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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.15 MB, 2560x2048, Black_Hole_Milkyway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3344882 No.3344882 [Reply] [Original]

have we made any of these in the large hadron collider yet?

>> No.3344886

evidently not
we are all still alive.

>> No.3344891

i mean small ones

>> No.3344895


>> No.3344893

Godamn you're stupid.

>> No.3344896

I lol'd. Then I got sad, because you are serious..

>> No.3344898


>> No.3344899



>> No.3344902

wait, aren't like Planck length-sized one's created every, all the time

>> No.3344906


>> No.3344907

well black holes are very very very dense, and their superstrong gravity sucks everything nearby into it. it would end up engulfing the entire world and killing us all if there was one here on earth.

>> No.3344908


you guys are fucking retarded summerfags. One of the main reasons we built the god damn collider is to make these.


Now stop being fucking retards and don't answer if you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.3344913



>> No.3344915

Prove they're not!

>> No.3344935

Nobody knows? I thought you guys would be up on this kind of stuff.

>> No.3344941

there were articles explaining that they would be very small and most probably unharmful in a lot of newspapers though.

I fail to see why mentioning them being small makes him "oh god so stupid".

He could be, I woulden't jump to this conclusion though.

>> No.3344946

Stick to zoology mate.

>> No.3344966

not a small one

>> No.3344983

>hurr durr lets test theoretical physics
>create black holes
>if hawking radiation is true : probably never ever detect them
>if hawking radiation is false : the entire earth and the entire human race is instantly eradicated by gravitational collapse
>there is absolutely no proof for hawking radiation except some esoteric mathematics.

>> No.3344990

ah glad to some one knows as much as me on here

>> No.3344999


>tl:dr you're a faggot

>> No.3345007

> In particular, they that the fluorescent light is well characterised and that it differs in various significant ways from the emissions they see. Therefore, they must be seeing Hawking radiation, they conclude.
>implying thats significant evidence to risk the destruction of earth for literally no tangible benefit.

>> No.3345008

>implying you're a particle physicist and your opinion matters in the slightest.

>> No.3345016

>implying scientists considered the ramifications
>implying it shouldn't have been considered as an act of terrorism to every nation on earth

>> No.3345019

At the very least, I'm glad the Large Hardon Collider hasn't done anything particularly unexpected just yet. Otherwise we'd be well and truly boned.

>> No.3345021

inb4 dumb /sci/ faggots think the LHC or particle/theoretical physics actually helps anyone or contributes to useful knowledge whatsoever and isn't just an esoteric masterbatory practice for asocial scientists and physicists

>> No.3345026
File: 198 KB, 552x414, fry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3345027

jpegs? yes.

>> No.3345031

shut up luddite

>> No.3345033

o ffs death is natural, it is a very importain part of life. quit worrying about somthing you can not stop from happing

>> No.3345038

name one possible benefit mankind gets from the LHC or particle accelerators in general

>> No.3345035
File: 52 KB, 627x620, 1309350750815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3345047


free energy.

>> No.3345048

I'll let stephen hawking answer that for you.


>> No.3345050


>> No.3345052

Lets do this shit right.


>> No.3345059
File: 69 KB, 273x240, 1220025623278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't answer anything, except to say that it's important to study simply for sake of science. Sounds a lot like my old 7th grade science teacher, big fucking whoop. So... did you read the article, dumbshit?

>> No.3345062


really, they can create energy damn near on par with the big bang, with just two particles that you didn't even knew existed until you found this thread.

Simply put find a way to catch that energy on impact, and we have now created Free energy. Which would push humanity so far tech wise in such a short amount of time.

>> No.3345066

DERP, I don't know where you get your info

>> No.3345067

I'm a physics grad student and what is this?

>> No.3345069

>implying the big bang was a result of free energy

>> No.3345073


Oh dear, how can you be so misguided?

>> No.3345075

Did early physicists know the mechanisms behind chemistry when they were first discovering the atom? We don't know what the future will bring. We won't know how to apply the knowledge we gain until we gain it.

>> No.3345081


Free energy used loosely

Machine A takes up 1X amount of energy (A) to create 5X of Energy (A).

This in tern is free energy.

like the troll light + solar panels + mirrors = free energy, but less bullshit and more reality.

Pretty much you are getting more energy then you are expending.

Not free. but "free"

>> No.3345084

and this has to do with the big bang how?

>> No.3345086

Can't tell if dumb as a rock or maximum overtroll.

>> No.3345092

ITT: Full Retard Everywhere

>not realizing that a black hole made in the LHC would only last for about 10^-23 seconds before it would dissapear
>not realizing that a black hole made in the LHC wouldnt even be big enough to consume an electron

>> No.3345094


smash particles together, creates massive amount of energy expenditure for short burst. collected said energy *who fucking knows how*, The energy spent to smash the particles together is less then the amount collected from the aftermath.

Its more of a scifi things, but just like things of the past. you never know if it could work.

>> No.3345100

No, I don't think so, but It'll be cool when they finally do.

>> No.3345104

like a fission reactor.
1) we've had those for a very very long time
2) that's not free energy.

>> No.3345102

>The energy spent to smash the particles together is less then the amount collected from the aftermath.
No. You fail science forever.

> you never know if it could work
Speak for yourself. Arguments from ignorance are not impressive.

>> No.3345105

thats like saying "drop a rock on a trampoline, and catch it when it is above its starting point. repeat"
AKA, bullshit

>> No.3345106

He could be talking about using a particle collider for fusion. But that's giving him too much credit.

>> No.3345107

thank you. When I started this thread I assumed that people would know this. Too bad this board is full of summer.

>> No.3345109

I wonder, maybe, if you've ever seen:
<span class="math">E^{2}=m^{2}c^{4}+p^{2}c^{2}[/spoiler]
or its more well-known form:
<span class="math">E=mc^{2}[/spoiler]

>> No.3345112


and yet 20 years ago 1TB was never thought of.

and yet here it is for almost the price of a gallon of gas.

Those who speak That things only thought of and not possible in there age lack Ideas and foresight to see the future.

>> No.3345113

We don't need free energy. We just need better energy management and more investment into the development of clean energy production.

>> No.3345118

Confirmed for troll. Good day, sir.

>> No.3345116

not realizing if the LHC did create one. it would mean there is more then one dimension/univers

>> No.3345115

I was highly disappointed that nobody knew this.

>> No.3345130
File: 122 KB, 640x426, concentrated-solar-power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


clean energy is funny shit.

You know to set up the earths populace to run on 20% solar energy by 2050 would cost the worlds *key word there* governments 250 billion dollars a year, starting back in 2005, each year until 2050.

So yea "clean energy" isn't worth the costs, and never will be.

*pick doesn't even put out enough energy to run a small town, and it costs 1.5 Billion to operate a year*

>> No.3345142

>So yea "clean energy" isn't worth the costs, and never will be.
That's remarkably short-sighted. It's all a question of demand, and the easiest way to supply. I also question your numbers - I doubt they're a good-faith estimate given the progress of the technology.

>> No.3345159

Yeah well i've never really understood the concept of money. I'd just rather we took our energy from renewable resources that are available to everyone and that don't incite wars.

>> No.3345177



420 Billion just for the US alone. and that's only 60%ish power.

Other parts of the world will have higher costs.

>> No.3345183

So can anyone answer OP's question? Have we seen these yet?

>> No.3345190

>420 Billion just for the US alone. and that's only 60%ish power.
That's actually not very much money for the US.

>> No.3345208


Really. considering Gas is going up, Majority of Mericans refuse to purchase "friendly" cars, most of the middle states would rather subside then Do so by law. More and more people going into debt, Several idiotic national laws being put in place to tax them even harder in even more retarded ways.

I don't think the US will have much of a leg to stand on by 2020.

>> No.3345213

blah blah blah blah
$420 billion over nearly 40 years is not a big deal for the US. You know what the budget looks like, right?

>> No.3345216


you mean the same budget that almost shutdown military pay last quarter?

The us is running out of money, and paper to print the fake shit they have left.

>> No.3345222

blah blah blah more shallow fatalism with nothing behind it

I hope it makes you happy, because it won't make a single bit of difference. The point remains that you clearly are painting as impossible things that would only be a small fraction of the current budget.

>> No.3345232
File: 74 KB, 997x750, 1309577437151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nothing behind it?

I've posted several things behind what I've stated. and all you have posted is blah blah blah.

Way to troll summer fag.

>> No.3345269

Keep on trollin'. Fact remains that your fatalist bullshit is not supported by actual evidence, despite how much the media loves to keep your attention by saying the sky is falling.

>Gas is going up, Majority of Mericans refuse to purchase "friendly" cars, most of the middle states would rather subside then Do so by law. More and more people going into debt, Several idiotic national laws being put in place to tax them even harder in even more retarded ways.
LOL, and just THAT is going to make the US implode in a decade? No. Those aren't even the main problems.

>> No.3345281
File: 20 KB, 280x289, thread direction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3345288

OP turned out to be pants-on-head retarded and deserved it.

>> No.3345304

how so?

>> No.3345313

A photoshopped, inaccurate artists interpretation of what a black hole would look like?

No, that's not what the LHC does.

>> No.3345316

your contribution to this thread is greatly appreciated. Frankly, you've been about as helpful as anyone else has been.