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3318564 No.3318564 [Reply] [Original]

Someone posted this on a gaming forum I frequently browse. This person has also mentioned something about taking over some government with a paramilitary (or something like that, I think it was about taking over countries with no or a very small military, and then using their financial resources to take over more countries and so on) and starting an active space colonization project and mobilizing the entire society for this goal, and then making nuclear weapons on the Moon and controlling various countries with them, as no one could stop nuclear weapons from being made on the Moon, not even the US, or some shit like that.

Is this person for real?

>> No.3318576

he's forming a secret society to take over the world

>> No.3318582

That's a nice post you made and then screen shot, OP. How long did it take you do?

>> No.3318583
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>> No.3318591

I will never look at the Minecraft community the same way

>> No.3318596

Are you familiar with the concept of baiting?

>> No.3318611

the difficult part of nuclear weapon production is obtaining the nuclear material, hiding the construction or the design of a weapon is comparitively trivial. I don't know why they put the effort into supressing nuke designs personally. Anyway shipping vast quantites of nuclear ores to the moon is probably a waste of time compared to just hiding it in a bunker somewhere. So I think he's just dreaming of establishing a "new world" on the moon, more than being serious or well thought out plan

>> No.3318620
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Okay, I chuckled a bit.

Also, Minecraft forums? Totally legit.

> I frequently browse. This person has also mentioned something about taking over some government with a paramilitary (or something like that, I think it was about taking over countries with no or a very small military, and then using their financial resources to take over more countries and so on) and starting an active space colonization project and mobilizing the entire society for this goal, and then making nuclear weapons on the Moon and controlling various countries with them, as no one could stop nuclear weapons from being made on the Moon, not even the US, or some shit like that.

Is he the same nutjob who wanted to enslave Eastern Europe or something?

>> No.3318632

He said that if these nuclear weapons would be used on Earth, the country in question would get invaded/nuked back in a matter of days, and that it wouldn't be the case for the Moon at all - that the nuclear launch base would be underground and even if a nuke was to be launched from Earth, no damage would be done.

>> No.3318643
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The Minecraft forums are always filled with normal people having nice conversations

>> No.3318648

And he also said that even if any country would be able to construct a mission to get a few soldiers to the Moon, it could be easily shut down with a missile.

>> No.3318664

I love this guy's avatar - so unfitting with his goals.

>> No.3318685
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>> No.3318697

I'm not going to debate the tactical advantages of siting nuclear missile sites on the moon. The problem is that the production of weapon grade nuclear material on the earth is difficult enough, if NATO saw you sending thousands of rockets to the moon with cetrifuges and uranium ore you would probably be worse off than if you tried to hide your efforts on earth. Although even if you did do it on earth you would struggle to hide something on that scale.

From there your only choice is to act like you have a nuclear energy program like iran. It's very unlikley you would be allowed to send anything to the moon if you did that though.

So basically no nukes.

>> No.3318715

He mentioned using thorium which is abundant on the Moon and then transforming it into Uranium-233 right on the Moon, which can then be used for nuclear weapons, or some shit like that.

>> No.3318780

that might work then. not sure, need to ask the experts.

>> No.3318835

if you wish to lord over a people, you have to be ready to take take of everyone as if they were completely hapless. try running a corporation first. actually, try running a corporation PERIOD. corporations provide all the advantages of lordship without all the pesky disadvantages. if you can't even hack it in the corporate world, don't even fucking bother thinking about lording over a third world nation, much less stepping up to the global powers that be.

he who does not realize that eastern europe is already enslaved is in for a rude awakening. i'd tell him to go do it but even i'm not that evil. seriously, just apply yourself, focus your efforts and become the head of a multinational corporation. don't bother with this 'establishing nations' game. if you're openly talking about this kind of crap on the fucking internet, you don't have the chops --and i don't just mean the insight; you don't have the instinct or the intellectual rigor.

>> No.3318908

Needs more private space flight.

>> No.3318922

He can say he will make nuclear energy on the moon and transport it to the earth with lasers.