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File: 193 KB, 1239x787, 1287555290584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3303130 No.3303130 [Reply] [Original]

How will it feel? Will I feel dizzy? What happens if someone interupts me? Would I be brain damaged then? How much?

Also what happens to my body when I die? I shit my pants do I? What else?

>> No.3303150

Please don't kill yourself. Existing is much better than not existing, regardless of your life situation.

>> No.3303156

Pain from suffocation is caused by CO2. I do not know the fundamental process of why, I believe it has to do something with blood acidification from the excess CO2 in the blood stream and the autonomic responses in the body as a result.

In any case, you can likely take any noble gas you'd like, and breathe it to the point of suffocation without feeling anything but drowsiness. I would recommend nitrogen instead of helium however, as it is easier to build a machine that extracts nitrogen from the air, and Helium is a finite resource on Earth which should not be wasted by suffocating people to death with it. [Let alone wasted in balloons at fairs and parks...]

>> No.3303176

in simple words
your brain just stops because there is no oxygen
it stops sending the regulating impulses so you do really piss and shit your pants
also your muscles relax at first but when the oxygen stops they freeze in the position they're in
this happens by the time your body becomes cold
also you skin evaporation never stops so your skin becomes pale and dry
in reality your heir and nails do not continue to grow it's just the effect of the skin shrinking

well that's what i could think of..

>> No.3303224


>noble gas


>> No.3303269

Helium you dipshit.

>> No.3303289

why not use a gun op

>> No.3303293

>im a butthurt faggot

>> No.3303311

Existing and experiencing torture for 10 million years would be better than not existing?

>> No.3303325

Almost died once, suffocated. Heard a crack then static (sound of heavy rain). Then my vision started to blacken.

Shit is so gay, wait till it happens... don't give it a hand.

Other than that. My grandpa went out this way. It seemed to do the trick.

>> No.3303336

As long as it's temporary, yes.

>> No.3303343

it will feel the same as if you were drowning. painful as fuck. just dont kill yourself

>> No.3303344

That's fucking retarded. After an hour you'd be begging for death.

>> No.3303370

>experiencing torture for 10 million years


>> No.3303379
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Subjective statement.
Not existing has the benefit of being completely neutral.
One cannot even talk about non-existence in terms of how it feels or what emotions one would have about it.
To say that such a non-state is absolutely inferior to existence, where pain and suffering are possible as well as joy and euphoria, is categorically incorrect.

>> No.3303380

OP's picture of full of lies and mistruths. Doing research about everything pertaining to suicide and suicidology, don't believe what an image says about suicide from 4chan.

>> No.3303388

>Please don't kill yourself.

Why do people always say that?
You know they aren't going to. Even if they are you know how many people say that?

Just shut the fuck up.
Give him a reason to live or dont talk.

>> No.3303393
File: 120 KB, 640x480, goaheadimwaiting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enlightenment time, this is /sci/ you don't get away with posting to the contrary w/o details.
Do tell.

>> No.3303399

Agreed. Was just thinking that.
All the above mentioned request says is "I like to pretend to care but not enough to actually talk to you, find out more about you, be your friend, give you a reason to live, ect.".

In any suicide thread we get at least one who seems compelled to plead with op and/or mention how life is valuable.

>> No.3303480

I'm not in the USA. And I've already got all this stuff.

What lies and mistruths?

Why would it feel the same as drowning? Why would this be painful?

>> No.3303513

Fair enough.

First mistake.
>From 4chan.

>Your body will thrash about after you lose consciousness trying to rip the mask off and save itself. The image does not tell you that.

>Only giving the positives of asphyxia; giving an uneducated simpleton the impression that this suicide method is 100% guaranteed for success and with absolutely no discomfort. Which is untrue.

>Brain damage will most likely occur with this method if the attempt fails or is interrupted.

>Too little info/oversimplified, more research would have to be done to get a more thorough understanding of such a suicide method. The image does not will the reader to read more about suicide or conduct further readings.

generally a shitty image that noone should read

>> No.3303538
File: 78 KB, 795x596, oh mai cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3303664

>Your body will thrash about after you lose consciousness trying to rip the mask off and save itself. The image does not tell you that.

Hrrrm you kinda sound full of shit, I dunno...



It's fourth.

>> No.3303677


The image is wrong, but not for any of the reasons you've listed.

>> No.3303702

One time I inhaled a full party balloon full of helium for the lulz. Within a second or two I was dizzy. I remember I grabbed onto a chair. I woke up on the floor with my grandpa above me a few seconds later.

tl;dr Lungs full of helium make you pass out much faster than a minute

>> No.3303710

OP here. For what reasons IS it wrong then?

>> No.3303726

Shouldn't you talk about it with a therapist instead?
Once your gone, that's it... You'll never laugh, or smile, or cry again.
Everyone you've ever known, and ever will no will be gone as well, you wont even have memories of them.
You'll never be able to see what happens latter, and peoples situations almost always improve.
So wouldn't you rather talk about it?

>> No.3303740

Read "Final Exit: The Practicalities of Self-Deliverance and Assisted Suicide for the Dying." Gives good considerations to different... exits.

You don't even need helium, just go to bed with a plastic bag wrapped around your head.

>> No.3303742


All of these tanks nowadays have a mixture of Helium and Oxygen, this is a 'Anti-Suicide' measure so to say. They've seen this before, and this is a prevention. What he said is true. You won't die, but you will lose consciousness and your brain dead body will try to remove the device.

>> No.3303745

Don't you fucking kill yourself, I still love you :D.
Honestly, killing yourself is so beta, be alpha, push through that fucking pain. You may think that no one cares but, trust me, there's SOMEONE out there that will baw their fucking head off if you die, and you know that. It's time to man up and say "Fuck you life, I'm in charge" and start to do things to improve your life, not to simply end it. There is no afterlife, live this life like it's your only one (since it fucking is).

>> No.3303747

It will thrash about, trust me. The same thing happens when your face touches water, it tries to get out. It's a neural reaction.

>> No.3303749

I don't want to tell you because I don't want to encourage your suicide.

I also don't know anything about your situation to give you any meaningful advice.

Make an effort to exhaust all possible solutions to your problem before you make any final commitments. It's your life, you're only going to get one and I think you should fight for it.

>> No.3303757


>> No.3303760

cop out, telling him the bad stuff will likely discourage him not encourage.

>> No.3303762

You're right. I shouldn't have posted it at all.

I just hate seeing misinformation especially on a topic as weighty as this.

>> No.3303771

Think about this shit scientifically.

You've got all of eternity to be dead, but only a very finite time to be alive. Take advantage of this finite time.

>> No.3303772
File: 211 KB, 639x479, 1264242733767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



You're not actually sending a message of care since you don't even ask why op wants to die.
You're only displaying your arrogance and self-righteousness by assuming you understand his/her motivations and pretending there is anything you can do about it by simply asserting that he/she should live.

>> No.3303774

NOT-SO-FUN FACT: If you seriously attempt suicide and are caught, you will NOT have the same rights as every other citizen ever again. It will follow you around the rest of your life like a ball and chain attached to your ankle.

NOT-SO-FUN FACT: Most suicide attempts are failures, and most of those failures, even if you're not caught doing it, will affect your health for the rest of your life -- up to and including leaving you a mindless vegetable.

NOT-SO-FUN FACT: The world is full of useless faggots who post on places like 4chan asking how they can off themselves only because they're needy attention-whoring little losers -- like OP.

The Suicide FAQ: http://fringe.davesource.com/Fringe/Information/Suicide_FAQ.html

>> No.3303781

I gave him some reasons to live and I'm asking him to talk about it with us.
Yes, I don't think op should kill himself, and I want to help him.
Why is it that you want to die OP?

>> No.3303785

Enlightenment would be a good solution to that problem.

This is /sci/ there must always be more information.

Tbh, op is not going to do it and if he was you would not likely have an effect on his decision, even if you did, you would never know it.
(bit on the psychology of suicide from my admitted brief military training on the matter: people that talk about suicide and/or are overly concerned with the method and results are not serious, they just want some attention/ are interested.)

TL;DR - people who are really suicidal do not talk about it and are not concerned with the method; they are usually happy that they have a solution to their problems.

>> No.3303787

>All of these tanks nowadays have a mixture of Helium and Oxygen, this is a 'Anti-Suicide' measure so to say. They've seen this before, and this is a prevention. What he said is true. You won't die, but you will lose consciousness and your brain dead body will try to remove the device.

How do I check if the tank I have contains enough oxygen to not kill me?
It says the concentration is >99%
Shouldn't that be enough to kill me just how the picture describes?

>> No.3303791

Then explain to me, how come people dying from carbon monoxide don't go trashing about, but die quietly instead?

Other than that, liquids != gasses.
Drowning has been a common cause of death for billions of years, it's only normal we developed counteracting reflexes to it.
On the other hand, asphyxiation and gas poisoning are a lot rarer in nature, and have only been a major cause of death in the past two centuries or so.

>> No.3303793

I'm too tired to talk about it. It doesn't matter anyway I just wanted to find out how legititimate the instructions in the picture are.

>> No.3303799

Could test with hydrogen if you have access to it.
pump hydrogen into a globe of glass or something and try to seal it up air tight, then pump some of your helium in by equal volume to push out the rest of the air and mix w/ hydrogen.
Then you need to introduce a spark.

If it burns, there was air in the helium. If not, not. :D

>> No.3303800

Of course it matters, it's your life.
I'll be checking this thread off and on until it 404's, please talk to me.

>> No.3303811

Drowning people don't trash about either. It's a common misconception.

>> No.3303814
File: 21 KB, 336x269, 1299389942241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP. If you want to kill yourself, go off in a fucking blaze of glory. Either kill a bunch of gang-members/sick fucks, or strap bombs to yourself and jump off a high building. Don't be a pussy.

>> No.3303820

Please don't bother.
I'm too tired to talk to anyone, sorry. I'm going to sleep soon.

Don't have access.

It says here under heading three that the concentration [of Helium] is > 99%.
Would it really matter if there is < 1% oxygen?

>> No.3303825

Now you mention it, you're right.
They do enter a state of heightened awareness and/or severe panic though, which is not found in gas poisoning or "accidental" asphyxiation.

>> No.3303829

No, but the question raised is whether you can trust that.
You should need around 20% +/- 5% since that is the concentration found in the atmosphere.
I have found on a short search that 16% or less makes you pass out.

With that you may be able to simply introduce a flame to the gas stream and see or light a match and stick it into a globe filled with the helium. If it doesn't burn/ the flame goes out, there is probably not enough O2 to survive on.

>> No.3303845

Oh shi- I know, you can test with a motherfuckin' balloon.
(I always think of ways to use fire first for some reason :D )

Helium has a lift ratio in a balloon. A helium balloon will lift a certain amount of payload in addition to the weight of the rubber in the balloon.
If you fill a balloon and hang a few grams from it you can see if it still floats.

Compare to 1.113kg/m^3 to see if you have mostly helium.

>> No.3303851

Please do this instead of some gay suffication bullshit OP. You could die and make the world a better place at the same time. It's a win-win. Or you could just man up and not kill yourself at all.

>> No.3303895

Don't kill yourself, if you really were in a place to do it you would of just done it and not asked about it. There's people you can talk to and people who want to help you. I've lost a couple friends to suicide and it isn't something that just effects only you. Think about the people who care about you, your friends, your family. Just take a second to think it through and then get some help. Life gets better, you just have to rough through some parts, I promise.

>> No.3303900

Please, I really want to help you

>> No.3303928

Seriously, why would you spend $25 on killing yourself, you gonna take it with you? I imagine the waiting to lose consciousness would be quite unpleasant, might have some scary dreams too. Fuck that. Invest in some high explosives, go sit on a pile out in the middle of nowhere. No waiting after you push the button, or inject some heroin and set a timer. Negligible chance of failure.