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3300676 No.3300676 [Reply] [Original]

Only a militant atheist is stupid and arrogant enough to take pride in something that they don't believe in.

Really i'm an atheist and I think that the arrogance and the superiority complex of you people is utterly moronic.

Your behavior does nothing but make the people you are trying to convince act defensive and stick to their beliefs because they think they are under attack.

This is a completely irrational way of doing things.

This just makes it obvious that you're not actually out to bring rationality to the world. You want to feel smart and better then other people.

You people disgust me

>> No.3300679

You take pride in not being arrogant?

sage for NOT SCIENCE

>> No.3300681

You realise you are going to be called a christfag in disguise for saying that?

>> No.3300686

It's kinda like how teenagers start listening to "indie" music just to seem more cultured than they really are.

>> No.3300701

No I take pride in what I accomplish not what I believe or what i'm capable of.

and im happy not because i'm smart, i'm happy because I can use my intelligence to better mankind.

You need a lesson in being humble

>> No.3300702

>This just makes it obvious that you're not actually out to bring rationality to the world. You want to feel smart and better then other people.

Isn't this what religious people do?
Complain to them, they started it.

>> No.3300704
File: 65 KB, 500x375, imnotmadimjustdisappointed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a militant christian is stupid and arrogant enough to take pride in something that they don't believe in.

Really i'm an christian and I think that the arrogance and the superiority complex of you people is utterly moronic.

Your behavior does nothing but make the people you are trying to convince act defensive and stick to their beliefs because they think they are under attack.

This is a completely irrational way of doing things.

This just makes it obvious that you're not actually out to bring rationality to the world. You want to feel smart and better then other people.

You people disgust me

>> No.3300707
File: 17 KB, 373x330, every4chanreligionthreadever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3300716


So challenging the beliefs of others is a pointless endeavour committed by arrogant Dunning-Krugerites?

The same act is committed by theists daily - often they are acting blindly.

Being overtly militant is not the way to do it, but certainly the problem of religion is too prevalent to simply let everyone do their own thing with often complete disregard for other people (and their opposing beliefs).

>> No.3300717

That speaks more about the person calling me that that then myself.

I said nothing about god, and said the way you convince people of your way of thinking is flawed.
It's exactly like that. people want to feel smart and worthwhile, and instead of working hard studying they feel good about themselves for such a small thing as not believing in something.

it's pathetic.

>> No.3300724

>in grad school for organic chemistry
>not the christfag caricature of an edgy teen who cuts himself
>still a militant atheist
>absolutely certain there is no God

Come at me, bro.

>> No.3300732

So you're an atheist who doesn't think it's reasonable to present your viewpoint when asked about supernatural claims, and who doesn't think it's appropriate to resist the imposition of religious laws on the general public.

Because on the space between preaching and debating and chilling, atheists clump between debating and chilling, while theists are clumped way over at preaching.

>> No.3300738

If there are N beliefs in god, then at least N-1 are not true.

>> No.3300744

>Isn't this what religious people do?
Yes they do it's just as pathetic
>Complain to them, they started it.
Just because they did it first does not make it okay for you to do it.

It's like saying Murder is okay because someone else did it before you.

Utterly illogical.
>So challenging the beliefs of others is a pointless endeavour committed by arrogant Dunning-Krugerites?
No but being an asshole and calling people retarded is a pointless endeavour committed by arrogant Dunning-Krugerites.

>Being overtly militant is not the way to do it, but certainly the problem of religion is too prevalent to simply let everyone do their own thing with often complete disregard for other people (and their opposing beliefs).
The best way to do it is to educate people, then let them come to that conclusion themselves.

Most people educated in Math and Science are atheists.

Just teach them things in a friendly way and don't be an asshole

But of course this way doesn't make atheists feel better then other people so it won't happen.

>> No.3300747
File: 93 KB, 500x375, yep thats a troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all niggers posting in a...

Oh what's the point.

>> No.3300748

You do realise you're not addressing militant atheists when you speak here?

Most people here are soft/weak atheists or pantheists like Einstein.

If you have a message of militant atheists, head on over to richard dawkins .net or somewhere

>> No.3300751

Doesn't it make more sense to educate religious people about scientific matters in a non hostile way?

Then they are more receptive to the information.

>> No.3300754
File: 101 KB, 483x540, 2222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in America
>civil rights and science education constantly threatened by Christianity

I'm not a militant atheist, but I don't know how you could blame someone for feeling strongly anti-religious after witnessing the negative effects of indoctrination on the country as a whole. I wish it was a superiority complex, then I might feel better watching religion run things into the ground. Instead, I feel immensely frustrated and depressed.

>> No.3300758

Did you even read/Understand my post?

I listed feeling better then others as my chief grievance.

>> No.3300760


I can't speak to the posters at richarddawkins.net, but Dawkins himself could not be described as militant. At least not without tongue firmly in cheek.

Dawkins is like any of us, a man who doesn't believe in god, who is happy to discuss this at the slightest opportunity, and who doesn't want to follow religious laws, who is happy to argue against them with the same vigor we would argue any secular laws.

>> No.3300767

Science educated is threatened by Unions and politics far more then Religion.

Get your priorities straight.

>> No.3300777

>No but being an asshole and calling people retarded is a pointless endeavour committed by arrogant Dunning-Krugerites.

challenging beliefs != being an asshole.

HOWEVER - such strategy is reserved for only a select group of theists.
Once you say things like "the Earth is is 6000 years old" then I already know you are too fucking dumb to have a conversation and so I adopt the "be an asshole" strategy, because, well, you are too fucking dumb to understand any other way.

>> No.3300780

>Only a militant christian is stupid and arrogant enough to take pride in something that they don't believe in.
>militant christian
>something that they don't believe in

You're not very good at this

>> No.3300786


When you have this combination on social issues there's a significantly high probability that it does, in fact, involve religion.

>> No.3300791

>Once you say things like "the Earth is is 6000 years old" then I already know you are too fucking dumb to have a conversation
This is moronic They most likely believe this way because they were raised this way.

Not because they are mentally impaired

>so I adopt the "be an asshole" strategy, because, well, you are too fucking dumb to understand any other way.
Your arrogance and desire to feel better then others is primitive and sickening

>> No.3300802

The important thing is that you have found a way to feel superior to both atheists and theists.

>> No.3300806

religion influence politics by the shit ton. you utter dumbfuck

>> No.3300808
File: 5 KB, 156x150, 1286147527652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>challenging beliefs != being an asshole.
You really are dense

It's not that you challenge beliefs its that you act like an asshole while doing it.

>> No.3300811

What do you mean, "You people"?

>> No.3300820

Militant atheists.

>> No.3300815

But I said im an atheist and that I think feeling better then others is a bad thing.

Read my fucking post next time.

>> No.3300824


>This is moronic They most likely believe this way because they were raised this way.

And your point is?

Radiometric dating
Compound interested
EM attentuation
Metabolization of certain drugs

They all have something in common. To say one is false, is to say they all are.

>Your arrogance and desire to feel better then others is primitive and sickening
If you deny reality, don't be surprised when you get called an asshole.
If that is arrogance, then you are a dipshit.

>> No.3300829

Which takes us to the final conclusion; that you are also a hypocrite.

Also definitely troll.

>> No.3300831


Right ....
Remind me again how long we have been best friends.

>> No.3300833

You're making a fool of yourself.

We are not religious people, we are not trying to convert others. What we want is for science to be recognized as far superior to superstition.

We are direct and blunt, rather than shady and delusional.

I would understand your complaints if you didn't like the message, but it seems to me that what you don't like is the package... is that it?

Well we don't like your Message. We don't like how priests get diplomatic protection after they rape children. We don't like how the vatican has had to pay over 1 thousand million dollars to families of rape victimes JUST in the USA. We don't like the genital mutilation in girls or in boys. We don't like that you don't pay taxes. We don't like how you go to africa and state that condoms don't help against HIV. We don't like how christianity discriminates against women. We don't like how muslims discriminate against women. We don't like how jews think they are the chosen people. We don't like how mormons think black people can only go to heaven as slaves. We don't like how scientology is against medication. We don't like how muslims declare death sentences on whoever insults they dead prophet.

You are complaining about the envelope. We are complaining about your message. See where I am getting at?

Kindly fuck off, but feel free to come back whenever rationalists start killing half as many people as superstitionists do every year.

>> No.3300843

The problem is the way that they teach, who they hire, Not firing bad teachers, Not paying good teachers well, government monopolies, Lowering test standards, and fuckton more.

Religion is not a major problem here

>you utter dumbfuck
You sea this just points our your arrogance and desire to put others down to prop yourself up.

Remind me of a primitive struggle to be pack leader in the animal world.


>> No.3300848

yeah, nobody "rational" ever killed, oh, let's say, tens of millions of people in WWII

yeah, that was all the "superstitious" folks

>> No.3300861


inb4 Hitler was an atheist

>> No.3300881

I think Atheists are some of the most unimaginative and antagonistic people in the world. They always argue against the concept of "God" in terms of some specific definitions of God. I mean if you take the basic concept of God which is a "consciousness" responsible for the creation of the universe as we know it. Then no one has a leg to stand on Christians in terms of specific qualities such as God is a just being who requires worship, or atheists on its existence or lack there of. In fact the denial of a creative force is based on the simple assumption that consciousness is only a quality of biological entities, but scientists want to make claims that consciousness is simply a function of an algedonic feedback loop,at the same time claim the universe is self-organizing, and then discard the fact that biological beings are essentially self organizing compositions of matter within the universe. Consciousness is a quality of systems.

>> No.3300886

Seeing that over 80% of germany at the time was religious? Yes, it was supersticious folk. As well as a mass campaign of misinformation and, again, religion. For centuries the Christians have believed the Jews to be inferior - WWII wasn't a spur of the moment thing, it started centuries before that -> Again fueled by religion.

>> No.3300896

Why? Two opposing ideas can't simultaneously be true? Why is that?

>> No.3300906

I enjoyed seeing you avoid the rest of my post.


>> No.3300907

The moral of the story: Humans are stupid and violent.

Not everyone's gonna be an atheist. Just like not everyone's gonna be in the upper income bracket, or have a PhD. People just need to shut up and deal with how the bell curve works instead of wasting their breaths.

>> No.3300916


>They always argue against the concept of "God" in terms of some specific definitions of God.

You being serious?
Religious people with different (perhaps only slightly) interpretations of the same source text have DIFFERENT beliefs.
Therefore they may agree on minor details, but in general they disagree,

Atheists just go one step further. And mainly for the reason that after millennia of discourse, there is still no evidence for any one god.

>> No.3300953

>And your point is?
That they are brainwashed, not that they are inherently stupid

This is not a hard thing to understand
No i'm frustrated at your ineffective and arrogant ways of doing things

Explain exactly how Frustration=Feeling better then others

>You're making a fool of yourself.
That's subjective your opinion is not Objective
>We are not religious people, we are not trying to convert others. What we want is for science to be recognized as far superior to superstition.
But you act like religious people, so the difference is arbitrary

>but it seems to me that what you don't like is the package... is that it?
No I explicitly said im an atheist I think religion is irrational as well and needs to be phased out.

I just object to the arrogant and self serving ways you people try to accomplish these goals.

It seems to me that you people can't believe that there is a better way to change people then to insult them.

>We don't like how priests get diplomatic protection after they rape children.
Yes I agree that's a problem but that does not relate to calling people retarded for their beliefs.

>We don't like the genital mutilation in girls or in boys
Agreed but the best way to change the Muslim world is either bombs or education not insults.

>> No.3300965

>We don't like that you don't pay taxes
I am not religious, and I'm not a member of a church

I thought I explained that
>We don't like how you go to africa and state that condoms don't help against HIV
again I'm not fucking religious get that through your head

But yes I agree that's a problem
>We don't like how christianity discriminates against women
That's Islam.

>We don't like how muslims discriminate against women
that's better

>We don't like how jews think they are the chosen people
Who gives a fuck as long as they continue to do Great science?

Jews do far more for science then they do against it.
>We don't like how mormons think black people can only go to heaven as slaves.
Agreed Mormons are crazy

>We don't like how Scientology is against medication
Nobody except scientologists like Scientology

> We don't like how muslims declare death sentences on whoever insults they dead prophet.
Agreed Islam is far more of a problem then Christianity

Focus on that instead

>You are complaining about the envelope. We are complaining about your message. See where I am getting at?
I don't have a fucking message I don't believe in god.

I said this is my post why can't you understand this?

>Kindly fuck off, but feel free to come back whenever rationalists start killing half as many people as superstitionists do every year.

>> No.3300966

>That they are brainwashed, not that they are inherently stupid

Yet the result is the same.
And until we treat people purely on their potential rather than their actions, you are still misguided.

>> No.3300999

I don't get you. The point is not their beliefs being retarded, its that their beliefs hurt millions and millions of people. If you want to complain about something, complain about religion, they're the ones doing the most damage.

Things aren't gonna change anytime soon with the "nice guy" approach, and while we wait more and more people suffer from it.

You have to remember that change comes from actual rage, not dismay. If i want the muslims to start letting christians build churches in their countries the solution is not asking them to, it's banning them from building their mosques in christian countries.

I dunno how to explain it better but i'll keep at it for a while...

>> No.3301026

>Things aren't gonna change anytime soon with the "nice guy" approach, and while we wait more and more people suffer from it.

Depends on the religion

With Christians the only way to solve it is the "nice guy" approach

Otherwise they will get a persecution complex and hold to their beliefs harder.

Now with Islam the best approach is just to fuck their shit up with bombs, tanks, Ect...

Their entire civilization is buttfuck insane

> If i want the muslims to start letting christians build churches in their countries the solution is not asking them to, it's banning them from building their mosques in christian countries.
Actually even if you do that they still won't let you.

The only way is to Invade of occupy their countries

Talking to them Nice or Hostile won't change a damn thing.

>> No.3301051

alright you're not religious, my bad.

>But you act like religious people, so the difference is arbitrary
Can't you see the difference? i'm right, they are wrong and that's that. please don't go into relativism and all that shit, i really don't feel like explaining why science > religion.

christians discriminate too. i won't go into this too much. never been a female pope, vatican crazy against females taking power roles, etc.

Jews -> israel -> killing children, etc.

stalin, etc. -> sure, except their religion of choice was communism, and they bent rationality much like religion does to make sure it fit their ideals.
And other countries declared war on them, why can't countries declare war on religion too?

as for the priests -> there was no pressure from christians to the vatican trying to get the priests to have trials. christians = mafia wives

So you're saying we should stop insulting them and invade their countries? Who's the militant atheist now?

>> No.3301129

>Can't you see the difference? i'm right, they are wrong and that's that. please don't go into relativism and all that shit, i really don't feel like explaining why science > religion.

Of course I can see the difference in belief and some behaviors

But you still ACT keyword ACT practically the same

>christians discriminate too. i won't go into this too much. never been a female pope, vatican crazy against females taking power roles, etc.
That's the Vatican a small country of 800 people in Italy

there are billions of Christians in the world

Also it's much MUCH worse in Islam They treat women like dogs

>Jews -> israel -> killing children, etc.
War is ugly you need to face that reality.

Still 20% of all Science Nobel Prizes have been won by Jews and you need to acknowledge.

and even then only half of the Jewish population lives in isreal

>stalin, etc. -> sure, except their religion of choice was communism, and they bent rationality much like religion does to make sure it fit their ideals.
And other countries declared war on them, why can't countries declare war on religion too?
Because that's not how War works and even if they did they would get destroyed

Just like the Nazis did.

The problem is not what they believe it's if they force their beliefs on others.

> except their religion of choice was communism
Communism is not a Religion is a political ideology

The soviet Union was State Atheist and banned religion

>So you're saying we should stop insulting them and invade their countries? Who's the militant atheist now?
Yes we should stop insulting them we are only wasting our breathe.

And I think we should invade them due to the fact that their culture is barbaric and beyond hope

Christians are annoying but Islam is a whole different level of problem.

>> No.3301150

If I know that there's no air in space, which(in this example) only a minority does, and i'm proud of it, does that make me stupid and arrogant?

>> No.3301168

Arrogant it's a worthless fact. that you can look up in 1 minute.

>> No.3301169

It's your duty to the human race to prevent the prolifigation of lies and deceit that hold us back from raising the standards to which we treat each other.

>> No.3301180

Agreed and insulting people and making people defensive is not the way to achieve that goal.

>> No.3301281

>But you still ACT keyword ACT practically the same
Sorry i don't know what you mean by this.

>That's the Vatican a small country of 800 people in Italy
Is, but a country that has influence over all those billions of christians.

>Also it's much MUCH worse in Islam They treat women like dogs
Doesn't change the fact that christians still treat women badly. Until very recently women weren't supposed to have an education, were supposed to bear children and spend their days tending to their male partner.

>> No.3301291

>Still 20% of all Science Nobel Prizes have been won by Jews and you need to acknowledge.

This has little to do with their religion and more with their culture and standing in society. Fact that until very recently they could have their lands and possessions taken from them at any time, leading them to relying on their head rather than on materialistic things. They regarded education highly because it was the only thing that couldn't be taken from them. Notice how israel didn't keep up with the nobel prize statistics?

>> No.3301346

This coming from an anonymous poster spewing useless blather on the wrong fucking board.

>> No.3301358


And besides; the Jewish people have a proud tradition of atheism. And just like all religions, those who take it the most seriously generally contribute the least to human flourishing and are the least fun to be around; while those who take it the least seriously contribute greatly to the well-being of their fellow man, and are cool people to be around.