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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 18 KB, 295x446, Khan-Academy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3334897 No.3334897 [Reply] [Original]

so, about khan academy

it's really credible and legitimate?

what do u think?

>> No.3334918

>be sal khan
>make an average of 20 mistakes per video
>don't re-do them
>for subjects other than math, teach superficial HS shit that could really be taught in under 10 minutes by reading articles on the web
>teach intelligent design as biology
>credible & legitimate


>> No.3334945

I think he makes learning more accessible by seeming personable, as opposed to the stereotypical monotonic professors.

I think Khan is an entry-level into the mass-education market, so he will be less 'legitimate' than those that follow up and do what he's doing, but better.

>> No.3334989
File: 56 KB, 500x356, 8604_a370_500..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I'm pretty sure you didn't even watch the intelligent design video, just skimmed the summary from whatever site you happen to go on to sound up to date you pretentious faggit.

Perhaps you can site some of the videos in which he doesn't comment or revise a mistake he has made?


It seems the direction he's going is to simply provide education to those still in high school or lower in countries or areas where that education is not considered adequate.

>> No.3335000

Hey, it's better than public schools in Argentina, for sure.

Not joking.

>> No.3335010 [DELETED] 

>teach intelligent design as biology

>> No.3335021

>teach intelligent design as biology

Wait, really?

>> No.3335023

>Perhaps you can site some of the videos in which he doesn't comment or revise a mistake he has made?

Confirmed for retard.

Also confirmed for gullible fuck who fell for the whole "Khan is great, Khan will give education and save mankind, give him all your monies" sentiment. Have YOU actually watched any of his videos? He runs on for 20 minutes explaining bullshit "intuition," which is him repeating the same thing over and over and over and over.

He is utter shit for everything other than math, at which he is halfway decent, but not as good as PatrickJMT.

>> No.3335026
File: 31 KB, 382x322, 1275661495935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do entry level stats course at sydney university
>use khan academy to help study
>do stats quiz
>get 12/15
>average is 6/15

>> No.3335043


que pasa cabrón?

>> No.3335063
File: 4 KB, 98x120, 1308108114242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fucking ad hominem all up in this bitch. I have watched many of his videos, some are great for refreshers and breaching into a subject.

Now... where's the evidence that he doesn't revise or comment on his mistakes in his videos?

>...but not as good as PatrickJMT.

Holy shit, /mu/ would love to be as hipster as you. So when PatrickJMT gets a grant from google or other schools in Indonesia start using him as a subset program... are you going to attack his credibility of being an instructor providing no evidence whatsoever?

I'm not even mad. This man got the attention of some very prominent people, because what he was providing was seen as beneficial in their eyes. I'd ask for more of your opinion but I'd hear the same thing from the average reddit hivemind, which makes the 4chan hivemind look like Leonard Euler.

>> No.3335085

>the average reddit hivemind, which makes the 4chan hivemind look like Leonard Euler.

Not to suck our collective cock here, but I agree. "Anonymous" is a straight shooter.

>> No.3335108
File: 38 KB, 400x300, dsfadsfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw people assume his science vids are supposed to be more than freshman level "Intro to X"

Doesn't he say that like 50 times in the first video of the subjects?

>> No.3335139

i wish he'd do some more bio videos