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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3338238 No.3338238 [Reply] [Original]

What does /sci/ thinks about human cloning?

>> No.3338258

As we still have a large portion of the human population that are poor and able to do any work, there are no need for clones. Clones would only be needed where robots is to "non-human" .
I think it will never matter in the next thousand years, maybe when we find a habital planet other than earth, we can start cloning and altering human so we can live better on this habital planet

>> No.3338267

>doubles guy
>interested in making a double of a human


>> No.3338273

For what? Blood and stem cells? It is useless.

>> No.3339961

scientists managed to clone a sheep once but only one survived out of like 12, HOWEVER if you clone anything the end matter wether it be michael jordan or Lincon that person will share different traits and will not think or act like its "original", its physically impossible. It works like twins, they look the same but are two very different individuals, cloning may be possible in the future however there would be little use unless generating some sort of army where you could use it as an advantage.

>> No.3339968
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>doubles guy

>> No.3339986

Pointless, only thing cloning is necessary for is harvesting organs for ours when we're done abusing the fuck out of the ones we're born with.

Hell, we already have laws against certain types of cloning

>> No.3340000

OP I would create another one of me but make him obedient.
After he got done with work and doing all the housework he would suck my dick.
And no its not gay, its just a higher form of masturbation.

>> No.3340011

Cloning would be great for shit like stem cell research. As living, working humans there's really no point because you're just making a new individual out of the same genetic material as someone else. Until we learn to make copies of memories and experiences and things that shape a personality a clone will act nothing like the original. It's a different person in the same body.

>> No.3340020

Despite your quad zeros, it's technically twincest.

A clone army would still have to be gestated, born, and educated the old fashioned way, so instead of cloning, artificially accelerated learning and aging is what you want.

I've wondered if human cloning might be useful for some individuals with desirable physical traits, such as that one genius kid working on big bang math. However, his skills may be more developmentally based. Obviously, cloning him and seeing if we get another genius or not is the only way to be sure.