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File: 153 KB, 782x1107, woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3347581 No.3347581 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any true scientific means of turning a man into a woman?

And I do not mean that fake transgender shit.

>> No.3347586 [DELETED] 

you want to give yourself a working pair of the other gender's genitals? cant be done.

>> No.3347592

>fake transgender shit

That fake shit can become very real.

I don't think you know enough about it to claim it's "fake".

>> No.3347590 [DELETED] 

Actually, it can.

>> No.3347595 [DELETED] 

I don't see why it can't be done. Just import a womb into your body. But reproduction doesn't make someone a woman. There are ways one can change chromosomes too.

>> No.3347597

Why can't it be done?

>> No.3347599


Explain please.

>> No.3347604 [DELETED] 

If it can, feel free to correct me. I'm no doctor.

But I've never heard of any person born male who is able to have periods and get pregnant.

>> No.3347600

retrovirus replaces sex chromosones

>> No.3347603

What's a retrovirus?

>> No.3347606

Does sex chromosomes really have that big of an impact on gender?
I always thought it had a minor influence on hormones.
I am a little offended by your thinking that what makes a woman is her ability to have periods or birth babies. And I am male.

>> No.3347607

Well, OP, I think it's necessary to provide us with your definition of identity. You could probably take a woman captive, surgically implant her genitalia into your body while they're still attached to her, and keep her barely alive. Tie her to your back with ropes or something. Is this what you're looking for?

>> No.3347613

atomic manipulation to the genetic code of all your cells to remove the operation of the SRY gene or to replace the Y gene with an X duplicate.

>> No.3347614

How is that even close to what he asked?

>> No.3347617


>> No.3347619 [DELETED] 

>I am a little offended by your thinking that what makes a woman is her ability to have periods or birth babies. And I am male.

Oh I see, you're a social constructivist. thats cool but OP was asking about 'a true scientific means' as in more than just hormone treatment

>> No.3347618


But nanotech is like 200 years off so enjoy your hairy man body.

>> No.3347620

He's looking for a way to turn a male into a female. I was suggesting a possible way to obtain functional genitalia of the opposite sex.

>> No.3347624 [DELETED] 

what makes a woman then?

>> No.3347623

SRY is the name of the gene that makes you male, it's quite a small part of the Y chromosome.

>> No.3347625
File: 27 KB, 600x450, I_see_what_you_did_there_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sex chromosomes
>not a big impact on gender


>> No.3347628

Nothing really. Some minor things. Like being weaker than the male sex. But other than that both genders are practically the same in a modern environment.

I don't even know what a social constructivist is exactly. But how does it make me a man because I have semen?

>> No.3347637

XX or XY with a defective SRY gene (however the woman will be sterile)

>> No.3347639

I never knew chromosomes had a big impact on us either.

>> No.3347644

Does this mean women who can't get pregnant are not women? Then what the fuck are they?

>> No.3347651

Wtf do the chromosomes do anyway?

>> No.3347656 [DELETED] 

FFS, what did you think OP Meant?

Hormone injections to give boobs, surgery to tuck the penis away, lasar treatment or hormones to remove hair can all be done. this all goes some way to turning a man into a woman. This obviously is authentic enough FOR THE OP. So else could he be after? Clearly he wants a way to do this PLUS be able to produce eggs and harbour a foetus in his uterus.

>> No.3347660

You are mistaken. Words mean things. You can't change the definition of a word and expect to have productive discussion with people not using the same definition. In addition, changing the meaning of a word doesn't abolish the concept it normally represents, which is what you are trying to do. The only thing you are accomplishing right now is making people think you are a troll.

>> No.3347661 [DELETED] 

*isn't authentic enough.


>> No.3347664

LIke how you've managed to change sentence structure?

Bad troll indeed.

>> No.3347665

sigh, please educate yourself. (chromosomes == dna)

>> No.3347669

What are you even talking about?

>> No.3347674

>chromosomes == dna
This is what illiterate basterds actually believe.

>> No.3347681

>chromosomes == dna

Wrong, chromosomes are not in dna. There was a new study spotlighted in my local newspaper.

>> No.3347689

Is it really import to change one's own chromosome if they wish to life as a woman?

And if it were possible to give them a proper reproduction system.

What if they took sperm they saved and injected it into their new eggs?

Does this mean they can be the babies mother AND father?

>> No.3347696

Virus which changes the DNA of a cell to produce more of the virus.
OP was talking about "turning a man into a woman" and unfortunately I'm one of those people who don't tolerate bullshit and call a spade a spade when they see a spade. Sorry.

>> No.3347703

How about I just kill you?

I know people.

>> No.3347720

pick one

>> No.3347722

Can you really have him killed? o.o

>> No.3347729



>> No.3347734

Okay... now I'm a little scared. :o

>> No.3347740

internet tough guy

>> No.3347765

My therapist tells me I should transition and I don't know if I should.

What do you all think?

>> No.3347799

That your therapist is unqualified and that you should make your own choices.

>> No.3347819

Are you asking people who have never met you to tell you what to do with your life instead of trusting someone who knows you fairly well and whose job is to give you advice about that?

>> No.3347829

I think your therapist is a faggot and needs to learn this 'trannies need sex changes to choose a sex' shit is cultural.
Only eight percent of hijras visiting Humsafar clinics are nirwaan (castrated). Indian photographer Dayanita Singh writes about her friendship with a Hijra, Mona Ahmed, and their two different societies' beliefs about gender: "When I once asked her if she would like to go to Singapore for a sex change operation, she told me, 'You really do not understand. I am the third sex, not a man trying to be a woman. It is your society's problem that you only recognise two sexes.'"
some cultures have more than 2 genders

>> No.3347850

>some cultures have more than 2 genders
Yes, in societies that God doesn't pay attention to there are. So your point is moot.

>> No.3347854

>I think your therapist is a faggot and needs to learn this 'trannies need sex changes to choose a sex' shit is cultural.

Because, you know, you automatically know better than someone who probably went to school to know just what he's talking about, amiright?

Gtfo tranny.

>> No.3347856

Current sex change tactics=mutilation
Mutilated man=still a man

The real sex change operations will come when humanity can successfully grow cloned bodies of the opposite sex of you and transplant your brain into them.

Either that, or mutate your body, giving you a different set of chromosomes in addition to a different set of hormones and physical changes. But I think the clone/brain transplants are closer than that.

>> No.3347857
File: 291 KB, 550x732, rd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring it on, I'm ready.

>> No.3347868

Do you know what mutilation even is?

>> No.3347872

>Current sex change tactics=mutilation

No, me chopping your penis off with a kitchen knife would be mutilation and so should circumcision.

Current sex change "tactics" fall more in line with surgery than mutilation.

>> No.3347898

Mine told me that too.
I don't think I'm going to do it.

>> No.3347914

butchering something that works perfectly=mutilation

>> No.3347922

>Yes, in societies that God doesn't pay attention to there are.
your society pressures you to mutilate your body
obviously, your society is better

>> No.3347947

Full body prosthesis and nano tech.

>> No.3347951

No there is not. Simply speaking, you cannot change a Y-chromosome to an X-chromosome. Gender is determined genetically at conception and cannot be truly changed.

>> No.3347955
File: 105 KB, 1092x1100, zen-circle-zen-buddhist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>in societies that God doesn't pay attention to

Your way is not the only way. There is no absolutely correct way. Your way dose not diminish the truth's of other paths...

>> No.3347959


wait wait wait.
a surgeon cutting of a small portion of your penis and leaving it fully functioning is mutilation.

a surgeon removing your balls, cutting your penis in half and then tucking it inside of you is surgery?

what kind of bullshit logic is this?

>> No.3347960

By copying your brains structure and imprinting that structure into a new body of the opposite gender.

>> No.3347977


consider this:
as a gay man you will be able to have a good life.
as a trany or a "women" more then 90% will not want you as a partner.
choosing to go through with this is probably choosing to be an outcast, lonely or constantly lying about who and what you are.
i'm not saying you should or shouldn't do it, but think about all the consequences.

>> No.3347980

Without speculating as to whether or not this is possible, could a nano tech based synthetic womb be implanted into some male that was transgendered into a female (also using advanced nano tech) so that she would have menstruation and might be able to get pregnant--at the very least being able to literally lay eggs?

>> No.3347988

man to woman sex change = downgrade
woman to man sex change = upgrade

>> No.3347992

You can with a retrovirus, which I mentioned before, but the person who wanted an answer is now trying to kill me because he wants to twist the scientific objective definition of "female" to encompass trannies with mutilated cocks.

>> No.3347995

man to woman sex change = downgrade
new woman becoming lesbian=success.

>> No.3348016


well what do you expect?
i personally would never debate a trany about what they are.
it's like kicking a cripple or hitting a mentally disabled person.
you should do the same, their mental state is frail enough as it is.

>> No.3348037
File: 38 KB, 500x369, normal_male_karyotype.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd think that using a retrovirus to achieve something like this would be difficult-to-nigh-impossible (not completely impossible) and risky. I haven't delved to deeply into genetics, but there's a significant difference between an X and Y chromosome (The Y being a lot shorter, pic related for those interested). This means that not only would a retrovirus have to embed a significant amount of genetic material onto the chromosome, but it would probably have to deactivate or modify codons in the genetic code that already exists, and if a single fuckup occurs, that could have huge consequences.

Hell, some serious diseases like sickle-cell anaemia are caused by a change in a single, 3-base pair codon. Modifying a long portion of DNA like that could activate oncogenes, leading to cancer. The list goes on.

By all means, correct me if what I'm saying is wrong, because I'm not a geneticist, so I wouldn't be surprised if I'm way off the mark, but it just seems like an incredibly drastic change with too many risks involved...

>> No.3348065

I'm afraid I can't empathize. A person's gender is not an issue of "identity" or whatever's convenient. It's determined by genetics. I cannot understand why someone would possibly deny a something that is as black as white as this. Unless someone has some sort of chromosomal disorder on their sex chromosomes, their gender is determined by the presence or lack of a Y chromosome. End of story.

>> No.3348070
File: 79 KB, 463x462, my-body-is-ready.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grow female body in vitro
>transfer consciousness

Am I the only person who would actually like to do this?

>> No.3348100

Most viruses are subject to evolutionary pressures, it is possible to intentionally suppress the subject's immune system and modify viruses to have far more genes than would allow them to survive under normal conditions, it would take at most 20 gene therapy sessions with seperate retroviruses containing different portions of the XX sex chromosone.

>> No.3348105



Even if it were possible to replace/remove all copies of the Y chromosomes using a retrovirus (it isn't but we're dreaming here) you'd simply have an infertile male.

Retroviruses, usually only carry enough genetic material for a few genes, a whole chromosome is most likely impossible.

>> No.3348116
File: 70 KB, 750x600, delicious-trap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turning a man into a woman? When?

I have heard of children born hermaphroditic and doctors surgically decide the sex of the child right there and then. If anyone knows more about this, please provide the information. I can't remember the details.

Does OP mean transforming from, say, and adult male to a female with the sex appropriate reproductive organs?

No. That's...science fiction. Biologically, I just can't see how it can be done....would be cool though.

I'll settle for delicious traps.

>> No.3348119

Well, really, your body *isn't* ready, though

>> No.3348129


There isn't an XX sex chromosome.

There's an X and a Y. In women one of the X's is usually always rendered nonfunctional, thankfully for men this is not the case.

If you are interested in the development of gender-specific traits through genetic manipulation, look for articles that discuss suppression of the SOX9 and FOXL2 genes.

>> No.3348143

>In women one of the X's is usually always rendered nonfunctional

The deactivated chromosome is selected randomly in each individual cell, isn't it? (Not a comment on what you said, I just want to clarify if what I know is right)

>> No.3348160


they think they're female because they aren't mentally well.

it reminds me of a condition were people think they shouldn't have limbs, they think their arm shouldn't be there, so they cut of their arm.

it's wrong, and it's horrible, but there is nothing you can do about it or say to the guy to change his mind, he's insane and you can't help him, so you might as well not kick him while he's down.

>> No.3348169

That arm thing has more to do with the physiological structure of their nervous system in that region, than the neural circuits in their brain.

>> No.3348257

>thankfully for men this is not the case.

Eh, it's not really always a good thing. This way, if there's an X-linked disease on one of your mother's X-chromosomes and that happens to be the chromosome you inherit, you WILL express that disease. You'll also express any Y-linked diseases your father has, because you only have one Y-chromosome and you get it directly from him.

Whereas women cannot inherit Y-linked genetic mutations, and even if they inherit an X-linked disease, they'll express it to a far lesser degree, since the affected X-chromosome is inactivated in about half of the cells in their body. Haemophilia is a great example of how X-linked diseases affect men and women differently.

>> No.3348265

No you can't just change you genes and expect your dick to fall off and you to grow a vagina.

>> No.3348275


i don't know man, no matter how numb my arm will be, or if i didn't feel it at all, i still wouldn't want to cut it off.
you'd have a hard time convincing me someone that elects to chop of a part of his body is perfectly sane.

>> No.3348425

Completely removing a body part yes. But what about replacing to enhance? When that is no longer in the realm of science fiction, why would I be any less sane for wanting to replace my heart with a genetically/tissue engineered one that will work more efficiently, last longer, and have great survivability than a normal healthy one?

>> No.3348479

How can we create the glorious transhuman hermaphrodite master race found in Issac Asimov's novel: Foundation and Earth?

>> No.3348532

>unfounded assertion

>> No.3348549
File: 124 KB, 500x375, graveyard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does our brain comfort us when we are about to die?

What function in life coming to be developed such a tool designed to function as proof of faith for some.

I once watched something about an experiment where they took a little girl and triggered a function in her brain that let out the chemicals that are suppose to come out before death,

However cases of NDE suggest the brain wont function thus they had the process and should have lost it.

Can anyone here explain?

>> No.3348561

>Why does our brain comfort us when we are about to die?
Either it's an evolutionary adaption which increases your chances of surviving near fatal trauma OR its the brain fucking up as everything crashes down around it.

>> No.3348646


the only problem with that is that evolution doesn't give a fuck what happens at the end of your life, only up until you breed a few times.

>> No.3348664

BUT if say you get hit with a rock, brain floods your body with chemicals which relax you and make you survive then you go on to breed that's natural selection.

>> No.3348736

I most certainly do. Sorry for the late reply, by the way.


>> No.3348763

>I once watched something about an experiment where they took a little girl and triggered a function in her brain that let out the chemicals that are suppose to come out before death,

I seriously doubt this was done as you describe.

>> No.3348844

no, different chromosomes in each cell in your body

>> No.3351208

And I still don't see anything here that classifies a sex change operation as mutilation. So somewhere down the road you clearly don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.3351224

Yep, you clearly don't know squat if you think a sex change operation counts as mutilation. An operation is a SURGERY. If you want something for you kick. Try circumcision.