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3344715 No.3344715 [Reply] [Original]

You know what, I fuckings hate it when people label themselves as agnostics. Ok, you belive god could exist?

If anything, Einsteins version of pantheism is the only way to go. It basicly is just not giving a fuck, even though not giving a fuck is even better. The universe is awsome. We can bearly comprehend anything about it, and even that is human comprehension.

Are you agnostics agnostic towards the idea that we migth all be living in "the matrix" aswell?

On a level it's impossible to not be agnostic about everything. SO WHY THE FUCK SAY YOU ARE. I labeled myself as an agnostic when i was around 12, then i realised it was just ridicoules to give a flying fuck.

I genuinly believe that all religions are bullshit. I genuinly believe there is no such thing as the "human idea of God". BUT HEY, IM A PSUEDO INTELLECTUAL SO IM GOING TO STATE THAT IM AGNOSTIC ABOUT IT.

-sorry if there are any typos or poor english.

>> No.3344719
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>> No.3344724

>implying 'God' has any agreed-upon definition
>I really hate these type of threads

>> No.3344727

Anonymous is legion.
Anonymous never forgives and never forgets.

>> No.3344731

I support this thread by not giving a fuck.

>> No.3344751

Well you go ahead and write philosophic book about it.

Thank you very much for pointing out the obvious.

>(Implying) Jumping to conclusions like a flaling retard. YOU.

Sorry for shitting up this board. This is a shit thread, but everyone is shit once in a while.

>> No.3344752

I still don't get what's wrong about being agnostic. The bible is utter bullshit, but it is still utter bullshit to say that the existence of a god is impossible.

>> No.3344777
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There is nothing WRONG about it.
I am not an atheist. (PER FUCKINGS DEFINITION)

>> No.3344785
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theres nothing wrong with it, the problem we have is hat self identified agnostics often dont understand what it means, and think they are some sort of seperate group between atheists and theists, when really they are atheists themselves but just dont properly realise what the words mean.

>> No.3344786

lol if you're not an atheist, then you're a retard.

>> No.3344805

I label myself as agnostic because to me it's basically the same as just not giving a fuck.

>> No.3344818

Oh you atheists, always wanting to include agnostics in your squabbles.

>> No.3344822

What if I'm just agnostic in general ie. agnostic towards every single thing.

>> No.3344824

most atheists dont give a fuck either, they arnt all militant anti-religion tards.

the word 'apatheist' is probably more accurate for a very strong sense of giving zero fucks about the god issue =p

>> No.3344829

i just like people to get the words correct to avoid confusion during the discussion.
im an agnostic atheist, i dont believe in god, but i am not 100% certain, and i know i cant ever prove hat no god exists.

then that just means you are not certain about anything.

>> No.3344842

cool story bro

>> No.3344848

"On a level it's impossible to not be agnostic about everything. SO WHY THE FUCK STATE THAT YOU ARE"

you're okay though

>> No.3344857
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>"On a level it's impossible to not be agnostic about everything. SO WHY THE FUCK STATE THAT YOU ARE"

thats true i guess. we could be in the matrix, or like a brain in a jar, or you could be the only real person in the universe, and all of us are just computer programs programmed to speak and act like you percieve humans to be....

>> No.3344864

Your comments are fine.
But as comments towards the original post, WTFAMIREADING.

>> No.3344877

>Implying I bothered reading all of that great wall of text

>> No.3344889

I am quite the retard at times, because i allow myself to be.

You are spot on about the definition of the word agnostic, wich so many people clearly don't have a firm grip on.

I am more about the general faggotry of it all though.
I see the irony of all my posts also being part of some faggotry.

>> No.3344892

a pseudo intellectual with an opinion...pffffffffffffft yeah ok.

>> No.3344917

woulden't take you much longer than reading some of it, entering the thread, writing a reply, typing captcha.

>> No.3344925

So OP, how does it feel knowing that when you were 12 and qualified yourself as an agnostic, you probably were as confident about your ideas then that you are about the ideas you have now.

Anyway, while giving a general definition of a deity (i.e. an aeon or entity out of human's understanding with unnatural powers), we can make a general distinction between an agnostic and an atheist. While an atheist rejects the idea of there being a "God" (which is by definition unprovable), an agnostic would only reject the idea that we can take a position about it since it is, by definition, impossible to know wether or not to exist. Then again, an agnostic could "think" or "believe" that there still is a God-like creature while another could be more like an atheist in his point of view; in both cases, an agnostic would put the idea that the "God question" shouldn't be put focus on while an atheist would think that it's important to understand that there is no God.

>> No.3345010

How do you sum this up to become a thread about Atheists vs Agnostics?

Yes i am still agnostic towards the question of there being a God (insert common definition because you are just that awsome...moredots.....) Did i ever state that i was an atheist? No. Did you jump to that conclusion? It would SEEM so.

I just don't feel like labeling myself as one because of all the faggotry. Faggotry.

Did i not allready state that you can't be gnostic (look mom, big words) about it? PER DEFINITION.

And by the way, your point has allready been made several times in this thread, only in simpler more effective fashions.

"Then again, an agnostic could "think" or "believe" that there still is a God-like creature while another could be more like an atheist in his point of view; in both cases, an agnostic would put the idea that the "God question" shouldn't be put focus on while an atheist would think that it's important to understand that there is no God."

Why the FUCK is there any reason at all to state this?

Is your wieve on other peoples intelligence really that petronizing?

>> No.3345028

And yes i am probably as confident about my ideas then as i am now. Or maybe not considering i was a child, you are somewhat humble towards adults intelligence at that age, no?

I was raised a christian. Being naturally curious i started asking questions. The answers i got basicly made me conclude that christianity probably was quite off, but there still was no way of disproving God.

"Jesus, the free babysitter" - Ricky Gervais.

>> No.3345063

Refer to
Pantheism will still have you be either an atheist or theist.

>> No.3345065

>thinks Atheism and Agnosticism are in the same realms

The dance continues.

>> No.3345072


Amurrica? (America is ok :))

More common attitude in norway:
Do you belive in God?
- No. (Ok version) I don't think thats a very plausible idea. (Probably a faggot version)
Are you an atheist?
- I guess so.
Can you disproove God?
- No.
So then you must be agnostic.
- Yes i geuss you are rigth.
- Can i return to the lab now for something that is not completely redundant?

>> No.3345074

strictly speaking, agnosticism is a subset of atheism in the traditional atheist-agnostic-theist spectrum. If you don't believe that a god exists then you are an atheist, and if you do believe that a god exists you aren't holding a neutral position.

>> No.3345082

>Pantheism will still have you be either an atheist or theist.
Dumbest thing I've read today. Later /sci/.

>> No.3345095

Atheism by definition is 'lack of belief in divinity'
anything from there varies.

you can be completely open to its existence while being atheist

>> No.3345098

Let's put it this way.

pantheism: I don't give a shit
thus neutral, thus not believing in a god, thus atheist.

>> No.3345099

Not einsteins take on it. Or i guess it would, but it's more in the lines of -> Univere is cool. Science is the key to understanding it. Science is cool. The universe is awsome, just thinking about the awe inspiring bueaty of it is enough as an religion to me. Athetist theist or agnostic I DONT GIVE A FUCK:

>> No.3345103

or, if by the definition of seeing god as and nature as the same, you could say you must necessarily be a theist.

it depends on the definition of pantheism.

>> No.3345108

Pantheism sure as fuck isn't "I don't give a shit".

>> No.3345117

then give me a definition. If it is a considered a religion stance, it must necessarily be theist or atheist.

>> No.3345125

> If it is a considered a religion stance, it must necessarily be theist or atheist.
Boy, are you the king of teenage black-or-white amateur philosophers. I'm sorry, not everything fits into your two preconceived boxes.


>> No.3345133

What about
>sorry for rule-breaking post

>> No.3345140

Some things ARE black and white.

like whether I posted this message, or not.

The wikipedia article does not give a clear definition by the way, and if it does, it's either simply not a religious stance (“God is everything and everything is God … the world is either identical with God or in some way a self-expression of his nature” - Theism )
and "“‘Pantheism’ … signifies the belief that every existing entity is, only one Being; and that all other forms of reality are either modes (or appearances) of it or identical with it.” - either theism, or simply not a religious stance

>> No.3345143

He's right. For you to be a theist you need to believe god to exist. if you don't, then you necessarily lack belief in god, and are an atheist. There is no possible position in which one neither believes in or does not believe in a deity.

>> No.3345148

I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it. (Albert Einstein, 1954)


>> No.3345149

fuck you OP I am an agnostic athiest.