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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 22 KB, 475x416, Tony Soprano..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3333413 No.3333413 [Reply] [Original]

What do you call yourself if you don't believe in god but you don't want to be associated with whiny cuntbag atheists?

An elitist maybe? A rational, calm person?

>> No.3333425

> whiny cuntbag doesn't want to be associated with other whiny cuntbags

>> No.3333422

a troll

>> No.3333438

the majority of northern europe?

this is only an issue in amerifagland. you lunatics.

>> No.3333449

A fucking idiot.

If you don't believe in god, you are an atheist. If you do believe in god, you are a christfag.

There is no middle ground. A black person can't change the fact that he's a nigger.

Fucking deal with it

>> No.3333450

don't call yourself anything idiot

>> No.3333453

An atheist.

>> No.3333454


>> No.3333465

>A black person can't change the fact that he's a nigger.

well he could act respectable and hold a conversation without letting his blood pressure skyrocket

>> No.3333467


>If you do believe in god, you are a christfag.

Most people who believe in god aren't christian.

>> No.3333474

You could always be an apatheist.

Or, you know, try to refrain from labeling yourself too much.

>> No.3333469

>If you do believe in god, you are a christfag.

How to be an Atheist:

*Assume everyone who believes in an omnipotent being to be a christian

>> No.3333473

Yeah, but even then he'll only start talking about fried chicken and raping white women. He would never pass for a gentleman.

>> No.3333479

Right; they're Muslim, Jewish or Hindu (eastern religions like Buddhism are atheistic)

>> No.3333481

Ignostic masterrace reporting in.

Keep acting like fucking imbiciles, Atheists and Theists. You're both equally stupid.

>> No.3333482

>carlton banks.ini

>> No.3333485

>What do you call yourself if you don't believe in god but you don't want to be associated with whiny cuntbag atheists?

Most people.

Normal people don't debate religion and science on the internet with fat Americans. You could go to any place outside of the US/Middle east and get to know someone perfectly well without quizzing them about their beliefs.

In the US, you could have a conversastion with someone and within ten seconds they will have told you their entire life story, their degree, who they married, where they grew up, what they believe in, what they don't believe in, who they voted for and why they're an incredible human being.

In the first world, people keep themselves to themselves and don't give a shit either way.

>> No.3333486

itt: people labeling themselves

others may call you things but the only thing you need to call yourself is yourself

>> No.3333487
File: 14 KB, 251x251, 1269643238706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw no one in europe cares about what other people believe
>mfw the majority is atheist
>mfw the us is full of retarded relgious fags
>mfw they claim to be a secular country

>> No.3333498
File: 319 KB, 640x480, [a4e]NieA_7_01[divx5.03].ogm - 00004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you're overrun with muslim cancer
>mfw there's less religious violence in america than europe

>> No.3333506
File: 17 KB, 155x202, löl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you don't know shit about europe and you've proven it by posting this /int/ crap

>> No.3333511

Less than 1.2% is Muslim in Europe.

More than 55% in the U.S. consider themselves "deeply religious" and attend church at least twice a week.

>> No.3333526


gb2int maeritard

>> No.3333530

the us deeply religous people don't go around burning down news companies, rioting, and bombing subways (just that one incident with the airplanes)

>> No.3333532


>> No.3333534
File: 64 KB, 480x621, 1300730239295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>land of the free
>unaffordable education
>tax breaks for the super rich and places like westboro baptist
>unaffordable health care
>ritual penis mutilation a common practice and encouraged by many of these highly paid healthcare providers
>you may die in a pointless war but can't drink a beer
>children arguing about atheist vs theist on their biggest national holiday
>atheists practically turn atheism into their own religion
>largest incarceration rate among western countries

Happy 4th America.

I guess you do have the right to buy guns to make up for all of that. Though I can't say I have much concern about being murdered in my home by a minority while I sleep.

>> No.3333538
File: 46 KB, 540x377, 1266539185468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3333539

You win. I'm not going to tell you to leave.

I am going to leave /sci/. Consider me trolled.

>> No.3333552

where the minority is still a minority

>> No.3333555

how the fuck did this thread go from atheism to fuck-america?

>> No.3333556

No, they just burn down abortion clinics and elect the worst politicians.

>> No.3333559

I worked with a guy for about 4 years before I knew he went to church on a sunday. He wasn't particularly religious and held a degree in biology.

Amazingly enough; I didn't engage him in a serious argument, or scream at him in anger whilst he chucked Bibles at me. I went out for a drink with him like we did every friday night for 4 years. He hasn't attempted to convert me and he hasn't brought it up since. He watches porn on his computer, smokes cigarettes, drinks beer and plays rugby union.

Arguing religion/politics/voting amongst company is considered extremely backward by anyone with a modicum of tact. Probably why Americans are so keen on it.

>> No.3333566

Because it's you idiots who are so concerned with this.

Elsewhere no one cares if someone goes to church and no one cares if someone else doesn't.