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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3320310 No.3320310 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Post prejudices concering your university course.

Computer Science:
Wooow, you know all tricks of Windows 7, can u show me?

>> No.3320313


I feel depressed today, tell me why!

>> No.3320314
File: 366 KB, 795x597, AAAAALAAAAAYS!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Oh really? Where does gravity come from?"

>> No.3320319

"Whats your favourite animal"

>> No.3320322

>gay anal sex

>> No.3320323

Also astrophysics:
"How do you even know if physics works on other planets if you haven't gone there?"

>> No.3320324


will you be like einstein and sort of work on a new theory or what the fuck are you gonna do after university?

>> No.3320327

first year chem


>> No.3320328

how do you know?

>> No.3320346

Computer Science:
That I know anything and everything about any vaguely technological device ever conceived and all the intricate details of your computer that I have never seen or used.

Also I know where all your programs were installed and how to work them.

>> No.3320350

"I'm a Physicist."
"Oh really? Well I have this bad back..."

>> No.3320355

Professional writing.
>Oh yeah, I love books too, like have you heard of [author]? yeah, their stuff is just so deep.

>> No.3320358



>> No.3320362

This makes me rage every fucking time

>> No.3320378


>> No.3320387

-This window pops up every time I start my computer. Can you get rid of it?

-Me: Sure I'll try.
30 min. of looking at obscure already semi-uninstalled programs/obscure files with no result. And I have tried all the tools that I know.

-Me: Sorry I can't get rid of it. It seems to be some sort of incompatibility error and I can't find where the file causing it is located.

- So what do you know then? Huh?

Just to clarify I'm first year electrical engineering student (yes mainly the hardware and low level bits) - not even close to random obscure software issues.

But the phrase "so what do you know then?" is just a pure furious-rage igniter and the best part is that usually people who use the phrase don't even understand how annoying it is.

>> No.3320388

Electrical Eng.
Hey my refrigerator was acting kind of funny do you know what is wrong with it?

PS: Gay anal sex. >:(

>> No.3320391



>> No.3320398

Well you can just give/derive them the iterative formula for it (all the decimals). But I admit it is a pointless calculator style question.

>> No.3320412

Computer Science

That I even know a bunch of random shit about your processor or monitor, rather than programming, math and algorithms.

>> No.3320415

physics, now specializing on low temperature physics

>but germany sure is a warm place, do you want to go to canada or something?

this is probably the stupidest thing I ever heard in my lifetime

>> No.3320422

It sure is warm right now.

>> No.3320427

You might think it's funny, but (as you should know if you work in the field) the lowest temperature yet achieved was reached in a laboratory in Reykjavik.

>> No.3320450

>So I was thinking of starting up this business....

The fuck? I'm not doing marketing/management, nor accounting. Go pester someone else with that crap.

>> No.3320452

computer science

"my pc ain't working, take a look"

>> No.3320453


>how come you can't predict where the economy's going?

>> No.3320454


>wow you're going to have a great job and not end up being a high school math teacher

>> No.3320479

Mechanical Engineering

>can you fix my car?


>> No.3320480

Mechanical Engineering:

Oh so you wanna be a Mechanic?


>I'm not gonna bother talking to him he'll be boring with no interests or hobbies.

>> No.3320485

biomedical science

"oh so you're like a doctor?"

>> No.3320486

aerospace engineering

>wow so you work with rockets and shit?


>> No.3320496

Veterinary Medicine:

>"So you euthanize pets all day? How depressing."
Or even worse:
>"Oh, is that a 2 year degree?"

>> No.3320510 [DELETED] 
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"so you're like an electrician?"

>mfw i design MRI systems

>> No.3320540


"so you can calculate like one billion divided by seventy-two without a pocket calculator?"

>> No.3321295

Mech Eng student entering 3rd year

...Apparently according to my entire family I'm training to be either a machinist or a car mechanic

>> No.3321310

Countryside management

"So, you tell it what to do?"

>> No.3321333

>"so you really make 300k?"

>> No.3321357

civil engineering


>> No.3321378

you build targets.

>> No.3321391

Oh, so you're gonna be a teacher?

What's the line on the Super Bowl?

>> No.3321397

Applied Mathematics

"Ooh, you're gonna be a teacher?"

Why do people ignore the "applied' part, ignore the countless jobs available with a math degree, and the fact that I'm going for a PhD?

>> No.3321409
File: 615 KB, 1081x1280, Charles_Babbage_1860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The top mathematician at Peterhouse here.

>On two occasions I have been asked, 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question.

>> No.3321414

future college teacher detected

in it for the tenure?

>> No.3321420

> What's the use of that now that computers can calculate everything

> How can the big bang be true?


>> No.3321422
File: 5 KB, 186x158, AllOfMyHate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Electronic engineering MSc

"so, my guitar amp make that strange sound, could you give a look at that?"

Now I only say i have an aerospace and aeronautics MSc. People tend to shut the fuck up.

>> No.3321426


Them: Hey, can you show me how to make X drug/will you make this for me to sell?

Me: No.

This happens at least once at every part I go to. The ones who are really persistent are the worst.

>> No.3321432


>"Lol what's that?"

>> No.3321454

chemistry: make me some E's etc


If you mix (random thing) with (random thing) what happens

>> No.3321461

>so you make explosions, right?

I fucking wish

>> No.3321463


Sure enough, and to avoid being behind a screen 40 hours a week for the rest of my life. And math is fun.

>> No.3321468

>Implying you can't

>> No.3321494 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 330x331, 1293908727060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Algebraic, numerical and arithmetical methods minicourse
>Oh wow, can you tell me what's 75*84?
>Work it in my head
>mfw everybody elses face

>> No.3321512
File: 32 KB, 400x366, 6594034-cow-pig-chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mathematical finance

>oh wow so you'll like be an analyst in new york and play the stock markets and do cocaine


>> No.3321525

Teach me your ways, sensei.

>> No.3321531

>"Oh like Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory?, Schrodinger's cat, string theory, double slit lol BAZINGA"

>> No.3321560

Not really prejudices, but I did Nuclear Engineering as a mature student and one girl doing Biology honestly thought she was going to contract radiation poisoning from me and die.

>> No.3321596


I am a financial engineer by trade. I went to uni for Bio-Chemical Engineering.

I have been asked if I caused the market crash in 07/08 as if it was my fucking fault.

The drug comments ( about chem ) are so true, but most of the stuff they ask can be done with relative ease. It just gets old.

The sad thing is very few people work on the exchange. And if you are a QA guy then you just feed shit to the traders. While I am sure there are still tons of drugs being done it's no where near what it use to be. The fast and high life of a trader has died down. However, get your self at a semi-decent firm and you are in for a fucking ride. But don't expect it to be like movies.

>> No.3321628

>So you want to be a teacher?

>So what are you planning to write?
>What do you think of _author_? His stuff is so cool!

Fuck you

>> No.3321675

Physiologist here, I get that.
But asking a physics student? That is full retard

>> No.3321729

I've heard of people blaming nuclear engineers for Fukushima.

>> No.3321756

>lol, you want to be a farmer?

>> No.3321801
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Want to fuck?

>> No.3321816

MSc in Technical Cybernetics.

>>WTF is that?

>> No.3321823

>Oh, whoa, sounds hard
>Hey make me drugs/bombs/elixir of life

>> No.3321841


It's better than "oh, so can you hook up my new subs??"

>> No.3321842
File: 28 KB, 600x336, 1305448814898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me: "Astronautics"

Them: "What's my sign??"

Fuck you.

>> No.3321855


lol u can be my lawyer xD

>> No.3321856

Seriously though guys, can you make me some E?

>> No.3321866

ITT: fake stories

We all know you don't talk to anyone in real life.

>> No.3321889

Hey dave

>> No.3321891

>Have you really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.3321914

"o hay colorless green ideas sleep furiously you know who said it huh huh its chomsky!! your favorite guy rite??"

>> No.3321922


>> No.3321927

>game design
>cool can you teach me how to draw?

>> No.3321940

Yup yup and fucking yesss!
As if i was gonna say
>'puter's broken, bro, i can tell from some of the bits and having quite a few 'puters in my time.

>> No.3321969

Valid question.

>> No.3321983

ITT people bitch about specialization and can't into small talk. No wonder all of you are alone.

>> No.3321990


>All just memorization, huh?

>> No.3322004

>implying you aren't mad cause that's true

>> No.3322049

Mechanical engineer here.

Could you be a dear and solve that whole Navier-Stokes Existence and Smoothness shit? Because CFD sucks right now. Even structured solvers. There is really no good way to model turbulence, and at low Reynolds numbers (like in wind-turbines) you're pretty much expecting large dynamic-stall events, and we have no analytical, numeric, or theoretical model to really deal with it.


>> No.3322074

"What's the square root of 2647403?"

>> No.3322080


"yeah bro you gon get me out of jail right lol"

>> No.3322081

>Implying that's not true

>> No.3322087

"So can portals exist?"

>> No.3322106

>Nuclear physics

>> No.3322115


hey you could do my wiring for me! I can't afford an electrician.

Actually I am a certified electrician, but that's not the point...

>> No.3322120

>Civil engineer
"Shut up and put the gag on"

>> No.3322152

I didn't think I could relate to any of these until I saw this one.

>Oh, you wanna blow shit up!

Wouldn't be all that bad, actually...

>> No.3322165

well, technically speaking you could get a job at a munitions company.

>> No.3322282

>Electrical Engineering
>Hey, can you figure out why my ___ won't turn on?

Most of the time it's because it's not even plugged in, asshole.

>> No.3322329

So, mathematicians don't sit and add numbers nowadays, they sit and solve differential equations?

>> No.3322365

yeah indeed if you want to do that its the way to go.
the prof that did a pre-uni speech to students-to-be was an explosives expert. He was in an investigation about overseas shipping safety regulations of fireworks (china -> world).
So he showed us a clip of him going to test ground and igniting a sea container full of fireworks. Kabloom!

But its not like all there's about chem is explosions and they surely arent on the curriculum for experiments anytime, anywhere.

>> No.3322419

No generally mathematicians are called when Physics and Engineers can't be bothered to solve their stuff on their own - which means their numerical program takes ages to solve their task so they ask mathematician if it can be made 10x faster or not by suggesting some random theorem or algorithm which is 100 years old and well known.

Or they are called by some financial people who can't be bothered to get out of their Jacuzzi to do their work.

>> No.3322429

so mathematicians are betafags? wow. i seriously thought they were alpha like a true boss...

>> No.3322475

Computer Science:

Hey, that faggot over there is pissing me off, hack his Facebook and computer yeah?

>> No.3322477

Everyone who does a useful job is beta. Engineers are "beta" as well.

If you have a look usually every organisation needs some management. So as it goes this management has higher salary etc. then the once who are managed.

But that still doesn't stop me from looking at "alpha" politicians and managers like on pathetic worms. - And personally I have very high respect to people in research/engineering/artists/truly intellectual work in general regardless how they are paid.

>> No.3322489


"Just choose one already" - Chemists.

>> No.3322521

Yeah, I was just trolling. You're being too polite to carry on, you bastard. :P

Thanks. I will soon become a betafag too I guess. I want to become a CS teacher when I get to university. Not sure how far I can go mathematically, but I guess that will determine which level I teach at.

oh, and trolling aside, I have nothing but respect for real mathematicians. It's a god tier field and all that.

>> No.3322528

Actually sorry to address it to you but I understand that bio and chem are very closely related but what is bio-engineering about? As far as I know bio-eng are some mixture of mecheng-EE-medicine-maybe something else, are they the people who develop all the medical equipment? Because quiet frankly I can not imagine a bio-eng. to compete with pure EE at say sonars or neural signals post-processing. Usually EE's and mech-eng are the once that end up doing medical equipment so what do bio-eng and med-eng do if not semi-pure medicine (where medics are better) then? Do they just end up like consultants mainly?

>> No.3322537

>actually knowing anything

>> No.3322547


Inevitable 'Playing God' comment

>> No.3322560

>Oh, so you're gonna be a teacher?
This. Always fucking this. Why is this such a widespread stereotype? No, motherfuckers, I want to DO MATH

>> No.3322568



How does it work?

>> No.3322577

Bio-eng has nothing to do with building medical equipment.
Bio-Eng is the application of engineering to fuck around with living things.
They'd make medicine, not medical equipment.
They'd make a cancer cell mutated to detect uranium, not a geiger counter.
etc. etc.

>> No.3322601

I see. Thank you for explanation. I knew that I misunderstood something before but I wasn't sure what it is. - You have clarified it thanks.

>> No.3322612

>Creation science
>So the fossils were buried by Satan?

Every. Fucking. Time.

>> No.3322641

pick one

>> No.3322649


Depends on how you define the "means" and the "end".

For most mathematicians, further exploration of mathematics is the end in itself. For physicists mathematics is a tool whilst their understand of the universe is the end. For the average Joe physics is the means by which he get to live a more comfortable life with ever improving technology.

>> No.3322658

Where do you go to school?

My school's BioE department does a good bit of research into medical devices. They also work closely with the medical school.

Chemical/Petroleum engineering:
>you should go work for X company that makes batteries
>you should go work for Y company that makes defibrillators

The rest of the people I talk to are reasonably smart. They ask about the oil spill in the gulf and shale gas drilling.

>> No.3322697

Go away.
We don't want you here.

>> No.3322722

Well they do work a bit on equipment, just like how physicists sometimes work on their own lasers.

>> No.3322726

Particle Physics
"Why don't you hurry up and invent teleporters?"

>> No.3323539

then what is "Bio Eng with concentration in Bio electronics?"