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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 74 KB, 500x498, 1301880125788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3351520 No.3351520 [Reply] [Original]

Goodbye NASA.

>> No.3351529

good bye.

see ya again in 50 years when humanity realizes too late that it needs to escape this rock.

>> No.3351536

goodbye nasa...
hello superior private industry! fuck yeah!

>> No.3351546

neither you or your spawn will ever afford the benefits of private industry.

we work for the highest bidder, and it sure aint you.

>> No.3351547


Maybe low orbit space trips for rich doucecocks. But as far as exploration goes, there's no money to be made.

>> No.3351555

>Implying you or your spawn could afford the benefits of NASA.

>> No.3351563
File: 12 KB, 375x282, 1260719645248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, let's hope some alien civilization finds us then so that we can leech their technology.

>> No.3351573

My government can, which is to say we can.

If my government doesn't want my services I'm free to sell them to whatever nation does though. Space exploration will continue, it'll just be done by wealthy nations now.

>> No.3351576

I can easily afford a space elevator ride

>> No.3351597

I can easily afford to visit Tahiti, but I doubt I could live there.

>> No.3351602

Streams are all up and running. I know we are still 14 hours away. But this is actually when I begin coverage (I live in Japan. Deal with it)


>> No.3351608
File: 95 KB, 400x300, asteroid-hits-earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Goodbye NASA.

Goodbye Humanity.

>> No.3351609

Tonga is much cheaper

>> No.3351611

Hey, faggot, build your own rockets

>> No.3351617


I can't legally posses the fuel.

>> No.3351627

Just because I won't buy an entire cruise liner/airplane/satellite launching system doesn't mean I don't reap the benefits of using the services they provide from those who buy them. Thinking that one must buy something completely for themself in order to use it is extremely retarded and your point is a strawman.
Nope, not a single dime to make from exploration commercially (as our technology stands right now). But hey, not much money to be made in charitable or beneficial non-profit organizations either, right? People don't don't the things they want to do exclusively for money, and spaceflight is an obvious example.

>> No.3351632

what? NASA is ending?

>> No.3351648

NASA is not ending.

>> No.3351654


pretty much. No launch vehicles and a budget cut to the bone

>> No.3351668


For the first time in 60 years, NASA can no longer into space.

>> No.3351696
File: 39 KB, 640x427, 1282202910927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Has no idea about the potential trillion dollar deposits on steroids.

>> No.3351699

If humanity can't see the value of a space program then they deserve to die of their own devices on this rock.

>> No.3351717


Yes. No more space launches and Obama fucked thier budget.

Once the GOP takes over the white house in '12, the life support will be cut.


>> No.3351719



>> No.3351726


next stop, healthcare, worker's rights and social security.

Damn it feels good to be a gangst- I mean, politician.

>> No.3351742


Yeah, fuck those politicians

>> No.3351748


Yup. Those are more difficult targets. NASA is an easy one which is why I think it will go first.

>> No.3351755


Yup. NASA is an easier target though- which is why I think it will go first.

>> No.3351759


But capitalism would love to mine the shit out of everything in the solar system (or turn what they can't mine into tourist sites)!

>> No.3351765


>Implying it is cost effective and profitable.

>> No.3351771

NASA is dead? Good, no more money spent on that.
Back to working on real things people.

>> No.3351779


NASA called. They say they want their transistor back.

>> No.3351784

Everyone else called. They said they want their everything else back.

>> No.3351785


would a trillion dollars an asteroid be cost effective?

>> No.3351790


>Lol i'm so funny I can take his post and change a few words even though it makes no sense now xD

>> No.3351794


No. But apparently a trillion dollars to sit around in Iraq is.

>> No.3351799
File: 25 KB, 350x400, 4045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shut your fucking mouth Eisenhower

>> No.3351803

Are you honestly telling me that NASA has contributed more to science than Leonardo Da Vinci, for example?

>> No.3351807


>>Yes. No more space launches and Obama fucked thier budget.

Did you read the article? Obama requested a budget *increase*. The cuts, and JWST cancellation, are favored by Republicans.

>> No.3351815


Whoa whoa, getting ahead of yourself boy. All I said was that your previous post made no sense and you're real cool for taking his post and changing a few words.

Really sorry, didn't mean to awake the mad in you.

>> No.3351819

People never listen to anything. If something bad happens, people just blame him.

>> No.3351828

Sad thing is that if space travel loses momentum, with less research and education in relevant fields there'll be a point were the know-how disappears all together.

In several hundred million years, the archaeological remains of our dead civilization will be documented by an alien race who decided to take the plunge into the cosmic ocean. We'll simply be another statistic.

>> No.3351830

You implied that my post was incorrect though. Also, not mad, actually pretty bored. Haven't been on /sci/ much lately, so not many stimulant conversations, and Steam is trying to suck my money.

>> No.3351867

It was said that ancient egyptians and africans travelled to the Americas in ancient times; yet they didn't stay. Why? What is there? Trees, mountains, dirt?

Same reason for going to space ; what is there out there besides gas and dust? Like ancient intercontinental travelers, there's probably agencies going out there that we've never heard of. But why would anyone want to go, there's nothing there. The research we want done is easily managable with robots.

It will probably be centuries before any big expedition to space happens - if it took centuries to convince old worlders to live in the Americas, imagine how long it will take to convince people to live in space.

>> No.3351900


>>Has no idea about the potential trillion dollar deposits on steroids.


If you mean Asteroids, yeah, trillons per rock. But the problem is getting them here. On idea is to bring one into earth orbit and mine it from there. Rockets can keep it stabilized.

Even this though, means that its very, very, very costly.

>> No.3351910


lol good luck pulling that off without spending trillions of dollars.

>> No.3351927

>If government doesn't force me to spend my money on a bloated bureaucracy plagued with waste and mismanagement, we will all die.

For people that are supposed to be smart, /sci/ sure is filled with knee jerk emotional responses.

>> No.3351934

Please STFU. Mankind as a species will make it into space, even if it means we need to be blown up into space by World War 3.

>> No.3351937


>>For people that are supposed to be smart, /sci/ sure is filled with knee jerk emotional responses.

This is 4chan. What do you expect?

/sci/ is NOT filled with smart people. /sci/ is filled with people from 4chan who browse /sci/.

>> No.3351946

There's money in the masses. It'll just take time and competition in the private industry to saturate the field.

>> No.3353608

Our only hope is relying on multinational efforts and push our own research into transhumanist technology. While the US will thus stagnate in space tech, we will have bodies that can better survive within the space ships for other powers.

>> No.3353642

Hey... maybe we could fund NASA if we weren't wasting billions of dollars every month on 3 pointless wars?

>> No.3353711



>> No.3353727

and dangerous ... woops!!! stabilizer rocket fucked up..... sorry Japan

>> No.3353737 [DELETED] 

Implying ending the waste of dollars that was the shuttle and starting something far better (commercial HLV rockets and capsules approach) is not actually a good thing.

The shuttle was a dead end and a mistake. It never made sense to merge heavy lift and personnel transport into one vehicle. It performed both roles sub-optimaly and uneconomicaly. Specialisation of launchers and vehicles is the key to space colonisation.

By the words of Elon Musk, SpaceX CEO: :"Shuttle should have ended 10 years ago."

This is a glorious day, start of something new and better, and we should rejoice!!

>> No.3353774

humanity failed

I told you it would

>> No.3353784

>This thread
>This whole topic

Goodbye rationality.

>> No.3353828



Nasa's plans are to privatize low-orbit vehicles and to focus on deep space exploration.

Go read through their site instead of wherever you got the soundbytes that you are parroting.

>> No.3353835

Shuttle launch coverage thread:


>> No.3353839

Like I said, this just furthers my suspicion that America really is as anti-science as it's stereotype persists.

>> No.3353847

Well seeing as how the education system is under almost constant attack by christian groups, I would say it is. Which annoys me as an expat american

>> No.3353859
File: 8 KB, 409x258, Rage_face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is supposed to be a secular country. No religion should have that much power over other religions and non-religion!

>> No.3353886

Welcome to America.


Launch coverage.

ATV cargo vehicle is coming up on docking BTW

>> No.3353893

OP wont respond to this because he's stupid

This is awesome because it will lead to affordable space flight for anyone who wants to see what space is like.. that is too awesome

>> No.3353903

I've always thought there should be some giant UN backed science organization which concerns itself with space.

>> No.3353908

>not profitable
I don't think so Tim

>> No.3353925

oh man, I used to feel bad that my dad won't live to see the first man on mars

But he told me how they were crowding in a small room in a eastern european village where three people had tv sets, like twenty people in a room to watch armstrong on the moon.

They all cheered not because the common man hated the communist government - and that they did, but because even simple people who barely grasped electricity even they fucking knew this is a BIG thing and regardless of who did it, its something grand happening in front of them.

The more I think about it the more jelly I am, nowadays with all the technology, the mental impact will be nothing like 1969

>> No.3353950


In all seriousness, I doubt anybody on this board will live to see men walk on Mars.

Every year it just gets pushed back futher and futher.

>> No.3353958

Enter ESA + China/India.

Cya America, we'll be in Space.

>> No.3353967 [DELETED] 

you know worthless shit is being done with tax money when a nigger gets put into orbit

>> No.3353973

They say 1/5 people alive today will live to 100.

Since most of us are around 20 ish we're among the youngest of our generation, by the time we get to 70/80 the age we can live to will have increased further.

So don't be so sure.

But yeah all this "LOL MANNED MISSION TO MARS BY 2030" is rubbish its like "we'll all have flying cars and hoverboards by the year 2000 you know!"

>> No.3353976

The Russians and Chinese are on it.

>> No.3353978

Not to mention some private Russian company is already trying to send people to the Moon to check if there's enough to HE3 up there to make a profit, and mine it if there is.

>> No.3353982 [DELETED] 

>you know worthless shit is being done with tax money when they spend trillions to shoot a handful of sandniggers


>> No.3353983

It's incredible how little you people actually know about the space program, how it works and the engineering/political realities that shape NASAs decisions.

Don't read a couple of shallow articles written by whomever and think you know how it all works.

Don't listen to people online, except for a select few on a select few communities (/sci/ is not one of them.).

Nothing in the space industry is absolute, and the "most obvious" choices are usually the worst ones.

The program is not dying, Russians are not getting ahead, VASIMR is a lie, He-3 is not the answer, and colonization and resource extraction is improbable for the time being, and when the time comes it will probably work itself out in a slow, subtle fashion.

Go read some books.

>> No.3354010

>Russians are not getting ahead

Keep telling yourself that Ameribro.

The Russians did EVERYTHING first except land a man on the moon. Which thing is it Americans keep banging on about again? Oh yeah landing a man on the moon. Its because its the only thing they were first at.

First artificial satelite?
First animal?
First human?
First complete orbit?

Along with many others.

Russians are better at this whole Space exploration thing than the Americans, the only reason the Americans were ahead with NASA is because the way Americans solve problems is by throwing shitloads of money at it. So NASA was extremely well funded.

Now you're losing the only advantage you have because fundings being cut (and you sure don't have the brains to keep up with the rest of the world without compensating with 1000x more money)

>> No.3354034

>Complains about NASA's miserly budget
>Ignores vast sectors of government spending that are far more wasteful, like military.

>> No.3354054

I don't get it. Is NASA shutting down or something? Is this their last flight? What?

>> No.3354063

Who says (I'm not the person you're replying to) I don't want war cut also. Libertarians want everything cut.

>> No.3354089

I dont want to die!

>> No.3354095

We need more mooney.

>> No.3354108

Is that why you faggots are crying?

>> No.3354528
File: 196 KB, 1600x1200, communawww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tell me more about Russia.

>> No.3354537


Middle link is supposed to be: >>3353978

>> No.3354540

This live?http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/index.html

>> No.3354619

It says it's fucking live, dumbass.

>> No.3354641

>Goodbye NASA.

Hello ESA!

>> No.3354645

Yes, but is it alive?

>> No.3354655



>> No.3354665

Im crying right now, /sci/entists, I really dont have much faith in the corporate sector, China or Russia to really get much done in the way space exploration.

>> No.3354672

is live and live feed is also available on the NASA channel

>> No.3354675

i hope it dosnt blow up. its looks so bleeding cool sitting on the launch pad.

>> No.3354688

> Something goes wrong
>stop the stream

>> No.3354701

>manned flight
pick none

>> No.3354712

It's the last shuttle flight, NASA is not shutting down.

>> No.3354713

esa does fly astronauts, just on soyuz the same as nasa will be doing.

>> No.3354724

...so saying "Hello ESA" after "Goodbye NASA" in a thread having to do with the final shuttle flight isn't implying that ESA somehow has an advantage in manned flight over NASA?

>> No.3354726

Honestly, in less NASA finds some planet with actual green life in the next 30 seconds then I don't care.

NASA hasn't done anything worth while since the moon landing, or even anything remotely relevant that would help humanity in some way.

It has been a waste of money for years and should have stopped when Regan left office.

>> No.3354729

>Defunding NASA

America just got owned by Christians

>> No.3354733

You're wrong.
inb4 hundreds of replies

>> No.3354734
File: 33 KB, 400x332, 1100887a-bade-44b0-bf07-c332782663a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not worthwhile

Smells like retard in here.

>> No.3354737

Wait, so what about the people on the ISS? ARE THEY TRAPPED THERE FOREVER?!?!?

>> No.3354747

wasn't me but the whole goodby nasa thing is stupid anyway

just don't take it out one esa it only launches 2 astronauts a year it doesn't need a launch system, especially after the americans fucked them over after cancelling the CRV.

>> No.3354756

Yes, they are the greatest human beings and will die heros up there.

>> No.3354776

No, they will learn how to grow green algae enough to survive & perfect fusion. Then they will go into space without us. Their descendants come back a few hundred years later to save humanity once it has learned its lesson by being almost destroyed by WW III and 2012.

>> No.3354785

obama is trying to make thousands jobless nothing wrong with that he just wants ni­ggers who dont deserve money because there to lazy to work our money and if there is alien life he prefers to let them come to us good job obama atleast bush wouldnt of done that

>> No.3354799

We pay Russia to go get them.

>> No.3354803

you see that thing you're typing on? the thing you're typing to? the screen you're staring at?

yeah, fuck off.

>> No.3354809 [DELETED] 

That isn't me. I didn't mean anything by what I posted, I just posted it because I felt like it.

>> No.3354819

So, would rockets be cheaper than space shuttles? Space shuttles might be reusable and all that, but I read that it costs one billion to start one of them. How much does a rocket cost that can lift as much weight?

>> No.3354838


>Technology that lets about 6 people going maybe 3 feet from earth's gravitational pull.
>Technology that lets 3 people at NASA people look at stars which hasn't progressed humanity in the last 30 years.
>Technology that costs millions and millions to maintain that only 10 people can actually use.
>Worth while.

>> No.3354858
File: 110 KB, 1024x768, Nasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gutting NASA is unforgivable.
If you've achieved an MS or higher degree in science or engineering please fucking leave the U.S. Refuse to work on their infrastructure or do any research that benefits them. Let their fucking bibles solve their problems. .see how far that gets them. .Fucking rage.

>> No.3354863

So, nothing has come out of the space shuttle program?


>> No.3354866


>> No.3354867

Jesus loves you. Don't ever forget that.

>> No.3354879
File: 105 KB, 1092x1100, zen-circle-zen-buddhist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buddha wants you to become enlightened.

>> No.3354880
File: 82 KB, 735x700, 1294867953126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is so wrong to the point where it isn't even funny as a troll

>> No.3354888

But he's right.

>> No.3354899 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 150x168, trollharder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

troll harder nigger

>> No.3354897

They use the Soyuz rockets to send the Soyuz capsule into orbit to dock with the ISS. Next one is in August.

>> No.3354906
File: 60 KB, 342x315, 1305093055710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, he's really not

>> No.3354917

>people pretending to be stupid enough to think that the end of NASA means the end of space travel

No one is buying it.

>> No.3354919


>> No.3354925

It is another sign that the US is pretty much done with science and wants to commit economic suicide.

>> No.3354942

How pro science is current day Russia?

>> No.3354944

>People thinking this is the end of NASA.

This is the end of sending very large and costly shuttles in to space.

After this it will probably be all done by robots and other probes.

Or will be picked up again in 3-5 years when they find some space dust they need samples for that end up to be nothing.

>> No.3354949

No clue how their general science funding is, but they do continually develop new Soyuz capsules and launch vehicles.

>> No.3354956

Christians and Muslims are the fastest growing demographic in the world

And now this is happening

I think religion has won.

I think this planet is pretty muched fucked by its own greed and blind ideaology.

>> No.3354960


How much of their population is non religious like back in the Soviet days?

>> No.3354962

>Goodbye NASA

Fuckin' politics shutting them down. When the Buggers come they'll be regretting their decision.

>> No.3354969


nonreligious people is a faster growing demographic. Not an ideology I know, but still there's hope.

>> No.3354974

I find it hilarious that we're actually trusting the future of space shuttles to Russia while we develop those new rockets. Russia!

The astronauts will probably get smashed and fly the damn things into the sun or something.

>> No.3354975

There is hope!

>Buddhism teaches that all things are in a constant state of flux: all is changing, and no permanent state exists by itself.[24][25] This applies to human beings as much as to anything else in the cosmos. Thus, a human being has no permanent self.[26][27] According to this doctrine of anatta (Pāli; Sanskrit: anātman) — "no-self" or "no soul" — the words "I" or "me" do not refer to any fixed thing. They are simply convenient terms that allow us to refer to an ever-changing entity.

>> No.3354976

from the speech it really sounded like they are closing for good. lol.

>> No.3354992

...Russia has been continuously flying missions to the ISS alongside the shuttle program with no failures.

>> No.3354996

Russian Soyuz technology is by far the most used and the absolute safest launching technology in the world, much more so than U.S. launching technology. Did you know Roscosmos has routinely done twice as many launches as NASA per year? That's right, Russia is the best.

>> No.3355007

More! I most learn MOAR!

>> No.3355016


You know the first man in space was named Yuri, right?

in a related matter, SIX MINUTES TO LAUNCH BITCHES

>> No.3355017


>> No.3355022

You have access to the internet, I need not guide your hand to any additional specifics

>> No.3355028

Wait, did something happen to NASA recently? I thought they said they were going to make asteroid landings. I know one of their telescopes got canceled but I didn't think anything new came up.

>> No.3355031

Well, they planned it for 2020 or later. Not sure.

>> No.3355033


>> No.3355038


>> No.3355067

That reminds me... what is everyone's prediction for SpaceX's 2020 Mars shot? Posturing or an actual thing?

>> No.3355068


31 seconds left! y u no countdown.

>> No.3355073



>> No.3355082

inb4 asplosion.

>> No.3355111

Why are tears rolling down my face?

>> No.3355121

There's no way the American government is giving up on space exploration entirely.

No one could be that stupid.

>> No.3355135

I doubt they will too, but you'd be surprised at how stupid people are.

>> No.3355148

>underestimating the stupidity of Americans

>> No.3355150

To be honest, if we as humans are content to let such idiots lead us, we deserve everything we get.

>> No.3355154

A hopeful thing I noticed is that the public seemed to have a much larger space-boner than normal. Maybe people have only now realized how much they need space exploration for national pride and scientific knowledge, when they have no spaceships at all.

>> No.3355182

National pride is a bullshit reason. Just saying.

>> No.3355189

Yeah, but people like bullshit. Of course it's not an actual reason.

>> No.3355194 [DELETED] 
File: 1.96 MB, 512x384, 1282938928740.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NASA isn't dead you fucks.

they're just done sending rockets out of orbit for awhile.

our government relies on NASA for other shit. Like incoming asteroids, weather, killing niggers, etc.

>> No.3355197

china win the space race

>> No.3355224

yes with their obviously fake space walk where the guy had bubbles coming out of his helmet pretending to do something Russia and the USA did decades ago

>> No.3355227

You Suck

Please Die in a fire

>> No.3355240

Why would they let let a man named after the Japanese word for lesbian go into space?

>> No.3355426

What do people think of SpaceX's 2020 Mars mission? Is it bullshit or could they actually pull it off?

>> No.3357630
File: 146 KB, 470x400, 1291096392824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soyuz has a much better safety record than the STS

>mfq forty-year-old commie rockets are the world's only means to lob humans into orbit