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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3322549 No.3322549 [Reply] [Original]

Science is so FLAWED

humanity isn't even STARTING to open its eyes in terms of understanding the world around us,yet we state things we are unsure of.

Im not saying that science is useless but we shouldn't say things are impossible because some physical law as its so flawed.According to todays aerodynamics bees shouldn't be able to fly(research if you don't believe me).

so lets have a thread on this matter,and times when scientists have been proven painfully wrong.

>> No.3322566
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Maybe this is a genuine thread coming up with genuine questions. Yep, I'm preety sure, no troll.

>> No.3322563

Humans aren't perfect- most things can be proven wrong.
But here's the thing- it works.

>> No.3322571

get back to /b/.

>> No.3322582


Bees can fly, OP is faggot.

>> No.3322594
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You know, whatever your angle is here, it's time better spent being a useful and productive member of society, even if you're the one who defines it as useful and productive.

>> No.3322598

op's troll is so FLAWED

trolls aren't even STARTING to open their eyes in terms of trolling the world around us,yet we troll things we are unsure of.

Im not saying that trolls are useless but we shouldn't say things are impossible because some troll as its so flawed.According to todays aerodynamics trolls shouldn't be able to fly(research if you don't believe me).

so lets have a thread on this matter,and times when trolls have been proven painfully trolled.

>> No.3322599
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>> No.3322613

I think OP is confused. Scientists are supposed to be proven wrong. It's called the scientific method.

>> No.3322615
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>The flight mechanism and aerodynamics of the bumblebee (as well as other insects) are actually quite well understood, in spite of the urban legend that calculations show that they should not be able to fly. In the 1930s a German scientist, using flawed techniques, indeed postulated that bumblebees theoretically should not be able to fly,[116] although he later retracted the suggestion. However, the hypothesis became generalized to the false notion that "scientists think that bumblebees should not be able to fly."

>> No.3322622

>According to todays aerodynamics bees shouldn't be able to fly

No. According to a calculation for fixed wings, which simply shows that bees don't use a simple fixed-wing flight mechanism, which, if you'd actually bothered to read the book that this calculation is described in, is written right there ON THE SAME GODDAMN PAGE

>> No.3322638
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According to my research, people shouldn't even be trollable.

>> No.3322639

I'll just leave this here:

André Sainte-Laguë (April 20, 1882 – January 18, 1950) was a French mathematician who was a pioneer in the area of graph theory. His research on seat allocation methods (published in 1910) led to one being named after him, the Sainte-Laguë method. Also named after him is the Sainte-Laguë Index for measuring the proportionality of an electoral outcome.

He is notable for his informal calculation demonstrating that a bumblebee could not fly, referred to in the introduction of 'Le Vol des Insectes' (Hermann and Cle, Paris, 1934) by the entomologist August Magnan. This casual calculation was based on a comparison between an aeroplane and a bee, and assumed that bees' wings were smooth and flat. He, and others, soon corrected this assumption but the story of the scientist who demonstrated that bee flight was impossible persists to this day.

>> No.3322677

Science has the balls to get proven wrong, and thus learn from its mistakes. Religion hasnt moved forward at all because it immediatly assumes its perfects and spouts the same overused shit every time.
'God works in mysterious ways'. Biggest copout ever. Pathetic.

>> No.3322682

science is indeed flawed we can all agree on that,right?

>> No.3322715

at least religion kept the world together in the dark ages,think about that

people say we would be so much more advanced if there wasnt religion

Im sure the barbarian hordes would have appreciated your theory while killing off you and your family because you wouldnt have lived in a place protected by RELIGIOUS kings

>> No.3322740
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>centuries of wonder and discovery through science
>some guy do the math wrong and say something foolish
>later he even corrects himself "lol guise, sorry about that"

>people keep saying shit like that

>> No.3322751

why are you guys so eager to turn this into a religion vs atheism thread?

there is not a single word about any of it in the OP

>> No.3322766

>Science is so FLAWED


>> No.3322767

It's the least fallible due to the fact that evidence presented must be falsifiable.

So far it's the best observation of the natural world we have.

>> No.3322775

are you implying that science=atheism?

I certainly hope not for your own sake

>> No.3322776

Ponder me dribbles, young dick-smacks.

Science is sold to you by the state and its subsidiaries as the only valid religion (though they're quite careful to make sure you don't call your religion a religion nor your god a god). Religion is sold to you by the self-same fuckers as a source of infant's babbling about sky-daddy.

That is all.

>> No.3322792
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>Science is sold to you by the state
Populist rhetoric will get you nowhere.

>> No.3322797


The difference is that in science we are taught to question the teachers dipshit.

>> No.3322801

>According to todays aerodynamics bees shouldn't be able to fly(research if you don't believe me).

>> No.3322803



>> No.3322810

Yes so many atheists fundamentally don't demonstrate what they're supposedly taught.

It's humanirony.

>> No.3322829

It's psychological. If once sees someone who is clearly wrong there is tendency to correct that person. - Hence prove that one disagrees with the false statement and show that he/she isn't that stupid to believe in the false statement. - Unwillingly that causes the thread to bump and more people are likely to add something due to the previously mentioned reason. Hence the thread gets into a vicious circle. That's why it works on sci - but wont's work on e.g. gif - because if one goes to gif he pretty much expects entertainment and if there is something stupid one just ignores it.
Once the false statement is chosen (the most efficient false statement is anything religious - proven by try and error, you know evolution of statements) then it becomes used very often and it's really easy to start new troll thread. Since it's easy there is always a person to start it - just for the sake of communication. It is quiet similar to attention grabbing.

>> No.3322831

Some things are unapproachable by the scientific method. You are taught to bring as many things as possible under the umbrella and to destroy things which don't belong under it, but never that the truth doesn't lie under its shade.

>> No.3322877

A good way to extinguish troll ignited thread is to post something that no one will disprove - how so anything can be questioned?

Well not really. There are things that no one bothers to question. Since no one bothers it splits the troll related posts and decreases the chance of someone else joining and generally reminds that there are other topics to discuss which are either more worthy or realizes that wise people usually don't waste their effort on troll replies.

>> No.3322931

Point is: popular faith ignores all the knowledge (creationism and shit like that) but somehow manages to keep this misconceptions alive, just because they suit whatever cosmology idea they have.

Also, the idea that science cannot go wrong is religious and anti-scientific. Science predicts that it can go wrong and that's exactly why it can be corrected. Science is the quest for accuracy, it doesn't mean it is absolute truth, but it gets closer and closer.

>> No.3322940

Truth about what?

Science says how, not why, and this doesn't satisfy an unmaimed human spirit.