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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3346080 No.3346080 [Reply] [Original]

Quick question for you /sci/

Do you think things like psychics and telepathy belong in a science fiction story?

They have no basis in reality/science like many of the other topics commonly used in sci-fi like teleportation, FTL/Warp travel, ET, time travel, etc.

How do you feel when a science fiction story introduces telepathy?

>> No.3346108

No, but go ahead throw a bunch of wormholes and warp speed in there, that'll teach those sci-fi nuts what proper sci-fi is.

>> No.3346113

>sweet alien movie
>aliens arrive
>touches forehead and looks at human
>suddenly hes a mental magician
>controls human to do his bidding

hurp durp

>> No.3346115
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You sure you wanna go there?

>> No.3346119

Well, at least you're not on /tv/ doing this again.

>> No.3346122
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I think we may have to reprogram him.

>> No.3346131
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I'll deal with him.

>> No.3346147

I'm certainly won't see anything...

>> No.3346148


some good ones

>> No.3346151
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>> No.3346166
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Let me ask you this OP:

What do you want?

>> No.3346167

Only if you can think up a rational excuse for their existence.
They don't belong if you just say "because MAGIC"

>> No.3346178

Whats the rational excuse for warp drives?

>> No.3346191


They're actually staple in the classics of sci fi. Or do you, by sci fi, mean whatever the hell you saw on mtv last?

>> No.3346198

The problem is that authors don't write about how or why their plot devices exist.

What's more troubling is that the reader almost never questions it.

Fucking gullible passive society.

>> No.3346205

OP was preborn as a faggot.

His name is a saging word.

>> No.3346208
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>> No.3346212


Sometimes, the rainbow is best left unweaved.

>> No.3346218

Question everything.

No exceptions.

>> No.3346233


You'd think that with such a uncompromising attitude you'd be furthering the frontiers of science this moment, rather than trolling an imageboard.

>> No.3346243

I don't believe you

>> No.3346268

No, please leave it out and encourage all of your fellow writers and contacts in hollywood to do the same.

Alien and aliens are movies which properly assess realism and the entertainment value of speculative science properly, here we have a situation where everything the main characters do is feasible and the writers express creativity in designing their weapons, spaceships and solving various problems without straying too far from actual science. The Nostromo is a purely economic vessel which is probably the only reason why we'd invest in something so huge, the characters hibernate during the long voyage so there is no need for warp or whatever, the characters themselves are regular people, no token "strong independent woman" supermodel thin with pouty lips or "hip hop hero" who's angry all the time, all in all a well thought out setting for the alien to run rampant.

>> No.3346273

Irony, hoo ha!

>> No.3346287

i agree with this

>> No.3346367

Telepathy and telekinesis are fine. Biologically they are a crapshoot, but add in nanotechnology and you could have something that on the outside looks exactly like it and internally functions through a BCI to a machine that controls nanotech for telepathy (basically head radios) and some device for the telekinesis part connected the same way.

Same thing with the whole "healing through touch" thing, nanotech.

Nanotech is sufficiently advanced technology.

>> No.3346390
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That voice in your head, JC? That's the Infolink. Tiny robots hanging down the axons for routing.

>> No.3346408


I really should play that game.

>> No.3346428

What game is that? (or should it be "Which game is that?")

>> No.3346448


Deus Ex HR (The picture is from the trailer, it has not been released yet. The text is whatever I remember from the original Deus Ex game).

>> No.3346455


Deus Ex, Human Revolution.


Not actually out yet apparently.

>> No.3346602
File: 37 KB, 400x515, metal and mind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you enter this with a very presumptive bias;
that you already 'know' all that is here to be known.
this photo is of metal that was not bent by force but by interaction with the molecular material
you may well be so prejudiced in what you can accept as real that you reject the truth
do your own homework
given such bias,
how will you ever discover there is more to things than you have already come to know?
