructive capabilities. As with the sand storm, they appear to be interested in Earth's extreme weather phenomena, or maybe testing out new weaponry on live targets. A dust storm would be an excellent way to move around without being detected. But it looks like they don't care about that anyway.

>> No.3370045
File: 28 KB, 284x322, 1310084318121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet the government created that dust cloud so the inhabitants of the town wouldn't see the space battle happening above them.

>> No.3370057


>> No.3370094

>That does not mean these are UFOs I don't know what they are
can you identify what they are?.... If not then they are UFOs (unidentified flying objects)

>> No.3370095

>That does not mean these are UFO
Yes it does. It's probably not aliens, but these are Flying Objects that are currently Unidentified at this moment.

>> No.3370107

>the camera did not pan to follow the rising aircraft
1). They have to film the entire dust cloud in full or as much of it on camera as possible.
2). The camera pans upwards a little bit as the first object flies off.

>> No.3370109

Watch the OP. Whatever's in the dust does not move like a plane would. They also seem to only have a single light on them, which doesn't blink, like a commercial airline does.

>> No.3370116

>The first light
>Its MOVES out of the cloud, then continues to move at high speeds eventually flying over head of the camera, where you can SEE TWO WINGS AND THE FUCKING LIGHTS ON THE END.

>the first one
>It hovers for awhile, then moves to the right at a relatively low speeds, as it leaves the camera the outline of a helicopter is visible


And here I thought /sci/ was better off than /v/

>> No.3370129

I suggest you do go visit ophthalmologist

it's a fucking disc

>> No.3370133

So, the storm ripped some metal from the ground and carried it up, which reflects sunlight.
Yeah, aliens

>> No.3370135
File: 7 KB, 123x45, 9698a4a61af31bc2beba83d44499b3e8[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the second light, watch 1:30 to 1:40, it becomes much clearer in the end that this is a helicopter

>> No.3370140

First of all, they're obviously aircraft. One of them is very clearly an airplane, the other is probably a helicopter filming the event.
Secondly, even if it wasn't clear that they were human aircraft, why would you immediately assume that they are alien spacecraft? There are tons of more likely explanations given the evidence presented, so jumping to the conclusion that they are aliens is extremely stupid. Remember what "UFO" stands for.

>> No.3370148

confirmed government official

herp derp keep calm and carry on

>> No.3370149

Jesus, those are other aircrafts, probably with other fucking camera teams.

>> No.3370150
File: 4 KB, 79x66, 4539da72bbf07f459729f98121a7b2ba[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure it is, buddy, those two obvious objects sticking out of the side, complete with lights that modern aircraft have on the wings MUST be a disk.

Lets ignore the fact that the movement pattern perfectly fits with a plane as well.

>> No.3370158
File: 198 KB, 637x413, wings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's low quality of the video, but I've never seen a helicopter or plane or jet that looks and moves like this. And I'm a skeptic.

>> No.3370167

So anyone who thinks that there might be an explanation for anything other than "HURR IT'S ALIENS" is in on the conspiracy, eh?
There are government officials who get paid to do nothing but lurk shitty forums all day and argue with conspiracy nuts?

>> No.3370169

Stop saying very clearly. The video quality isn't that good.

>> No.3370175

>There are government officials who get paid to do nothing but lurk shitty forums all day and argue with conspiracy nuts
Everytime one of the conspiracytards mentions them, i wonder if their's some way of applying for that job.
Getting money for arguing on the internet, now THAT would be awesome

>> No.3370176

>Can't identify something

>> No.3370174

You've never seen a plane fly forward (in this case out of a cloud where it was likely collecting data), bank to its left, then start to climb upwards to a safer altitude?

You've never seen a helicopter hover for awhile, then start to fly off, slowly mind you, along the wall of dust ?

I don't blame you, its pretty boring outside of my basement to.

>> No.3370182

What does CMI mean anyhow?

>> No.3370188

normally i'd dismiss this as bullshit but I did spot a fucking glowing disc leaving the view at the top at 00.54

>> No.3370211


>> No.3370220

There is a light right in the center obscuring the majority of the plane

There is what is likely two objects sticking out in a wing like fashion on each side

It moves like a plane

its where a plane would be for researching this type of event

It has navigation lights on the tips of both wings that light up right before it leaves view, just like all modern planes are required to have (IIRC)

>> No.3370226
File: 18 KB, 416x188, ufo1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3370233
File: 15 KB, 416x188, ufo2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wait, my bad

>> No.3370260


upon closer inspection (fullscreen), it's a plane, i can even see the indicator lights

never mind, my gullible fantasy got the best of me once again


>> No.3370265
File: 347 KB, 593x2290, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put these together just for observation purposes, but I would think that watching the video is best.

>> No.3370275

why can't we EVER film something like this with some badass HD cameras?

>> No.3370278

Not ones that look and move like the video, no.

>> No.3370286
File: 25 KB, 553x484, ancient-aliens-guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't explain something?

It's clearly aliens.

>> No.3370311

>OP asked what is it
>nobody in this thread except you and other trollfaggots mentioned word alien in context of alien spacecraft being on that footage

I say it's not plane and helicopter, whatever fuck it is

>> No.3370330
File: 610 KB, 586x487, 1307125936837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3370369
