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3343103 No.3343103 [Reply] [Original]

That correct? I hope you at least get some cigarettes or porno mags in the atheist afterlife, because it seems pretty boring.

>> No.3343112
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Nobody reply to this or I'll kill this cute bunny.

>> No.3343115


>> No.3343125
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>atheist afterlife

>> No.3343127

If there's no god or heaven, what the fuck do you think would happen?

>> No.3343133
File: 173 KB, 768x576, LOL LOOK WHAT YOU DID..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead bunnies.

>> No.3343130

you fucking idiot.
how long have you been here?

>> No.3343142
File: 29 KB, 436x355, 1293831683723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll say it again, slower this time for you religious people.


>> No.3343148

Pretty much except that you get a bottle of Smirnoff instead of cigarettes.

>> No.3343149

why do atheist think they're right?
i mean they have no proof there is no afrerlife, or that there is no soul or anything.

>> No.3343153

4.5/10 for amusing me.

>> No.3343155

why do christians think they're right? i mean they have no proof there is an afrerlife, or that there is a soul or anything.

>> No.3343161

Simple logic. Atheists make the following claims:

*There's no god
*There's no heaven
*Christians are bad

If you combine all of these, then you get OP's scenario.

>> No.3343165

so the anwser is they're both retarded and not capable of thinking for themselves?

>> No.3343172

Agnostics 1, everyone else 0

>> No.3343174

I suppose it's impossible to think that your consciousness might stop existing once you die, what with that whole people dying when they are killed and their brains decomposing.

>> No.3343180

go back to being as meaningful and influential as an independent political party

>> No.3343183


Protip: The probability of your own, personal views out of 6.8 Billion different ones to be correct is negligible.

There could be a rainbow colored unicorn raping the virtual asses of every last dead person for eternity.

>> No.3343184
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Of course, they say every atom in our bodies was once part of a star. Maybe I'm not leaving... maybe I'm going home.

>> No.3343185

>*There's no god

>*There's no heaven
Not explicitly, but most atheists also do not believe in an afterlife. Buddhists are essentially atheistic, and they explicitly do believe in an afterlife.

>*Christians are bad
Not by definition. Students of history and philosophy may find that Christianity has a number of absurd claims and rules that are not conducive to a just society. But you don't have to be atheist to think that, and you don't have to think that to be atheist.

>> No.3343197

To fear death, my faggots, is only to think ourselves wise, without being wise: for it is to think that we know what we do not know. For anything that men can tell, death may be the greatest good that can happen to them: but they fear it as if they knew quite well that it was the greatest of evils. And what is this but that shameful ignorance of thinking that we know what we do not know?

>> No.3343207

See >>3343183

>> No.3343220

>If I run through this tire shredder I could die horribly... Or I could have the best story ever to tell my friends if I survive

>> No.3343231

Yes, OP. As an atheist, I have a non-existent afterlife, and it sucks. I won't use that as a reason to delude myself, though.

>> No.3343230
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>> No.3343233
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Really man? Telling me to see a post that was posted after my own? Like after I posted I just hung out in the thread and ignored everything anyone said after that?
And if that were the case wouldn't I have ignored your post too? Alternatively if you aren't that fucking stupid and thought I had left or something, again, how would I see that post.



>> No.3343235

So OP is correct, amirite?

>> No.3343240


>> No.3343242
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>> No.3343243

you still delude yourself that there is no afterlife, just because you dont believe in one. Proof or gtfo

>> No.3343251
File: 49 KB, 300x345, 1299302598044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may be mad, but finally losing my shit after 4 years of faggotry feels good man

>> No.3343252

As someone here pointed out, there's a billion possibilities as to what happens after death, and atheists are no more likely to be correct than anyone else.

>> No.3343258

but atheists are smarter than you, so they are right

>> No.3343260

so what you basicly saying is that atheists are deluded faggots

>> No.3343262


What you said does not equal "it exists".

If you want me to have the view that there is an afterlife, you are going to need to bring observable proof.

>> No.3343265






>> No.3343268

Nope. Our theories are far more likely to be correct.
The brain is your consciousness, it is the only thing that makes your thoughts, therefore when your brain dies, your consciousness ends and dies too.

Pretty much the only logical theory, not relying on spiritual shite that can't be proved/disproved.

>> No.3343279
File: 49 KB, 641x1000, Appearance - Dickgirl 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember what it was like before you were born? Exactly. Thats it bro. The End.

>> No.3343280


>> No.3343286
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>> No.3343301


>> No.3343304
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>not making "nobunny" pun

>> No.3343310

You're even dumber then OP

>> No.3343327



>> No.3343336

Did I say I wasnt afraid? No. I dont want to die. But I accept its going to happen and I dont need to delude myself with some fucking fairy tail. My existence will end. .Do I like it? No. Why the fuck do you think we try to find a REAL way to cheat death?

>> No.3343333

> People thinking you can prove things without assuming something is true first.

>> No.3343330

Remember when you were a baby? Yeah that's what it like

>> No.3343335

how about

>> No.3343344


This is a little closer to home actually. ;_;

>> No.3343355

so fucking obvious samefag

>> No.3343356

Us theists don't need biological immortality because we believe we're going somewhere when we die, and maybe even come back and get to try a fresh new life.

I mean, curing/reducing aging would be nice, but living forever is neither necessary or desirable.

>> No.3343370

whatever helps you sleep. . .

>> No.3343374


I actually just got home. But whatever.

>> No.3343375

speak for yourself atheist fag. atheists are depressed so i can see how you wouldnt want to live too long

>> No.3343386

I just love pointing out the holes in atheist logic.

>> No.3343392
File: 35 KB, 800x527, 800px-Vg1_p23254_hires.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why must religion and the afterlife be synonymous with one another?

For all we know, some sort of afterlife could exist. There's no way to know, and anybody who DOES claim to know is a god damn liar.

Don't you ever just look at it all and wonder why things are the way they are?

>> No.3343393

quantum immortality IS a real way to cheat death.

that is, if the many worlds interpretation is correct.

>> No.3343398

someone is having a nice little conversation with himself. You know we realize this right?

>> No.3343403

the meat in your head is the only thing that gives rise to your so called consciousness. When it stops pumping impulses and rots you're fucking over. How hard is it to understand that?

>> No.3343404

I didn't post >>3343344. The other two are mine.

>> No.3343412
File: 56 KB, 326x400, dependent origination Wheel of Life WQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reincarnation seems the most likely afterlife to me.

Should the Big Crunch theory be correct, or even quantum immortality as >>3343393 points out, reincarnation could be only too real.

Bad in this life, you are reborn a vast number of unfortunate lives, each as horrid as the last.

Live a life of prosperity, and you are reborn another intelligent being or another animal of sorts.

It would be nice to think of cosmic justice and eternal rebirth, but I have little reason to think as such.

>> No.3343413

See >>3343280

>> No.3343416

>Reincarnation seems the most comfortable afterlife to me.


>> No.3343419

That's a good point.
It's possible for an atheist to believe there is an afterlife, as long as it doesn't involve god.

As to OPs original question: you're a retard.

>> No.3343423

>implying you can read his mind or know what he's thinking

>> No.3343430


That piece of meat houses one of the most intelligent minds perhaps in the entire galaxy. I'm not preaching religion here, but god damn have some imagination.

>> No.3343431
File: 82 KB, 311x311, You_Must_Be_New_Here_Funny_Pics-s311x311-181833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3343432


>Quantum mechanics as a justification of any sort of afterlife

Yes, "quantum immortality" means what you think it does, bro.

>> No.3343439

>implying there couldn't be much more intelligent beings than us in the universe

>> No.3343445

See >>3343265

>> No.3343446


No, actually. I don't BELIEVE it, I said it is purely speculation, but at least it has some material existance to it.

There's no "other realms" or extra dimensions. Just a constant cycle of universe births and deaths, forever and ever.

Again, it's just tossing ideas around. Have to cover my arse with disclaimers like a hawk round here on /sci/.

>> No.3343441

it's impossible to proof that there is no afterlife or soul.
but if they exist then there should be a way to proof that.

>> No.3343452


>> No.3343453


Oh I'm sorry. Enlighten me, please. I'm ignorant of the subject.

>> No.3343457
File: 12 KB, 806x215, 1295705590534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Implying that was what I was implying

>> No.3343468

show me some material, physical reason to have some imagination. . .

>> No.3343476

There's no black void, you're not floating, you're not conscious.
It'll be like before you were born.

>> No.3343478

If this were the 17th century, you'd probably tell Galileo that he's full of shit and there's no evidence Jupiter has moons and that he was just hallucinating when he saw them in his telescope.

>> No.3343492



>> No.3343499

I don't know what happened before I was born. Maybe I was a slutty French maid in the court of Louis XV in a past life for all I know.

>> No.3343508

Shut up, EK.

>> No.3343527


The many-worlds interpretation doesn't care about your or your personal macroscale decisions. It creates universes to solve the positional uncertainty of particles. Quantum immortality is basically that idea that "Somewhere else, there is another me that is somehow still alive because every possibility has to be covered!".

>> No.3343559

What an erroneous term. Death is not the stage after life. Death is the absence of life. Thinking what it will be like is identical to trying to remember what it was like before you were conceived. It's incomprehendablem there was and will be simply nothing.

"Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing."
you live, you achieve nothing significant, you die. fin

>> No.3343561


You are a disgusting human being.

>> No.3343581

Atheists fear death for the same reasons theists do. I want to look out for my family, I want them to be happy and healthy. In death, I can no longer work to achieve this. I want to do things, I want to discover new things, I want to meet new people and live more. In death, I can no longer work to achieve this. With real immortality, or immorbidity, I could go on to continue doing these things until they no longer have meaning to me, or new things have meaning to me. The fear of death is the certain knowledge that at some point, you will have to leave people behind.

I do not have any trepidation about what lies on the other side of death. I will not be there to witness it.

>> No.3343592

I remember being descended back from heaven when I was born. You plebes need to l2memory.

>> No.3343610

>That correct?

No, that is not correct.

>> No.3343670

>The fear of death is the certain knowledge that at some point, you will have to leave people behind.

I agree, and one of the problems with death is that all the memories of your life go with you.

>> No.3343683


It is to be feared in a perfectly rational way. I want to continue existing. I want my family provided for. I do not want to go through the, usually painful and stressful, process of dying.

Irrational fears, like there is something on the other side with the power to judge and punish you, that may or may not be happy with how you lived your life, are superfluous.

>> No.3343715

You're simply not conscious when you die. The same thing happens to theists, the only difference is they seek comfort by deluding themselves before they die.