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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3303912 No.3303912 [Reply] [Original]

No one has ever seen the process of evolution happen, so it's only your opinion that it exists, and not actual science.

>> No.3303923

Its just there in the air, you cant even hold it.

>> No.3303922

bulshit brother
two stray dogs on tropical island now spend much more time in the water than on the shore.
This is entirelz new thing so it can be classed as evolution/adaptation

>> No.3303927

No one has ever seen god either so evolution must be true

>> No.3303939

Observable evidence calls you a "DOUBLE-NlGGER"

Besides, it's RELIGION that demands that you ignore observation.

>> No.3303944

>observable evidence
For evolution? There is none. Lol

>> No.3303955

Sure there is, new antibiotic resistant bacteria is a good example.

>> No.3303956

Bacteria isn't even alive. Try harder.

>> No.3303959

Virus != Bacteria
how to fail at biology in two minutes

>> No.3303961
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>> No.3303967
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Hey now, that's not cool.

>> No.3303972

Still no examples of observed evolution?
As expected form evolutionists

>> No.3303977

Did you miss this post >>3303955

>> No.3303979

Pay attention, it doesn't' count since bacteria isn't an animal.

>> No.3303982

Plants are not animals.
They also don't count?

>> No.3303986


>> No.3303995
File: 29 KB, 344x517, 1308170306617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Evolution: change over time in one or more organisms
>Animals: group of multicellular, eukaryotic organisms
Bacteria: large domain of single-celled, prokaryote microorganisms

Organisms means animal and bacteria alike
Evolution is change of orgasisms
and you are a moron

>> No.3304000

there is a lizard that became a semi-herbivor (he was isolated on a island if I remeber corectly) in only few decades. too lazy finding source, shouldn't be hard.

>> No.3304001

plants too are organisms

>> No.3304012

Just stop everyone. It's obvious from the point he said bacteria aren't animals that he's trolling.
Fuck, why don't you all just ignore the "Derp evolution isn't real prove it you fucks" strawman argument threads and let them die in a festering heap of sockpuppet?

Nobody learns anything from these arguments and nobody's opinions change from ad infinitum escalation of facetious brevity

>> No.3304021

you can boost your ego steamrolling peasants with your flawless arguments

>> No.3304497


No one has ever seen the process of evolution happen, so it's only your opinion that it exists, and not actual science.


now go along and lose faith in deities

>> No.3304528
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>> No.3304540

>No one has ever seen the process of evolution happen

When a white guy breeds with an asian woman and they create a half cast child, that's evolution in action.

>> No.3304556 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 717x538, angry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when there are bacteria that eats exclusively nylon
nylon wasnt synthesised until the 1900s

0/10 OP

>> No.3304561
File: 29 KB, 312x338, myface4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when there are bacteria that eats exclusively nylon
nylon wasnt synthesised until the 1900s

0/10 OP

>> No.3304563

a kind of white butterfly lived around the industrial revoution

because trees were stained black, these butterflies stood out and became easy prey, effectively decimating the species.

Mutations causing some of the butterflies to be black caused these ones to thrive...
this lead to the extinction of the white variant of the butterfly, and the surge of the black kind

= it evolved

>> No.3304581

In the same sense that you can't see gravity, therefore it doesn't exist ? Nigger

>> No.3304791

No one has ever seen OP have sex , so it's only his opinion that it exists, and not actual science.

>> No.3304801

YOU DO NOT tell me who to troll or counter troll.. I will kill your dog!