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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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3356817 No.3356817 [Reply] [Original]

Any thoughts about this? What does /sci/ think will come next?

>> No.3356825

Google China.

They are what's next.

>> No.3356827

if that was the last mission of the shuttle how are the people on the international base going home?

>> No.3356831


That's just become a buzzword.

They never were the future. Not Russia either.

>> No.3356833

I figured the Japs were better suited with technology.

>> No.3356835

The next world superpower's government will fund a space program. No way a private company could foot the bill.

>> No.3356847

Does anyone think we will design a new type of spacecraft?

>> No.3356848

This is the last public one, anyways. Everyone is still gonna be setting up missile platforms and spy satillites and whatnot.

It just means we're gonna be stuck on this planet a little longer until we lrn 2 warpdrive.

>> No.3356855

ITT: hurp durp pack new supercomputers into our spaceships!

still don't get why we were sending that 30 years old 2000 tons of metal until now?

>> No.3356891

I'm surprised that no one has any true thoughts about this. lol

>> No.3356907

It's more of a emotional stop than an actual stop to technology.
It's like saying "dream is over, we are stuck here go on with your meaningless life"

>> No.3356916

like I said, maybe we will develop, or have already developed, a new type of spacecraft that's less unpredictable than the Shuttle.

>> No.3356919

Im sad and mad. Nothing to add. Thank you.

>> No.3356963

I feel more melancholy than anything else. I don't feel that this is the end of space exploration, but more of the end of the beginning. I grew up knowing the Shuttle, and it seems odd to think of life without hearing of them launching one or seeing it being worked on.

>> No.3356991

Oh I just love THESE threads.

A bunch of pseudo-intellectual "educated" people give "insightful" input on the "all-important" declining space programs.

-If any of you were half as informed and intelligent as you think you are, you'd atleast understand that the space program is much better left for a time when we can more economically advance it's pursuits, and also that there are actually far more important technologies that need to be developed now than any Mars dirt rover or solar satellite.

..and that's why I just LOVE these threads!


>> No.3356995


U mad

>> No.3357000


Because these tons of metal allow human beings to explore the final frontier in person
Telescopes and robots are incredible but not nearly as awe inspiring as the combination of man and universe

>> No.3357001
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either you reeaalll mad, or you're trollin'. In any case, back to /b/ with you!

>> No.3357004
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>> No.3357005

It's just the end of an era in space flight, mk1 is done now its time for mk2.
There will be others, there still are others. They're just operated by other governments and a growing private sector which is doing very well to catch up, but then only nationalist idiots would really care. Space exploration is in its purest and most idealogical form for the good of humanity, not for any particular state.

>> No.3357006

samefaggin' it up

>> No.3357009

Your life must be sad, spending so much time shitting up /sci/ like that. Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

>> No.3357020
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no samefag here, boss. Just sick of all the whining.

>> No.3357026
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must be Chinese.

>> No.3357061
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Hey kids, let's settle down and stop bitching and moaning. Let's focus on talking about the future of space exploration.
Trolls can return to /b/ as originated.

>> No.3357064
File: 65 KB, 400x304, 639_tommy-lee-jones-serious.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why don't you go jerk on on Carl Sagan's grave?

>> No.3357070


American finest right here. I can't take money out of it, than fuck it.

>> No.3357092
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this ananoly doesnt work for USA since WW2

>> No.3357100

I have a new propulsion system, but it requires being in the ionosphere. any ideas on how to get up there?

>> No.3357104
File: 25 KB, 300x300, 1307471074035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanted to write analogy
>uploaded loli
>wrote analoly