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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3316306 No.3316306 [Reply] [Original]

<span class="math">
\ddot{x}(t) = {{F_0} \over {m}}

<span class="math">
\dot{x}(t) = {{v_0} + {{{F_0} \over {m}}t}}

I can't remember the method of integration that he used. Can /sci/ help me out?

It's the integration of Newton's second law btw.

>> No.3316322

To be clear. I can user stand it just from the definition of integration but I can't recall the mathematical method I would use if I didn't know prior hand the relationship between displacement, velocity, acceleration, time...etc

>> No.3316336

<div class="math">\ddot{x}=\frac{\mathrm{d} \dot{x}}{\mathrm{d} t}</div>

Its the definition of acceleration in 1 dimension, then he passed dt to the other side and integrated.

>> No.3316349


Yes. I can understand that. I just don't know how he managed to integrate:

<span class="math">
{{F_0} \over {m}} dt

>> No.3316355

<div class="math">\ddot{x}(t) = {{F_0} \over {m}}</div>
<div class="math">\int \frac{\mathrm{d} \dot{x}(t)}{\mathrm{d} t} dt= \int{{F_0} \over {m}} dt</div>
<div class="math">\dot{x}(t) = {{v_0} + {{{F_0} \over {m}}t}}</div>

>> No.3316358


Since F/m is contant

<div class="math">\int_{0}^{t}\frac{F}{m}dt=\frac{F}{m}\int_{0}^{t}dt=\frac{F}{m}t+C</div>

Now we set t=0 for C which must equal the initial speed

>> No.3316373


>Since F/m is contant

Ofcource! Thanks and have a good day!