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File: 82 KB, 1024x768, Zeitgeist_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3363696 No.3363696 [Reply] [Original]

Is this already starting to happen? (I mean the uprisings described during the last 10 minutes of the documentary).

If so, how should we prepare (indivudually) for the change?

>> No.3363699

Reported this is not /science/

>> No.3363771

>implying you have the ability to distinguish what is or isn't science
>implying most of /sci/ is about science

>> No.3363786
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>> No.3363776

moonbat cultist

>> No.3363790

We should chill out and just keep on keeping on.

Governments will be irrelevant long before they ever force our hand to destroy them.

>> No.3363817

>implying citizenry has any prayer of standing down modern industrial militaries

>> No.3363820

didn't saw
what exactly are we talking about?

>> No.3363824
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>> No.3363825



>implying governments have any chance of facing down people who are no longer interested in listening to them

>> No.3363828


It's like you aren't even aware of the Iraq/Afghanistan insurgency demolishing a modern army every day. Stop posting, adults a re trying to talk here op.

>> No.3363830
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one word
peasants make them

good night

>> No.3363834

Totally science.
Sociology, bitches.

>> No.3363836

Idiocy and manchildren. I watched Zeitgeist: Moving Forward in its entirely. Worse bullshit I've ever seen. Emotional appeals, bad logic, outright lies, obvious ignorance, gaping holes in explanation of the proposed "utopia".

Just awful.

>> No.3363840

This is some serious pipe dream bullshit. Never ever going to happen.

>> No.3363842


Insurgents can inflict costs on an occupying force. But they always pay a higher toll in blood for every toll in treasure they extract. They can't win, they can convince an occupation that it is not worth continuing.

Governments occupy their own tax base. And so long as they extract slightly more from it than they put in they will maintain the occupation.

But governments are also made up of people, and they only exist thanks to the complicity of the people.

>> No.3363843
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>Implying army isn't made of normal taxpaying people with families

>> No.3363847
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You child, they always win. All an insurgency has to do to win is persist. You have no grounds to talk at all on this topic. So shut up before you make yourself look even more foolish than you already look.

>> No.3363851

You're not required to be paying attention to die under a bombing raid.

I dont mean bullshit infantry games like Afghan. I mean real population suppression and control.

>> No.3363856


Of course they always win in the end. Did you even parse what I said?

They can't inflict a defeat and remove the occupying force. But in the long run, they can always make the occupation so expensive that it ceases to be worthwhile.

They win wars without having to win battles.

>> No.3363867
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>> No.3363869

if you don't have army of robots of south african mercenaries you're out of the game.
No man will bomb his own city with his wife and kinds inside because some prick told him.

>> No.3363874

>They can't inflict a defeat and remove the occupying force. But in the long run, they can always make the occupation so expensive that it ceases to be worthwhile.

Oh come the fuck on. Insurgents win PLENTY of battles. And in the end the invader force loses heart, will and leaves. My god, you're like.... actually stupid.

>> No.3363882

I would have actually been sympathetic to the movement if not for the fact that 'Zeitgeist: The movie' is a pack of lies upon lies.

However no; your revolution is not going to happen. People are too sucked into capitalism and consumerism to care, and no goverment is stupid enough to let the wellfare of the majority of its citizens drop to such a level that they start to care.

>> No.3363883
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Zeitgeist can't even get its history right.

>> No.3363884

>if you don't have army of robots or south african mercenaries you're out of the game.

Fucking Gaddafi using foreign mercenaries to kill his own people. They're not generally very *experienced* mercenaries, but so what?

>> No.3363886


Oy vey.

Winning battles is not key to the strategy of the insurgent. Inflicting costs is. They don't have to win a single battle to win the war. They can win some battles and still be compatible with my statements.

And yes, we both agree that insurgents always win in the end. This is complicated when it comes to insurgency against the local government, since that government always has an incentive to keep fighting. These fights are won when the local government gradually loses legitimacy, until people just stop supporting it.

See Libya for what insurgents can do against a nation that has legitimacy.

>> No.3363891

Oh yeah? Well it looks like Palestine is going to win out over your racist camp of armed cultists, Israel.

>> No.3363893

Oh snap!

>> No.3363895


In the West Bank and Gaza, sure. You can't occupy land and win in the long run. If the other Arab states decide to invade once the Palestinians get their freedom, THEN, Israel proper is in danger.

>> No.3363912

My main worry is the US getting drawn in to fight. We have the moral obligation to defend Israel.

>> No.3363919

why do we have a moral obligation to defend anyone but ourselves?

>> No.3363926

Are you sure you don't know the answer to that without my prompting? I can explain it but I'd rather not take the time.

>> No.3363930

Oh look, it's you again. Mr. "inaction is never morally wrong".

>> No.3363938


If anybody is stupid enough to threaten Israel proper, or if Israel is stupid enough to consider the West Bank and Gaza to BE Israel proper; things are going to get bad for everyone in the region. You just can't body check a nuclear power and come off scot free.

>> No.3363948

Yeah, but it's been done before.

And although everyone knows it, IIRC Israel does not openly admit having nuclear weapons. Am I mistaken about that?

>> No.3363956

You are aware that both Iran and Syria have as national directives the destruction of Israel? and that just this last week Iran tested missiles that could reach Israel with nuclear capacity? True they don't HAVE that capacity YET. But they are working on it.

>> No.3363965

please please say the rapture. You will have made the night of everyone on /sci/

>> No.3363978

what exactly does isreal produce that we or anyone needs? its simply because you think its some durr holy land. .let them glass each other. who gives a fuck

>> No.3364032

Fuck you. Fuck you forever. Let people get slaughtered because they can't pay you off adequately?

Fuck you.

>> No.3364063

If they cant defend themselves adequately .. .

>> No.3364068

This would justify every murder, ever.

>> No.3364095

We have a moral responsibility to Israel.


Because it is the only Middle-eastern Democracy. They remain surrounded by the most backward and non-progressive cultists alive today.

Because Israelis are westernized. They are the people next door, who would let you borrow their ladder to fix your roof. Many, many Israelis share US Citizenship.

And lastly, we must defend Israel because if we did not they would be eradicated and over run, genocided and butchered for religious and racial reasons. We as a nation can not tolerate this sort of event, and this is bred into our national psyche and extends down to the very optimistic essence which makes us the largest charity donators on the globe. We truly, actually want a safe and sane, better world for everyone.

>> No.3364109

They produce a lot of good scientists.

>> No.3364111


>> No.3364121

That's my view, I may have overstated it. But generally we do have a moral obligation to protect the Jewish people, while we have the capacity to do so.

>> No.3364122

thats a bit of a leap, grasshopper :p

>> No.3364141

Wanna read this shit again?

>> No.3364151
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You are. .
out. of. your. mind.
This country does nothing, NOTHING that does not involve monetary gain. As soon as it is no longer profitable or coated black in crude oil we will stop on a dime. Israel does our dirty work over there. .they do what would be politically damaging to our stance in the world stage.

>> No.3364158

You seem cynical and jaded. I don't think you actually have any experience in government to speak of and so have absolutely no leg to stand on. You're just an ungrateful brat living in the most comfortable, advanced and safe society that has ever existed on the planet.

>> No.3364164


>> No.3364172


>> No.3364174

What is the greatest thing ye can experience? It is the hour of great contempt. The hour in which even your happiness becometh loathsome unto you, and so also your reason and virtue.

The hour when ye say: "What good is my happiness! It is poverty and pollution and wretched self-complacency. But my happiness should justify existence itself!"

The hour when ye say: "What good is my reason! Doth it long for knowledge as the lion for his food? It is poverty and pollution and wretched self-complacency!"

The hour when ye say: "What good is my virtue! As yet it hath not made me passionate. How weary I am of my good and my bad! It is all poverty and pollution and wretched self-complacency!"

The hour when ye say: "What good is my justice! I do not see that I am fervour and fuel. The just, however, are fervour and fuel!"

The hour when ye say: "What good is my pity! Is not pity the cross on which he is nailed who loveth man? But my pity is not a crucifixion."

Have ye ever spoken thus? Have ye ever cried thus? Ah! would that I had heard you crying thus!

It is not your sin--it is your self-satisfaction that crieth unto heaven; your very sparingness in sin crieth unto heaven!

Where is the lightning to lick you with its tongue? Where is the frenzy with which ye should be inoculated?

Lo, I teach you the Superman: he is that lightning, he is that frenzy!--

When Zarathustra had thus spoken, one of the people called out: "We have now heard enough of the rope-dancer; it is time now for us to see him!" And all the people laughed at Zarathustra. But the rope-dancer, who thought the words applied to him, began his performance.

>> No.3364180

I'm not saying do away with all law enforcement and policing of our own people. But why just israel? There are horrible atrocities going on in lots of places. Why is it only in oil rich areas that we give a fuck?

>> No.3364185
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I typically enjoy political talk

but i think the Israeli conflict is boring as fuck.

Anyone agree?

>> No.3364191

How can you say it's boring when WWIII could only be catalyzed by catastrophe from that region?

>> No.3364196

Why support Israel? Because the alternative is genocide in the Levant of the Jewish people.

Why oppose Israel? Because they are enforcing an occupation and apartheid.

It's not an easy problem. But we can all agree that the Palestinians are the ones who suffer, no matter what. They are used as a wedge to get at the Israeli's in a wholly cynical manner. And fundamentalist factions in Israel have just enough sway to keep the settlements going.

>> No.3364199

There will be no WW3. East asia doesn't give a fuck what happens in the middle east/the US, neither does half of europe.

>> No.3364200
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I don't know. I just do.

>> No.3364207

Hence they are going up for recognition in the UN next month I believe. Obama correctly supports their cause.

>> No.3364209 [DELETED] 

Hey /sci/.
Need quick opinions.
Is psychology a science?
inb4 long-winded diatribes justifying your position.

>> No.3364214

Absolutely not.

>> No.3364218

Fuck no.

>> No.3364240

I can't give a binary answer.

It's done scientifically. It isn't a science.

>> No.3364270


"it isn't a science" sounds like a binary answer to me, newton.

>> No.3364283

Fun Fact: Newton believed the world would end in 2060.
It's done scientifically. This means the "Hurr Pseudoscience" bullshit is not accurate.

>> No.3364302
File: 115 KB, 400x562, gay_pride_chicago_new_york_1_diversity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give up all your rights to a centralized government, this is the only way to save the world and humanity.

>> No.3364404

Assuming Newton actually made such a prediction, you realize he also did an ass load of Bible interpretation? Let me guess: that's scientific too. No. He was great in calculus and physics, even though Newtonian physical models only work on a limited human scale (but his contributions led to the more precise models). That doesn't mean his Biblical study bullshit amounted to more than naught. Not even most Christians remember him for being a hardcore religious nut. Though as I recall, most of his life was actually spent on theology and not worthwhile things.

As far as Zeitgeist shit goes, no. The "Arab Spring" is not pro-democracy, or at least it's not about democracy qua democracy. It's about people wanting more livable conditions because they've had a few glimpses into the west. Unfortunately they probably believe that social democracy is the best means to that end. Given another half century or so, they'll probably be secularizing and adhering to the same conduct of political correctness that we are. Only, if population demographic shifts continue, in fifty years people who breed irresponsibly and whose children are subsidized by people who are actually capable of breeding responsibly (but who choose to breed far less if at all) will outnumber those who are actually capable of driving a more sustainable system. You think shit is bad now? If the current trends continue until 2050, shit will be more real than you've ever seen.

>> No.3364414

He was in what's arguably a cult. I didn't insinuate it affected his scientific work.