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3309334 No.3309334[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3309341


Believing in unsubstantiated claims is stupid. Believing in falsified claims is stupid. The only available non-stupid option is something around atheism and militant agnosticism.

>> No.3309342

Not a religion.

Atheism says that all religions are false. So your statement is constructed on a paradox.

>> No.3309340

Well for starters, you're not obligated to any practices.

>> No.3309344

whats the point of making all these troll threads? Did someone say something mean to you and now you're all buttmad about it?

how about you calm down and go play some vidya kid.

>> No.3309345

Don't a lot of religions also state that they're the only true faith and all others are false?

>> No.3309348

we dont make any claims. therefore we do not have the burden of prove. therefore we are by default riht unless one of the rligions presents us with prove.

all of the world religions have failed to do so

ergo atheism is right until god is proven by christianity.

lrn 2 logic at basic lvls

>> No.3309351

>we dont make any claims.

Atheism claims there's no god. That's a positive assertion.

>> No.3309354
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agnostic atheists are usually very open minded. they are sceptical of claims without evidence that sound supernatural and unlikely, and this is the logical position to take. jumping to magical and fantastical conclusions without any evidence for them is pretty fucking retarded.
agnostic atheists tend to be very open minded people, if any evidence of god(s) arises, they will consider it all carefully. religious people are more likely to close their minds to contradicting evidence, and as such are NOT open-minded.

>> No.3309355

Atheism doesn't make a claim. Various ATHEISTS are the ones making various claims, but atheism itself does not do that, it's merely a lack of belief in theism.

>> No.3309356

Please don't derail the thread and accept that atheism means different things to different people.

And don't even bring up agnostic atheist vs gnostic atheist bullshit.

>> No.3309358


>> No.3309359

>And don't even bring up agnostic atheist vs gnostic atheist bullshit.

Too late:

Seriously. Knock that shit off and stop using those bullshit terms.

>> No.3309361

Agnostic master race reporting in!

>> No.3309364

Oh noes. I'm ruining a troll / off topic thread. Whatever shall I do.

>> No.3309366

Meh, trying to disprove something stated without proof is kinda like trying to prove there isn't an invisible unicorn fucking me in the ass. Both are asserted without proof, therefor the only logical pathway is to dismiss them. I don't know without a fact I'm not being fucked in the ass by a unicorn, but I don't feel a dick going in my ass nor do I see this supposed gods work on the world. Either way it's irrelevant because it doesn't seem to be effecting me in any way shape or form, therefor you must dismiss them.

>> No.3309368
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its the right terms. you either believe in a god or not, and you either believe you are certain or you admit you could be wrong. 2 different spectrums. i dont believe in god, but i dont claim to be 100% right (very close to that, its astronomically unlikely that I can be possibly be wrong, but still a very very small chance)

>> No.3309367

And I'm willing to bet you're also an atheist, amirite?

>> No.3309369


>> No.3309372


I don't understand why you have to believe either. My belief is that it's impossible to know whether there is a god or not, and that belief supercedes any belief about whether there is or is not a god.

>> No.3309373

Confirmed for retard.

And please just all report the OP so that maybe he'll go away.

>> No.3309375

Unless you're an agnostic, you have a belief. Deal with it.

>> No.3309381
File: 145 KB, 600x700, agnosticisntbeliefoption.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i believe its impossible to know as well, but i also believe its impossible to know any [insert unfalsifyable supernatural phenomena here] but i would doubt the existence of any of these as well.

fuck you cunt! those are the correct terms.

>> No.3309382

>fuck you cunt! those are the correct terms.

>> No.3309386

Atheism is a nigger religion just like Christianity.

There is no such thing as a true belief. There is only perception. I don't "believe" in anything.

>> No.3309390

Because we won't know until we die.

>> No.3309391
File: 38 KB, 380x240, Deal With It.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW Christians regard 2000 year old words from a dusty tome that is like "Harry Potter: Year Zero" as fact
>MFW they call bullshit on other religions

When the Ancient Greeks were around, they thought their gods were as valid as the god Christians believe in today. What makes those gods any less valid?

A few thousand years from now, your bible will be regarded in the same way we regard stories of the Greek gods; as stories, nothing more.

>> No.3309392

>Implying you can know anything after your brain death and your mind ends.

>> No.3309399

A lot of people were skeptical about the Greek gods back then, and that was well before modern science existed.