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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 33 KB, 512x505, chess_transformer2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3337623 No.3337623 [Reply] [Original]

for those of you that were playing along in the chess transformer puzzle, i have made a new one. this is possible with no mutations at all (be a rook) but it takes a lot of moves.
try to get to the end as fast as you can, each transformation adds 2 moves to your total. get to the end in as few moves as you can.

>> No.3337650

I got it in 18 (using 2 transformations). I'll see if I can do better.

>> No.3337657


Now I got it in 14.

>> No.3337673

just transform to queen

>> No.3337681

with knight you can make giant shortcuts

>> No.3337683
File: 51 KB, 513x641, 1309887123559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here was my result. Can anyone beat it?

>> No.3337700

I havent seen this type of puzzle before so I have a question about the rules. Do you start out as a specific type of piece or do you just choose what you start out as "penalty free" ?

>> No.3337702

Yes, immediate start as a knight (add 2 moves since you start as a gay shitty rook), then take these steps (making pic now)

>> No.3337704
File: 54 KB, 513x641, 1309887814012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3337708

If queen counts I can do it in 10.

>> No.3337712
File: 38 KB, 543x712, chess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cut a bit off yours
I believe

>> No.3337718


Oh nice. Yeah, I was derpin'.

>> No.3337720

This was the solution that i reached too.

>> No.3337723

didn't read the transforming adds +2

>> No.3337725
File: 3 KB, 125x126, za2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, sorry i forgot to mention.
same rules as before apply, so kings and queens are not allowed (actually, i will allow kings, they move slowly anyway)
queens are not allowed, as they negate the necessity of rook/bishop transformations.

true, but a knight can not cross large distances quickly, and it is difficult to finish wit ha knight without mutating, which wastes another 2 moves.

>> No.3337727
File: 47 KB, 512x505, 1309887123559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black Line = You are a knight.

Red Line = You are a rook.

This is the shortest possible route.

>> No.3337730


The knight moves at the end are better as in
but starting as a bishop takes more moves because changing to the rook then takes two more moves.

>> No.3337731

Ignore the fragmented red line btw, I'm not sure what the fuck caused that, you are only a rook for the last three moves.

>> No.3337735

oh! nice solution!

>> No.3337736
File: 44 KB, 512x505, 1309887123559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teal: knight, purp: queen. 2 knight, 2 conversion to queen, 8 queen.

>> No.3337738



Your knight once skips the hook part.

Josef has the shortest.

>> No.3337744
File: 10 KB, 432x494, reaction eh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>3337738 Josef has the shortest.

>> No.3337746


EK said no queens.

>> No.3337751

EK is the only queen!

>> No.3337753

Chess transformer puzzle you are better than transformers movie.

>> No.3337771
File: 230 KB, 468x354, 012774364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, did i just invent this type of puzzle, or is it actually even a thing?

>> No.3337784

Looking now I see I could have gone down and over and then transitioned into a bishop, but on arrival would need to transmute (two transmutes in a row = 4 additional moves).

How is that shorter?

>> No.3337789

well Josef has it in 12 moves (10 steps + 2 for the transformation)
can anyone do better?

>> No.3337791

you sounding like the guy who played amnesia, the best video too
"what even is that thing"

>> No.3337804

I dunno, never seen it before but its got potential!

>> No.3337809

nah, i never played it.
(or maybe i did and i have amnesia. ba-dum-tsch!)

>> No.3337838
File: 53 KB, 512x505, 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

14 ... if i'm doing right!?

>> No.3337865

Hi guys. Newbie here.

What is this puzzle called? Is this the game which has something to do with biology one? Just asking.

>> No.3337876
File: 37 KB, 512x505, 1309887123559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3337885

Newbie here. What are the rules? How do we play?

Two other newbies would also like to know:
Everyone seems to be ignoring us...

>> No.3337904

I am also new to this but by using my eyes and looking at the pictures and previous replies, inferring the rules has been easy. Why don't you try that.

>> No.3337923

i think i just invented it, +50 internets to anyone who can find the puzzle already in existence somewhere else. i call it 'chess transformers'
can traverse white squares with none-queen chess pieces, but grey squares block you. the objective is to move green to red, but any transformation you do add extra moves to your counter. (i might modify this in future threads, for example, becoming a knight might cost you more than becoming a rook, etc)

i'm gonna have to go, i have company. apologies if this thread gets deleted, its unintentional, but i said 'nigger' earlier, and was apparently reported, so that might catch up with me later.



>> No.3337928
File: 46 KB, 356x372, xxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does The Diesel have to do with anything?

>> No.3337941

Can anyone find a program that generates mazes like this at random?

>> No.3337960
File: 255 KB, 438x357, 01278434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of my mates is a programmer, i might get him to make this as some sort of interactive flash game, so you can play it live and it automatically keeps a move count. people could play, and post screenshots as proof.
maybe an interactive maze creator as well, so they can make their own mazes and challenge other people.
ooh, this is so cool!

>> No.3337982

put it on the iphone. id pay a couple of bucks for something like that, im sure many others would too.

>> No.3337993

because I am an idiot, and you are a jerk.

>> No.3338015

sage this shit, unfucking believable that this fucking trip fag will start a thread and believe it is not shitting up /sci/



emailed missingno

>> No.3338019

Better get it done quick then, because I'm already starting on creating the game with my friend now.

thanks for giving me the idea

>> No.3338039

lol whoops, maybe i should have patented it or something. all my rage if this goes viral and i missed out on making a fuckton of cash

>> No.3338047

its just a bit of fun, nothing wrong with puzzle threads really, beats the hell outta troll, religion, and homework threads.

oh yeah! iphone users clearly have a lot of extra cash they seem intent on throwing away on useless shit, sell an app a few thousand times, thats quite a lot of cash...
like that simple vibration, app, loads of people got that one.
lol, everyone knows what its REALLY used for...

heheh...horny bitches =p

>> No.3338067
File: 47 KB, 512x505, 1309887123559 solution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got it in 13, no queens and i actually added 2 for changing a piece

>> No.3338072

black is rook red is knight

>> No.3338075

currently coding it in C++ w/ SDL to get the idea fully functioning first, then will port it over to the iphone and android

just want to say thank you again because we have been wanting to create a kick ass game for the iphone/android ever since the start of this summer, but could never come up with a good idea

>> No.3338079

pls make it free
note: otherwise will be pirated and your face will be all like ok.jaypeggg

>> No.3338083

Bitches don't know that Josef's answer is shorter.

Josef modified my original 14 to get 12. If you stop the rook 1 fewer squares up, the knight can get to the end more efficiently.

>> No.3338156

Can someone give me the link that was on the sticky?

>> No.3338164


>> No.3338168


I hope you're joking because there's infinitely many random ass puzzle games you can invent...

>> No.3338174

fuck, you have a head start, i'm not seeing the programming guy til tommorow. (seeing someone else tonight)
will be nice just to see my design come to fruition even if i dont end up profiting...

>> No.3338269

this is a job for A* search, with taxicab distance to the end as a good metric.

>> No.3339185

its hard

>> No.3339190
File: 221 KB, 435x355, 13635748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats what HE said

>> No.3339200

is that really your real face

>> No.3339209

nah, i'm too shy to put my real face here, so i use reaction images or trollfaces or cartoons.

>> No.3339216

youre probably just as ugly as the girl you posted

>> No.3339226



>> No.3339237

dont know who the fuck fvr is, but if you find that image attractive you're pretty fucking weird

it looks more like a man than a woman, i actually had to look twice to make sure

>> No.3339250

well i'm bisexual and i think she's fucking cute, so fuck you, i mean if you're out fucking several supermodels every night ill shut my fucking mouth, but i think shes rather interesting to be honest.

>> No.3339263


>> No.3339267

she looks a little like me, she just has lighter hair. i kinda see myself in her, so shes a good enough substitute for reaction images if i dont quite wanna post myself.

>> No.3339275

why do you always use the same face?
the face that belongs to that youtube broadcaster who does atheism videos and the like?

>> No.3339278
File: 53 KB, 512x505, cheese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get why we can't just do this? How is this even a puzzle???

>> No.3339290
File: 50 KB, 320x320, 40851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3339306

lurk moar newfag, there are rules

>> No.3339310
File: 54 KB, 512x505, 1309887123559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knight then queen at the end.

>> No.3339311

just seems really animated in her videos, seems very interesting and likeable. i dont really know why i do, i just do...

>> No.3339319

the rules are vague and/or not even mentioned in this thread. Post them please

>> No.3339329
File: 116 KB, 246x247, 1285803973021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ won't judge you

>> No.3339337

why would you go to the bother of choosing that file for that post?

>> No.3339340
File: 46 KB, 512x505, 1309887123559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why som much moves?

>> No.3339342

see: >>3337725

you start on the green square, move as chess pieces move, and it costs 2 moves to transform.

yes 5they fucking will, a more shallow bunch of fucks i have never seen. one even fapped over my reaction imag and posted it to me, and that isnt even me, i hate to think what they'd do if i posted the real me.

>> No.3339357

Okay so >>3339278 wins because that's only two moves for a rook.

>> No.3339368


1. It's only one move for a bishop, idiot.
2. EK forgot the rule that only knights can go over grey squares.

>> No.3339374
File: 257 KB, 456x346, facepalm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fcking stupid negro cunt...

>> No.3339379


lol you never said that. Don't try to back out of your mistake now.

>> No.3339388

yeah the odd arrangement of white and grey made me think it wasn't a perfect diagonal.

>> No.3339389


>> No.3339398

That mistake is considerably less significant. I know the difference between your and you're but I have a habit of typing the sound I'm thinking off instead of the word. Your attempts to divert attention from your mistake onto me is pathetic. You failed to explain the rules. Accept it.

>> No.3339406

>typing the sound I'm thinking off
>Your attempts

>> No.3339413


I accept that mistake


lol no I was right the first time.

>> No.3339426

>I accept that mistake
>lol no I was right the first time.

>> No.3339432
File: 36 KB, 450x450, temp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think 12 moves is the shortest trip.
There are no horizontal runs of 9, which is what is needed to beat the knight for horizontal movement along the bottom of the board.
Horizontal movement is not possible across the top of the board. The rook covers the vertical distance most efficiently.

>> No.3339438


Yes. This is what Josef answered earlier, and is the best answer, as I have said repeatedly.

>> No.3339440
File: 278 KB, 476x350, 12645648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3339447

I'm agreeing with you.
I'm also saying why I agree with you.

>> No.3339452


Very well. I was just wondering why you posted a new image if you were agreeing with a previous one. Disregard.

>> No.3339453

no, you went exactly against what Joself said! fuck you!! how could you do that!? Josef had a good answer, fuck you, unless your gonna provide a better one. to be honest, i dont think you're skills are good enough!

>> No.3339458

god damn it when will /sci/ just start accepting everything Josef says as the truth

>> No.3339468

A) I wanted to try it myself.
B) I didn't like the color changes as transformation markers.
C) I didn't like right angles as knight motions.
D) My solution doesn't have a scribble through the right half of it where there was a mistake.

>> No.3339470


Do you love me enough to show tits?

>> No.3339476


D) He was correcting a mistake in the one I had posted early in the thread.

>> No.3339483

hah, nah, if i posted them then everyone else would see them as well. to be honest my tits arnt particlarly great, they are like the one part of me i would probably chage...are actually a bit small. i mean i know neauty isnt all aboyt tits, but still..m aybe i should fatten up a bit.

but i lol'd so hard, seiously, thanx!

>> No.3339489

We like delicious flat chest too.

>> No.3339500

orly? seems a bit paedophilic to me, brah...
i'm still tall and womanly, so tits arnt the only identifyer, i guess.

>> No.3339518


How about ass, then? I'm actually more of an ass man myself anyway. I just asked for tits because of meme.

>> No.3339528



pick one

>> No.3339545

erm, i'm a bit of a skinny ass to be honest, but apparently thats okay.

whats wrong with that? i know men are taller on average, but tall women are still okay, rite?

>> No.3339561


Define tall. I prefer <170 cm, ideal is 165ish.

>> No.3339568

>but tall women are still okay, rite?

>> No.3339574

> seems a bit paedophilic to me
Tits or underage b&, then.

>> No.3339598

whatever 5 feet 9 inches is. i have no idea.

>> No.3339619


It's roughly 175 cm. Only way to legitimate that length is with killer legs.