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3338114 No.3338114 [Reply] [Original]

how long untill USA collapse and humanity finally enter a peace era?

>> No.3338134

>he thinks the US is the only source of political instability
>mfw "when the power of love overcomes the love power, the world will know peace"

>> No.3338130

I dunno, maybe a couple hundred years from now

>> No.3338128

Who is it bombing Libya again?

>> No.3338131

Get out, eurotrash.

>> No.3338136
File: 355 KB, 802x780, 1307547529383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


forgot my picture

>> No.3338140


>> No.3338147

> Implying if the U.S collapses it will be peaceful..

>Implying the world was peaceful before the U.S's big dick got involved.

>> No.3338153

>implying this is a bad thing that people still have the power to protest in those countries

>> No.3338177
File: 54 KB, 370x300, he mad solo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yurofag gets told
>madness ensues
I hate murrika too, but you lost this one bro. Walk away.

>> No.3338203

amerifat detected

>> No.3338210

I wish. Amerifats still won this one though.

>> No.3338235

I don't know about America but it seems that there's something rotten in the realm of capitalism in general. We have exhausted most other financial model ideas, capitalism was the only left. If that collapses, it won't be peaceful.

>> No.3338241

>fascist dictatorship
Seems yurop is working on plenty of nice alternatives.

>> No.3338254

Stalin (socialist): Kill 20 million
Mao (socialist): Kill 40 million
Pol Pot (socialist): Kill 4 million
Castro, Kim Jong Il, and lesser communists (socialists): Kill at least several million
Hitler (socialist): Kill 6 million directly and millions more indirectly

>> No.3338256

If there is one thing we know for sure, it's that when governments collapse, peace ensues.

>> No.3338264
File: 62 KB, 294x294, Here we go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I thought it was another thread about atheism until I read "socialist"

>> No.3338265

if it does you can bet there might be a nuclear war as a result. if we go, you're going with us. nukes + stupid angry people + power hungry dicks = were all fucked!

>> No.3338272

mfw (3338264)
When this nigger dosnt know the diffrence between socialist and communist

>> No.3338271

Well hey, at least they're doing something about the overpopulation problem.

>> No.3338291


'americans' (capitalist/corporatist) NEARLY ALL THE NATIVES

>> No.3338289


They imply the exact same principles, only one is under the ruse of a political party. Can you guess which one?

>> No.3338295

Yes, the extinction of passenger pigeons was rather unfortunate I suppose.

>> No.3338310


It was indeed, the 50+ million red people was a bit of a shame too

>> No.3338311

You Eurofags should be thankful you're allowed to get away with that shit...
or not

>> No.3338328

Hey, what are you gonna do? Nobody knew that they had no immunity to smallpox.

>> No.3338335

America is indeed an imperialist warmongering country that props up its domestic economy through the vast infrastructures and productions of the military industrial complex.

BUT America's main acts of aggression are through proxies. And these countires are proxies because America is using their influance against other foreign powers that do the exact same thing.

Take America out of the equation, and you still have those other foreign powers who are just as interested at interfering with sovereign nations when it suits their economic interests.

If anything, America truly is the deadly lynchpin that keeps our world together. True, they may have damned our species when they first led humanity down the road to the era of M.A.D. and our civilization exists in a state of a perpetual mexican-standoff...but without America there then you just have the other foreign powers standing there armed and unopposed.

Black and white lines of thinking are for people who have not yet bothered to learn. The world is a very grey place.

>> No.3338342

>american pic
>british willy wonka drinking tea

how humorous

>> No.3338346


You sir imply that Eurofags didn't kill natives while acquiring land.
or take part in the french and indian war

>> No.3338351

Without America the nuclear powers would continue to stay at peace with other nuclear powers. The real risk of war is between developing nations, or a developed power attacking the 'third world'.

>> No.3338361

>Gene Wilder

I dont think so Tim.

And Wonka's nationality is never discussed. Dahl himself was Norwegian.

What now?

>> No.3338360


You appear ignorant that 'Americans' are Europeans that murdered all the Native Americans.

>how does history work?

>> No.3338371

How can you say what they would do when they could act with impunity without America to stand in opposition? Without America, the Mutual aspect of our assured destruction would be absent.

>> No.3338373

> implying Europeans didn't repent and give all the land back

>> No.3338388

willy wonka is also a fictional character that employs magical creatures in a surreal candy factory.

it seems rather humorous to use fantasy to illustrate how great america is doing compared to a handful of real riots in europe.

>> No.3338395

Nations with nuclear weapons still operate on MAD.

Did you forget that?

>> No.3338416

Its either us or the Chinese
Make your pick

>> No.3338439


>> No.3338442

lol okay
Enjoy your slavery

>> No.3338501

I can't find an estimate of people killed by usa in its present form (so since its foundation).
Directly of course, not by proxy (wouldn't be fair).

>> No.3341944 [DELETED] 

i'm going anon and counter-trolling the monopoly/risk troll,
will link back here if he takes the bait.