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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3327593 No.3327593 [Reply] [Original]

Are Black people seriously genetically inferior?
Apparently that lack "prodynorphin" or PDYN.

Most Asian populations of Homo sapiens have two copies of the gene sequence for prodynorphin, whereas East Africas, Middle Easterners and Europeans tend to have three repetitions. Most humans have multiple copies of the regulatory gene sequence for prodynorphin, which is virtually identical among all primates, whereas other primates have only a single copy.

Can we finally put this "race illusion" theory to rest, even a retard could tell you that even different breeds of dogs are naturally characteristic in violence or intelligence.

>> No.3327813


>> No.3327818


>> No.3327824
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>> No.3327830

violence isn't intelligence? intelligence isn't violence? i personally don't enjoy violence but that doesn't make sense.

>> No.3327836
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Last sentence reminded me of this

>> No.3327844

can I see your doggy IQ test?

>> No.3327845


Read that, then get back to me.

>> No.3327860

Name one thing a white person can do that a black person can't, excluding shit like 'not be discriminated against.'

>> No.3327862


You liberals can deny things staring you in the face all day, but even you admit theres differences in dog breeds intelligences. Its scientifically accepted fact. THe only reason humans aren't treated the same way is because of the sudden ethical and racist implications that come from it and suddenly everyone shys away from making any sorts of implications.

>> No.3327865



Read that, and get back to me.

>> No.3327867

>Apparently that lack "prodynorphin" or PDYN.

Who gives a shit? Ever heard about neutral evolution?

>> No.3327868

>Implying David Cameron is human

>> No.3327869


Name one innovation or invention made by a (fully) black man excluding shit like 'peanut butter' (Where would modern civilisation be without it?!)

>> No.3327874

Name one brilliant word you have ever uttered.

>> No.3327875

walk past a KFC without going in

>> No.3327880

the human race originated in africa

>> No.3327883

Invent the wheel.

Oh, ooh, it burns. Ohhhh.

>> No.3327890


>> No.3327891


That's a pretty tall order. You could have said "name one intelligent word you have ever uttered" and that would have made more sense. But to call anything you've said "brilliant" you'd have to be an idiot which kind of defeats the point of your question.

>> No.3327896


>> No.3327902

>african empires never existed lol xD
history revisionist award

>> No.3327908

the fact that africa had everything a human needed meant africans didn't have to make progress to stay alive

>> No.3327910


>Implying Egyptians are black.

Oh lawl.

>> No.3327914

When was the last time YOU invented the wheel, huh?

>> No.3327920

fun fact: carver didn't actually invent peanut butter, it was a white doctor

>> No.3327922

Algebra was invented in ancient egypt, they were black

Also i know this is just a troll thread but in studies where things like economic status and level of education received are controlled for, black and white students test exactly the same. This of course excludes the glorious asian race

>> No.3327924

>carthas is a lie xD
also way to move the goalposts, I said african empire, not 'purebred black empire'. Egyptians were negroid. Several pharaos carry the characteristics of very very black men.

>> No.3327925

And that's exactly what separates us from them.
Do you think we "need" microwave ovens? No.
Do you think we "need" motor vehicles? No.

We created civilizations to make life easier, so we wouldn't have to spend our days hunting and gathering. This is why we have schools, this is why we have economy, this is why we have the internet.

>> No.3327928

Oh i'm not denying anything, I just wanna see your doggy IQ test.

>> No.3327932

this rolling ball of invention got started because Europe was lacking in lots of areas so invention was necessary
in Africa, that ball never started rolling

>> No.3327933

Define "intelligence" before you start spewing shit like this. Oh, and there are a lot of stupid shitheads in the world today, whereas there are a lot of intelligent africans. They are more intelligent because they can learn faster and have a certain knowledge used to survive where they are.

>> No.3327934

but western people did spend their time hunting/gathering while the egyptians farmed and built huge metropolises

>> No.3327935

I know, it's hard for you to even think of something mediocre.

It's ok though, you'll be deluded anyways.

>> No.3327938

The first 1GHZ computer chip. Mark Dean.

>> No.3327941


Characteristics don't mean anything. North Africans are caucasian, they can be as black and have as large an afro as they like and they'll still be caucasian.

>> No.3327949

>implying I didn't mean shape of cranium, bone density and muscle attachments
you are dense.

>> No.3327952


I'm not even the guy you were speaking to. Your post just stood out as really stupid so I thought I'd point it out. Do you want to "name" a "brilliant word" you've said then? (lol)

>> No.3327956





>> No.3327958

>niggers? no man they ain't like us
>oh so those nigs built cool shit? sure they can join the club

>> No.3327963

this is hilarious
races can mingle and breed
that's what makes them the same species

you are retarded

>> No.3327977


Do you have a source for your claims?

>> No.3327983


Fairly simple if you ask me, but I'm not the one comparing dogs to humans without defining what an IQ even means.

>> No.3327997


nubians from deep in africa conquered egypt
look up what nubian is

>> No.3328007
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I haven't mentioned dogs once in this thread. Also actually naming a "brilliant word" such as "disarticulate" is pretty lame and def. not comparable to innovations such as inventing the wheel. In fact you shouldn't have given in to my request to name a "brilliant word". Instead, you should have come up with a snappy comeback but it's too hard for you to even think of something mediocre isn't it LOL brilliant

>> No.3328014

brilliant word? "God". Why? The first guy/girl who thought it up created something that conquered the entire world.

>> No.3328045

I like how the only comeback they can come up with is that "Well you haven't invented anything personally"

Yes well done, you understand the meaning of the word 'average'

In that case why can't you get into your thick skull the fact that since we're talking about averages and statistics here, we're not implying that every black person in the world is less intelligent than every white person in the world.

Also the thing about black and white being the same intelligence when taking into account 'economic status and level of education' is untrue. Even in the SAME school (exact same learning environment) and taking into account economic status there is a difference.


You never deal with it you just shift the blame onto something else I can see it coming already

"Oh well blah blah blah they've been opressed for a while slavery herp thats why".

Yeah come up with more excuses why don't you. Slavery doesn't affect a black pupil in the same classroom as a white pupil today. And there is still a difference.

>> No.3328056

>Slavery doesn't affect a black pupil in the same classroom as a white pupil today
and thats why there is no proven difference between those
only when you take into account socio/economic status (which is effected by past slavery) does a difference show.

>> No.3328057

I dare you to back up your claim. What difference is there?

>> No.3328063

none, he's blabbering. Only when you take into account social status is there a difference. And social status was influenced by the whole slavery thingy.

>> No.3328078
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I typed it in Google and literally hundreds came up. Have you ever even tried looking before???

There are more indepth proper investigations out there ofcourse, I can't be bothered to do your legwork for you because I'm now going to bed, if you want to claim they're all bogus at least go do the research first. There are hundreds of studies out there which are basically summarised by pictures like this.

Why are you so afraid of the truth? I'm not saying we should go round killing them all or prejudge them anymore than I would prejudge someone because they come from a council estate in a chavvy area. I'm only pointing out facts.

>> No.3328079

You're defying logic to suit your prejudices. It's been only about 4 or 5 generations since slavery was abolished in the US. Not even 2 generations since the civil rights movement (MLK etc.) when segregation & oppression of black people began to recede.

Do you think one generation of being relatively un-oppressed is enough to make up for all that?

>> No.3328090

>only math
>SAT score
>no mention of sample size anywhere in the post
burden of proof, bitch. You posit something, you back it up. We're not doing YOUR legwork because you want US to believe something.

>> No.3328092
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>> No.3328094

If black people were dumber than the rest, we'd be able to tell them apart by 4chan post, obviously.

>> No.3328100

I type 'creationism is true' in google and literally 3.5 million results came up.
Make of that what you will.

>> No.3328103

Then you haven't been paying attention to the references, which just makes you more ignorant in your responses.

Which of course comes with the territory, so I don't expect much from you, nor do I care what you respond with because you fail to even consider the context of the comments.

>> No.3328111

>IQ tests not biased
oh lord, where is their proof for this? This falls flat on its face in the very first few sentences...

>> No.3328113

I didn't get to study for that in the slightest because of my parents not getting me any tutoring and shit, they didn't care.
I ended up getting an "acceptable" score for having no fucking idea what it was gonna be like or anything on it.
Meanwhile my friends have thousands in tutors and end up scoring better than me. I felt pretty shitty considering I get better grades then them at everything and am overall more intelligent than them. Really the only thing that bugs me is that colleges love to use it as some indicator of intelligence and not an indicator of ones wallet

>> No.3328116
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Very well here's an IQ one.

Why is the burden on me, you're the one making claims that the IQ is precisely the same when taking into account economic factors.

Its all well and good to make excuses to studies that show you're wrong, (Oh sample size herp), but where are your studies that show the IQ is the same adjusting for income?? You're not exempt here you're making claims just as I am. Yet you provide absolutely 0 evidence, I am providing summaries of studies which is more than you have done.

>> No.3328125


Care to explain why you believe life became easier?
Tribal societies have no need for formal schools, have their own economy, and the internet is entertaining. Though I only use it after physical activity, outings, and I'm just looking to pass some time.

>> No.3328126
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>> No.3328134

You start at the null hypothesis (there is no difference) and you work from that. Basic science. You haven't provided any summaries, you have provided random graphs without any details, source, abstract, sample size (we're talking statistics here for crying out loud!) or ANY other information.
I'm not positing/claiming ANYTHING. I'm applying science to your posts and they do not hold up.

Once again, you start from the position that there is no difference. That's how science works. Sorry if it doesn't suit your agenda.

>> No.3328147

You have to be ignorant to believe that genetics don't play a role in intelligence.

>> No.3328151

If a black person was raised by white parents, would he still be "inferior"?

>> No.3328152


And the studies on adoption, where children of various races were all adopted by white parents, and the IQ differences remained?

Answer me something please, why are you scared of the truth??

If someone says no difference. Well done.

If someone says difference, oh they're wrong there must have been some mistake. They didn't take a factor into account I don't even have to look at their evidence I know they're wrong. They're just racist and using it to fuel their racist agenda.

>> No.3328154

>And the studies on adoption, where children of various races were all adopted by white parents, and the IQ differences remain

>> No.3328165
File: 50 KB, 298x389, race_intelligence_adoption_rushtonsm1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>“The best evidence for the genetic basis of race-IQ differences comes from trans-racial adoption studies of Oriental children, Black children, and Mixed-Race children. All these children have been adopted by White parents at an early age and have grown up in middle-class White homes.”

>Chart 9 summarizes the results for Oriental children adopted into White middle-class homes.
Korean and Vietnamese babies from poor backgrounds, many of whom were malnourished, were adopted by White American and Belgian families. When they grew up, they excelled in school. The IQs of the adopted Oriental children were 10 or more points higher than the national average for the country they grew up in. Trans-racial adoption does not increase or decrease IQ. The three-way pattern of race differences in IQ remains.”

Chart 9 enclosed as pic

Source: http://human-stupidity.com/stupid-dogma/racial-differences-intelligence/race-differences-in-intellig

Whats the next excuse you have lined up then?

>> No.3328166



I was the least racist person you could find until I went to a school with lots of blacks. Holy fucking crap. I don't automatically hate all blacks, but I do believe they are, generally, inherently different than everyone else in a not so good way.

>> No.3328167

Regardless of simplicity, you always start from the position that there is no connection. This is because often, things turn out to be not so simple ("it's obvious that the sun moves around the earth!"). Case in point: newton's laws vs. general relativity.
I can believe that there is a correlation, but 1) correlation does not imply causation and 2) you still have to prove it.

Science. Learn it.

>> No.3328175


^ Dawkins lets slip a bit of racism.

>> No.3328178


SAUCE HERE = >>3328165

Go on hit me with your best excuse. I can feel it coming:

>Oh its just a random article its biased

No its an article about a book.. They havn't just pull those statistics out of their ass.

>> No.3328181

>Answer me something please, why are you scared of the truth??
I'm not. Prove something is true first though.
>If someone says no difference. Well done.
No, that just means the null hypothesis stands.
>If someone says difference, oh they're wrong
No, that means the findings go against the null hypothesis so they should be checked. If they hold up against peer review, they will be accepted. If they are studies with a small sample size, no control or other clear bias, they will not be accepted.

Too many people in this thread think science is just another tool to further their agenda. I'm so very glad those people won't make it far nowadays.

>> No.3328182

Which proves theres relative differences, now just define the IQ test the determines absolute and useful differences, and we shall all cede defeat.

>> No.3328186


Why don't you take that argument up with PROFESSOR RICHARD DAWKINS?


>> No.3328195

It's well backed up by evidence that our characteristics are determined by our genes. Intelligence is no exception. Unless you believe in souls lol.

>> No.3328210
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>Too many people in this thread think science is just another tool to further their agenda.

And what agenda might that be?? Have I claimed that we should exterminate all blacks??

Maybe I've claimed we should bar them from attending schools and receiving education?

Maybe I've suggested we prejudge them because of their race.

Oh wait I've done none of that.

All you've done this thread is take the Creationist approach:

>You're wrong
>I'm right
>Why? Because I am
>All your statistics and facts count for nothing because they're just plain wrong. I don't have any of my own LOL but I still know I'm right.
>If you disagree with me yous just a racist nazi.

>> No.3328219

There is still no sample size.

To end this though, as I need sleep... I do accept the notion that there is a correlation between race and intelligence. However, that does not mean a causation, and it could very well be a measuring error.
However, I'm a scientist first and foremost and I think it's disgusting how some people spout their bullshit and ask YOU to disprove it (see: IDiots)
Also I think the very idea of 'null hypothesis' falls flat on its face here. I thought /sci/ was about science, not posting as much as you can hoping the other guy fatigues from refuting it all.

>> No.3328226

Creationist approach? As in, using the null hypothesis? As in, demanding evidence for claims? Have I ever claimed something in my posts?

You don't seem to realise that I don't claim there is no difference between the races on the subj. of intelligence. I'm just not claiming there is. That's the default position.

If you want to prove gravity exists, you cannot start from the assumption it exists. You start from the position that it does not, but stuff still falls down. Ergo: there is a force which makes shit fall, and we call that Fg

>> No.3328231

Okay, so maybe black people on average are dumber, but an individual black could still be very smart.

>> No.3328232


>You ask me to backup claims
>I finally give in and go do a 5 second google search for your lazy ass to give you some source.
>When faced with facts you now claim I am 'posting as much as [I] can hoping the other guy fatigues from refuting it all.'
>Still hasn't provided any studies of his own to backup his own claims


>> No.3328235

>East Africas, Middle Easterners and Europeans tend to have three repetitions.

How does this compare blacks to everyone else if the east african group has the same thing as the europeans and middle easterners?

>> No.3328236

Also I've never claimed to be right in my posts. I've just asked you to prove you were right from the default position (also known as science)

>> No.3328239

>backup his own claims
What claims.

>> No.3328240
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>but an individual black could still be very smart.

No one's said anything to the contrary.

>> No.3328242

Something I have never denied

I wish you guys would get this through your heads

Just because someone says there is an overall difference, doesn't mean they're saying EVERY black person on the planet is less intelligent than EVERY white person on the planet is less intelligent than EVERY asian person on the planet.

>> No.3328248


NEWSFLASH: Professor Richard Dawkins disagrees with amateur 4chan scientists' claims about human intelligence not being genetic.

>> No.3328249

>Claim other guy behaves like creationist
>Doesn't use null hypothesis
>Assumes his conclusion is true from the start
my irony meter is going in the red

>> No.3328253

>Just because someone says there is an overall difference, doesn't mean they're saying EVERY black person on the planet is less intelligent than EVERY white person on the planet is less intelligent than EVERY asian person on the planet.
All I wanted to say.

>> No.3328255

A correlation I can accept. A causation? Dawkins, please provide case studies, a theory that holds and preferably the genes that 'govern intelligence'.

>> No.3328260


These claims:
>in studies where things like economic status and level of education received are controlled for, black and white students test exactly the same.

>> No.3328263

>My wife has just finished reading aloud your 'Life with a Black Regiment,' and you must allow me to thank you heartily for the very great pleasure which it has in many ways given us. I always thought well of the negroes, from the little which I have seen of them; and I have been delighted to have my vague impressions confirmed, and their character and mental powers so ably discussed. When you were here I did not know of the noble position which you had filled. I had formerly read about the black regiments, but failed to connect your name with your admirable undertaking. Although we enjoyed greatly your visit to Down, my wife and myself have over and over again regretted that we did not know about the black regiment, as we should have greatly liked to have heard a little about the South from your own lips.
Letter to Thomas Higginson (27 February 1873)

Sorry guys, Darwin loved negroes.

>> No.3328269

That wasn't me, and I disagree with that post. I'm the guy who goes on and on about the null hypothesis until you people understand that you always have to start from the position that something is NOT true.
I haven't claimed anything in my posts, and merely said that in order to prove a difference in intelligence between the races, more is needed than graphs without sample size or peer review.

>> No.3328318

This is the problem with arguing on 4chan: nobody knows who's who.

>> No.3328322

>East Africas, Middle Easterners and Europeans tend to have three repetitions.

How does this compare blacks to everyone else if the east african group has the same thing as the europeans and middle easterners?

>> No.3328346
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>ITT: why the news board was deleted

>> No.3328353

that only makes it easier to spot the invalid arguments from the retarded.

>> No.3328354


>> No.3328405


Win the Nobel Prize in physics or a Fields Medal in math.

>> No.3328417


Is that something you feel they are incapable of or that they have not done?
How many blacks populate those fields as it is?

>> No.3328425

>implying you could either
So you plan to substantiate your argument that a particular group is inferior by holding them to higher standards?

>> No.3328426

They don't populate it because they can't even cut it in high school math.

>> No.3328431


Again, do you feel it is because they are incapable or for another reason?

>> No.3328436

He's talking about whites collectively vs blacks collectively. Of course he's going to expect more out of millions of possible fields / nobel prize winners than just one individual (himself)

>> No.3328452

There's no such thing as inferior when you're talking about race, you fucking retard.
There are too many traits to compare for one race to be superior to the rest.
It's possible to be inferior or superior in one or a handful of ways, but not all.
Please get this through your head, white supremacists. I find your stupidity very annoying.

>> No.3328554

Yes, this is true to a great degree for dogs, however, you're forgetting that the human species suffered an enormous genetic bottlenecking scenario approx. 66,000 years ago. Of all the species in the animal kingdom, homo sapien sapiens have the least genetic difference between 'races'. Yes, provided intelligence is largely genetic, there probably is a difference in average intelligence; but it is more than likely not to the degree that /new/ would have you believe. Hardly to the degree that exists between breeds of dogs (although, selective pressures in Africa would likely have bred more for physical endurance/stamina then for heightened intelligence, as it was not such a necessity).

>It is currently not known where human populations were living at the time of the eruption. The most plausible scenario is that all the survivors were populations living in Africa, whose descendants would go on to populate the world. However, recent archeological finds, mentioned above, have suggested that a human population may have survived in Jwalapuram, Southern India.[45]

>Recent analyses of mitochondrial DNA have set the estimate for the major migration from Africa from 60,000–70,000 years ago,[46] around 10–20,000 years earlier than previously thought, and in line with dating of the Toba eruption to around 66,000–76,000 years ago. During the subsequent tens of thousands of years, the descendants of these migrants populated Australia, East Asia, Europe, and finally the Americas.

>> No.3329502


Indeed. An individual could have an IQ of 189, be a lightning calculator, with eidetic memory and still wonder at the people who would generalize them because of their race...