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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3313673 No.3313673 [Reply] [Original]

10 years from now, what do you /sci/entists see yourself doing?

>> No.3313688

Hopefully I've worked up the courage to kill myself.

>> No.3313690

Hopefully med school.

>> No.3313700

Working a normal job with a wife and possibly kids on the way.

Maybe a serial killer as well - but that can change.

>> No.3313705

Considering the time here, ejaculating in my own mouth.

>> No.3313714


I'm with you, anon.

>> No.3313731

coke can in the wives' pooper

>> No.3313737

Working on the last of my PhD thesis, hopefully in England.

>> No.3313739


Oh hey, me too.

>> No.3313740


sup EK

>> No.3313755

I'm not EK. Also,
>Implying EK has a penis
>Implying that even if she had one she'd announce it in public
>Implying sperm is not delicious

>> No.3313764

what is ek?

>> No.3313766

Practice in whatever specialty I end up in, at this point, maybe dermatology or oncology.

>> No.3313774

A tripfriend that /sci/ hates for no reason.

>> No.3313784

Tokyo U fapping to hentai in the staff room

>> No.3313788

A code monkey in California, either in academia or some biotech company. Hopefully married but without kids.....damn it. I'll probably have kids.

>> No.3313782



>> No.3313792

I'm not teacup, I'm teapot.

>> No.3313799

How do I freeze the ocean?

>> No.3313807

You carefully insert your mother into it with a pipe feeding her ice cold water in her mouth.

>> No.3313820

Mmm, dermatology. Hard as fuck to match into though...

>> No.3313836

Boards scores?

>> No.3313840

hopefully finishing up my final years of getting my Ph.D in astronomy.

question is, should i go for Ph.D in astronomy or astrophysics.

i plan on just working at a research institution and focusing on theoretical physics. I just don't know which degree they'd more likely accept.

>> No.3313867

I just want to write good software to help people. ;_;

>> No.3313881


Obviously EK samefagging

>> No.3313887

Pursuing a PhD in Philosophy.

>> No.3313896



>> No.3313897

lol will be extremely useful when applying for mcdonalds

>> No.3313901

Try "Obviously Teacup being a rational human being who doesn't hate people for having a tripcode"

>> No.3313913

Developing tank armor for the company that is spawned when Raytheon and General Dynamics merge.

>> No.3314040

Sorry, I assume board scores are some american thing?

What do you mean by 'match into'?

>> No.3314042

Developing new tank armor?
That's a bogus field.

Apparently, matter is indestructible and it's all around us - why not just make tank armor out of that stuff?

>> No.3314045

bcuz if you split it you get nuclear bombs and that'd be bad for armour lol.

>> No.3314049

A casualty from the soon to be Sino-American War.

>> No.3314068

teaching high school biology

>> No.3314105

Same dead-end low-paying programmer job I do now.


>> No.3314108

>implying we hate EK for having a trip
stop being self absorbed. almost nobody cares about the trip as long as the dude behind it isnt a moron. EK is a moron. just check what she says in math troll threads.

i wanna be a wealthy mathematician.

>> No.3314122
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>phd in math
>any job i want
>300k starting

>> No.3314124

I'll be an engineering physicist /w nanotechnology and optics concentration.

>> No.3314132

finished with phd by that time i hope, and touring the world.

i want to backpack the fucking world for about 2 or 3 years straight before settling into academia.

>> No.3314135

Research as a postdoc

>> No.3314144

researching my near-omnipotence device, that will do all that is physically possible by programming electromagnetic and electrical fields to manipulate matter and produce all manners of electrical properties and states.

>> No.3314145


Yeah, in reality, that probably will be me.

biotech job I dream of ==
working for minimum wage for a dead end programming job

>> No.3314160

Hopefully would have earned my PHD in astrophysics.
What am I kidding, it's never going to happen. ;_;

>> No.3314184

feeding bacteria , fungus etc

>> No.3314213

Low paying office job with a bachelors after realising I'm not cut out for postgrad life.

>> No.3314250

i'm going to make 80k then have my brain frozen. in what seems like 10 years to me, i'll be exploring the universe with my future technologically advanced new friends.

>> No.3314393

Completing PhD/Post graduate study

>> No.3314414

postdocing realistically, hopefully a professorship

depends on the economy and the quality of my research

>> No.3314419

Washing dishes at a Chinese restaurant.

>> No.3314449
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Living here with any luck, either telecommuting or scrubbing the hull to earn my keep.

>> No.3314461

Hopefully living in Canada. Or anywhere other than this shit hole. No idea what job I'll get though. Maybe physics research. Idk.

>> No.3314467
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looking in a mirror

>> No.3314482

Rotting away in a cubicle somewhere contemplating suicide while i type out computer coding or something.

>> No.3314484

Moved there from the US. Awsome junk food back home, but everything else in Canada is the same or better.

>> No.3314486

Finishing Master's my Master's degrees in Mathematics and Economics and working as a quant on Wall Street. Preferably BlackRock or Bridgewater.

>> No.3314488

Awesome, I mean.

Regretting everything while I type code. Over and over and over...

>> No.3314506
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That was horrible.

>> No.3314508

Celebrating the 10-year anniversary of you asking me this question.

>> No.3314513

I'm not a /sci/entist, I just like science.

>> No.3314515

I have an estimated less than 9 months to live before this cancer eats my brain...

So, yeah...

>> No.3314522
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>> No.3314525


Then wtf are you doin on 4chan, man? :/

>> No.3314536

I see my self looking at a laptop screen, in a dimly lit compartment. The screen is displaying weather and reletive data such as dew point, humidity, instability, current temps, wind speed and other data. The other half is a radar image of current cluster cell, and super cell storms being updated every 30 seconds. I have a clipboard in my hand with a recent printout of storm reports. I take a look at the screen and overlay a gps readout of my current position. I am in the right spot, I open the door and look up to see a wall cloud dropping, and rotating. The rest of the storm is spralwed out over the plains of Oklahoma.Time is sparse, I run to the trunk of my vehicle and grab my camera and a small science pack to drop in the field. A lightning bolt strikes close by causing me to stop for a second. I look up again and see a small funnel starting to drop from the wall cloud. I flip some switches, and drop the pack in a field step back and watch the rope of the forming tornado, a small debris cloud can be seen forming about a half mile away. I jump into the car and drive ahead and out of the path of the storm. Now out of harms way, I look back and see the now full twister slowly meandering its way to my science pack. Happy I grab a lawn chair and light a cigarette as the tornado gracefully picks up my pack, giving me a chance to relax one on one with the rage of nature.

>> No.3314786


>> No.3314800
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I see myself working in the Canadian Space Agency after completing my Masters in both Aerospace engineering and Astrophysics. Hopefully by then I will have made enough money or contacts to start seriously thinking about starting up Tharsis Aerospace.

Gonna feel good man.

>> No.3314809

>implying you wouldn't devote the last moments of your life to browsing 4chan

>> No.3314815

doing research in my country's aerospace institute, or probably signing documents certifying that X aircraft is secure for flight. Yeah most likely the latter

>> No.3314830

Hmm. Do you have an actual plan as to how to get money? IIRC, you live in Australia. You can get a decent paying job with really low living costs if you don't mind spending a year in the middle of nowhere over there, at least compared to the rest of the world. Then you could probably skip two semesters provided you spend that time doing self-study and sign up for too many classes for your first year. Then you'll have way more money saved, get your education done just as quickly, etc.

>> No.3314841
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I'll take it under advisement. Thanks. But really I plan on moving out of this country as soon as possible.

>> No.3314850

Why do you want to leave Aus?

>> No.3314852

I'd definitely stay for your undergraduate degree. It may not sound as exotic as moving overseas, but you've got a decent educational system, which ends up costing fuck all when you factor in youth allowances and shit.

How old are you, by the way?

>> No.3314854
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Government meddling and compared to Canada, not as many aerospace opportunities. Right next-door to the US and all.

>> No.3314858 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 500x559, Canadian-milk-bags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised you haven't heard the blithering idiots blabbering on about how I'm a stupid underageb& and all. Turning 17 quite soon.
>but you've got a decent educational system, which ends up costing fuck all when you factor in youth allowances and shit.
If I can't get employment anywhere in Canada I intend to do this.

>> No.3314861

Makes bugger all difference for undergrad, especially since you're planning on doing two master's degrees.

>> No.3314862


Might aswell start teaching yourself stuff, to get a job in aerospace research you need to excel in your field

>> No.3314865
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I'm already powering through Khan Academy exercises and watching some stuff on Physics. Any other tips?

>> No.3314864

Oh dude I'm basically in the same boat as you. I'm doing my HSC this year and I want to do astrophysics and eventually work in Canada. Where do you plan on studying?

>> No.3314871
File: 57 KB, 416x700, 1294104111104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know yet. Looking at University of Ottawa, Carleton and Laval.

>> No.3314874


Lots and lots of classical mechanics (dynamics, central forces, celestial mechanics). Theres a fair load of it in my courses distributed through the 4years

>> No.3314875

Learn about GR as early as possible, even if you don't know how to do the mathematics having a picture of how it works will definitely help you when they do begin to teach it.

>> No.3314878

>implying in 10 years you won't be in high school
>implying your dad shouldn't smack you with a hammer

>> No.3314880
File: 366 KB, 1000x667, 1306369291215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GR means General Relativity, right?

>Lots and lots of classical mechanics (dynamics, central forces, celestial mechanics). Theres a fair load of it in my courses distributed through the 4years
Alright, thanks

>> No.3314883
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>implying I have a dad
>implying everyone shouldn't smack you with a hammer for shitposting pointlessly

>> No.3314886

Yeah. Learn special relativity first, which I presume you vaguely know about, then general relativity will seem less weird.

>> No.3314888


>> No.3314890

10 years from now i'll be either a phd physicist in either astrophysics or particle physics working with theoretical or experimental research or a quantitative analyst