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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3368680 No.3368680 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/. I need some help with something...

So we all know that a megawatt = 1,000,000 watts. Well, I need some help with something. I'm trying to figure out what the conversion from niggawatt : watt is, can anyone help me out here? The reason being is because I have this computer that requires 10 niggawatt power storage, and I need to know the correct conversion factor.

Thanks in advance

>> No.3368694

1 niggawatt is roughly 100 million megwatts

>> No.3368695
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>> No.3368696

1 niggawatt : 2 jiggawatts : 1/2 double niggerwatt : ~5000000 watts.

Actually slightly below 5 megawatts. About 4987654.321, I think.

>> No.3368703

Can someone please verify this for me?

>> No.3368704
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a niggawatt = 1 watt stolen from the grid

>> No.3368749

>using niggawatts to power your plantations

I hope you fine gentlemen arn't still doing this here thing.

>> No.3368769

a niggawatt is the average useful power output produced by niggers:
niggerwatt=0 watts

>> No.3368780

Well, since a niggawatt is an imaginary unit it depends on the frequency of the current you're using.