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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3352058 No.3352058 [Reply] [Original]


I, for one, am glad this is happening. Atheists are costing us too much money with their "science expeditions" and "research" that have no benefit to the American people whatsoever. They just drag us down with their own useless and selfish curiosity and publish what "they find" without even TRYING to make a profit that could benefit our economy and social welfare. But no, they're just using their selfishness and intolerance towards religion to drain us of all our wealth and welfare just to see if there are green suns out there or some shit. As an agnostic, I don't like taking a side with either the left or right, atheist or religion, but the said atheists had it coming with their intolerance persecutions against others who have their beliefs, and using their money spending and "research" to slap them with it. I'm glad you fagatheists are getting what you deserve for your intolerance to the religious, agnostics, and the American people. Fuck off.

>> No.3352069


I raged.

>> No.3352065

>200 replies starting

>> No.3352079

>implying the Webb telescope isn't being mainly funded by the ESA anyway
>implying JAXA and RSA aren't gonna fund it still

>> No.3352086

>As an agnostic, I don't like taking a side

>> No.3352087

Goddamn it OP, you're so fucking retarded. HURR FUCKING DURRRRRRRRRR

>> No.3352088

I find this post funny, because the other thread about this recent bit of news already has 200+ replies.

>> No.3352105

and agnostics wonder why we don't like them...

>> No.3352107


You're not trolling correctly, OP. You're supposed to use a tripcode for the first post, then remove the tripcode to samefag for a guaranteed 300+ replies.

Quickly OP, delete this thread and make another. I'll pretend I didn't see anything.

>> No.3352157

I guess Americans really are anti-science :(

>> No.3352163

Science is ultimately secular. Instead of always adhering to unchanging dogma, scientific consensus will change dramatically with sufficient evidence to the contrary. Stop labeling us with people who happen to be non theistic (yes, there are non theistic religions out there)!

>> No.3353179

hmmm somethings strange going on here

>> No.3353186
File: 8 KB, 417x429, 1304976420592.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moron or troll?

You decide.

>> No.3353208
File: 57 KB, 360x202, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing is.... I think this guy isn't trolling and is actually serious.

>> No.3353235

/sci/ - All James, all the time

>> No.3353254

tell me dude
did you people seriously dedicated your lives to hurling shit from your mouths?

too much money for science expedtitions?
no profit?
benefit to american people?
holy shit you are trolling right? RIGHT?
tell me, my friend if science expeditions without profit or benefit are expensive how do you call american 10 years of expeditions into the desert?
are you even aware that these beautiful crusades against goat herders add every year almost trillon dollars to the national debt?
That's right, those wars are not making you any money... they're just consuming them like a blackhole left after Vi Canis Majoris (fucking big one)

now either go convince your enlightened gowernment that they should stop burning money with tanks and choppers or SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT MONEY WASTING WHEN THE ENTIRE NASA BUDHED IS BILLION DOLLARS LESS THAN AC FOR SOLDIERS IN AFGHANISTAN

>> No.3353257


That pic is retarded nonsense. Agnostic is "there might be gods, there might not, but we'll probably never have proof one way or the other."

Either you're a moron or 8/10.

>> No.3353285

