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3331024 No.3331024 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3331029

Nope, I'm an atheist and I detest the atrocities committed by all religions, ever.

In fact, Islamism is the worst offender in my book.

>> No.3331030

What planet are you from?

>> No.3331031

Retards: Post the same shit over and over again. Completely ignore the fact that it's not funny and only other retards reply to it without sage.

>> No.3331034

If Dawkins wants to be a hero, he should go to Saudi Arabia and debate an imam.

>> No.3331041

You misspelled "an hero". Obviously, like many people, he values his life.

>> No.3331042

This thread is useless, OP.
For at least 2 obvious reasons: way too generalizing, and we've all heard this critique of atheists before.

I suppose, you're just trollin'
That's okay, have a nice day :)


>> No.3331045

He's debated imams and Islamists before though I'm not sure he has in Saudi Arabia.

He's not going to make a habit of it, though, because he's not suicidal.

It's not heroism doing that: it's idiocy.

>> No.3331052

Especially since his kind think you only get one life to live.

As for me, I think reincarnation exists and that you ought to enjoy this life because the next one might suck. Like you may have a comfortable middle class life in America now, but the next time you could be born to parents in North Korea or something.

>> No.3331056

Ah see, he knows that Christians are nice guys that won't fight back. He doesn't have the balls to take on Muslims.

Or Jews for that matter since they can break out the Holocaust guilt card.

>> No.3331069

>Implying Christians quit committing atrocities at some point

Oh, hey. I see you're pretending Richard Dawkins is the only atheist. That's cool. Let me show you some videos of Dawkins interacting with Islam:

Here's Dawkins saying it's the greatest evil in the world:

Here's Dawkins shouting down an Imam:

And another:

Here's a video of him going to Gaza to go after Muslims:

It's like /sci/ doesn't realize there's a search bar on Youtube.

>> No.3331071

Did you not read what I said? He HAS argued against Imams and Islamists.

And yes, even against Zionist Jews. You can see him argue with Islamists and Jews (he actually goes to Israel to debate with both of these) in The Root of All Evil, while he focusses a lot more on Jews in Faith School Menace.

Please educate yourself before spouting shit or ignoring what I said.

>> No.3331072

The Inquisition was a long, long, long time ago, toots.

>> No.3331077

>Implying the Inquisition is the only atrocious thing Christianity has ever done.

Oh, grow up. Toots.

>> No.3331081

You could argue about witch burnings, but that was a long, long time ago too.

>> No.3331087

How about lynch mobs? What about shooting up abortion clinics? What about not turning in pedophiles in your clergy? What about almost electing Sarah Palin for national office or giving money to Jerry Falwel?

>> No.3331090
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but this sure wasn't

>> No.3331091

what about the lack of stem cell research which could save lives

>> No.3331092
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I am an atheist and strongly anti-islam and anti-immigration. Dont put as all in the same bracket with pseudohumanists OP.

>> No.3331097


I can see you've lost the argument, because you reverted to spewing out garbage from Daily Kos or other such websites. Once you posted this:

>What about almost electing Sarah Palin for national office or giving money to Jerry Falwel?

...you lost any semblence of credibility


>implying Jim Crow had anything to do with religion

>> No.3331104

>proceeds to ignore over half the post
good show

>> No.3331106

they are christian that means any crime they commit reflects on christianity itself
just like the Stalin and Mao card people play to make atheism look evil

>> No.3331110

Some may have been atheists. Who knows?

>> No.3331113

this is why agnostic apatheism is the best

why care about all this bs when you can just not.

>> No.3331114

>implying most weren't bible thumping christians
stop trying to make excuses

>> No.3331117

>Implying that wasn't a joke
>Implying I don't stab the thumbs-down button on Stumbleupon whenever that Kos shit pop up, yet the damn website just refuses to fucking learn, increasing my hatred with each passing day
>Implying the Ku Klux Klan isn't a specifically christian organization

You're willfully ignorant.

In Old Testament lingo, you've hardened your heart.

You are unreachable. You are lost to understanding and knowledge.

>> No.3331119

Most were probably nominal Christians, although claiming to be a Christian and actually doing what your religion teaches are two different things.

>> No.3331125

The last I checked, the KKK's aim is to keep the black man down, not spread the Gospel.

>> No.3331126


>Christians don't commit atrocities
>What about these atrocities obviously committed by Christians?
>Oh, they CALL themselves Christians...

>> No.3331127

Then I guess Islam is a perfectly fine religion since it has messages of peace within it, and the 'nominal' Muslims were just not following what the Quran taught right

>> No.3331131

>KKK lights the cross on fire so Jesus shines upon them
yeah they aren't Christian at all bro

>> No.3331133

I never said they weren't Christians, I said they weren't very good Christians.

>> No.3331136

I'm not even going to debate basic, well-documented facts like this with you. If you can't be bothered to even glance at the Wikipedia article, I'm not going to teach you about the country you live in.

>> No.3331137

All right, I will ask this. Did atheists do anything to end segregation in the US? Nope. It was primarily people who identified as Christians.

>> No.3331138


>> No.3331145

Alright, I'll ask this: Did Christians do anything to stop the slaughter of Chinese by Genghis Khan in the 1200s? No.

See how that works? You can't just pick an event in history that a group had next to no control over and condemn them for not having control over it.

>> No.3331147

>only good Christians count

>> No.3331157

Shit that was done in the name of Christianity:

*Witch burnings
*Religious wars in the 16th and 17th centuries

Shit that was not done in the name of Christianity except in the imagination of atheists:

*Jim Crow
*Northern Ireland
*Abortion clinic shootings

>> No.3331158

>Did the Japanese do anything to the Christian missionaries of the middle ages?
Oh yes...they did
and it was glorious

>> No.3331161

There were no Christians in 13th century China last I checked.

>> No.3331165

If you're going to argue that, then I can just as easily blame atheists for Pol Pot.

>> No.3331168

>Implying every shooter in every abortion clinic shooting hasn't been doing it for Jesus
>Conveniently forgets child-molesting clergy
>Fastidiously overlooks violence against gay people

Not sure if trolling...

>> No.3331175

That was somewhat religiously motivated because the Japanese authorities feared that the nation would be corrupted by a foreign faith that, among other things, refused to accept the emperor as a divine being.

>> No.3331178

Oh, let's not forget Jesuits killing the ever-living fuck out of some Indians.

>> No.3331179

>implying Catholics priests raped anyone in the name of Jesus and not simply because they were filthy homosexuals who wanted to get some

>> No.3331185

Taoist Emperor-worshipers = atheists?

>> No.3331187
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>Implying im naive enough to believe atrocities are directly cause by religion or the lack of it
Religion is just a tool for control in situations like this, it is the politics that cause these things to happen.

It's obvious in the case of current islamic extremeism. A number of peoples have political grevances with the west because of their world policy but the leaders arnt willing to fly planes into buildings themselves. So they use religious belief to create themselves an army of zealots.

The Crusades is an interesting one because it was led by the catholic church. But when you consider how powerful the catholic church were and their hierarchical structure they can be considered as much a political entity as any state. They gained so much wealth and power from the crusades and risked little, seeing as it was mostly denizens of other states that supported the war effort for them.

This does not mean i think religion is harmless, religion encourages ignorance and that is not productive in a modern democracy.

>> No.3331188

Already covered in >>3331175

>> No.3331192

>Implying that being forced to swear an oath of lifelong virginity in order to yap at people on Sundays probably didn't have something to do with that
>Implying that homosexuality is filthy, and that the inability of Christians to accept homosexuals or even separate homosexuality from pedophilia isn't causing repressed emotions to boil out in unacceptable fashions

Oh, so we went from atrocities performed by Christians, to atrocities performed by REAL Christians, to atrocities specifically performed in the name of Jesus?

Them goalposts. They're a-shiftin'.

>> No.3331197


As you can see, Christian groups played a huge part in social reforms such as improving workplace conditions. And again, atheists didn't do squat to help anyone.

>> No.3331203

ITT: Ad hominem

>> No.3331204

They probably should allow priests to marry. I don't disagree there.

>Implying that homosexuality is filthy, and that the inability of Christians to accept homosexuals or even separate homosexuality from pedophilia isn't causing repressed emotions to boil out in unacceptable fashions

So now you whip out the liberal victimhood card. "Oh, if only we weren't so mean to gay people, those children would not have been raped."

>> No.3331208

>Implying Atheism wasn't a super-minority in the US at that time
>Implying one could announce to the world that one was an Atheist at that time without being shunned by everyone you met

Again, I didn't see Christianity's help when Mongol hordes were slaughtering China...

>> No.3331210

See >>3331161

>> No.3331212

Liber--what the hell are you even talking about?

If a guy doesn't have any sexual outlet for a decade, anything with a hole looks inviting. I've known men who fuck a lot worse than little boys.

>> No.3331213
File: 2 KB, 256x256, You miss the point.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Re-read post. Try again.

>> No.3331214

Then they should go and pick up a damned hooker or something.

>> No.3331220

I already did. How were Christians supposed to stop the Mongols from taking over China when there weren't any of them in that part of the world then?

>> No.3331222

You can tell that to them, Christian-to-Christian, then.

No atheist I've ever met has told me about his dog's tongue.

>> No.3331223

So now you whip out the liberal victimhood card.

>support groups that create hate and discrimination
>react by reframing thier discriminatory tendencies as some value-neutral idea, and then suggesting that criticism of this reframed idea constitutes discrimination.
dat persecution complex,

>> No.3331225

Personally I think they should let the guys marry, but that's a huge step that I'm not sure the RCC would be willing to take.

>> No.3331227

That's good. You've seen the disconnect between expecting a group to enact change without any kind of noteworthy representation in the larger group.

Now, let's see if you can pick out what part of expecting a major atheist movement in 1890s America could be analogous to this.

>> No.3331232

Think about it this way. When atheists were in charge (like in 1970s Cambodia), they sure didn't improve anyone's life.

>> No.3331233

Here's the fun part:

>Implying rates of child abuse by clergy is lower in denominations that allow clergy to marry

>> No.3331236

There's some sect of Catholicism with married priests? Huh?

>> No.3331247
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I'll just leave this here...

>> No.3331251

>Well, atheists suck when they're in charge!
>Can only think of Pol Pot, whose regime was based around removing external influences from the country
>Native religions of Cambodia were already dead

>> No.3331256

Catholics are a SUBSET of Christians.

Many Christian denominations allow their clergy to wed.

Guess what happens to children left alone with those guys?

>> No.3331260

Or Stalin or whatever. Let's discuss the CRM in the 1960s. There were communists around then (who were atheists) and they did nothing whatsoever except tell blacks that white men were bad and evil and to riot in the streets.

>> No.3331264

>Guess what happens to children left alone with those guys?

The priests molested then. This was already discussed in here.

>> No.3331266



>> No.3331274
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How sure of that are you?

>> No.3331277

pol pot went to catholic school for 8 years

Theravada Buddhism (the belief system of 95% of the Khmer people) teaches renunciation of the material world

...this is not supporting theists argument

>> No.3331281

You know, I've yet to see a single one of you come up with an atrocity committed in the name of Zeus, the thunder god who watches over the world from atop Mount Olympus.

Azeusists, those who don't believe in our Olympian gods, have been responsible for every atrocity of the last 2000 years!

The Inquisition? Azeusists.
Apartheid? Azeusists.
The Holocaust? Azeusists.
Communist Russia? Azeusists.
9/11? Azeusists.
Pearl Harbor? Azeusists.

The list goes ON AND ON.

WHEN are people going to learn that lack of faith in almighty Zeus, defeater of the Titans, leads only to hardship and woe?

You're all going to burn in the fires of Tartarus, you Azeusist scum! Your souls will be judged by Hades, the pale-faced god of the netherworld, and he will frown upon you.

Turn from your wicked ways and embrace the glory of the Olympian faith!

Bask in the light of the gods!

>> No.3331282

And they almost totally obliterated religion in Cambodia. Your point?

>> No.3331286
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obvious trollllllllolololololololololoolloollo!!!!!!1!112!!!!!!!!!111!1

>> No.3331291

Why exactly do atheists whine about priest molestation like little bitches?

1. They don't go to church or have children, so they're not in any danger of having their kids molested
2. They don't believe in morals, so who cares if a priest molests someone anyway? Aren't we just molecules with no soul?

>> No.3331292

So, let's be honest, here. You recently watched a documentary on Pol Pot, didn't you?

>> No.3331298


>> No.3331299
File: 88 KB, 1000x379, Dawkins says God is your BBEG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Atheists don't have children

You're an idiot

>Atheists' children don't go to church.

I have empathy. Do you not?

>Atheists don't have morals.


The fact that somebody who is willing to take his marching orders on morality from a being that murders children for political gain is telling me that my moral code doesn't exist is hi-fucking-larious.

>> No.3331301

I never opposed that so long as we aren't grinding up fetuses to benefit the abortion racket.

>> No.3331304

Weren't Dawkins and Hitchens both divorced multiple times?

>> No.3331307


I don't know how to make the ignorance of this argument any clearer.

You are arguing for a meaningless death to remain meaningless, rather than to at least give the child the benefit of helping to cure diseases.

>> No.3331309

I'd rather we not kill babies at all.

>> No.3331312

Isn't the Anglican religion based solely on allowing divorce?

Aren't divorce rates measurably higher among religious people than atheists?

Isn't it one of your objections to gay marriage that marriage is a religious institution, and therefore meaningless to atheists?


>> No.3331313

>The fact that somebody who is willing to take his marching orders on morality from a being that murders children for political gain is telling me that my moral code doesn't exist is hi-fucking-larious.


>> No.3331316

And I'd rather my car ran on good feelings and rainbows, but that's not an option, so why don't you quit dodging the question?

>> No.3331320


>> No.3331324

>Isn't the Anglican religion based solely on allowing divorce?

Might be. I don't know much about it.

>Aren't divorce rates measurably higher among religious people than atheists?

Right, because atheists don't tend to get married or have families.

>Isn't it one of your objections to gay marriage that marriage is a religious institution, and therefore meaningless to atheists?

I'd rather not get into gay marriage now except to point out that marriage was historically not a religious institution.

>> No.3331326

>Implying God somehow NEEDED to murder the first-born of Egypt to get the Israelites away

He's...he's God, isn't he? I mean, tell me if I'm overstepping my bounds, here, but isn't slaughtering children in order to shock one dude into letting a bunch of people walk out of a city kind of a...well, kind of a stupid way to do business?

Couldn't he have, you know, spared that fiery chariot that took Elijah and carted his beloved people away without bloodshed? Why was killing innocent children the answer?

>> No.3331329


Founded in 1534. That was 300 years after Genghis Khan's time. The Mongol Empire was ancient history by then.

>> No.3331330

Atheists: People who find the superstitious and supernatural claims of religions, including those regarding a divine agency, to be unfounded and unsubstantiated.

[another unrelated but often overlapping group]: People who find unquestionable and unresponsive authorities to be anathema to human flourishing, regardless of whether they claim to be divinely inspired or not.

>> No.3331332

(Yeah. Anglicans broke off because the King of England wanted a divorce. Many Christian sects allow divorce. It's very common outside Catholicism. Catholics get around it by bullshitting their way through an annulment, which is functionally identical to a divorce, but with Catholic jibba jabba attached)

And marriage can't be a religious institution in one argument and not in another. Either it is, and you have no basis to take potshots at Hitchens for his divorce(s?), or it is not, and you can't object to gay marriage on those grounds. Pick one.

You don't get to redefine history whenever it suits you.

>> No.3331333

Didn't dodge a thing.

>> No.3331336

>And marriage can't be a religious institution in one argument and not in another. Either it is, and you have no basis to take potshots at Hitchens for his divorce(s?), or it is not, and you can't object to gay marriage on those grounds. Pick one.

>You don't get to redefine history whenever it suits you.

See >>3331313

>> No.3331337

sorry I confused the names. Look at medieval. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity_in_China

If you don't believe wikipedia, read Old World Encounters: Cross-Cultural Contacts and Exchanges in Pre-Modern Times

>> No.3331339

You absolutely dodged the question.

The question was whether already-aborted fetuses should be used to benefit the living. You dodged the question by objecting to the fact that the baby was dead.

We aren't arguing about abortion. We're arguing about stem cells. You want to change abortion, you do it on your own time. Meanwhile, babies are still dying and being flushed out the garbage as biohazard waste when they could be saving lives.

>> No.3331346

>Right, because atheists don't tend to get married or have families.
"rate" means, that the atheist who do get married are less likely to get divorced.
probably has something more do do with general higher intelligence of atheists, as opposed to them having more respect of marriage, though.

>> No.3331348

And quit dodging.

>> No.3331349


Why would any Christian sects allow divorce? Haven't they ever read the bible?

>> No.3331351

If there were any Christians in China then, they didn't exist in any significant numbers and I also don't think they had a telephone hotline to the Vatican to ask for help when the Mongols came.

The Church did send missionaries to convert the Mongols in the 14th century, but they failed because they'd gotten too corrupt. The Mongols would gladly join a spiritual Kingdom of Heaven, but there weren't interested in becoming a vassal of Rome.

>> No.3331352
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Good post.
Btw, I corrected some people saying that there weren't any Christians in China during the 13th century. I am not saying anything else. Just saying that Christians were there.

Not implying anything

>> No.3331353

Why would any Christian sects allow the consumption of shellfish? Haven't they read the Bible?

>> No.3331356

Show me what I dodged. BTW, the argument about God killing the Egyptian firstborn is fallacious since atheists don't believe that happened in reality anyway.

>> No.3331359

I wasn't saying anything about that. I was just saying that there were Christians there.

>> No.3331361

They probably read the part where Jesus was asked about divorce and he said (paraphrasing) "You were granted this privilege in the Laws of Moses because you could not behave yourselves"

>> No.3331364

>The Mongols would gladly join a spiritual Kingdom of Heaven, but there weren't interested in becoming a vassal of Rome.

Ghengis Khan was born of a virgin...you had better not deny the divinity of Genghis or you will burn in hell for all eternity

>> No.3331365


Good point. It's almost as though they just get to pick and choose which bits they like and which bits they don't.

No wonder modern day Christians are better, more moral people than those who lived years ago. They pick better things from that book because they live in a society built on enlightenment values.

>> No.3331367

>BTW, the argument about God killing the Egyptian firstborn is fallacious since atheists don't believe that happened in reality anyway.
If i say Santa Claus is an old man, that doesn't necessitate i believe Santa exist
Fictional beings can have attributes, and the Christian god, as described in the bible is a psychotic, choleric mass murderer

>> No.3331369

>they didn't exist in any significant numbers

This, by the way, was my original point.

The analogy was to your argument that atheists were somehow immoral for not having been a part of the Third Great Awakening, when nobody in the country identified as an atheist (they may have been around, but it was so stigmatized that they spent their lives pantomiming Christianity).

Do you see the analogy, yet? Groups that are too small to enact change probably shouldn't blamed for not enacting change? Yes?

>> No.3331372


Why would you paraphrase? What did Jesus actually say on the matter?

>> No.3331374

>society built on enlightenment values

None of which had to do with atheism. There were some atheists around then, but they didn't really contribute anything great intellectually.

Weren't most of the Enlightenment guys deists or agnostics?

>> No.3331375


Not a Christian/Jew but everything God did in the old testament was to assure the family line of Christ would survive. Since Moses was Jesus' ancestor it sort of makes sense. It's all why gay sex was prohibit, as well as being kosher was mandated. Also he flooded the world because the old testaments describe evil creatures that were the result of angels breeding with humans...god flooded the world to rid their impact on the culture of the family line

>> No.3331379

Then why, when atheists have run things (like in North Korea), they turned the place into a trash hole?

>> No.3331383


>> No.3331384

Yea, and why did atheists in turn make South Korea a relatively richer country than North Korea?

Then again, why did Christians go ahead and ruin Latin America while Christians turned the 13 colonies into a prosperous country?

>> No.3331391

>Hypothetical situations can't happen!
>I believe it, but because you don't believe it, you can't question it!

You need to step back and examine the kinds of things you're saying. My argument about Exodus is completely valid if you believe it happened, which Christianity does.

If I've missed my mark, and you're not a Christian, be sure to correct me. If you ARE a Christian, explain why your god would slaughter children like cattle when a less gruesome and abjectly unjust solution was available.

You dodged when you saw my call to decide whether you're going to call marriage a religious institution (and therefore back down concerning atheist divorce) or not (and therefore admit that the argument can't be used against gay marriage). Instead of answering the question, you linked to another argument I had already addressed as if I had not, and offered no comment on the one at hand.

By the way, you also never answered me about stem cells.

>> No.3331392

> (like in North Korea)

>> No.3331393


Deists or agnostics share almost every position with atheists. Except that one has a gut feeling god exists, one declines to discuss the matter, and one has a gut feeling god doesn't exist. They all hold that there is no reason to believe anyone on Earth has ever seen or spoken with god, and they all hold that nobody on Earth can possible speak with the authority of god.

And besides, enlightenment values ARE tangential to atheism. But they are not transparent to Christianity, since they do provide a better set of values to live ones life by than anything in the direct Christian tradition. They are relativity to Christianities Newtonian physics, if you will.

And relieving oneself of the superstitious elements of religion is not a big issue so long as one does not buy into the ideological elements.

>> No.3331394

South Korea has quite a few Christians. In fact, the actually send missionaries to the US.

>> No.3331400

Don't forget the chiefly atheists northern European countries, which are probably the best places to live in the world

>> No.3331403

Latin America failed because of the Spanish peonage system (where a white ruling elite controlled masses of poor Indians). That and they had Catholicism as the state religion and didn't have religious freedom as the US did.

>> No.3331404


What? Is adultery prohibited or not? Because Jesus is saying there, paraphrased of course; fine you can do it if you want but you're still committing adultery.

>> No.3331407

Agnostic here. Catholics are okay, but Protestants are fucking assholes.

Muslims vary from individual to individual.

>> No.3331408

Don't those countries have a state church?

>> No.3331412

>BTW, the argument about God killing the Egyptian firstborn is fallacious since atheists don't believe that happened in reality anyway.
uhuh, and Vader is not Lukes father


the present King of France is not bald

>> No.3331413

that is not the only reason. Contracts in the Spanish world were a lot weaker. The bank system was also weaker. Many other things were weaker. My point was that you can't just blame everything on religion, even though religion is a huge factor.

>> No.3331414


>implying North Korea isn't the most religious state in the world

How can it be that atheism is considered a religion by most religious people, but Kim worship is not?

>> No.3331419

...You don't know? What kind of a Christian are you?

>Moses was Jesus' ancestor

Swing and a miss.

Moses was a Levite.

Jesus sprang from the line of Judah.

Also, it seems like whisking people away without violence would maintain the safety of Jesus' ancestors better than plagues and famine.

North Korea isn't run by atheists. They practice emperor worship. Kim Jong Il's father is worshiped as a god, much like in WWII Japan.

>> No.3331420


It applies to arguments that god is a decent role-model.

Like in an argument over whether Batman is a decent role-model or not, one could draw on the wealth of material written about him. That Batman is fictional is irrelevant to discussions over his character.

>> No.3331422

>How can it be that atheism is considered a religion by most religious people

Huh? What?

>> No.3331426

>Deists or agnostics share almost every position with atheists.

I was on a /b/ thread with a gigantic flame war between atheists and agnostics.

>> No.3331432


Religion is not the root of all evil.

Evil is the root, and religion is a sturdy branch of that tree.

We know that merely cutting the branch will only lead to some new, different evil growing in it's place. But, as we see in the developed, modern, western world, reducing the things that feed evil will make the branches whither over time.

>> No.3331433

See now you had a very religious American population that built a great superpower nation. And then you had (I would assume to also be religious) population in LA that couldn't develop any functioning, stable societies.

>> No.3331436

The Juche system (NK's ruling ideology) still doesn't have any belief in the supernatural or any promise of an afterlife.

>> No.3331437

i just said that
i just said that too.

>> No.3331438
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>> No.3331447


It's still Kim worship. Whether they hold other superstitions is irrelevant, since the end result is the same.

Just because you don't like the way that religion conducts itself doesn't mean that it's not one.

>> No.3331455
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If you want to argue that NK is based on emperor worship, I could also mention Cuba (which doesn't have that shit). Place is also a dump.

Also it seems to me that a lot of atheists have a cult worship of Richard Dawkins, amirite?

>> No.3331460


North Korea's armed forces minister, Kim Yong-chun, also lifted the pitch of the sabre-rattling. "To counter the enemy's intentional drive to push the situation to the brink of war, our revolutionary forces are making preparations to begin a holy war at any moment necessary based on nuclear deterrent,"

>> No.3331465

As Jesus said, "You shall know them by their fruits." The Palestine of his day was full of such fake holy men.

>> No.3331473

If you're going to claim NK is based on a religion (despite no belief in an afterlife or whatnot), then I can also claim that Dawkins-hugging atheists also practice a religion.

>> No.3331481

I miss debate in High School, when I could point to the flow and say, "Clearly, the Affirmative team has refused to address the issues, mentioned in >>3331391 , of marriage as a religious institution, stem cell research, whether their god murders children, and if so, how it could possibly be the most moral option available to an omnipotent being. Therefore, you must side with the Negative in this Debate. Thank you."

Cuba's a shithole because we've had them under a trade embargo for 50 years, so they can only get needed supplies from the outside world through the black market. It has nothing to do with atheism. In fact, since Kennedy was a Catholic, we can trace that nation's ills back to Christianity if we like.

Once again, you're stereotyping all atheists into Dawkins-lovers. I find the man pretentious and antagonistic. I certainly don't worship him, or believe him to have any special status (aside from being rich enough to keep a camera crew with him at all times).

>> No.3331484


If you are commenting on the easy slide between cults of personality and straight religion, then I agree. In fact, I would say that the only thing separating Kim from Mohammed is that the latter was more successful and more comfortable using explicitly superstitious overtones in his propaganda. And most religions, especially the great man religions of Islam, Christianity and Buddhism, have a similar origin.

People prayed to Stalin, remember, and they still pray to Mao. They are forced to pray to Kim, the dead one and the alive one, to give thanks, to make observances. It has every apparatchik of religion but the afterlife.

>> No.3331489

>then I can also claim that Dawkins-hugging atheists also practice a religion.
Of course, as long as they build statues to him, follow his every order and belief him to posses supernatural powers

>> No.3331487

>Liking somebody is the same as worshiping them as a god!
>Religions that don't believe in an afterlife aren't real religions!

>> No.3331491


Entirely full of them, I would say.

>> No.3331495

Some Chinese peasants still believe Mao was a god, and the government has tried to urge them to not believe in "superstitious nonsense"

>> No.3331502

Cuba is free to trade with many countries outside the US and it's still a dump.

>> No.3331507

The Bible warned of false prophets and holy men, and Dawkins is just the latest in a long line of them.

>> No.3331509


So, like I say. We can easily see how cults of personality turn into straight religions. Even with every effort to the contrary.

Now, I don't believe for a second that any of these people actually are gods, or actually speak for gods, but plenty of people do. And who are any religious people to say that the belief of another religious person is wrong. They have no method of discriminating between people who actually speak for god and those who don't.

>> No.3331514

Angry teenager detected. Carl Sagan kicked puppies.

>> No.3331515

Agnostic master race reporting in. You all suck.


>> No.3331519


Many people think that Jesus was among these false prophets, and they have a wealth of biblical evidence to back this up. Why are they wrong and Christians right?

>> No.3331526

I don't think I ever heard of such people except that the Muslims say he wasn't the son of God.

>> No.3331531


You've never heard of the Jews?

>> No.3331538



>> No.3331539

It also warned against letting women be teachers, and against wearing clothing of blended fabric.

It also said not to throw your pearls before swine, which is as close to saying "don't talk about religion on 4chan, asshat" as he could have come.

So, do as your savior said, and go away.

Don't try to get the last word. Turn and give me the other cheek, be meek, and live not by the sword.

Cherry-picking dipshit.

>> No.3331550

>It also said not to throw your pearls before swine

So you admit to being swine. Tell us something we don't already know.

>> No.3331564

>1 Peter 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in you hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

He also said this, so obviously Christians get to pick which one they like the sound of on any particular day.

>> No.3331566

As a member of the agnostic master race, I wonder why these threads always devolve into atheists rudely slamming a Christian guy's head into the wall and asking him all kinds of absurd questions. I go on /b/ and the religion threads are a lot more interesting and less one sided.

>> No.3331570

>strawman fallacy
Yes he admitted we're swine, now take his fucking advice.

>> No.3331572

Cheek not turned. Sword raised. Earth not inherited.

How can you look at the teachings of somebody you call GOD, and immediately do the exact opposite of what they say?

How does that work?

Do you just not CARE about Jesus? Are you a Christian in the way I might be, say, a Cowboys fan?

Does the Bible only matter to you when it suits what you're saying at that exact moment?

>> No.3331574


Name one absurd question?