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File: 22 KB, 300x411, koala_1922-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3361869 No.3361869 [Reply] [Original]

This is the koala bear, it is the most useless defenseless slow creature within a million mile radius yet it somehow survives on this planet and has then been brought upon us and the predators yet they do not attack it so I ask you guys is this not a loophole into the evolution theory that you guys worship as a religion because according to all evidence brought upon and as such you should not be seeing this creature on the planet as it is not fit to survive or defend itsself or to even go so far as to find food without beeing seen by that even as to look what like which would kill it in an instant.

>> No.3361889
File: 75 KB, 613x950, Inane-irrelevant -garbage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inane irrelevant garbage.

>> No.3361904

It is only useless in your perception of what is useful for survival. Perhaps the fact that it frequently forages the eucalyptus trees which is relatively low in nutrients, and a niche source of energy coupled with the protection these trees might grant to the koala might increase its chances of survival.

>> No.3361910

9/10 because I have no counter argument

>> No.3361905

It appears in the past their brain was much larger and they were evolving intelligence similar to how humans started using protein to build large brains instead of large muscles. Climate changes caused food shortages and koala brains no longer fill up their skull as a result.

Also how is having a forked penis or two vaginas not a huge survival adaptation?

>> No.3361918

This. When you survive entirely off something that provides almost no nutrition and takes forever to digest, moving around a whole lot isn't going to happen.

>> No.3361939

And which of those predators frequent the spaces that the Koalas spend their time in? Please cite examples.

You could actually go and learn about evolution if you have questions. Libraries are free, check one out. Its a nice day to go for a walk.

>> No.3361968

then why did it evolve to begin with?

I am capable of determinating what is and what is not adaptive to the enviromnet and i can tell this creature is an abomination

cool argument bro

>> No.3361979

Evolution is not an efficient algorithm. It's a very slow, "good-enough" algorithm.

>> No.3361993

>>3361968then why did it evolve to begin with?

Creatures didn't just evolve out of nothing, they evolved from prior creatures (Hint: the earth is older than 6000 years). At one point in their history Koalas were more intelligent and less docile but thanks to the conditions in their region they've evolved for efficiency.

They have few natural predators - dingos can't climb as well as koalas and owls mostly can't eat adult koalas. They survive by eating trees that almost no other animals can which is a huge advantage because they have no competition for food (particularly in regions where food is very scarce), the drawback is that they don't get much energy from the food they eat and have to spend most of their resources processing it.

>> No.3362000

Also, the algorithm has no purpose. This is a common misconception of evolution.

>> No.3362003
File: 1.52 MB, 450x253, 4chanretarded.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It doesn't surprise me that a retard like you couldn't figure this out, so here goes.

Koala bears live in eucalyptus trees. There are no natural predators that also live in trees, and no herbivores that also eat eucalyptus, therefore there is no competition.

The reason for this is that koala bears EVOLVED highly resilient livers, and are able to digest and utilise the eucalyptus plant, which is poisonous to other species.

Now fuck off, troll.

>> No.3362005

>>3361968I am capable of determinating what is and what is not adaptive to the enviromnet

You might want to actually look at the environment koalas live in and not base your assumptions on the region you live in. "Hurr durr fish have gills, that's retarded how could they evolve when there's no water on the land!"

>> No.3362017

Just so you know, this made me laugh.

>> No.3362875

why are you mad though? I just spent the last 2 hours researching the evolution and adaptations of the koala bear and I once again come upon the same conclusion that which if is at to as where when the koala cannot obfigetated into environment because as such would have too many predators eating after it when it exposed to such open climate free from obstructions and as such would not be able to coabilate into the surroundings without being devoured on sight and would then not be into said environment idiot.

>> No.3362882

A koala bear eats shoots and leaves

>> No.3362888

Yeah, I hope you're just a troll.

1. Koalas survive.
2. Therefore they are adapted to their environment.
3. If your worldview contradicts 1, you are wrong.
4. If your worldview contradicts 2, you are contradicting 1, and you are wrong.

>> No.3362954

1) koalas survive
2) therefore you assume evolution through natural selection
3) any other explanation other than (2) is automatically wrong for you

>> No.3362976

>denying evolution as the causative mechanism for the existence of koalas
Have a nice day troll.

>> No.3362990

How can you explain Sloths with evolution?

>you cant

>> No.3363085

>implying I ever denyed evolution

ever heard of the word intervention idiot? and I dont mean the divine kind which would in the end strike you down to the depths of the deepest caves of lava imaginable (the temperature is hotter than the sun!) you simply cannot think beyond that which is not when as to would if there would not be because if you did it would crumble upon you like the bones of a human being tortured by the magma of the devil and as such you cannot fathom into what lies beyond IDIOT.

>> No.3363104


>> No.3363125

>>3361869 = >>3361910 = >>3361968 = >>3362875

>> No.3363128


>> No.3363149


No, dumbfuck, Koala's eat eucalyptus leaves, which they climb as far to the top of the tree as they can, to obtain the softest ones.

>> No.3363170

yea so?


listen up people. the so called "mutations which you use to correct the gaps in your evolutionary theory are actually intended divine cosmic rays so before you around saying that which animals survive and adapt constantly into environment you must understand that there is a second force at work and it is that which cannot imagine or even go so far as to think of what it might look like so next time you hear your professor give you a bunch of crap about the perfect adaptations just remember that it is in fact just part of the whole solution.

>> No.3363472 [DELETED] 

no you fucking niggerfaggot read up on the shit before spweing bullshit out you're mouth

>> No.3363531


>the so called "mutations which you use to correct the gaps in your evolutionary theory are actually intended divine cosmic rays

FSM. His noodley appendage touches us all. Teach the controversy

>> No.3363596

i fucking love this threads

>> No.3363598
File: 35 KB, 500x348, sloth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, OP. You should try using the sloth in your troll threads.

>> No.3363641
File: 3 KB, 126x126, 1288658408640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"When they get hungry, they can climb up to 150 feet (45 m) to the top of the eucalyptus tree"


Are you even trying?

>> No.3363911
File: 93 KB, 263x211, 1304372851078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I once again come upon the same conclusion that which if is at to as where when the koala cannot obfigetated into environment

>> No.3363994

Man koalas are fucking awesome looking.

>> No.3364023

maybe it just hates everything that doesn't eat it, that's why it never gets eaten. troll survival tactics? or just the way it is. i kinda wanna eat one now just to be its friend. they're kinda chunky so they probably go well just in a pan like bacon. light seasoning. get enough fur for a single sleeve. i'd wear that shit like a boss.

>> No.3364045
File: 152 KB, 480x360, no_science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3364055

Fuck yes Koala bears.
If there is a God, he has a sense of taste, no doubt.

>> No.3364315

thank you for making my point for me the koala is indeed good tasting and as such at the very least the local humans would have eaten it to extinction by now but since as you pointed out the divine cosmic rays have rendered it cute beyond any harm ever being come to it then it would not then be as harmful or ever even when if you look you will that it is so for it is essentially immortal at this point even though it has no natural defenses

I have already fully explained the sloth paradox in this board and won the argument by a landslide victory such as the haters and evolution worshippers probably ended up losing the're faith that night

>> No.3364322



>> No.3364364

Yes, we can all tell it's a retarded troll... But I'm responding anyways (and saging)...

A lot of marsupials are sluggish creatures, or are not heavy breeders. They are discussed in detail in Tim Flannery's The Future Eaters.

It's not a hole in evolutionary theory. They lacked big fast predators for many, many years, and the climate is not really keen on the survival of big predators. The large ones have been the Tasmanian tiger and, more recently, dingos. Australia has an unforgiving climate.

Native Australian animals are also becoming threatened due to the introduction of fast breeding species like cane toads, feral cats, rats, etc.

>> No.3364465

then if the evolutionary theor holds true the worthless defenseless koala will have to go extinct to the fast moving prowess of the feral cat, thank you for making my case even stronger.

>> No.3364472

i'm not a troll you fuckwad, koalas are the stpidest animals that could have ever existed you know it but wont admit it thats all

>> No.3364492

Actually, I'd rank you above the koalas.

>> No.3364517


Yes. Survival of the fittest. This and evolution are two different topics.

According to evolutionary theory, koalas over time my experience more changes due to environmental pressures; they may become faster to avoid predators. Natural selection will cause the unsuitable animals to die.

tl;dr you'd be the first to go if humans had to undergo similar environmental pressures.

>> No.3364907

>implying koalas would adapt the ability to outrun a cat before they would go extinct. try again idiot the koala should have gone extinct just like the dodo bird and as such you just make yourself look like an idiot of the highest caliber plus you cant even spell right or form any kind of coherent sentence structure as though even if you were to from then so keep making yourself look dumb kid

>> No.3364922





>> No.3364933


actually ...
it's a koala in a human suit in a koala suit

>> No.3364967

Pandas choose feeding over breeding, and you are telling me koalas are dumb.

The dodo bird became extinct because there were no predators on the island, and man suddenly showed up with a bunch of cats. The dodos had no defenses to predators, and so the cats ate them all. Koalas have predators, and so can actually get away from them. Foxes have to be faster than the slowest koala/rabbit/whatever, but koalas only have to not be the slowest koala.

Regardless, since you are probably a troll anyway (so, 8/10 for garnering a serious response) you won't go look at any of this stuff over here.
It is an indexed list of creationist claims and the scientific evidence which refutes those claims. I suggest that you also have a peek at Khan Academy (specifically, this http://www.khanacademy.org/video/introduction-to-evolution-and-natural-selection?playlist=Biology)) in order to understand what evolution and natural selection actually are and what is claimed by evolution and how evolution and natural selection relate.

>> No.3365304

damn nigga you got trolled HARD