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3318305 No.3318305 [Reply] [Original]

I have time for a game of chess, anyone wanna play?


>> No.3318320

still open, must be summerfag central in here

>> No.3318344

lol i trol u

>> No.3318369

sure is summer faggotry in here

>> No.3318521


>> No.3318530

Beginner here

>> No.3318534

Black seriously just wasted a tempo

>> No.3318575

good game, I thought you had me once or twice.
whats a tempo?

>> No.3318607

Essentially moves "ahead" as it were

>> No.3318608


Fun game, was nice playing against a fellow /sci/ member. D:

>> No.3318626

Yeah, My weakest point is that I tend to fixate on one part of the board. and then I don't notice attacks because of it.

>> No.3318637

I think i understand what you mean. but not sure where I wasted it. teach me?

1. e4 a5 2. f4 c6 3. Nf3 a4 4. Bc4 b5 5. Bd3 e6 6. c4 Ra5 7. cxb5 cxb5 8. b3 Ba6 9. b4 Bxb4 10. a3 Bc5 11. Bb2 Nf6 12. e5 Ng4 13. Rf1 Nc6 14. Bc3 d5 15. exd6 Qxd6 16. Qc2 e5 17. Bxa5 Nxa5 18. h3 Nf2 19. Rxf2 Bxf2 20. Kxf2 exf4 21. Bxh7 Rxh7 22. Qxh7 Qc5 23. Ke1 b4 24. Qe4 Kd7 25. axb4 Qc1 26. Kf2 Qf1

>> No.3318663

Ra5 was the one I noticed, you effectively put your rook out of action. Whenever you make a move which has no tactical advantage or a negative one, you waste a tempo.
They are important too, the reason why white has an advantage is because white starts one tempo up from black

>> No.3318710

Teach me your chess ways

>> No.3318782

I learnt as a beginner from chessmaster challenge. It's strategy lessons are great .
Also I learn about strategy from youtube.com/thechesswebsite
The guy does great analysis, and watching old GM games is fun

>> No.3318797

I had wanted to strengthen b5. but you are right about it being a bad move. that entire area became a clusterfuck. and cost me half of the pieces I lost.

I think If I had to do it over again, I would have pressed with the pawn.

>> No.3318818

If I were you, and really wanted to strengthen b5, I would have gone Ba3, then he decided to go with cxb5 you could have gone Bxb5 pinning his bishop to the f1 square which was a weakness for white(while also avoiding a build up of your minor pieces on the queen side)

>> No.3318822

then if he decided*

>> No.3318862

if i did Ba3, wouldn't I just lose my bishop to his pawn?

>> No.3318868

not Ba3, Ba6 lol

>> No.3318872

yeah that would have been smart. I guess I had been trying to do a ware open, and it didn't work out, but I was fixated on getting the rook up. Thanks for the advice, I probably gonna play some killingfloor now.

>> No.3318879

I'm very butthurt over losing that game btw... i demand a rematch at some point

>> No.3318889

tomorrow is my first day off in a month. I will gladly browse /sci/ for chess matches.

>> No.3318906

actually it looks like my game was delayed, if you wish to play another one now.

>> No.3318917


>> No.3318931

trying again

>> No.3318996

hah, you resoundingly trounced me.

>> No.3319004

I feel better now, thx

>> No.3319015


>> No.3319018


>> No.3319032

White's about to be foolsmated

>> No.3319043


>> No.3319049


>> No.3319065


>> No.3319106


>> No.3319133


Just a scrub, but I'll still play

>> No.3319159


>> No.3319177


really good games. when white, E4 is not the best opening due to blacks C5 Sicilian defense.

>> No.3319188


>> No.3319234

This was an interesting game until the coward left without hitting the resign button.

>> No.3319241


Was spectating, waiting like 10 mins for him to move. very nice play by you btw.

>> No.3319255


>> No.3319258


I suck.
Just sayin'

>> No.3319264

It's satisfying when you sacrifice a piece for a pawn or two and it pays off in the end.

>> No.3319265


gl to whoever joins

>> No.3319285


chess retards only

>> No.3319311


>> No.3319318


>> No.3319327


Chess retards only

>> No.3319328

good game. was fun

>> No.3319345

Very good game, I have never seen someone use that opening and succeed.

>> No.3319383

Black here. Nice game to white. Nice to play chess again after so long.