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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3322461 No.3322461 [Reply] [Original]

Ask a time traveler anything.

>> No.3322467

Will my copypasta (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pd8WeXLeXQs

Gather around my children, and listen to the story of /sci/'s creation.

It was a dark, cold night in the woods, and moot, had just gone for a walk. A regular Thursday night it was, nothing to do, just vidya, working on canv.as, the usual. He had taken his iPod with him, you see? And he happened to have it on that shuffle mode thingy where it selects a random song, yeah, you know what I'm talking about. The thing is, it was all by Lady Gaga. And guess what song started playing? You guessed it, Monster. He went running home, running as fast as he could. He ran to his computer, copypasted /b/'s source code, rebranded it /sci/ and went to sleep.

Some say that mother monster appeared to him in his dreams that night. Some say that not. But one thing is for sure, Lady Gaga is the patron saint of /sci/.) ever become popular among /sci/ducks?

>> No.3322466

When do I love my virginity?

>> No.3322470

Do you travel back in time? If so, how do you avoid paradoxes?

>> No.3322468

How're the frequent flier discounts?

>> No.3322473

Why did your destroy your present?

>> No.3322478

There aren't any paradoxes.

>> No.3322487

Is China world power in 2017?

>> No.3322494

No, not In 2017.

>> No.3322506

Why aren't you answering me?

>> No.3322508

what's your name?

>> No.3322515

Why did you destroy your present? Are you a nihilist? Do you hate society? Are you just some poor child who couldn't cope with present day reality?

>> No.3322519
File: 81 KB, 496x594, Versions_of_the_Doctor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the fuck are you?

>> No.3322523

My name Is Adam.

>> No.3322526

I am a time traveler from the year 2031.

>> No.3322531

Why won't you answer me? Too good for me? Uh? Too good for me you time-travelling elitist scum? Hey guys, take a look at Elitist McGee here.

>> No.3322550
File: 31 KB, 571x322, being_emo_is_hard_lets_go_shopping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see him. He only wants to answer simple questions, and ignore his desire to fuck over his present for some awesome past or future rape.

>> No.3322557


>> No.3322558

What is 2031 like?

>> No.3322569

In my country we call that being a huge homofag.

A person who browses /sci/, don't even try to change the topic.

>> No.3322595

I wasn't changing the topic I don't know how to answer your question.

>> No.3322606

He obviously just hates his present, thats why he's a time traveler.

Something must've happened to make him go all emo.

>> No.3322619

Can Okarin save Mayushi?

Will Moeka die?

What about Christina?

>> No.3322618

But you're from the future.

>> No.3322702

Why did you came back, Adam?
and why to this time?

>> No.3322737


1) How much does it cost to time travel? Is it like going on vacation price wise(in the year 2011 that being lets say 1k - 3k usd)

2) In what decade was it discovered?

3) What year are you from

4) How different/similar is the culture? Is religion still predominant in USA?

5) How fucked is USA's economy in 2030?

6) Do you have sex robots in your era? are they
frowned upon? are women regarded as useless?

7) Does anything from our culture/timeline interest if you, if so what and why, and how does it contrast to what you're used to

>> No.3322762

What's the dominant energy source for enclosed systems after 2050? - most common = largest amount of energy is pro"produced" by it.

>> No.3322763

jesus i thought EK was bad...

>> No.3322866

1) There Is no price because It Is not commercially used. Time travel is strictly used In special military operations.

2) Time travel was discovered In 2022.

3) I am from the year 2031.

4) The culture Is pretty similar. Not as many people have religion In 2031.

5) The economy has actually gotten a lot better compared to in 2011.

6) Yes we do have sex robots. They are not frowned upon but are still taboo. Why would women ever be regarded as useless?

7) Nothing really has interested me.

>> No.3323015

Is anyone here?

>> No.3323029

What's the dominant energy source for enclosed systems after 2030? - most common = largest amount of energy is pro"produced" by it.

>> No.3323038

What's my post number, I expect the answer before I post this.

>> No.3323045

Why would anyone stay here if you ignore the most important questions.

>> No.3323069

What important questions did I miss?

>> No.3323079

Attention, Adam March, Temporal Travel Permit #45280973:

You have been found to be in violation of Temporal Directive 14, paragraph 12 of the Treaty on Temporal Adjustment of 2025. You are hereby bound by law to cease any and all communication in this current time stream, and to surrender yourself to the Agent currently moving towards your temporal translocation device.

Your temporal translocation Permit #45280973 has hereby been revoked.

If you do not comply, retroactive action has been taken.

Attention, members of the current timeline: Please disregard any and all information from this individual. This is, after all, just an elaborate joke. Ha Ha.

>> No.3323090

can you check for me archived lotto results and upload them on some file hosting site?

>> No.3323091





>> No.3323097

Why do you hate the present so much that you would abandon it?

>> No.3323105

Sorry I will not help you make money.

>> No.3323103

Can you explain in simple terms how your presence here does not alter the future from what it was?

If you stick around here long enough, will you meet yourself in 2031?

And, of course, what if you go and strangle yourself in your crib right now? You must be alive somewhere if you are from 2031.

>> No.3323106
File: 20 KB, 375x400, girls-emo-haircut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll answer that:
He's emo.

>> No.3323112

>Sorry I will not help you make money.
>Because I came make money for myself

>> No.3323129

Who says me being here doesn't alter the future?
If I do stay In this timeline I will meet myself eventually.
If I decided to kill my younger self nothing would happen.

>> No.3323135

Aren't emo's extinct?
i haven't even heard that phrase in a couple of years.

>> No.3323140

Late 2050's fad.

>> No.3323141
File: 8 KB, 225x225, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you know who John Titor is?

>> No.3323146


Adam March, you are reminded of the terms of your former permit, regarding contact and revelation of possible future events in alternate timelines.

If you continue revealing any more secrets of temporal mechanics, retroactive action has been taken.

This is your last chance to comply peacably. We will soon be forced to deploy memetic kill agents into the memory unit of your translocation device.

>> No.3323149

Yes I have read of John Titor.

>> No.3323150

Dude, sorry to ask it again and honestly no pun is intended but:
What's the main energy source for enclosed systems at 2030 with the largest amount of energy "produced"?

>> No.3323162

Enclosed systems?

>> No.3323167

What happened to John Titor and why did he leave us. I miss him so

>> No.3323169

I wouldn't know that.

>> No.3323173

is Ozzy still alive?

>> No.3323178

Yes. For computational or manufacturing systems like in metallurgy?

>> No.3323185
File: 69 KB, 789x480, steinsgate2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3323190

Do you watch Steins;Gate?

>> No.3323207

I'm sorry I don't really know how to answer your question.

>> No.3323213

Patent Application US20060073976 was filed for a Method of Gravity Distortion and Time Displacement in 2006 by Marlin B. Pohlman of Tulsa, Oklahoma. You can view the full patent here


How accurate is this design compared to yours?

>> No.3323227

Is there any new languages that are used as much as english?

>> No.3323255

Mine Is very different compared to that one.

>> No.3323254

Well I think got too formalistic. The energy source/phenomena used for space metallurgy, common urban transportation (like public transport), computation and generally to indirectly enhance efficiency of systems? - If there is such thing of course.

>> No.3323264

Will we ever discover a naked singularity.

>> No.3323267

Perhaps you misunderstood my question. I didn't claim your being here altered the future, I asked if you could explain in simple terms why it wouldn't. You have clarified this is not the case, but not described how this could be so.

If you have truly traveled to your own past, your very presence here changes how the universe will evolve from this point, and certain explicit actions will prevent your travelling back in time to change things.

In 'The Man Who Folded Himself' (awesome novel, btw), the protagonist can travel back in time, but each time he does so, he creates a new timeline branching off the old. The old universe still exists, and a new one created at the point he travels to. Therefore, he could strangle himself in his crib and that particular future wouldn't have him in it, but since he came essentially from another universe, there is no paradox.

But this is a science fiction novel. You are a genuine time traveler, as you have claimed. Asplain please.

>> No.3323271

Have you heard of Project Pegasus?

>> No.3323301

That's basically How time travel works.

>> No.3323307


>> No.3323329

Aw man, you couldn't even come up with something interesting and different? Sigh.

BRB, have to travel to a different universe to strangle you in your crib to prevent you from making this uninspired, boring post.

>> No.3323331

Does it mean that there is no such thing or it's just that you don't know it?

>> No.3323339

I don't know It.

>> No.3323368

who´s the president of colombia in 2031?

what should I invest in?

was ghaddaffi ever killed?

what happened on dec 21 2012?

any new technologies?

>> No.3323404

1) You expect me to know that?

2) Sorry I will not help you make money.

3) Yes It should happen In he next year or so.

4) Nothing.

5) A lot of new technologies.

>> No.3323410

I'm traveling through time right now, at a rate of one second per second.

>> No.3323414

Superbowl winners for the next 50 seasons, go.

>> No.3323418

Name a stock that exists in 2011 that will do well it the next 5 years.

>> No.3323426

I wouldn't know that I am not a sports fan.

>> No.3323519

If I wanted to be an nasty I would have asked you to upload (via torrent) a nice RTS game (note- no copyright infringement since the software officially wouldn't exist so it would be legal) that's popular in 2020-2030 with astonishing graphics or some other piece of common software (song, video clip, something like that - any piece of multimedia).

But that would take all the fun out of the thread.

>> No.3323559

whats the moon like?