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3320808 No.3320808[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

*I do not deny evolution or claim the Earth is 10,000 years old
*I do not believe everyone except Southern Baptists are going to Hell for eternity
*I have never burned a witch, tortured a heretic, or stoned a homosexual
*I believe that all that matters to God is not being a dick to others
*I do not reject science
*I do not accept any of my religious beliefs on blind faith, but by judging the evidence and using logic
*I find the chronic butthurt of atheists as evidence that atheism is false
*I do not believe Hell is a place of eternal fire and torture
*Jesus may not have been of virgin birth

Come at me, atheists.

>> No.3320817

> he defines himself by what he doesn't believe in
> *laughing_girls_looking_with_pity.jpg*

>> No.3320814

>judging the evidence and using logic
If you say so

>> No.3320824

>inb4 300 posts

>> No.3320826
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Science-loving rational Jewish dude here.

>> No.3320829


What this guy says OP.

Once you tell us what you do believe in, we can rip it apart for the bullshit that it is.

>> No.3320830

he's either a troll or terrified because he knows he doesn't have a shred of evidence

>> No.3320832

There's nothing to rip apart except in Richard Dawkins's imagination.

Chances are I could rip his beliefs apart if I so chose.

>> No.3320833

Your beliefs feel a tad on the weak and pathetic side. Its sad really.

>> No.3320838

atheists arnt gonna have much of a problem with you. moderate relgion-fags are a non threat, just like self declared 'agnostics'
you can believe whatever you liek and as long as you STFU about it and dont sue it to interfere with anyone elses life then its fine with us.
fine with me anyway.

>> No.3320839

Ok, prove your beliefs are correct.

>> No.3320840
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>> No.3320841

The world is my deep streaming subconscious mind and i am god.

>> No.3320842
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>> No.3320843
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i believe that we can get along, you and i.

>> No.3320847

>implying atheism is a belief

>> No.3320851

QQ moar, stormfag

>> No.3320852

It is. Along with everything else.
>How do they work

>> No.3320854

Oh look, it's another religious bullshit vs science thread!
Reported for clear rule violation and saged. Just do this shit on /b/ or /x/, k?

>> No.3320856

Exactly. The only way to prove atheism correct is if you died, came back, and didn't see any gods anywhere.

>> No.3320857

>I find the chronic butthurt of atheists as evidence that atheist is false
Here's my evidence that you're a biased person trying to show desperately that you're not biased.

>> No.3320858

why the fuck would this be relevant on /k/?

>> No.3320862

Simple. Most of the Christians I've met are nice people. Most of the atheists I've met suffer from colossal butthurt. Obviously the former's beliefs are doing them some good.

>> No.3320866
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>*I do not deny evolution or claim the Earth is 10,000 years old
Central Tenant of a literal reading.
>*I do not believe everyone except Southern Baptists are going to Hell for eternity
>*I have never burned a witch, tortured a heretic, or stoned a homosexual
Specified in the Bible, but okay, you're civilized; we get it.
>*I believe that all that matters to God is not being a dick to others
>*I do not reject science
>*I do not accept any of my religious beliefs on blind faith, but by judging the evidence and using logic
Explain what you mean by "God" then and what evidence you think backs that concept.

>*I do not believe Hell is a place of eternal fire and torture
Central Tenant

>*Jesus may not have been of virgin birth
Definitely a central tenant.

Op, you are a not a Christian, could be a Jew, definitely not a Muslim.
>implying not a polytheist.
>implying not a deist. ect.

From your post, it seems you would like us to believe that you are some kind of ultra-moderate Christian.
From the things you claim that you don't believe, you are not.

What is it that you are after here?

>> No.3320873

Second observation by me, you have terrible logic skills
A persons attitude is no indicator of the validity of their beliefs.

Holy shit my captcha!
Yahweh' espini

>> No.3320877

Ive gotten stoned with a homosexual. It was pretty cool, he was into dubstep. Because everyone who likes dubstep is gay. Just like OP.

>> No.3320878

>he doesnt know how religion works

>> No.3320880


k as in ok, not as in /k/. That's why I wrote k, not /k/, see?

>> No.3320884

*I do not deny evolution or claim the Earth is 10,000 years old

>how old do you claim it is?

*I do not believe everyone except Southern Baptists are going to Hell for eternity

>why do they deserve to go to hell? because they have beliefs different than yours? this is terrible. also, prove hell exists

*I have never burned a witch, tortured a heretic, or stoned a homosexual

>so you're not a christian

*I believe that all that matters to God is not being a dick to others

>why would that matter to god? Why would that be the only thing that mattered to him? why would a god create the universe so people would have a chance to -not- be dicks? why would god create evil? why would god let evil subsist?

*I do not reject science


*I do not accept any of my religious beliefs on blind faith, but by judging the evidence and using logic

>and what logical evidence do you have for your beliefs? and more specifically what ARE your beliefs, so far most of your comments are what you DONT do, what you DONT think, you've given few positive affirmations that can be investigated

*I find the chronic butthurt of atheists as evidence that atheism is false

>claim you use evidence and logic. then say something as retarded as that. maybe its because atheists see the atrocities committed in the name of religion (9/11, circumcision, the backwards state of the middle east) and are kind of sick of it

*I do not believe Hell is a place of eternal fire and torture

>but you do believe hell is a place right? well, where is it? what is your evidence for believing in it?

*Jesus may not have been of virgin birth
>why would this matter to you if you're rejecting basic christian tenets in your belief structure? further, even if he did proceed from virgin birth (like almost every other savior figure before him) how would that validate his moral teachings?

Come at me, atheists.

>i just came all over you

>> No.3320888
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As it happens, this has been done more than a few times. Everything people reported to have experienced near death is exactly what we would expect if there was no god.

>> No.3320889

sage this religious shit. no one gives a fuck op. this forum is for science & math

>> No.3320891

>*I have never burned a witch, tortured a heretic, or stoned a homosexual
>*I have never
>stoned a homosexual

>> No.3320892

>Central Tenant of a literal reading.

Which only some Baptist fundies believe. Many Christians do not.

>Specified in the Bible, but okay, you're civilized; we get it.

Because Jesus abolished the old covenant.

>Central Tenant

Invention of the medieval church. The Bible itself never says man is going to be tortured in the lake of fire forever; just Satan and his minions after the final judgement.

>Definitely a central tenant.

If you're Catholic.

>> No.3320897

Except we all know theists can come back with "God doesn't show himself to you until you're truly, permanently dead".

You can't argue with people that can make shit up on the spot.

>> No.3320898

>People being butthurt means they're wrong
Hurr Durr Troll harder

>> No.3320900
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atheism is he easiest religion to troll.

>> No.3320904

You do understand that by definition you cant come back from the dead. It just means you never left.
>Near death
pick one. Theres a difference between 100 and infinity

>> No.3320907

It is. Because its the weakest religion. Philosophically childs play to child through.

>> No.3320910
File: 87 KB, 466x566, 1264242708446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jus' sayin'

>> No.3320916

>Because Jesus abolished the old covenant.
Curious, so the 10 commandments no longer apply?

>> No.3320918

>how old do you claim it is?

Several billion years as proven by science.

>>why do they deserve to go to hell? because they have beliefs different than yours? this is terrible. also, prove hell exists

Where do you think Hitler went? Detroit?

>so you're not a christian

I'm not a Muslim.

>>why would that matter to god? Why would that be the only thing that mattered to him? why would a god create the universe so people would have a chance to -not- be dicks? why would god create evil? why would god let evil subsist?

I'm not God, and I can't read his mind. Unless you know something I don't.

>claim you use evidence and logic. then say something as retarded as that. maybe its because atheists see the atrocities committed in the name of religion (9/11, circumcision, the backwards state of the middle east) and are kind of sick of it

Right, all because of Muslims. Not Christians.

>why would this matter to you if you're rejecting basic christian tenets in your belief structure? further, even if he did proceed from virgin birth (like almost every other savior figure before him) how would that validate his moral teachings?

Some Christians (mainly in the early days) thought Jesus was an ordinary child chosen by God for his mission. I'm personally agnostic on this question.

>> No.3320924

yeh its such a weak religion, i mean they cant even explain where life comes from. atheists seem pretty gullible to me.

>> No.3320929


>> No.3320926

Explained in the story where Jesus saves the adultress from being stoned. "You may go, but do not sin any more."

>> No.3320927

It's completely possible to be completely, utterly dead, then be revived.

>> No.3320933

Exactly. Since no one can do that, it's impossible to prove objectively if any gods exist.

Or there could be a god, but no afterlife if you want to go down that route.

>> No.3320931


people have died and been brought back you tool. Death is a physiological state designated by no heart beat or electrical impulses in your brain. people have actually /died/ and been brought back. CLEAR

OP- prove god exists.

There, you cant so atheism wins again. I wish this wasnt so fucking easy.

>> No.3320938


> *I do not deny evolution or claim the Earth is 10,000 years old
Okay, so you don't believe the Bible. That's a good start.

> *I do not believe everyone except Southern Baptists are going to Hell for eternity
Jesus mentions a lot of ways to determine who's going to Hell and who is a true believer. Among them are selling all your possessions and giving the money to the poor, drinking deadly poison without being hurt, casting out demons, and healing sick people with your touch. If you can't do those things, you aren't a believer. If you don't accept that's the test for belief, you're rejecting the Bible.

> I have never burned a witch, tortured a heretic, or stoned a homosexual
You're rejecting the Bible.

> *I believe that all that matters to God is not being a dick to others
You have a secular morality that ignores everything the Bible says about what matters to God.

> *I do not reject science
You're not batshit insane. Good start.

> *I do not accept any of my religious beliefs on blind faith, but by judging the evidence and using logic
So you're an atheist.

> *I find the chronic butthurt of atheists as evidence that atheism is false
So you're a hypocritical troll.

> *I do not believe Hell is a place of eternal fire and torture
You reject the Bible.

> *Jesus may not have been of virgin birth
You reject the Bible.

A good start. Could do with less trolling. Not sure how exactly those are
> My religious beliefs...
but there you go.

>> No.3320939

>I find the chronic butthurt of atheists as evidence that atheism is false
>hurr wat is evidens durr

>> No.3320940

Jesus says that the old law still applies until he has fulfilled it.

At the time of speaking to the adultress, he was still fulfilling the old law.

>> No.3320945
File: 20 KB, 640x480, miriam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>why would that matter to god? Why would that be the only thing that mattered to him? why would a god create the universe so people would have a chance to -not- be dicks? why would god create evil? why would god let evil subsist?

Some would ask, how could a perfect God create a universe filled with so much that is evil. They have missed a greater conundrum: why would a perfect God create a universe at all?

Sister Miriam Godwinson, "But for the Grace of God"

>> No.3320947

You dont try to prove faith... Whats your point.

>> No.3320949

I have a question, if atheist want people to mind their own buisness and not force others into their view-point, then why not allow christians to make schools that teach from a biblical viewpoint, and other schools that don't and so forth, and allow parents to choose.Or find a situation that everyone agrees to, but assuming that the neutral non-religion laws would be inherently better is the same thing that the religious ilk do.

>> No.3320951


>I'm not God, and I can't read his mind. Unless you know something I don't.

So you're a simple deist. You believe there was a god who created everything and then simply sits back and enjoys the show.

So you also reject free will, as it is incompatible with any form of an all-knowing god.

If you're a deist whatever, you still cant prove your god exists so its moot. if you're claiming to be a christian you're just semantically wrong, judging by your beliefs you are not. It would be like me claiming to be black (I'm white) i can claim it all i want but i simply dont meet the definition.

>> No.3320957

Typical atheist argument: if you do not fit my restrictive stereotype of religious person, you are an atheist.

Cool logic there, bro.

>> No.3320958

Because children are gullible. School is a place where children trust what they're being taught is the truth.

Start teaching them fairy tales and they'll believe them to be true.

>> No.3320965


private christian schools and home schooling both exist you moron.

>> No.3320966

Again you are assuming that you are correct.
If you look at it from the viewpoint that anyone could be correct, your application is false

>> No.3320967

>Okay, so you don't believe the Bible. That's a good start.

The Creation story is symbolic.

>Jesus mentions a lot of ways to determine who's going to Hell and who is a true believer. Among them are selling all your possessions and giving the money to the poor

Ever seen an atheist that did that? Not me.

>drinking deadly poison without being hurt

Only Jimmy Carter.

>casting out demons

Only if you're Catholic.

>and healing sick people with your touch

I was always skeptical about faith healing claims. They seem to go against the basic tenets of Christianity.

>> No.3320969

I'm assuming the side with evidence is the side that should be taught.

>> No.3320970

True. Even the literalist fundies don't quite conform to the atheist stereotype Christian.

>> No.3320972


typical atheist argument, he takes the data and forms logical conclusions.

You can also claim you're a mongoose, if you dont meet the definition it doesnt matter

>> No.3320978


He's either a troll or a retard. Either way, please let this thread die.

>> No.3320979

Unless you follow a religion, you aren't entitled to tell others how to practice it. Should I tell a Muslim how to read the Koran? Of course not.

>> No.3320981

If you don't burn down churches, piss on nuns on the street and rape children, you are a Christfag because you are afraid that if you do all of that you are going to Hell.

What now?

>> No.3320982

I hope you seriously dont believe this. Science doesnt provide evidence. Very very few exceptions. In fact there are none. Any evidence is mathematical. Science is useless by your standards.

>> No.3320983

You are the fool here, who also uses insults.
I clearly meant government schooling.

>> No.3320990

>please let this thread die
>doesn't sage
>bumps it up instead, so more people see it

>> No.3320994
File: 477 KB, 204x137, yawnkitten.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If dead means anything to us, then you are dead when your brain activity ceases. People have been there and have come back, that is the closest one can possibly get.

What point is there in stating: "The only way to prove atheism correct is if you died, came back, and didn't see any gods anywhere."
Then qualifying that with impossibility?

>You do understand that by definition you cant come back from the dead. It just means you never left
This makes your statement above meaningless.

In the future, don't throw shit out there unless you intend it to have meaning.

>> No.3320996

Good point.

>> No.3320997

How do you define evidence?
I know you're a troll now, but still, I enjoy stretching the debate muscle.

>> No.3321009
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Different anon here:

Are you really trying to argue that my tax dollars should fund religion or else I am shoving non-belief on you?
Think before you type.

If you want schools that indoctrinate your kids for you, you use your money to build one.
You will not get a dime from me for such a purpose.

>> No.3321011


your argument becomes a semantic argument about the definition of evidence. Evidence means data that once taken into account increases the likelihood of a possible solution being an accurate description of events. To use an ugly definition. Science provides EVIDENCE it does not provide absolute philosophical assurance (because that does not exist)

professing to not believe will send you to hell, according to the bible, as surely as doing those things you mentioned. so your argument makes no sense.


because it is not the place of the government to sanction one religion over another. that leads to problems almost universally with free expression. the us government was founded with the ideals of keeping religion in the private sector. Which is where it belongs. If you want your kids to grow up religious teach them their religion at home that type of indoctrination is not the job of the state

>> No.3321019

It's more than just simple nonbelief that gets you in trouble.

>> No.3321026

OP, are you me?

>> No.3321032

blasphemy against the holy ghost is an unforgivable sin, you cannot repent, ask for forgiveness, or anything. Once you do it, there's no way back.

The holy ghost is a faggot that can suck my dick. That is if it were real, which it's not
insulting, suggesting it's not real, two counts of blasphemy right there, one way ticket to hell.

>> No.3321035

The flip side is also correct.
My argument required multiple religions/beleifs/whatnot to be run by goverment.
Taxes are spent on goverment education, if a group of people wanted to ensure that the education of their children also included one belief or another (or the absence of it) would it be unreasonable for them to request that the taxes they pay be spent towards a specific school?
A christian could dedicate the portion of his taxes for schools to go to a catholic school, while an atheist could request it goes to a non-religious school and at the same time a muslim could do the same for his/her children.

>> No.3321038


nope. not believing after being exposed to the doctrine = hell.

Also does his argument imply that anyone who DOES piss on nuns, burn down a church, or rape children by definition does NOT believe in god? how far does this extend? if you commit any type of sin, you do not believe in god?

Also there are good reasons to not do any of those things absent being religious, you have JAIL and you have a societal stigma that would be associated with those actions which could cause you to lose relationships you have cultivated.

>> No.3321042

I find OPs obvious butthurt as evidence that his beliefs are false.

>> No.3321054

Why, when the christian and catholic schools are teaching false things? It's simply pointless to fund them.

Before any children are taught religious dogma, theists must get past the stumbling block that there simply isn't any evidence for their beliefs.

>> No.3321061

Again you are assuming you are correct.There may be no evidence for christianity,and there may be evidence against it, that does not limit their right to believe so.Also, this would apply to other religions.

>> No.3321065

> if a group of people wanted to ensure that the education of their children also included one belief or another (or the absence of it) would it be unreasonable for them to request that the taxes they pay be spent towards a specific school?

First you have to get over the fundamental injustice of taxes. You will pay them even if you dont have kids and they will fund things you will not use. that is the price of living in our society. Yes it would be unreasonable. This requires a government to sanction religious beliefs being taught in school. what if you're a satanist in texas and there are no satanic schools near you? does the government have a legal responsibility to bus you to a satanic school somewhere else? i mean what you're suggesting is logistically difficult and pointless. schools do not teach religion, religion is not taught by the government. they do NOT teach a LACK of religion, you are not taught arguments AGAINST god, and from what i've seen in largely religious areas enough religion manages to slip into schools as to make your point worthless. not that it had any worth in the first place. Religion is kept out of the public sphere in terms of schooling. does it HAVE to be like that? not necessarily, but its one of the founding principles of the american system.

>A christian could dedicate the portion of his taxes for schools to go to a catholic school, while an atheist could request it goes to a non-religious school and at the same time a muslim could do the same for his/her children.

or they could take their kids to a fucking private school. it is just not the governments job