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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 39 KB, 398x525, 911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3318356 No.3318356 [Reply] [Original]

>still believing the fairytale "official" story of 9/11
>hurrdurr some cavemen did it cuz they hate freedum xd

Science tells us 9/11 was an inside job.
Demolition experts tell us 9/11 was an inside job.
Common sense tells us 9/11 was an inside job.
Ex-CIA informants tell us 9/11 was an inside job.
Signs months before the event said there would be a false-flag attack.

Alot of pure "coincidences" that happened days before the event inside the building tell us 9/11 was planned.
Also, building 7.

This pathetic cover up and false flag attacks show how governments, corporate crooks and bankers
don't give a single fuck about you or your life.

3000 innocent deaths, followed by million more innocent human deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan for the supposed fairytale story "War on Terror" (CIA has connections with Al-Queda and Taliban, busted)
No WMDs also ever found, lives lost, oil stolen, etc.

>still denying the fact a secret society runs the world

inb4 troll
inb4 sage
inb4 butthurt denial

you fags use these terms so loosely, it wouldn't surprise me if you'd call me a troll for telling the truth.

>> No.3318371


>> No.3318378
File: 61 KB, 420x400, 1297817595607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree OP, Bush brought down the towers so he could invade Iraq and take out Hussein.

>> No.3318380

The hum of the refrigerator tells us 9/11 was an inside job.
My dog tells us 9/11 was an inside job.
The voice of god tells us 9/11 was an inside job.
The newspaper word jumble tells us 9/11 was an inside job.

>> No.3318393

>posting on 4chan
>being a super secret mega spy who herds the sheep away from the lies of government and big corporations

pick one

>> No.3318394

>hurr im ridiculin u xD am i cool n edgy yet?? xdd

>> No.3318401

Even that one word response legitamises this bullshit too much. Like Richard Dawkins said, if you were a reproductive expert, would you debate someone who promotes the 'stork theory'? Fuck now.

>> No.3318405

The "official" story insults the laws of physics.

>> No.3318416

Yeah, I don't care.

But sage, 'cause fuck you.

>> No.3318421

So America is a war machine and has a big huge military industry.

What else is new?

>> No.3318423


this is so 2005

can I have new pseudoscience conspiracy theory please?

>> No.3318428

>america is ruled by a dictatorship
>america is the second nazi germany

>hurr nothing new

Are you serious!?
Can't wait for Russia/China/Iran to nuke USA and change it into a fuckin' blast crater.

The world is better off without you warmongers.

>> No.3318433

You know someone's a retard if they believe there is an "official" story. Pretending there is an "official" story is just one more way to feel like you're in a spy movie or something. There is no official story, just reports from NIST, and engineering firms that explain EXACTLY what happened... and and by the way, they apply the laws of physics to get those results, troll.

>> No.3318444

The question we should be asking is,
why the fuck, are you, as an American citizen, a patriot loyal to the constitution, not OVERTHROWING your government?

Because you're lazy fat fucks.

Enjoy your fluoride, aspartame, chemtrails,
GMO food, illegal CIA spy tapping on you,
the upcoming martial law and police state.

Or be a man, develop some balls, take an example of Greece/Spain/Yemen/Egypt and revolt.

>> No.3318451
File: 17 KB, 355x266, youafunnyguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>follow the example of Greece

>> No.3318453

Trips confirmed for truth.

Deal with it.

>> No.3318461


>hurr trippin ballz

this is /sci/. show your work

>> No.3318462

Yes, they are doing something about their shitty corrupt government.

You aren't. And so isn't the UK (enjoy your CCTV cams everywhere and police asking you questions).

>> No.3318470

0/10 sorry, no one is this full retard.

>> No.3318468

Niggers caused 9/11, you faggot. You're probably a nigger yourself, so I know you won't listen to me.

You see, there was a meeting between 2 senators to discuss bannning KFC in America to srop the obesity crisis in of the twin towers. This took place in September 11. Of course, niggers had to intervene and crash two planes to stop it. The plan worked, and sand niggers were blamed. Open your eyes, fag. It's the official CIA reports, but they don't want to admit it. Look at where indifference got us. A nigger in the White House. We need to fight this now.

>> No.3318478

Niggers caused 9/11, you faggot. You're probably a nigger yourself, so I know you won't listen to me.

You see, there was a meeting between 2 senators to discuss bannning KFC in America to srop the obesity crisis in the twin towers. This took place in September 11. Of course, niggers had to intervene and crash two planes to stop it. The plan worked, and sand niggers were blamed. Open your eyes, fag. It's the official CIA reports, but they don't want to admit it. Look at where indifference got us. A nigger in the White House. We need to fight this now.

>> No.3318480

>CCTV everywhere
>nobody watching it

>police ask questions
>not obliged to respond

I'll get mad when there's something to be mad about

>> No.3318481

>hurr ur wrong cuz i say so
>i dont need to explain shit xD

Stay classy.

>> No.3318484
File: 1.77 MB, 289x227, kfcnigger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bannning KFC in America

>> No.3318488

>I'll get mad when there's something to be mad about
Your freedoms are slowly being taken away.

>> No.3318493

wow an englishmen that thinks his government cares about him, you must be the only one left.

PS: pay your taxes and be a good little slave consumer

>> No.3318499

Yes I'm serious? The President is just stand-in for people in Congress, we invest so much in military that it's become our military, and shit happens.

This. Is. Nothing. New. You seem to be worrying we'll become another UK with the government always telling us what to do.

I find that very hard to imagine, considering unlike the UK, everyone and their grandma owns lethal weapons to defend themselves with.

>> No.3318503


I'm saying they're too lazy to be malevolent
you can get away with almost anything if you plan it well enough

>> No.3318504

>mfw OP can't disprove my theory. ( >>3318478 )

>> No.3318505

>considering unlike the UK, everyone and their grandma owns lethal weapons to defend themselves with.

>anti-gun laws being passed as we speak

lol hurrr america fuk yerrrr!!!1!!

>> No.3318512

That's the worst part: You won't know until it's too late to react.

>> No.3318556


>> No.3318578
File: 78 KB, 750x600, 1195975688905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We give a fuck when our shit is illegal.

It used to be the criminals that said "Fuck the bans"... Now even the police are starting to say "Fuck the bans"... They have better things to do than try to seize property from otherwise law abiding citizens whom they know are well armed and competent shooters.

>> No.3318586


>anti-gun laws being passed as we speak

Nope. They keep trying, they haven't passed and they won't pass.
And if they do pass, that's exactly the starting gun for the revolution. Many Americans have stated their belief in that. Ain't it magical?

>> No.3318603

>start revolution when they take our gunz
Alright, seems fine.

But you don't have any issue with the corruption that passes freely down the government, courts and police?
The disgust the gov. has for its citizens? It spits on the constitution, shown time and time again.

Why wait for a revolt when you have ALL reasons to do it now and remove the criminals from office?
before they tighten their grip even more?

>> No.3318604


if you find it so necessary to evangelize your retarded unscientific theory, go to youtube and make videos with all your retard friends....

also, unless you're gonna do something about your so called theory, sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.

disregard rational thinking

>> No.3318612


>implying the fact 9/11 is an inside job is paranormal

stay mad bro.

>> No.3318614

You have such irrational thinking I don't even know where to begin. You're so deep into your shit, I'm not even going to. You have the mindset so many others have; that doubting your current beliefs is somehow shameful. It's all in defense of your infinitesimal ego.

>> No.3318618

I'm honestly open to the idea of 9/11 being an inside job. Unfortunately our society is now "anti conspiracy theory", where everything gets laughed at for being crackpot.

>> No.3318623

<span class="math">{}
<span class="math">\raise1000000pt~~[/spoiler]

>> No.3318625

if that is what you took away from that post, you either need to figure out what caused that head trauma, go back to 2nd grade, stop smoking so much weed, or take your schizophrenia meds.

hell, you should probably do all of those regardless.....

>> No.3318627

mad butthurt spammer

>> No.3318633

Then there was this freedom the little guys were always getting killed for. Was it freedom from another country? Freedom from work or disease or death? Freedom from your mother-in-law? Please mister give us a bill of sale on this freedom before we go out and get killed. Give us a bill of sale drawn up plainly in advance what we're getting killed for... so we can be sure after we've won your war that we've got the same kind of freedom we bargained for.

Put the guns into our hands and we will use them. Give us the slogans and we will turn them into reality. Sing the battle hymns and we will take them up where you left off. Not one not ten not ten thousand not a million not ten millions not a hundred millions but a billion two billions of us all the people of the world we will have the slogans and we will have the hymns and we will have the guns and we will use them and we will live. Make no mistake of it we will live. We will be alive and we will walk and talk and eat and sing and laugh and feel and love and bear our children in tranquility and security in decency in peace. You plan the wars you masters of men plans the wars and point the way and we will point the gun.

>> No.3318635

OP, post some resources which support your claims. I'm interested in this.

>> No.3318644

I'm open to one potential about 9/11 being an inside job, and that's NOTHING to do with explosives or missiles or other nonsense.
Only the idea that Al Queda operatives were simply allowed to hijack and crash the planes, or even hired to.

Simply put, the events stated to happen, all science and physics imply that it happened. Two planes were hijacked and crashed into two towers, causing enough heat warping to compromise the support structure.

Now, the "religious madmen" just being starving mercenaries who were promised a better life for their family while keeping it under wraps.. that seems infinitely more plausible than a "controlled demolition".

>> No.3318646

>You're so deep into your shit, I'm not even going to.
> I'm not even going to.
>not even going to.
>not even

that's the step you fucktarded conspiracy fags seem to leave out of the scientific process....

>> No.3318651
File: 7 KB, 247x248, hahawat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not OP but:

>still haven't done research on 9/11

no offence but do you live under a rock?
this shit is everywhere spread over the internet

>> No.3318652

<span class="math">{}
<span class="math">\raise1306854pt~~[/spoiler]

>> No.3318668

I turned nineteen a few days ago. I was like nine when 9/11 happened, so I never really bothered to do any research later on.

>> No.3318669
File: 1.49 MB, 270x224, footprint.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please explain to me why so many of the public buy the official story of the collapse of these storage shelves?

The fork lift truck didnt move with enough force to displace all those items on the shelves and the structural damage to a single support would not have been enough to weaken all shelves to the point of collapse.

The way the shelving fell into its own footprint despite the fact we are told and "shown" it was struck from the side is clear evidence of foul play

The neighbouring storage shelves were not even hit by the fork lift truck but they also collapsed. If that does not prove to you this was a field test for optical stealth anti-shelving clean demolition missiles then you are a deluded sheep

>> No.3318683

Allright, I'll make this simple:
He dismisses this, despite there being evidently numerous suspicious facts, every one of them contributing to a certain very suspicious act that happened on 2001, september 11.

I'll start with a light one: Numerous witnesses on the 9/11 attacks reported hearing explosions just before the planes hit.

>> No.3318705


The tower was designed to withstand airplanes. It was not however designed to deal with the extreme heat. The beams branched off a center column, I guess is the word. And when the heat got high enough it caused the beams to drop and slam onto the next floor below it. Causing a domino effect, which is why it went floor by floor straight down. Because that pattern kept repeating.

1)Beams break, drops onto next floor.
2)Breaks those beams, they drop to the floor under them.
3)Repeat to ground level.

>> No.3318709

present one of those supposedly numerous facts that hasn't been proven to be false.

>> No.3318711


>Numerous witnesses on the 9/11 attacks reported hearing explosions just before the planes hit.

Site your sources.

"Numerous witnesses" is anecdotal evidence anyway.

>> No.3318726

You're so fucking stupid. If that's the case, why not bother just bombing the tower and blaming it on psychotic sand-niggers instead of flying planes into it in addition to explosives?

>> No.3318729

because illuminati uses symbology,
it's too deep and complex for you.

stay a dumb lil uneducated slave sheep


>> No.3318730

>site your sources

>> No.3318731


>> No.3318738

Why is this shit thread on page 1?
Why are so many people responding to this loose change, 9/11 conspiracy garbage?
Why are people not saging?
Why have mods not deleted thread and banned OP?

>> No.3318745

Long post is long


>> No.3318749

Shut the fuck up you whiney blabbering cunt.

>> No.3318759

<span class="math">{}<br />{}<br />{}<br />{}<br />{}<br />{}<br />{}<br />{}<br />{}<br />{}<br />{}<br />{}<br />{}<br />{}<br />{}<br />{}<br />{}<br />{}<br />{}<br />{}</span><br /><span class="math">

>> No.3318760


>> No.3318761

Because the main purpose of 9/11 was to get oil and minerals from the middle-east.

>> No.3318776

The US military allowed the planes to crash into the building.

>> No.3318813

Did you even read my post, you illiterate hick? They could have just bombed the building with fertilizer bombs and blamed it on terrorists, instead of hijacking fucking planes, flying them into buildings, while STILL bombing the building anyways, and subsequently starting some super huge misinformation campaign with retards like you questioning it regardless.

>> No.3318821

I seriously hope you people don't think that it was the government...

>Bush wanted to invade Iraq
>Bush had to have good reason
>Therefore, Bush decides to orchestrate all of 9/11!

Why would the Bush administration go through all the trouble of getting planes (or missiles as some claim) to fly into the World Trade Center, planting explosives in the buildings beforehand so they could be detonated after impact, fabricating the identities of the hijackers, covering up all government involvement after the fact, and still make sure non of it got out? The operation would take a good number of people that would have probably leaked it out.

>> No.3318832

People not saging obvious /new/ shit ITT.
Here, let me show you how it's done.