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File: 762 KB, 3850x1925, Aliens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3367153 No.3367153 [Reply] [Original]

Aliens thread, by now it's almost ignorant to dis-belief any alternate intelligent life.

>> No.3367162

> by now it's almost ignorant to dis-belief any alternate intelligent life.

why is that? have we seen them?

>> No.3367170

Why the fuck would we be the only thing? we aren't even a possible percentage of the universe. Are you telling me you really believe there is nothing else out there?

>> No.3367171

prove they exist.

fuck, it's like listening to a creationist, but more pretentious.

>> No.3367174

I'm not convinced intelligent life exists at all.

>> No.3367176

OP Here, I obviously can't prove they exist, all i'm saying is.. look at the picture I posted with, how many of you honestly believe that we're it? it's just us. come on now.

>> No.3367179

So what you are saying is that it is ignorant to not believe something based on speculation.

>> No.3367182

>ad ignorantiam

>> No.3367184

I obviously can't prove God exists, all i'm saying is.. look at the picture I posted with, how many of you honestly believe that we're it? it's just us. come on now.
Same shit pretty much.

>> No.3367186

To me, I believe it is ignorant not to think there is not any aliens, if you don't like my beliefs than you don't have to post in my thread.

>> No.3367191

this is /science/ not /religion/

>> No.3367192

the possibility of something existing doesn't mean it exists.

no matter how big the universe is, it doesn't prove the existence of other intelligent entities.

>> No.3367195

Very good point, I just think it's too massive (almost to the point where you can't even comprehend it) to think there isn't aliens.

>> No.3367198

the anthropic principle implies that existence of self-aware life is a matter of conditons and chance, thus with enough potential locations we expect it to exist.

however given the vastness of the universe and our relative inability to travel it or even sense it, and the extremely short time we've been producing technology and adding to our knowledge it's highly unlikely we'll survive long enough as a group to ever encounter alien intelligence unless they're looking for us and have far superior technology.

I'm not sure we'd want to meet any alien intelligence that would look for us and have far superior technology. Kinda like deer shouldn't want to meet hunters.

>> No.3367201

All I think is that we have no evidence of aliens.

>> No.3367202

well I just think it's too massive (almost to the point where you can't even comprehend it) to think there isn't a god.

>> No.3367206

Indeed, I like that point alot.
hawking said something very similar, and that they would probably just want earth for resources, because theoretically, even humans could use stars for our own personal energy sources (mirror redirection)

>> No.3367213

god thread, by now it's almost ignorant to dis-belief any alternate intelligent life.


invisible pink unicorn thread, by now it's almost ignorant to dis-belief any alternate intelligent life.

>> No.3367212

Okay now you're just belittling, if you wan't to troll or just be negative toward everything go ahead.

>> No.3367214

the idea of helpful altruistic aliens is naive for very Star Trek style reasons... a helpful race wouldn't interfere with our development. Kinda like we try not to interfere with the natural lives of wild animals- or wild humans- any more than we have to.

that leaves only the unhelpful ones to find us.

>> No.3367217

We're not belittling you, that would imply you aren't an idiot.

>> No.3367226

Indeed, well we obviously don't know how any possible aliens would react, but it's a lot easier to scope out that they wouldn't be friendly. what do you think of humans and technological advancing? I think we're doing pretty good for the so many years of modern science.

>> No.3367227

we're about to collapse as a population.

perhaps in time we'll reach this level again and maybe even surpass it. I doubt it will be any time soon though.

>> No.3367231

Collapse? completely? I woudn't think anything anytime soon would cause more than a ~10% population mortality. what's your theory?

>> No.3367236

OP is gay.

>> No.3367240

peak oil with no cheap alternatives available. switch to natural gas, which is what we currently use to produce the fertilizers that feed half our population. continue breeding at rates that would shock Malthus.

die in about 75 years, first a small percentage as food becomes too expensive... more and more starve until widespread wars break out. Eventual result anywhere from 30-99% of humanity killed. After that resources won't be a problem again for hundreds of years, but we won't be advancing either.

>> No.3367272

What makes you think there willbe any survivors?

>> No.3367274


Yeah, belief, exactly.

>> No.3367276

Valid point, if we don't somehow fix population growth after the next population "normalization" we'll never progress enough.

>> No.3367285

humans are great survivors, and with most of the population out of the way whoever survives will have great tools and resources at their disposal. I can't imagine anything we could do to the planet that would kill off all people in a short period of time.

surviving would suck though.

>> No.3367293

I belief in things when there is sufficient evidence for them.

While there is no reason to belief that the earth is "special" in any way, that doesn't mean there can't be any... wait.

>intelligent life
are you serious? if there is any other intelligent life out there (at least close enough), they sure would have discovered that weird radiowave emitting planet in that star system over here.
unless they're, you know, fucking stupid.

>> No.3367296

you heard about them fusion reactors?

>> No.3367299

Or just too fucking far away? the known universe is 83 billion light years, so by your logic, alleged aliens 80 billion light years away would pick up all of our radio traffic?

>> No.3367305

Well, if they're that far away, then who gives a shit? We'll never meet or even communicate.

>> No.3367310


we needed to be building them a decade ago.
If we start now we might almost keep up with the needs of growth, but I doubt it.

beyond that, even if we don't run out of fossil fuels because we need them to augment reactor output, we'll run into the fact that we have at most 50 some years of CO2 production at current rates before we've seriously fucked ourselves.

think we'll have replaced fossil fuels in 50 years? we haven't even seriously cut back in the last ten...

>> No.3367316

>I belief in things when there is sufficient evidence for them.
There was a time when people couldn't prove or disprove the existence of other planets outside of our solar system.

But if someone told you there was no evidence of planets outside of our solar system today, you would laugh at them, and probably go make a thread on /sci/ about how dumb that guy was.

Also hurp durp speed of radiowaves hurp durp we don't have big enough radio telescopes to look at more than a fraction of the sky.

>> No.3367327

>was no evidence of planets outside of our solar system today, you would laugh at them

yes, because its fucking wrong. haven't been following science lately, have you?

>> No.3367331

>There was a time when people couldn't prove or disprove the existence of other planets outside of our solar system.
>There was a time
You haven't been reading lately, have you?

>> No.3367332

If there was no evidence today, I would not laugh but point out to the fact that there is no evidence.

>> No.3367334

I think anon's prior comment went over your head...

>> No.3367346

We know how star systems form, we can deduce from what we already know that there must be other planets out there, even if we couldn't discover them.

Thats not the same as claiming there must be intelligent life out there. Thats a possibility, not a certainty.

>> No.3367371
File: 18 KB, 396x385, sad_frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life has existed on Earth for about as long as life COULD exist
None of the (known) necessities for life are rare
There are billions and billions of stars.

>mfw the universe is packed with life, but we will never meet any of them because the distances are so impossibly vast.

>> No.3367388

>We know how planets form, therefore it is logical to conclude that planets outside the solar system must exist even though we didn't have any evidence of this at one point in time. But even without that evidence we could soundly conclude there are in fact other planets out there.

>We know how life forms, therefore it is logical to conclude that we need more information before making that assumption.

Just admit it already, you've been biased by Christianity.

>> No.3367425

We've discovered over a thousand planets that are in the goldilocks zone now. There are also thousands of other planets that have been discovered and with enough proof that they do in fact exist.

Just because you don't understand science, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

>> No.3367427
File: 32 KB, 175x212, nope2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they sure would have discovered that weird radiowave emitting planet in that star system over here.

SETI@home is not likely to detect the equivalent of Earth type TV transmitters, even on the nearest stars.

>> No.3367431

Until the proof is certain, aliens don't exist.
Wishful thinking does not prove existence.

>> No.3367445

Proof is never certain. Positivism cannot state certainty. Empirical science FAIL, be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.3367456

I will not be ashamed of not believing in aliens.

>> No.3367455


In that case, i fornicated with your mother.
And i have certainly done it, and dont have to prove you.

U mad bro?

>> No.3367464

we are the aliens. saying that other inteligent lifeforms could not have developed on other random planets orbiting random stars does not make sense to me seeing as we developed on a planet orbiting a star too. if we were able to do it why not others, we aren't that special

>> No.3367486


>No, John. You are the aleins

>> No.3367510

Incomplete Comparison, a logical fallacy.
There are much more involved in the beginning of life on earth than just being a planet.

We can't just say just because other stars have plants that is similar to earth they must have life.

>> No.3367591

yeah I was of course oversimplifying the conditions for life to arise.

I was also not stating that there has to be life on planets with similar conditions. I was stating that the belief that life could not develop on any other planet than earth is strange to me, sinse granted our planet is perfect to develop life, it makes no sense to me to belief that our planet is unique among all others.

There is no evidence for alien life but saying it isn't out there is I think more wrong than saying it might be out there.

>> No.3367601

>There are much more involved in the beginning of life on earth than just being a planet.

Given the speed that life developed on Earth it would appear that abiogenesis is a probable event, at least for an Earth type planet.

>> No.3367618
File: 26 KB, 300x400, DSC00695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are right, we cannot deny existence.
Nor can we affirm
/ Discuss

>> No.3367619

The possibility exists, but I'm relucant to believe that percentage until there is sufficient proof.

Besides, the most we'll probably find is a bunch of single-cell organisms and not yellow skinned space bitches.

>> No.3367629

Until we develop FTL communication or transportation, it makes no sense to even think about it.

>> No.3367635

The right chemical composition, gravity, temperature, atmosphere, and changes to all of the above over millions of years to facilitate early evolution and develop into single cell organisms.

>> No.3367812 [DELETED] 
File: 247 KB, 613x421, 1308897827055.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't into chemistry

The Earth's elemental composition is consistent with the universe, we don't have any great abundance of rare elements nor a dearth of conman ones. The early atmosphere is dictated by thermodynamic equilibrium and would therefore be common. Organic molecules are common and, as one would expect given there ubiquity, form under a bewildering array of circumstances.

The more we discover the more we realize that nothing about the Earth is rare, let alone unique.

>> No.3367815
File: 247 KB, 613x421, 1308897827055.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't into chemistry

The Earth's elemental composition is consistent with the universe, we don't have any great abundance of rare elements nor a dearth of common ones. The early atmosphere is dictated by thermodynamic equilibrium and would therefore be common. Organic molecules are common and, as one would expect given there ubiquity, form under a bewildering array of circumstances.

The more we discover the more we realize that nothing about the Earth is rare, let alone unique.

>> No.3367980

i agree with op partially i mean the odds are there is life out there and weve been around for what like 5 billion years? its possible a life form was a few hundred thousand years ahead of us in evolution and is far more advanced than us. although they could easily have destroyed themselves by now. either way humans have a responsibilty to do everything they can to make sure intelligent life stays in the universe

>> No.3368028

I understand that whole infinite universe thing, but if the universe is so big and everything is so far away, why should I care about aliens? It all sounds like 12 year olds daydreaming to me.

>> No.3368267

We dont know for sure that earth isn't unique. There are a number of important phenomenon relating to the creation of the earth that seem to have been neccesary to support life (life that is larger than just a few cells). For instance, a large, dense core in realation to over-all mass (results in moderate gravity but strong magnetic fields). This is thought to have arisen by an early collision with a mars-size planet. etc etc. Bottom line its silly to "believe" in things that we can't demonstrate. Belief is an emotion.

>> No.3368313

>ITT: People who make OP's points to people who believe there is no other life in the universe, arguing with OP because this is 4chan